Xiling Empire

Chapter 1519: Conclusion of the pantheon

Uncle Kenser is usually a person who does not like talking very much, and even if he speaks, it is often the classic words: very good, very good-except that he has little opinion, but this time he However, he continued to talk about the new news from the divine realm and his own reasoning, as if he intended to put down what he usually accumulated at one time.

In the other person's story, I also quickly understood the investigation process of the divine world about the connection between the Void Catastrophe and the recent "collective downtime" incident.

The "world management system" used by the Protoss to manage this world is different from the sovereign's sovereign hub. The sovereignty hub of the empire is built by building various specialized functional facilities and controlling the parameters of space and time to produce absolute control over the entire universe. This architecture has strong modular traces that can be disassembled and assembled. It is considered to manage several aspects of the universe through several or even dozens of super devices, and finally achieve a system of world management, and on the sovereignty hub there is a more powerful control unit like the "world arbitration agency". The Protoss world management system is an integrated and indivisible thing. It is like an all-in-one machine, and it is an all-in-one machine with all functions integrated in the same chassis, which is used to control the parameters of the universe and All functional modules and hardware and software that detect the state of the universe are integrated. Ding Dong's World Tree Temple is a remarkable example.

Each of these two control methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. The empire's sovereignty hub appears complicated and not as streamlined as the "one machine", but the modular structure allows it to be quickly upgraded and changed quickly, and it can be flexibly customized to meet various requirements. The model comes. For some special universes with limited functions (such as the simple industrial world and the simple springboard world), you can also install only the required management modules, so as to avoid wasting functions to the greatest extent. The Protoss world management system is highly integrated because all functions are One step is so concise and simple to use (you think about Ding Dong's intelligence), but the shortcomings are also obvious: there is no way to customize, once the management system is built, the pre-installed plugins are fixed and very numerous. Basically, novices can only use the "auto-run" function of the surface system to let these plug-ins operate by themselves. It would be troublesome to artificially customize the system. Anyway, the impression is that a female school bully such as Bingtis can do bare metal. Genesis is here.

Of course, the Protoss world management system is not completely impossible to customize and rewrite. For example, Ding Dong has installed many plug-ins for the World Tree, but these plug-ins are still fool-like operations and only have fancy functions. You cannot fundamentally change the structure and capabilities of the world management system. At most, a large floating window is added to the trunk of the world tree like Ding Dong. Each time the world tree restarts, a line is displayed on it: Your current time The boot time was three and a half days, and it was defeated by all the world management systems of the entire **** world. It is recommended that you uninstall this plug-in immediately to avoid causing reputational damage to my temple-basically this is not much use.

The two different ways of managing the universe, of course, also apply different principles. On the empire side, the universe constants are controlled separately. Because I ca n’t understand what ’s going on, I wo n’t introduce it in detail, and the management system of the Protoss seems to touch the heart of the world-a bit like artificially imitating the heart of the world, or simply binding the heart of the world to Management system. Because the heart of the world is the epitome of the entire universe and the "formula pool" of all mathematical changes in the universe, controlling the heart of the world by a specific method is equivalent to controlling the universe. Of course, the things made by the Protoss will be more powerful and more stable than the fragile heart of the world. Even if a rookie like Ding Dong casually tosses, it will not easily crash ... Um, even if it crashes, it can be restarted ... In short, let Ding finish After the gun, we know one thing: the world system of the protoss is linked to the world heart, or it is an artificial enhanced world heart, or it embeds the world heart in the management terminal.

"Now the Pantheon has analyzed all the fault cases and found no problems on the world management system. So they turned their attention to the heart of the world corresponding to the system as a mirrored version," Uncle Kenser explained patiently He knows that I am not very good at understanding these abstract things, so the explanation is very detailed. "You know, although the world management system corresponds to or even overlaps with the heart of the world, they can still be divided into two parts, just like systems and systems. The mirror is the same. And the mirror is synchronized with the subject in real time. "

"Then the old man alliance ... I mean, there is a problem with the heart of the world found at the Pantheon?" I have been mixing with Bingtis for a long time, and even when I started, I almost called the Pantheon the old man alliance, and it was close. Zhu Zhechi is close to Mozi and black, and Bingtis is volatile.

"Before today. Everything is just speculation," Kenser nodded, "because all the accidents encountered were minor faults, even the most serious cases did not reach the point of affecting the balance of the universe, so the heart of the world even No problem can be seen when there is a problem. The Pantheon can only speculate on a general direction, and then send out the long-term observation task to the management gods who have encountered faults. Generally, each of the management gods has jurisdiction. There is more than one world, so we have sent these observation tasks to our followers. It is also a coincidence today that they just took the observation data, and a new notice came over the Pantheon. It turned out that there are some management gods already in the The data was sent up a few days ago, and the Pantheon sent out the data and the research process of the data. I and Lin just finished comparing everything, and I am convinced that the research of the Pantheon is correct. "

I looked at Uncle Kenther with a little surprise, but I didn't expect this to be a superstitious figure: the Pantheon had issued the conclusion and he had to compare it again. It is logical that he would not follow this research spirit. The Ding-Dong team mingled together, and was called one of the problem children's five-member team-Uncle Kenther, were you a hidden man for a long time?

As a result of these unexpected expressions on my face, Bingtis fluttered from the side and patted my shoulder: "Don't listen to him bragging, he just remembered the date of handing in the information, and today he greeted his pope Come over. As a result, the Pantheon just refused to accept the documents just now-pretending that the research materials indicate that you are diligent and hard-working. I believe that you were called up by the teacher when you were in school to answer no questions. "

Kenther's old face was full of embarrassment: "Master Bingtis, please leave some virtue under your mouth, where are the children ..."

Bingtis shrugged sternly, his eyes fell on Will: "Boy, do you want to mingle with the old woman? The old woman is also the brightest person in the Department of Light. Now her younger brother is dying to recruit soldiers for the sake of his mother. ... "

The village version of Gandalf immediately upheld the righteous words: "Thank God for His grace, but Will's loyalty to our Lord is eternal. Since the tenth year of grace has survived the plague from the plague, he has not been loyal to other gods. "

I now know why the white-bearded uncle is so loyal to Kenser in front of him. It was originally saved by the church or Kenser himself ... This one, let's not talk about it, Bingtis can fight on his face. Face digging.

In the end Bingtis' trouble was not over, she turned to the Pope Amazon: "Che, again a stubborn guy ... what about this little girl over here? It looks like your temperament matches me very well. This girl, I read that you are a man, should you learn to use meteor hammer with me? "

Me: "..." Lord Bing, I also read that you are a man!

Lin originally thought that she had nothing to do, but now she found that she was lying down and was hit. She had to say weakly, "Master Bingtis, don't do this, Quina is stubborn ..."

The Amazonian man looked really stern and his eyes sharpened: "The moment she broke out of the eggshell, she decided to follow only the Lord Dragon God in her life. She has no interest in your invitation."

I was almost strangled by my saliva: "In the eggshell?"

"Is it weird?" Quina glanced at me. "I am a dragon, and of course came out of the eggshell. The dragon **** found the dragon egg from a destroyed lair and hatched me myself. It's kindness to parents. "

Then she recalled, her face was more serious: "Although the Lord Dragon God feeds me with food when I was a child, I often hold me to death, but thanks to this I am stronger than the average dragon."

The dragon girl next to her face was flushed, and she was trying to eat with her head down. I patted her shoulder and said, "You shouldn't ask others by the standards of your two mouths-even if you have two mouths, you only have one stomach." Well ... Say you can also hatch eggs? "

Lynn's face was almost buried in the plate. The voice was dull: "I've learned from my mother ... but I didn't expect to actually hatch. I only picked a dragon egg from the ruins at the time. I thought I was dead and wanted to bring it back to the temple for burial. Suddenly a little girl popped out of it ... and then there was Quina. "

I looked at the muscle pope in front of me, and then looked at Lin, who was almost half the size of the latter, and felt that God's life was too colorful and colorful ... I don't know if this Quina kept her eggs like those little crows Shell habit.

"If you do n’t like it, you do n’t want to talk about it. What a good thing to do is to push back the obstacles." Bingtis watched the scene and no one took care of herself, so she had to shake her body to go back to continue talking with Fina, "I just want to have those kids back then. We are ... "

Others may not hear you clearly, but I hear it clearly. Looking at Bingtis's back, I really wanted to say something, but in the end I still suppressed the impulse: I know this female gangster very well. If she passed away now, chances would be that she would shout "St. "Mother's Light" while holding the chain-link bricks on his face.

I turned my head: "Okay, let's continue to discuss the Void Cataclysm and the heart of the world."

"Basically there is so much to say," Uncle Kenser spread his hand. "A collective problem with the heart of the world means that the basic templates of all universes are in condition. According to the" random distribution "phenomenon of the accident, this can be determined. The situation is not limited to templates or even the Void quadrant, and what can affect such a wide range is nothing but the Cataclysm of Void. In addition, this is also related to the inherent nature of the heart of the world: No matter what happens to the universe, the heart of the world It is always the first one to respond. The destruction of the universe begins with the chaos of the world heart. According to the observation data collected now, the failure of the world heart is inclined to self-decompose-and The characteristics of "zero sex" are the same. Of course, the situation is far from reaching the point where the universe is about to be destroyed, but the preliminary impact of the Great Void Catastrophe on the Pantheon has begun to manifest, at least ... the world of order is no longer stable. "

My eyebrows twitched all at once. Feeling stressful, with a little luck, "Why didn't you find it on the empire side? Is it because you misjudged it?"

"Because you don't pay attention to the heart of the world at all, your control of the universe is based on other technologies," Uncle Kenser was very rare and very serious. "The spirit apostle is very purposeful and bets on 'irrelevant things'. There is very little enthusiasm. I heard that you have n’t studied the heart of the world much since you researched the cosmic control technology that appeared in it-after all, it really has nothing to study, it is not technically complicated, it is just an information entanglement That ’s it. I estimate that only one or two people in your institute will routinely take a few World Heart inspections and inspections, and this sampling inspection will not find this problem at all. You see, our protoss have all used almost It took a month and a lot of samples to follow up and analyze, and finally determined that the state of the world is in good shape. "

I opened my mouth and found that I really couldn't deny this. I just waved a little irritably: "Okay, okay ... I didn't expect to come so soon, this ... I came too early. . "

I sit in a chair. Looking at the lively surroundings, and thinking about the imminent disaster of the Void, I feel a sense of irritability and urgency rising from my heart at the same time: With my heartless and lungless character, I have both This feeling is not easy. Why did everything come so fast?

The Void Catastrophe has always been a distant event in my heart. Even if I observe discontinuities, even if I hear the news from the abyss Healing, I haven't realized that the imminence of this disaster is so real now. To this extent. In the final analysis, this should be the reason why I have never seen a tangible "natural disaster" before. This is like ordinary people hear the news of an earthquake volcano. No matter how big the disaster is, it will always occur as long as it has not been seen or experienced in person. Not enough feeling, but once you experience it one day, or even just see it from a distance-the feeling of disaster is coming true.

I think my situation is a bit similar: Although the Void Catastrophe affected only the operating system used by the Protoss, it now crosses the important boundary from Void to Reality. When this disaster changed from a pile of abstract data and descriptions of mouths A visible and tangible disaster-even a trivial disaster, its oppression has magnified unprecedentedly.

Uncle Kenther could certainly see my mood changing, but he just smiled broadly. I finally saw the calmness of the elders in this old man who only knew that he would rush to discount eggs with retired old men. He smiled, "Don't worry, the heart of the world is a very sensitive thing, so Its alarm is often very early, even if the notice sent by the Pantheon did not use too urgent tone, and the Father God has not issued an emergency order, so we still have plenty of time. And to be honest ... the whole void is really true In the sense, there are only a few people who can control this disaster. If you are blind, there are still others who can calm down. "

I breathed a sigh of relief, thanking my invisible mother for giving me such a lack of heart and lungs, and I calmed down after a short sting. I think about Abyss' Spirit's plan. I feel that her "great cause" should have reached the last step, and her mind is a little more stable.

Regarding the progress of the "Great Cause" of the Abyss, what can be determined so far is that the necessary "materials" have been collected, the site required for the bridge is almost prepared, and she has already prepared the "starting end", so it seems that the rest It seems that there are only two things to suppress the new army and join hands with the Empire and the Protoss to start building bridges, and these two things can be done at the same time. Time should be too late. The only thing I can't figure out right now is how difficult is this "bridge". Abyss Hilling has never said clearly about this detail. She seems to have to wait for the Father God and Sister Hilla to come here before revealing it, so here I'm a little hesitant about things.

Although it ’s not clear what the so-called startup terminal is and what steps are needed to activate the gadget ~ www.readwn.com ~ But intuition telling yourself that bridging is not necessarily a simple matter, even if all the materials are prepared and all the technical issues It will take some work to resolve them, and according to Abyss Hei Ling, the bridge needs to be carried out by super civilizations on both sides of the void, which adds more trouble to it, so even if the bridge is only the last step, I Don't dare to be too optimistic: No matter how you look at it, this last step is the real trouble.

But now there is nothing I can do. The so-called professional things are left to professional people. I believe that experts in various fields will do their best to handle these things, so I will give full play to my own functions ...

Um, it's good to be a stable tablet.

After thinking about the matter, of course, my heart was relieved. I looked up at the lively scene in the shop that made me familiar, and watched Kenser and Lynn continue to chat with their followers, and Icetis continued to talk to Fina or Bellavira was faint, and Biberu continued to float in the air innocently. He didn't know what to do, and a smile appeared on his face: remember a word, don't forget your heart, and don't let any difficulties and obstacles disturb you.

The sky hasn't fallen yet.

After thinking about it, I got up and walked towards Bingtis-before the sky fell down, let's make up for a female hooligan who seemed to be five big and three rough.

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