Xiling Empire

Chapter 1518: Approach

Watching Lynn and her pope like the Amazon warrior whisper and chat, I suddenly remembered something that seemed irrelevant to the current situation-after returning from the Heisenwood-Redmoen twins , We saw a publicly sent message on the Empire Communications Network, which was a blessing to the silly big ones.

That thing seemed quite inconspicuous, and to be honest, it has nothing to do with it now. It is more tortuous to say why I suddenly thought of this stubble: First, when I saw Lynn and Amazon female warrior chatting, I thought of her other Believers, when they think of other believers, they think of Soya. When they think of Soya, they think of Gemini. When they think of Gemini, they think of the little thing that happened a short time ago. You see, my level of thinking is so good, you give me I do n’t know what I think of when I put a stone in front of me. This is probably the important reason why I can match with Qian Qian: My association matches her creativity. You say that there are more situations in this world than we can match. What?

At that time, I and Sandora found that strange information on the entire network and didn't think much about it. I just thought that it was some boring broadcaster who accidentally chose the wrong channel and made the blessing message that should have been given to the parties into the entire network. The group sent it out, but now I suddenly thought of it again and saw the Abyss Spirit in front of me, and my heart moved: "To the Abyss Spirit, I have something to ask you."

"Say." Abyss Spirit spoke briefly.

"Gemini ... is that place of Redmund-Heysenwood, don't you know?" I looked at each other's eyes. "It was originally near the Abyss, a relatively desolate world. It was originally between the Empire and the Abyss. The buffer line came, and then ... keke, then the world collapsed and was torn apart. "

I suddenly remembered that the world of Redmoon Heisenwood was finally smuggled back by using the method of stealing the sky, so it was a bit embarrassing at the end, but the expression on Abyss's face remained the same. Just with that kind of smiling smile: "Oh, what do you think you want to say ... Actually it was a good thing you did? Stealing a universe from my eyelids, a rare big hand."

I almost drank a drink and sipped it over: "Cough ... did you notice?"

"Actually, you only noticed after you brought back all the fragments," Abyss looked at with a smile, "I didn't pay attention to such small things, but a few of them performed regular scans. The outpost found catty: after the universe was torn, a lot of debris was generated, but all the debris floating towards the abyss area had no sign of life, and the large debris floating towards the empire area seemed normal at first, and their drift was carefully calculated. After the process, I found that there were traces of artificial guidance of these things. These signs could not be confused with probability ... but it was too late to find out. Most of the fragments have entered the Empire District, and it will definitely be rushed over at that time. Leading to a total war, you know, in order to ensure that the great cause can continue smoothly, I am not willing to cause too much trouble. "

I was a little bit dazed. I never expected that the plan for changing the sky that I had planned carefully and made at a great cost was still flawed, and I was soon noticed by the abyss, but I was a little thankful that I was aware of it: However, the entire plan was successfully completed. Abyss Spirit was found to be wrong when all the fragments were transferred, so she still lost it in this way: This is really not easy. Do you know how difficult it is for this old-fashioned guy to lose money?

"Did you really send that message in the first place?" I shook my head and refocused on the question at the beginning. "I remember the original message ... 'Say hello to the silly big man and his friends'. Yeah, that's the sentence. "

I thought that the abyss Healing would sell even if he admits it, but she nodded happily: "Yeah, I sent it."

"It's you!" I almost jumped in place. "Do you know anything about Heisenwood-Redmond?"

Various thoughts quickly turned in my head. First of all, how much this abyss spirit can know: the world of Gemini has always been the line of fire between the empire and the abyss. No one dares to fire the first shot in the stalemate between the two sides. . Naturally, no one dares to run to the material plane to establish an outpost or the like. Therefore, the condition of the universe should be unknown to both parties. Before I led a group of people to perform tasks, Emperor didn't even know that there was life in that universe, not to mention that there was a twin system called Redmoon-Heysonwood in that universe-but Abyss Schilling knew? !!

According to the other party, during our mission in the world of Gemini, her attention was always elsewhere. It wasn't until the emperor secretly removed the world fragments that she realized that the universe was wrong, and after that she was There must be no way to invade the empire's information network, so she knew that the silly big story should be earlier before that ... before we set off for the world of Gemini.

"I have been paying attention to that world for a hundred years," Abyss smiled, "I didn't let that place out until you pushed the outpost to my border little by little ... After all, the universe has no special value and is placed in The border is a good buffer line. "

I'm aware of it now: it's only been five years since the establishment of the new empire, but the abyss area has resumed activities hundreds of years ago, so the abyss spirit knows that things in the world of Gemini are also normal, and we It was even two or three years ago to establish a border fortress around the world of Gemini ... No wonder she knew the story of a silly big man and others.

"Do you still have this voyeuristic hobby?" I looked at the Abyss Spirit with a strange expression. "The ruler of the Abyss, peeping at a group of indigenous people who killed and killed on their planet? And you haven't killed them yet ... ... "

"Why shoot?" Abyss Spirit was even more surprised than I was, "their world is useless to the‘ great cause ’, and the mortal civilization of that universe is not a threat, and eliminating them would waste time.”

I: "... Okay, I forgot your 'principle'. So you knew the story of a silly group of people at the beginning, and you watched it for hundreds of years, and you didn't look away until two or three years ago ... How do I feel weird? "

I was talking and I did n’t know how to describe my feelings, because what the Abyss did was beyond my impression of her: as the ruler of the abyss, one who burned and plundered elsewhere would do no evil. (At least in the eyes of many ordinary races) The bully boss did not hurt the handful of mortals who were close to her. She did not send troops to occupy the universe, and did not even move the flowers and leaves there (of course also Without any help). She just peeped beside calmly, and peeped for hundreds of years at a time ... this feeling ... indescribable, if you have to find an approximate example, then think of Satan lying on the ground to tease children.

What's even more unbelievable is that this strange-tempered guy even sent a message like this after discovering that the world of Gemini was intentionally stolen ... instead of being embarrassed, she sent a message to a stupid waiter. Half a condolences and a farewell message!

"Is this weird?" Abyss Xiling looked at me with a smile, "You feel like I should send my soldiers to burn up all the world I have found, and not leave alive anywhere? Or do you not believe that I will let go of a little A mere mortal civilization? "

I didn't say anything, but the expression was definitely the default.

Abyss Spirit is holding his chin with his hand: "I said. My goal is only one, that is 'great cause'. Actions such as destroying the world and extracting the heart of the world serve this goal. Other things I'm not interested. Do you think I like to fight? No, it's the opposite: every external war will consume a lot of computing power, and these computing power could have been used to develop the 'bridge' plan faster, so I am very I hate going to war with anyone, if they do n’t resist it would be great ... oh, do n’t talk about this. In short, you just have to change my opinion a little bit. I am rational, but not a lunatic who kills to kill. "

"Uh ..." I'm a little embarrassed, because I do always accidentally forget the "rational" side of Abyss. She even forgot her rigorous logical way of thinking, mainly because her way of thinking is so different from normal people, "Well, I know you are rational. But what do you observe in the world of Gemini? You are not right Not interested in anything else? "

"Just want to see where they can go." Abyss's spirit turned his eyes, but the focus of his eyes didn't seem to be anywhere. "I became interested when I discovered the twin galaxy a hundred years ago. : That is a place that should have been destroyed by the abyss in theory. Its level of civilization is far from being able to compete with the abyss, but it miraculously survives. Although the situation is getting worse year by year, but never Did n’t really fall down completely. I should have taken a look at such a humble little thing, but the probability of its survival is so small that it is impossible to calculate ... So I became interested in it. I started Observing the Gemini system, and even sent some agents to study the course of that civilization, and was surprised to find that it is not only fighting against the abyss, but has been struggling for more than two thousand years ... This is a completely incalculable situation, I simulate After knowing all the parameters of this civilization, then no matter how it is deduced, no matter how accurately the combat power is deployed, the same thing cannot be done, so I am curious I want to know how they did it, and want to see how long they can persist. In this hundred years, the silly big man and his friends have become my key observations: they are obviously the civilization that can persist all the way The key is to come down, but these people are a group of mortals with many defects, and even their willpower is not perfect. How can this not be curious? And observing them is not only my personal interest, but also the way of the abyss and civilization evolution. A kind of research. You know that fallen apostles are also eroded by the abyss, so anything that can resist the abyss is also useful to us. "

"So what are your observations?" I asked, smiling curiously.

"The result is that if you do n’t show up, I can quickly get the result," Abyss's spirit turned out to be a little bit resentful. "Your development is so fast that you push the border to me in the blink of an eye, so I ca n’t Do n’t give up that place temporarily. In the final analysis, it is just a rather inconspicuous observation point. There are more things than it is worth. Give it to you. ”

"Just because you measure everything so precisely, you never understand how Redmoe-Heisenwood survived," I shook my head, "but I'm still curious how you put that information The network sent to the Empire Network ... in theory, the network in the abyss zone has been completely isolated from the Empire network. Even if your technology is high, it is impossible to invade. Is there a loophole in our network? "

This question must be understood. As soon as I knew it was the message from the Abyss Hei Ling that day, I was a little disturbed: Although now it is a cooperative relationship with the other party, in the final analysis, the Empire and the Abyss are still in opposition. Abyss Spirit has the ability to broadcast things in the Empire Information Network? If there are loopholes, it's fine!

Abyss, of course, knew what I was thinking, and she shook her head: "Don't think too much. I wish I could invade your network, and it cost so many things to ask for help? That broadcast was just a regular sending thing The content of the message was actually sent shortly after you blew up the universe-the impact of the end of the world is enough to cause your border outposts to be interfered with quite strongly. It is easy to shout a word to you while taking advantage of this interference. "

At this time, Belavila finally brought the dessert of the abyss spirit, I looked at it with a probe, and was very pleased to find that there was no screwdriver or anything on the plate. The unhappiness wasn't serious enough to make her abandon her martial arts: I wouldn't be surprised if anything appeared on this plate if she had a character with Lirina.

Abyss Xiling looked curiously at the food in front of her, carefully pinched a piece of crisp biscuit and put it in her mouth, chewing. I quickly asked, "How is it?"

Abyss Xi Ling bulged in his mouth. But this did not affect her in any way: "What smell? I don't have this function."


This guy didn't even have a taste library installed! How much she saved her computing power ...

"Then where should I get the things in my mouth?" Abyss Hei Ling looked at me and said, "What's the point of eating anything else? Chewing them won't give me energy. . "

"Throw a different space!" Bellavira snorted and pulled the abyss spirit's dim sum plate in front of me. "Give you, I know this thing is a complete waste of her-you don't understand this boring Guy, I know everything. "

"I don't understand," Abyss Healing threw the contents of his mouth into a subspace that he didn't know, and then wiped off the biscuit residue on the corner of his mouth, saying one by one. "It was meaningless. I went back to the institute and said hello to Bella Villa. I should go back to work. Tavel is still waiting for me."

With this remark, she got up, pushed her box and walked towards the door. There is no time to answer at all, and when I react from the god, this guy and her box have already left the store.

"Look, dull guy." Bella Villara raised a finger and pointed in the direction of Abyss Schilling. "You don't have to work hard to make her like everyone else in Shadow City, because her worldview is stronger than ever. To make This guy adapts to the atmosphere around you, and is more sleepy than letting Pandora face the height problem ... "

"Bang-Kerala ..." Another strange noise in the corner interrupted Bella Villa, this time a clumsy Raven killed the freezer: The girl might want to use Ice Cone to make Lina cold drinks, The latter is now frozen with the freezer.

"Well, it's even harder than letting these idiots learn how to use appliances," Bellavira waved his hand. "It's so stupid that such primitive equipment won't work, and I can learn it."

I looked at Belavira suddenly: Is it a pride to use the refrigerator and the oven as the King of the Ravens?

"Chen, are you free?" Uncle Kenther came over from the side at this time. "Come and tell you something."

I saw the expression on his face was a little serious, knowing that something was going on, so I got up and asked, "What's wrong?"

Kenther led me to his table, and Lynn moved aside to make a vacant place. I took a chair from the next table and sat down, while the two popes across the table got up politely. Say hello, but I quickly stopped them: besides Uncle Whitebeard's lumbar intervertebral disc, the wheel tomahawk on the back of the Amazon woman warrior looked really infiltrating, because there was no shelf near the counter so she kept carrying this With an axe, I am now afraid that this fierce sister will pokes the ceiling of the small shop together ...

Although the two Ravens who have not succeeded and failed, and a lina who have troubled each other ~ www.readwn.com ~ This shop has almost renovated ...

"This is a document issued by the Pantheon some time ago," Uncle Kenser pulled out several scrolls from the carry-on space. "In addition, there are my own observation records and records organized by the children. The last one was just transmitted by the Pantheon. Coming notice ... "

I quickly waved my hand: "Don't mention, don't mention it, you can just say it directly, I think the Empire file is still dizzy."

Uncle Kenther seems to remember that he and I are not in the same system (people who have lived in the Empire ’s capital for a long time seem to be like this, and it is easy to forget where they were originally), and put those scrolls together with an awkward smile: In short, according to the Pantheon's instructions and observations, the collective failure of the world management system in the past few days is indeed not a regular event. Although it cannot be explained theoretically, it may be related to the Void Catastrophe. "

Me: "... what?"

"The Cataclysm in the Void," Uncle Kenther repeated with a serious expression, "This is the conclusion of the Pantheon, which was announced just a few minutes ago. I also compared the observation records compiled by the children with the information sent by His Highness. Right, it's true ... "(To be continued ...)

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