Xiling Empire

Chapter 1413: Fortress & City

Now a question has stumped us: what is the intention of the Goddess Church to block all pre-war literature?

I didn't think it was a problem before because the church always gives the impression that it is a conspirator: it distorts history, blocks knowledge, exposes people to a limited worldview, and puts everything in the name of the goddess, so it does Everything should be to strengthen your divine authority, even if not to strengthen your dominance, at least for the purpose of eliminating threats.

But now that Bettis has found what has been sealed up by the church, the content on those is a little strange.

Bingtis grabbed and dropped the ancient history of war, which was a circle larger than the paving bricks, while saying his own opinion: "The most obvious contrast between these recorded things and what the church preached is the 'Era of Heaven' 'Finally and in peace. Now it seems that the period in real history is the worst day in the world. Even with the Dark Moon War now, it is stronger than the world melee in ancient times-the Dark Moon War was only fought for hundreds of years. Once, and each time can be stopped in time by the "goddess", other times the world on earth maintains at least general peace, there is no major conflict between countries, and there are no warring tribe wars like in ancient times. You can also look at the servants outside Bing, think about the three iron knights you met during the day. They come from all races, and many of the mercenaries are not native to the Gondor Empire. These people can live in peace, and it seems that this peace is already in The normal state. Shuangshen also explored a lot of things in the past two days. This Gondor Empire is a kingdom ruled by human beings, but there are also many other ethnic populations in the territory. Flat, and there is no racial discrimination in. You look at the history before the dark months of the war, any country is allowed to move freely alien in their own territory and even the army in power. "

Speaking of which, Bingtis slaps the big book in his hands on the low table: "To sum up. The current world is better than the world before the Darkmoon War!"

"Although the cultural regression is quite serious." Lin Xue whispered beside him.

"Yes, cultural regression and historical chronology are a problem," Bingtis nodded. "Because the Moon War is too easy to play off, both the first and the third play off, once leading to historical chronology and once leading to global traffic. The net is gradually paralyzed. These two are enough to fight back a civilization for thousands of years, but other than that. From a humanistic point of view-how does the body think that the world is more cute now? "

I think of an example of an image: "One is to let you live a fully automated life, but there is a natural disaster every three to five, and the other is to let you live in the junction of urban and rural areas. Except for the bad luck during the Dark Moon War, you can enjoy peace for hundreds of years —Most ordinary people would rather live in the latter's environment. At least I feel at ease. "

At this time, I felt that the pocket on my chest moved a few times, and Ding Dong poked his head out of it. The little guy also joined the discussion: "Ding Dang heard what Li Lina said, the core idea of ​​preaching is to make believers feel that you are eating meat. ... "

The loli Pope from the inside to the outside really talked for a while, and the words were rough, wasn't that the case for missionary?

Boldis, an experienced veteran stick, nodded his head: "Well, that's what it means. You want believers to support you. You need to make them feel that you have a future with you, and that you have contrast to support them. The ideal situation It is to save people from fire and water during the chaos in the world, so that everyone will remember the days when the water was hot, and feel that they have known God. The wind has also adjusted the rain and smoothed. Not only is it full, it is warm, and it is twenty. The old cold leg is showing signs of improvement, and it is so simple to say about mission. "

"But the church in this world is the reverse." The shallow reasoning ability can see the problem, "How good the original history is to the church: the world was chaotic before the church was founded. The world is peaceful after the church was established. Although the details There are quite a lot of places that need to be modified, but how to say it is better than they have a 'era of the kingdom of heaven'. Compared with the era of the kingdom of heaven, it seems that they have ruined the world. "

I frowned as I looked at the few books on the low table that had been sealed by the church and were forbidden to read by others. I felt that the goddess of this world was becoming more and more unreasonable: I covered up the positive history in my favor, but fabricated a It makes people feel that the current world is bleak in the "Era of Heaven". What do those monks think?

"Speaking ... this pope of the goddess seems to be in the North Fortress right?"

Bingtis suddenly thought of something, looked up thoughtfully in a certain direction, as if to find a certain pope through the tent and the city wall.

A corner of my mouth drew: "Are you not going to tie someone up and torture it? Is it necessary?"

"What kind of person do you think you are?" Bingtis glared at me. "Squatting means tracking and monitoring. Anyway, there is a lice essence wandering around the North Fortress. Let me stare at it in the next two days. That pope. "

I was relieved: "Of course that's okay."

Bingtis touched his chin, his eyes flickered: "But then again, what you just reminded is also a good idea. Hey, let's tie the old man to fill the chili with water? Ask him if the goddess propaganda minister is eating Xiangxiang big……"

All of us, including Ding Dong, neatly "cut" and no one cares about this unreliable female hooligan.

Early the next morning, we were woken up by the noise from the outside camp. I cleaned my eyes and came out of the camp account. I was met by a female hooligan who strode out of another tent in a tent. There was a dancing girl under her armpit. She came over and hung the girl around my neck. Above: "Take care of your sister, just be curious and lively. Just get up early and comb your feathers. She is pulling out two and saying to write—who taught it!"

Then I woke up from the confusion in the early morning, pulled the octopus around my neck, and found that it was indeed Veska, and she was holding two black feathers with a luster of half a foot long, glossy and moist. I found that I was looking at her. Cat pupil Loli immediately happily handed one: "Brother, brother, people in this world write with a quill, do you make me a badge?"

Bingtis covered her face and didn't go over her head: "Fuck, it turned out to be without a teacher."

I rubbed Veska's head. I do n’t know how to educate this eccentric younger sister, but with a glance, I found that Pandora, who was behind Bingtis, was holding two identical black feathers in her hands, and immediately became dissatisfied: "Is Pandora also pulled out Two? "

"Crap, let her pull her out," Bingtis rubbed her shoulders, as if the pain of pulling hair remained on her body. "Visca pulled off two left wings, and she let Pandora pull from the right. The two are balanced. "

I was speechless for a long time and had to stretch my neck to shift the subject: "... shallow?"

Lin Xue came out of the tent in the middle at this time. As she walked, she tried to tie the long black hair out of a single ponytail. When she heard that, she looked up at me: "Shallow? Wasn't she a tent with you last night? Speaking of it, you let Miss Ben stay alone. I haven't asked for you yet. "

"Who knows where she went, she won't see anyone when she gets up early. In addition, yesterday, you had to occupy a tent alone, how could you blame others?" I said as I stepped forward to help the young lady naturally get her hair Tied up, beautiful people are different. The ugly girl who wants to tie a cheesy single ponytail can only say that she is an Amazon female warrior, but the young lady occasionally puts on this hairstyle and looks like ... well, a beautiful Amazon female warrior, I have so few adjectives Already.

At this time, the mercenary camp was getting more and more buzzing. The men and women were full of rude shouts and laughter all around, mixed with the sound of the arms and cries of soldiers who got up early to move their bones than to try their hands. One or two hissing dogs barked from a distance. These outlaws from Tiannanhaibei are hurrying to warm their bones. As long as today is not the last day of their knife licking blood, they will continue to fight for their reward, and then come back and enjoy the living day. I noticed a new gray tent not far away, and there was still a clearing there when I slept last night: this is a newcomer.

I didn't expect that someone like us would choose such a horn. There must be at least a few miles from the exit of the camp and the nearest "market". Needless to say, this should be quiet. In the crowd of mercenaries who like to get together, few people like quietness.

I found shallowness in spiritual connection. Asked where the girl was wandering around, and wanted to say hello to the new "neighbor". At this time, the curtain of the tent was also lifted from the inside, and a tall white-haired woman got out of it and bent out.

I didn't expect that this new "neighbor" was still a girl, and it still seemed to be a lone mercenary: it was definitely a rare resource in this industry, so it suddenly became a little dazed. At the moment, the person opposite noticed a stranger standing in front of her. She glanced up and looked suspiciously, and asked hoarsely, "Who?"

I glanced at each other quickly. This was a very cold-looking woman, wearing a normal dark leather armor, short white hair, slightly pale skin, but pale purple lips, I wonder whether it was born or lip gloss (considered To the seriousness and fatefulness of the mercenary industry, I think this is born naturally), the most striking thing is her eyes, the fuchsia pupil that I have never seen among the locals in this world, and it is still a pupil ... ...

There are two pupils who are familiar with her, one is Lin, because her body is Dragon God, and the other is Wisca, because the girl mutated her body and then could n’t change it back-of course. It's off topic.

This look was only a second, but the woman in front had noticed it, and she frowned slightly, and I pointed back behind me: "Oh, I just came to say hello, we are over there."

The white-haired woman looked up and saw Bingtis and Lin Xue, who were chatting not far away, and the two girls, one meter and two meters high. There were no expression changes on her face, but her eyes were slightly surprised. Then she asked: " Well, do I need to move? "

I was a little stunned by the thinking of this strange woman: "... No, I just came to say hello."

The white-haired woman nodded expressionlessly: "Oh."

I figured it out. This is still a facial paralysis. Generally, people who are paralyzed are not good at communicating, but what am I afraid of? Why do n’t we face Pandora's face poured with cement the same? you……

But before I had time to speak, the white-haired face-paralyzed girl in front of me turned and walked away, leaving neatly only a back view here.

"That woman doesn't look very happy," Bingtis raised an eyebrow at seeing me scratching my head back. "Are you asking someone to be measured or are they asking about the color of their underwear?"

I kept a distance of more than two meters from this female hooligan: "In front of Lin Xue, you can't say two good words ... the woman is weird, maybe it is bad communication, and she walked away without even saying her name. .Also I always find her a little strange. "

"I didn't notice it," Bingtis shrugged. "Look at this creature all over the world."

My heart is hesitant. This is also true. In the eyes of the true gods, the races in the world are not easy to distinguish, as if people are directly looking at the underlying mechanical language of the computer. Regardless of whether the princes, nobles, plants, and stones are similar large numbers. The world in Bingtis's eyes is certainly not so boring, but for her, the "difference" between all things is basically the same, that is, there is no difference.

But a white-faced woman with a little facial paralysis didn't have much to notice for us. I said it was over. I pulled Pandora's and Huesca's arms smoothly: "I'm shallow. She's hungry. I went to the fortress to find food, and now we have seven seats in a small restaurant. "

As soon as I heard that I was going out of the restaurant today, Bingtis turned around and walked away. As soon as half of the response came, she looked at our number with confusion: "Why are there seven?"

"The count is wrong," I looked at the sky, "You don't know that girl lives in another world line."

The North Fortress was originally a rather huge militarized "city". A large number of troops are stationed here for a long time, but they are far from the empire inland, so slowly there are also facilities such as market bars and restaurants in the fortress. They are basically maintained by the knight's puppet regiment. It is the only recreational place for the soldiers stationed here besides the dull life (tens of kilometers around the fortress besides the stones is the primitive jungle, and even officers do not dare to use the transfer station to run to the nearest town for fun). Because the northern fortress was built on the mountain, it was divided into several layers along the mountain, and the control was stricter as it went up. Facilities such as barracks are on the upper level, and places such as taverns are on the bottom level. The latter is like a small town. In most cases, the second-line corps and mercenaries outside the fortress can only move freely on this floor, and then go up to the control area of ​​the knights. Passes are needed if you want to go in the past.

Now as more and more reinforcements, especially free mercenaries, gather at the foot of the Longqiao Mountains, while temporary villages and towns are formed outside the fortress, these small markets inside the fortress are also lively. If you do n’t look at the sentry towers and Not far away, the Tunbing between the mountains and rocks, walking on the lower level of the fortress feels like coming to an ordinary medieval city, or the most lively one. After a while in the flow of people, we followed the signal sent by shallow to find the restaurant that girl said.

This is a restaurant run by the Guardsmen. The boss and the waiters in the shop are also soldiers under the Knights, but they are all veterans or soldiers who ca n’t enter the battlefield after being wounded. They retain their military status and stay here. Working in the city-these are all told to me shallowly, I talked with her in a spiritual connection, and the girl explored the local situation and was no worse than the lice of Bingtis, which of course was also shallow Personality is related.

"Ajun, Ajun! Here and here!" As soon as we entered the door, we heard a shallow voice coming from the side. Looking at the sound, we found that the girl was sitting at an empty table, and there were a lot of strange things on hand. Quirky gadgets, I do n’t know where to buy them. We "manufactured" some local currencies for emergencies, but usually it seems that only the shallow ones can spend them: how can others be as collective as her?

Probably because we came out a little late, there are very few people eating in this place, and there are two empty tables in sight, which makes my guilt for shallow occupying seven seats slightly lessened. A group of people were seated at the heavy, rustic oak table, and Pandora and Visca knew the two cannonball shells on the wooden bench, so they could easily reach the table, and then an old man looking out of the window was behind the counter. He was greeted by someone to serve us: it should be the owner of the store, and introduced it as a veteran, and it seems to be quite qualified here.

She began to distribute “gifts” to everyone with great interest, and she shredded a lot of small stones into pieces: “This is an amulet, this is the amulet number 2, this is the amulet number 3, and this is the amulet number 4. ... "

"How are they all amulets?" Bingtis pinched these weird accessories bought from a veteran or mercenary stall, very puzzled.

"People on the battlefield need this kind of psychological comfort most ~ www.readwn.com ~ Lin Xue seems to understand very clearly," I have heard similar things in the organization, saying that there is a superstitious combatant, They must always wear a pair of lucky socks as long as they are out of the mission. Later, their team went to the Amazon area for a fourteen day incubation. Later, the mission revealed that the team was almost completely destroyed. Only he was interrupted by the unbearable teammate when he was lurking to the tenth day. I survived a leg injury in the camp ... "


While we were chatting, we suddenly heard a sound of footsteps coming from the door of the restaurant, and then a thick, thick voice sounded not far away: "Yeah! You are here now! Your four It's all the way to you ... "

When I turned my head, I saw a tower-like humanoid blocking the door, and a lazy little black cat lying on his shoulder, faint through the gap between the body of the big man and the door frame. Can see a few hands and feet are trying to squeeze in behind, Joseph's rough voice sullenly outside: "Stupid big man, you quickly let go, you can block a door who can enter ..."

Silly big man!

And that weird Iron Knight!

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