Xiling Empire

Chapter 1529: Someone's love run

The next half month was calm and everything went smoothly.

Calm waves are natural: before that, the most troublesome thing for the empire was the movement of the abyss, which was separated by three to five, and now the abyss spirit cooperates with the empire, and the preliminary work of bridging has been completed, and the old army under her will naturally not jump. Come out to make troubles, and those new forces who act in a radical way are suppressed by her in the territory, and the biggest hidden danger around the empire is temporarily settled, which is naturally peaceful.

The expansion of the deep diving port is continuing. This will be a long-term project. The process of joint development of new deep diving equipment by the Quartet will continue, and the equipment from the abyss area has also been installed. Now Tavel is taking the lead Her team of experts is actively cooperating with the expert group of the fallen apostles to find ways to integrate the two parties' technology and get those quirky abyss devices up and running as soon as possible. This is not a simple task: Although the technology used by the fallen apostles and the new empire is the same, and there is no deviation in the technology tree, many of the other devices are built on the premise of "mutation", and this mutation is in the fall The apostles seemed to be beneficial, but to the empire, it was completely a pollution and interference factor. Many projects could not be successfully implemented without obeying this problem. Tavel has been busy in this area recently.

And while those experts are busy, others who are laymen naturally can only wait quietly.

The "cold spring cold" of a few days ago has passed, and the k-city of Table World has ushered in the warm and good weather. The gradually rising temperature has also brought vitality to the city. Beautiful girls wearing short skirts and stockings began to be seen everywhere on the street. These Every day, Ilson ran on the street at 10:30 every morning to pretend that the artist was a liar to the girl, and Monina went to the street at eleven on time to tie her brother into a mule and drag it back ...

As the weather gets hotter, people who seem to be energized seem to be more than just ordinary people.

Of course, the divine **** of war didn't really run out to pick up the girl, and of course Monina wasn't really worried about the style of her own brother. As a true god, they are so busy and boring every day, no matter how powerful they are. . When you are very bored, you will always do something that is not consistent with your identity and creative-Kenser goes to the old man to grab a discounted egg, Bingtis goes to the dark alley every night to bully the hooligan, the second fox and the cats and dogs across the street. Fighting, she led her great love to the Sahara to promote environmental protection ... and so on are basically idle.

I sat on the sofa in the middle of the living room and saw a large glass fish tank on the coffee table not far away. There was a half tank of water in the fish tank. Every minute there was a small hand-sized, black-black dress. The girl jumped from the chandelier on the ceiling and fell into the fish tank. The little girls splashed water, large or small, and made a series of calls of birds, tweeting, and humming, and then a row of wild jingle bells standing on the edge of the coffee table would raise Little paper sign. The numbers are crookedly written on it--Since this group of little ones watched the diving yesterday, today they have been playing this tirelessly for a long time. They used shallow fish tanks to raise Brazilian turtles (in other words, it ’s true to raise Brazilian turtles with such deep fish tanks. Is that okay?) I hugged it out, how much addictive you say.

The coffee table and the surrounding ground are already full of water, but this group of little ones haven't played enough yet, just as I blinked, another little guy jumped off the ceiling, dancing because he didn't aim much. Suddenly fell on the table, so the goddesses of life around the judges immediately held up a series of ten cards:

"No water splash! According to TV, this should be ten!"

"Uh-huh. There are no splashes, no splashes, very, no less!"

"The movements are smooth and they make ten laps in the air. So ten!"

So the dizzy hand turned to do a little crow happily jumped up and celebrated with a large group of three-inch Ding with different personalities but basically stupid. The entire coffee table was filled with a joyful atmosphere ... this little life It ’s so happy. A small brain is good.

I watched these small, happy things. Turning his face again, he looked at the little puppet girl sitting next to herself: "Don't play with others?"

"I'm an adult," the little puppet girl twisted her face, "don't make fun of this little gang."

I just helped the small lamp to organize the lace on her collar. While casually muttering, "Can a crow be hand-made, how many of these goddesses of life are younger than the history of human civilization?"

The little puppet thought about it and proudly raised his chest: "I mean body size!"

I looked at this sd doll which was only over 90 centimeters tall, and said to myself that she had fallen to the point where she could only be taller than a group of helpers, and she didn't even know it ... It was something to be proud of than being tall What?

"Say you've been shopping online again these days?" I chatted with the puppet, "Is my account blocked by a complaint again?"

"They said I messed up the bad reviews," the villain seemed a little wronged, "but what I said was true!"

I held the little girl's shoulder seriously and said, "Don't buy" sd doll clothes "and write" uncomfortable to wear "in the negative reasons below. Can you go to Shadow City to find someone to make a custom order? Put your own try-on photos on the sd area and write a bad review. Do you know how many thought you were a competitor to send trouble in the past! "

The little puppet hummed with his arms, and didn't know if he could hear it. I looked at this uneasy girl with tears and laughter. Suddenly my thoughts opened up my spiritual world, and then a whole body glowed with a glimmer A little girl who was shorter than the little puppet appeared next to me, and I put the two girls together: "You two, let's play, I will continue to read the report."

It's not easy for Xiao Qijing to come out once, and I can hardly remember when she last ran out to play. This girl was born as a spiritual body. Like the spirit born in the Internet, she was rooted in an imaginary and strange life. She has little interest in the real world, and everything is usually in my spiritual sea. Although it is very interesting to have such a good-looking girl running around in my mind, I still have to let her out through the wind if I have a chance, otherwise I will be stuck in such a monotonous place all day long. I am really afraid that this girl and Alaya Just as natural as staying.

Perhaps it would be better to let her live in the shallow spiritual world for a while?

Suddenly, I had this strange thought in my head: Compared with myself who was in a daze most of the time, and my brain was blank, the shallow spiritual world was definitely not monotonous. In theory, a shallow brain can be much broader than the real world. Now ...

The two little girls ran away happily, but I temporarily suppressed the thoughts in my head, and looked down at the data terminal to see just half of the hard report-experimental data. Cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements, this thing is really difficult to understand.

Void creatures have no natural advantage in "learning", and will not be easier to understand these techniques for exploring truth because "it is truth", or even the contrary, because the void creature itself is already the truth (or one of the truth (Forms of expression), so there is no need for so-called "technical assistance". The logical tools, theorems, mathematical models and the like created by ordinary races to help them understand the truth are totally inexplicable to the "big void" I do n’t know what it is useful for, just like ordinary people ca n’t understand the world in Pandora ’s perspective, and void creatures ca n’t understand the “tools” used by other races to observe the void. So the technical report in front of me is hard and hard to understand, even if I have learned the common sense related to it for a few years, even if this report has been as concise as possible, I still have a hard time reading it.

Xingchen and Sheila seem to be the same. The former once admitted that although he created the Holy Light, he still does not understand why the Light Protoss divided the Holy Light into three genres, twelve branches, and more than 200 inherent skills to use— God the Father always created an idea to create the world. It was a flash of light when he created the various world templates. As a result, he is now being tossed by his children's "Six Laws of Creation" and "Basic Rules of the Void Ladder Evolution." 》 Dizziness ...

Well, no matter how many explanations, you have to face up to the problem of reading a report for a long time. So I lowered my head and continued to pull down word by word: "... In summary, according to the dismantling and reverse engineering of the abyssalization equipment, the deep diving facilities were transformed, but it is still difficult to reverse engineer the debris from the opposite bank. Unable to crack their technology, but are considering cutting the material from the opposite shore directly into a disposable shell of a deep submersible ship, so that in the first half of a deep dive ... "

I looked up and watched the little girl's chandelier still falling down. My mind slowly diverged: "It seems that Abyss Hilling is indeed right. The technology from the other side is not universal here, but the idea of ​​roughening those wrecks directly into shells is interesting. Those shells are in 'this One side's abyss environment can be completely harmless, but if it crosses the critical surface, without the support of onshore technology, these materials will definitely disintegrate ... A one-off deep-submersible ship ... "

Thinking about it, a call from Sivis suddenly came to his mind: "Your Majesty, something from the Protoss has arrived."

"Oh, so fast?" I was a little surprised. I didn't expect that Sheila and Xingchen returned from the Huron world so quickly. I thought that Sister Sheila had finally found such an opportunity. I lived in my own house for a while, but I didn't expect that the two people would use it less than 20 days after coming back: This is not as easy as running over by oneself, Sister Sheila. The two of them escorted a large number of goods in the void. Creatures also have to go all out to get this fast.

"It's truly a senior, and it's quite fair to be able to let go of the children's private affairs in front of right and wrong." I laughed, and said to myself that my previous impression of Sheila should have changed a little.

But Sivis's voice followed, and it sounded a little weird: "Um ... Your Majesty, you know, King Huron's mood doesn't seem to be very high."

I hung up the communication a little bit, and then turned around to say hello to the family members: "Divine Express has arrived! Who came with me, who will take it with me?"

As soon as the words fell, I heard the sound of crackling and barefoot on the floor from the second floor. I heard that there was more than one person. The next moment I saw Bingtis and a golden figure appearing on the stairs at the same time. . The female hooligan opened her long-legged volley and jumped straight down from the second floor with a graceful parabola, while the golden figure behind her rolled directly down the stairs ...

An extra-large golden hair ball rolled to his feet, opened like a flower, and a beautiful face glowed from the inside. The golden pupil of Fox Fairy seemed to be shining: "I'm going to go! The owner takes me to go ! "

I grabbed her tail and dangled, "Go to your sister, you know what we are going to do and just follow the fun?"

"It's boring at home for a few days. Whatever you want to do," Erha ... Erhuo Fox, like a peacock, splayed his tail into the shape of a sword, showing his inner excitement, "Take me to 呗 Take me to 呗, I know the owner is doing something big recently. Want to see if you can? "

"Take her, just pick up a courier, anyway, in addition to the high level of inspection and quarantine requirements, hasn't the level of confidentiality in other areas already dropped." At this time, Bingtis seemed to think of her "imperial citizen" status. Naturally, I made a decision for me. Before I had time to express my opinion, I saw another figure rushing out of the oblique stab: "Ajun Ajun, I will also go! I want to see the long thing of the Huron Protoss What! "

Qianchan has always been a windy woman, especially when she rushed towards me, at least a strong wind.

I was so angry that I caught the girl who ran into my arms, and I was not surprised by the shallow fun. Just rubbing her hair gently, reminding the girl not to mess with those things, at the same time, the sound of the bubble came from the spiritual connection: "I'm hanging in the computer room first, and the deep dive port is connected with other equipment It may take a lot of calculations, and kids may not be able to carry it. "

Compared with Harlan and I, when the people and materials in the Abyss Zone arrived, only others and people avoided or alienated. The people and materials from the two gods were obviously more warmly welcomed.

Finally, I and Bingtis, “the special ambassador of the Divine Realm to the Empire ’s capital and the president of the special tribes of the Empire and the star-and-spirit two-kind friendly and friendly image spokesperson, Bingtis” The transfer is significant), plus Shallow and a fox dog who messes up. As well as Sandora, who was rushed back from the Shadow City, a group of five people came to the deep diving port and met the two **** kings who had been waiting here, the abyss Hei Ling who was on-site consultant, and Evansion.

The direct path between the original **** world and the empire capital is in shadow space, and it will be more convenient to walk from there. However, Xingchen and Sheila never seemed to return to the star domain. They directly carried things from Huron to the empire and ran to the empire. Naturally, they no longer needed to go through the direct passage, and directly transported personnel and materials to the deep diving port. The universe will do. As for the goods from the star domain. It should be sent by the Star God Protoss, and handed over to the Father God in places such as Void Nodes.

Protoss has been operating a network of void nodes for countless years, especially when it comes to express delivery.

In the outer space, the shadow of the Protoss building has not been seen. It can only be seen that two groups of glowing spheres of glowing light are spewing infinite light in the reserved building frame, which should be some kind of special "courier package". I came to Sheila and Xingchen and greeted them with a smile: "It's very early for you to come back, and I said at least I have to live outside for a few months."

It did n’t matter if she did n’t say it. Sister Sheila's eyebrows would stand up when she said that. She poked hard at Xingchen ’s arm: “My original plan was good. The problem is that this **** does n’t cooperate, does n’t cooperate!”

I saw the surrounding assistant technicians and Tavier's quality projections showing an expression that had nothing to do with them, and I knew that the two had been thinking about it from the beginning, and they suddenly looked funny: "Xing Chen What have you done? "

Dangxing Xingyu's father and God couldn't help crying and laughing: "I already knew her style, so I took precautions ..."

"Prevent being pushed?" I didn't know what to say, but I could only say five words. You said that the **** father God, King Huron, and the two vain sons were so lively in private, this expensive circle is really chaotic ...

Sheila finally poked a finger at Star Minister, full of anger: "He took his wife and children together ..."


This is an absolute trick!

"I was strangled by his heart at that time," Sheila said with sorrow and indignation, and her pretty face was full of annoyance. "I choked for a few days, but I still didn't have the courage to grab the **** in front of his wife and his daughter. Hand said to have a child ... I am also reserved! "

You still have reservations!

"Sola has been brought home with the children," Xingchen smiled warmly. "Although I was led away by them, they were not tired after such a long journey."

I found that the expression on the face of Abyss Xi Ling was a little weird, so I pulled up the Xingchen and ran to a place where no one was nearby. Some of the questions were really curious to me!

"What's wrong?" Xing Chen was dragged to the corner by me, his tone still unhurried.

"Then you are so firm," I pointed at Sheila with my chin, facing the other person ’s big, imposing eyes. "The gods do n’t seem to mind the extra stepmother, and your wife has nothing to do with Sheila. Opinion, do you love this long distance love run? Are you really not at all interested? "

I know that void creatures are aloof from many things ~ www.readwn.com ~ There is a bit of transcendental meaning in both material and spiritual, but since they show the order side of the void, the void creatures also have normal feelings, at least they are proof, so I am now very curious about when the stars and Sheila intend to run long.

"If you don't feel it, it must be deceptive," Xing Chen smiled mildly, and the answer was not unexpected. "After all, the entire void has only our two members of the same family. The natural closeness can't deceive people, and I can't lie to her with her. I ’ve known each other for so long, even if it ’s masonry. ”

"So what ..."

"Two reasons. The first is the most important reason. Starfield and Huron are too far away. There are countless mortal worlds connected under the two divine realms. This is a large-scale structure that cannot be changed in a short time. Responsibility is very heavy. If you are entangled with your children's personal affairs, it will involve a lot of things, "Xing Chen sighed." The second reason ... how good is she if she is normal ... "


It seems that King Huron had to run for a while on the road of love. (To be continued ...)

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