Xiling Empire

Chapter 1412: The truth of the "Era of Heaven"

The three ancient books "stolen" by Bingtis recorded pre-war history deliberately diluted by the goddess. Although only a little afterglow of history can be seen from these three books, this afterglow is enough for We present a world quite different from the church's propaganda. It is not a world in which all nations are at peace, but the earth and the moon are full of opposition, discrimination, struggle, and even slavery. ※ r />

The real history is this:

No one knows who created this world, and no one knows what kind of great existence this world has ever been in. Since the first intelligent creature who invented the text recorded what he saw on tree bark and stones, The world consists of two parts. These two parts are a pair of twin-like planets, and they were called Redmoon and Heisenwood in ancient times. These two words are recorded in ancient books, and no one knows their exact meaning today. After comparison, we can only determine that Redmoon is the "dark moon" today, and Heysenwood is the planet inhabited by people on earth.

Bingtis guessed right, there are really superb ancient civilizations on these two planets, and they are ancient civilizations that disappeared before the people on the earth and the dark moon people walked upright. On the mainland encyclopedia depicting ancient customs, the editors of the book referred to it as "the first quarter civilization" and called the various ethnic groups at the time "the second quarter civilization" (the second quarter civilization was later divided For the people on the ground and the dark moon). In other words, people in this world as early as the ancient times have already understood their own world very deeply-at least the people's understanding of the world at that time was deeper than today. At that time, there didn't seem to be a saying that the goddess created the world and created the heaven and earth bridge. "" Describes the passage between earth and moon like this:

"Special entry: Gemini Station-Open Entry.

In the first quarter, civilization mastered the technology of transferring material between the planets, and two large material transfer stations were set up at the two ends of the Long Bridge Mountains, which are the twin star transfer stations. These two stations have the ability to repair themselves and are powered by some kind of planetary energy deep underground, so that they can operate almost until the planet dies. Civilization of the previous season has now disappeared. No one knows whether they were destroyed by natural disasters or left the parent star after mastering more advanced technology and went to the depths of the universe. In short, this miracle building they left accompanied the entire history of the development of civilization in the second quarter, and let the world People on the planet can travel between the two planets, Red Moon and Heisenwood, with the help of the Gemini station. However, the existence of the Gemini transmission station also affects the technological development of the second quarter of civilization, and whether this impact is good or bad remains to be discussed. "

This encyclopedia before the first war describes the "Earth-Moon Connection Bridge" in a very objective perspective, but unfortunately today's people on the earth will no longer discuss the influence of the Gemini transmission station on the development of civilization- They only believe that this is a miracle left by the goddess, and that it is the foundation of this world, even the thought of studying it will not be.

"Look, look. It's like a hot kiln," Bingtis got another pirated book that was transmitted back and copied from the lice, and the female hooligan slammed the stack of paperless papers. The first reading, "Chen came to see this, it's much more capable than the alien version of Liao Zhai in your hand."

I glanced over the probe. Suddenly said that Bingtis was right: it was a general history of world war ...

"Humans and mountain barbarians are vengeful, elves and dwarves are allies, but there has been long-term friction, monsters and elves are vengeance, half-orcs and dwarves are vengeance, night owl demons and races all over the world-thanks to being later The eighteenth ethnic alliance was destroyed, and the other half orcs and monsters were blood relatives, but they looked down on each other. Humans and elves had three wars but also had four alliances, so they were allies in the end ... " Above that general history of world war, Bingtis looked at a section in the catalogue, "This catalogue is grouped by warring race. Then sorted by age, the warring races of a certain period are listed in the front of the catalog. This stuff Really Nima chaos, are all **** of all races around the world randomly combined, right? This thing is 'Era of Heaven'? "

I also looked at it as big as a fight. Just look at the table of contents, and then flip through the contents. What you see is the high-energy years of slab bricks flying around the world. Because there are two planets in this world, and each of these planets is one circle larger than the earth, the land area of ​​each planet is more than 1.5 to twice the land area of ​​the earth, so the indigenous people of this world have sufficient The three-dimensional space comes to face each other. And in the world, there are eighteen independently evolved species (in fact, there should be more, because there is a saying in the preface of the general history of war: some small battles and non-important races are not included in this book), these Species have the same ecological aspirations and different ideologies, which means that they have a good reason to fight with everyone ...

You can try to draw eighteen dots on a piece of paper, and then connect them all at random. The grid obtained at the end is basically the era of heaven in the church ’s mouth, the era of chaos in actual history. This Any line on the grid is both an alliance and a declaration of war, depending on the age of that line.

People who have seen the history of the earth will lament that humans can be a disaster. Lament that human history is a history of war, but the book in front of you can reverse your impression of the history of human warfare with a table of contents and an opening table. There are at least two world wars. What about people in this world? Well, not counting the Dark Moon War, they had fought only one World War-they have fought since the beginning of history.

No way, here is a large map that is four times larger than the earth since it was opened, as well as dozens of times more intelligent species than the earth and tens of times more forces derived from the earth (one species establishes three The four kingdoms are not many, right?), What kind of chaos does this world have? The Salvation Army had also messed up, but at least there was only one planet ...

Fortunately, the world is big enough, and the locals have not refined the uranium 235, otherwise the first dark moon war might not be able to fight: everything that can stand upright on Redmoon and Heisenwood must be there Extinct before clean.

"This is the Warring States Period, which has historical records," Lin Xue watched the pre-war history sealed up by the church, and snorted, "All nations of all races are tyrannical, The short-term alliance immediately went to war. When other nations wanted to join in, they would join in resistance, and there would be unlimited wars around the world. "

Bingtis looks a lot calmer than us: "Well, it's quite lively, but it's not like I've never seen it like this. Multi-species mixed civilization, or it will eventually move towards a great fusion, just like your old ancestors did. In that case, it will either end until the end of the world. The differences caused by species differences are not so easy to resolve. It is much more difficult to establish a United Nations in this world than on earth. "

I nodded and said yes. While looking for the densely-packed annual representatives in the general history of the war, even if it is only a relatively peaceful period, I can really find some: "Well, in fact, it has not reached the depth of the world's waters. You can see that there is peace in some areas at a certain time It can only be said worldwide. There are always wars on the two planets of Red Moon and Heisenwood, but at the same time, some countries can maintain stability for more than decades. "

"Nonsense, otherwise they would not develop civilization," Bingtis gave me a white look. "This kind of world will continue to progress in local wars and local peace. Although there is no time for a worldwide truce, but always There is a place that can be stable for a while-multiculturalism can develop in this environment. Otherwise, even if there is civilization, there is only war technology left. By the way, the peace of the people like your spirit, but there is only a monster race of war technology except."

I laughed and reminded the female hooligan: "You can't say 'you' now, you have to say 'us'-you are also a Spirit apostle."

Bingtis was stunned for a moment. He laughed grinningly: "Oh rub, I almost forgot, I have to call your Majesty right now."

I thought about it and didn't dare nod: This female hooligan is probably the first Schilling apostle to dare to challenge the Emperor.

"Look at the wood. Isn't this tower the transfer station we used today?" Lin Xue flipped through that "encyclopedia" and suddenly found something she was interested in. He showed it to me happily, and I saw that the page she turned over was drawing a drawing with very fine brushwork. It was a tall tower with intricate internal structure. There was also a magic-printed foundation under the tower. Block: It is the transmission station.

I also remembered from the Iron Knight Trio that this teleportation station is the origin. It is a relic left before the Third Darkmoon War. It was built by people on the earth. After three wars, its construction method has been Lost, at that time I guessed based on the laws of technological dysfunction that this transmission device may go back to before the first war, and now this guess has been confirmed: its structure diagram appears in an encyclopedia before the first war on!

"This transmission tower is modeled after the principle of the Gemini transmission station, and its energy is also collected from the deep underground mines in the Longqiao Mountains." Bingtis read the text description before and after the structure picture, "Oh This is the product of a multi-ethnic cooperation. What humans, elves, and monsters did in a short period of time. Scholars of these three races want to understand the technology of the first season of civilization. This short-range teleporter, which can only be used inside the planet, is the fruit. See the last paragraph of this entry. "

I saw the end of the page in the direction of Sister Bing's finger, and the editor of the encyclopedia quoted a passage there: The moment the first transmission tower glowed proved the power of the union, and no single race could crack the twins. The mystery of the Star Teleport Station, now the three races have teamed up to build such a magical imitation. In the foreseeable future, the transmission towers will soon spread to all corners of Heisenwood and Redmoon. The two planets will shrink into a village where chickens and dogs can hear each other. We will finally realize the meaning of peace. May these transmission towers As a beacon, light up the direction of our world's peaceful progress-monster scholar Li Li.

The last mentioned beast scholar Lily is probably one of the people who studied the Gemini station, maybe a celebrity in the ancient times, but now the transmission tower she and her alien companions have worked hard to build are almost deserted , "Monster beast scholar Lili" is no longer known. Even because of the Dark Moon War, the race of "Monster Beast" has become the same as the devil's name among the people on the earth.

We looked each other and lost our laughter.

The peace that the beast scholar who left only one name did not come. The three races of humans, elves, and beasts should declare war again shortly after the maturity of the transmission technology. According to the record in the general history of war, The reason for the declaration of war was extremely ironic: the conflict over the distribution of the benefits of transmission technology eventually caused the three races to fall apart again, until the end of pre-war history. The monsters and the other two races have not restored peace, they have been deadlocked from the Cold War to the Dark Moon War ...

"I can't figure it out," I looked at the structure on the encyclopedia, and mumbled with my chin. "The church's archive history may have their consideration, but why should they also archive this transfer station technology? Seeing the transfer on the ground It ’s time to take a stand, so why should n’t the church be in a hurry. "

"After all, this book is just a rough and large dictionary. It is impossible to build a transfer station or a transfer tower with just such a drawing." Bingtis is not surprised at all, "and you didn't read the entry Did you say that the energy of the transmission station was mined underground from the Longqiao Mountains? This shows that people did not have the time to fully understand the principle of the Gemini station. They only knew a little about energy. In contrast to Joseph ’s statement, This energy ore should have been mined during the five wars. Otherwise, there is no reason for the church to hold such important information and wait for the world's transfer stations to stop: this thing is a strategic facility. "

I nodded, thinking deeply.

When we studied what the world looked like before the Dark Moon War, Qian Qian also flipped through those big books. This girl was not interested in things like the history of war. She was just looking for herself there. Just the "story". She's been like this since she was a child. Regardless of language or political books, she could read them as storybooks at that time. At that time, it was a fashionable calendar with folk remedies and small stories on the back. When she was really looking for a story and no one bought her a book. She went to the calendar. Look at one of them-later, their home became the first one in our entire street to use an electronic perpetual calendar, otherwise Uncle Xu couldn't afford it ...

"Well--Ajun, look, Romeo and Zhu Yingtai from the other world!" Suddenly found something that was of great interest to her, and whispered immediately. As I wondered when Romeo met Zhu Yingtai, I glanced over. It turns out that Qian Qian is turning the collection of folk stories before the Moon War. I also turned this book a while ago, but its value is obviously not as large as that of the prehistoric encyclopedia and the history of world war at that time, so I did not take a closer look.

With shallow eyes, he looked at the folk stories that were very similar, and explained to me in a whisper: "An elf girl and a monster farmer fell in love, and they tossed more than ten thousand words in the end; a mountain barbarian and a human The girl fell in love, the two had tossed nearly 20,000 words and finally failed, an orc soldier and a dwarf girl fell in love, the two tossed 10,000 words and finally failed, a human boy and three elven boys fell in love, the two ... The second chapter of these four people becomes ... "

I grabbed the book from my shallow hand and tore off those few pages, and the sweat on my forehead was endless: what ancient people wrote some shit!

Bingtis also looked stunned and shallowly, and I quickly explained to her: "This girl has watched Korean dramas a lot, and now I especially like the kind of story that the two loved to live or die to toss more than forty episodes. But now it seems that the three views of the Koreans are still weak compared to the three views of the ancients of the other world. "

Sister Bing looked at Shallow with convincing eyes: "Your hobby is amazing. If you haven't left the group, I really want to teach you the technique of Sanxiu Great Fireball ..."

Immediately guarding my back, I watched Sister Bing vigilantly: "Don't you scourge, you think this girl's three views aren't surprising enough?"

At this time, Lin Xue stepped forward and picked up the few pages that I threw to the ground, and took a rough look, thinking: "Well, this folklore really does not match the history propagated by the church, and it is normal to be banned. This is the top The stories are not necessarily written. In the war-torn era, people of all races can fight with anyone, and inter-ethnic love with some eccentricities is doomed to no good results. "

I think this sentence is weird. After pondering for a moment, it seems like that: Fortunately, Sandora is not here ~ www.readwn.com ~ otherwise Her Majesty must be violent and hurt.

"However, the story of a human rough man and three cute elf boys is still too heavy," Lin Xue eventually crumpled those pages into a brazier in the corner of the tent (theoretically We do n’t need to use a brazier for lighting and heating. This stuff is purely because it feels so atmosphere). "Now we probably know what the world was like before the first war, basically the world is chaotic. In the era of melee, then let's talk about the key point-why did the church hide this history? "

I came without hesitation: "To consolidate my rule ... eh?"

I changed the last word to a rising questioning tone because I realized that it didn't seem to be the case.

We did find evidence of the church's cover up of history, and we also know what the real pre-war world looks like, but if you think about it ... this history does not seem necessary for the church to cover up, at least not to such a degree necessary!

Sixty to seventy percent of these so-called "" have no effect on the goddess authority!

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