Xiling Empire

Chapter 1530: Tree Elf Intelligence

Two dazzling hot spheres of scorching light reached the predetermined position under the guidance of the traction equipment, and then began to unfold their magical structure. The endless brilliant brilliance was separated from the sphere, and these rays did not dissipate, but It is during the release process that the entities are quickly condensed, slowly turning into various forms of minarets and temples. The whole process looks like a pavilion and a pavilion slowly condensed from these rays. I am amazed by the magical scenery in front of me. Attracted, can't help but whispered: "It's so cool, what is the principle of this stuff?"

"Very long-distance void transportation is very energy-consuming," said Sheila with a look of pride, "so I and Xingchen studied long ago how to compress things as much as possible, you know, everything It ’s all information. Since it ’s information, they can be rewritten and compiled. If you change it to another form and edit it according to a certain rule, you can make everything into a compressed package. Well, that ’s it, we have the Temple of Knowledge and the Temple of Truth. Things such as light and information are transformed into these two balls. Originally, the star field is very close to you, and things sent from there need not be compressed in this way, but I have also dealt with them. See Is it pretty? "

"Uh ... we have a brighter family," I couldn't help but glance at Sandora, and then I was amazed. "But it's really amazing. Maybe the Empire should study this technology."

"The empire studied it, and later did not continue because the technology tree was not compatible," Sandora said. "The empire and the Protoss' transportation technology in the void is different. The Protoss-whether Huron or Starfield, they The starting point and foundation of the game were directly knocked down by the help of the void creatures, so their void navigation tends to be 'simple and rude'. The so-called transportation is to pack a lot of things directly and then send them out under the pressure of the void, and the empire The starting point is mortal. Our first empty voyage is full of thrills. So the related technology tends to be 'cautious and thorough'. We use special cargo ships, space grids, mathematical rate stabilization equipment, etc. to transport bulk cargoes. Although the empire is now in The Void also has the same 'simple and rude' capital as the Protoss, but this technology tree that has been developed over hundreds of millions of years will not easily change. Well ... the Spirit Apostle did learn a lot from the Protoss. But like this one is not appropriate. "

"Maybe we should learn something from you in the future?" Sheila raised her eyebrows, half jokingly and half seriously, "You are comparing ... well, the areas that require more caution are stronger than the Protoss. We are too high starting point I am used to something that is easy to miss. Unfortunately, Huron is a little farther away from you ... I basically understand what you know about you. "

I smiled, knowing that this was basically a joke: Although the Apostles of the Spirit were developing rapidly, and now the new empire also has void creatures sitting in it, today's empire can't even match the old empire of the year, no matter how Later, it did not exceed two established protoss, at least in the short term, they could not keep up with the guys who have accumulated countless years.

At this moment, the "decompression" in space has reached the end. The two dazzling little suns appear much dim, and the various divine facilities previously compiled and compressed in a wonderful way appear in front of us in order. I am familiar with the things of the Star Protoss, and I can recognize it at a glance: a tall and magnificent dome temple is the core of the building group. This temple has a white body and a sky-blue crystal dome, and there is an elegant under the dome. Golden runes as decoration. Around the temple are four huge minarets. The four minarets are all dark protoss, with deep and solemn tones, and their slender spires are still luxurious. The upper part of the minaret is connected by four long bridges. The swift movement of light on the long bridge shows that these are not just as simple as "bridges", but may also be similar to energy pipes. On the periphery of the complex are various small temples and castles. It can be seen that things are the order **** (dragon god), light **** and dark god.

Only the iconic temple of the God of Life, fused with the giant tree, is not visible.

But when I patted my head, I wanted to understand what was going on: this is a scientific research base right now, obviously with the bunch of forty or fifty people who can barely understand the stupid little things that can read the elementary school test papers, they ca n’t make up for the fun ...

The facilities of the Starfield Protoss are a temple area floating in space, splendid but not extravagant, as always with the rigor and solemnity that has accumulated for countless years-of course, in their own view, this is ordinary It's just a big house. The building facilities sent by the Huron Protoss are eye-opening: most people on the scene have never seen what the Huron Protoss buildings look like.

It was a strange building made of lilac crystals.

They should also be shrines, but compared to the angular empire base and the star-studded and elaborate starry halls, the temple of the Huron Protoss looks more like clusters of lavender crystals, although they still have The regular shape of the building, but all the trunk ridges and the wall structure are covered with clumps of crystals. They are not as tall as the star-shaped buildings, but the faint glow surrounding them spreads out substantially. A large area, even the entire Huron base is shrouded in a lilac mist, and their shapes are a little weird, but this does not affect the beauty of these buildings in any way:

A weird, artificial and natural beauty, those magnificent crystals are not decoration, but the building itself, or these buildings are a gorgeous and random "artwork".

It seems that the Huron system loves crystals: their mainstream storage device is a crystal prism, and they look similar to the materials of the temples in front of them. This should be the main resource of the Huron world? And the extraordinary material created by King Huron seems to be a crystal ... It really was created by the female god, and I like this beautiful thing.

"It's so beautiful!" I just thought that girls should like this glittery thing, and I heard a happy voice coming from me, "Purple purp! I like purple the most!"

Sandola raised her eyebrows, "Don't you like pink?"

"I like purple tadpoles for a while, and change back tomorrow ... It's beautiful, I like purple the most!"

Everyone: "..."

"The main facilities of Starfield are in place, the space anchoring is completed, and the frame is in good contact! The auxiliary facilities are being guided and connected."

"Huron's main facilities are in place, the space is anchored, and the frame is in good contact! The auxiliary facilities are being guided and connected."

"Connecting the Abyssal Device Group and the Schilling Device Group ... the connection is complete. The status is good and a translator is being implanted!"

The voice of the bubble echoed in the lobby. She was adjusting the connection and synchronization progress of all temples and R & D bases with the assistance of the "Instruction Manual" submitted by the two Protoss of Huron Star Domain. Now it is only preliminary connection. To enable the computing cores at each base to communicate and translate smoothly, as for the start-up of all the units, they must wait for the respective person in charge of these facilities to operate.

Listening to the sound of these representatives' progressing broadcasts, everyone at the scene relaxed one by one: at least a few days ago, they worked overtime and worked out the information translation program that was compiled.

"These are mainly processing facilities at the core of order, and there are also some R & D and production facilities for energy modules related to the power of truth," Sheila introduced to us. "Of course, there are research facilities related to the abyss. The specific list It's been given to your big scientist. It will probably take a while for you to master these things, and then integrate them with your deep dive vessel. "

"You can start with the information brought by the Abyss Spirit, then the astral domain, and finally Huron's, a little integration," Xing Chen advised next to him, "take your time, this time is always there. "

I nodded and looked out into space. Then his gaze fell back on the holographic projection beside him: the image showed a full view of the entire deep diving port. Looking at these magnificent buildings and the light spots that quickly shuttled between them, I couldn't help but have a surging tide.

The four great forces living in the void represent the knowledge closest to the truth in the world of order, far more magnificent than the x plan at the end of the old empire. Right now in my eyes, I gather in this small test port.

Starfield, Hilling, Huron. There is also an abyss empire that no one has ever thought of cooperating with. The four groups of people who had originally developed independently and could never have an intersection could even work for one goal. Even trying to change the void structure.

I feel a long-lost excitement. This is the second time that I have been so excited since the initial establishment of Macroworld. Regardless of the success of the "bridge", everything that happened here today will no doubt be recorded in history.

Hmm ... if the bridge fails, there seems to be no history books to load.

It ’s not just me, everyone else is watching all this quietly. A quiet and tacit atmosphere envelopes everyone at the scene. Xingchen and Sheila have experienced countless storms, but I think even they Never tossed a project of this scale.

"We are going to make a hole in the void." Examining his own brain hole, he throws such a sentence.

Then everyone at the scene echoed in unison: "We are going to make a hole in the void ..."

I hope that the void will not be as open-minded as shallow, and I finally added this in my heart.

The simple atmosphere at the scene lasted for a long time, and even Qian and Bingtis began to listen carefully to the Quartet experts discussing those difficult but important issues. This serious atmosphere was finally broken by a fox dog: Xing Chong I ran but found that not only was there no sun, not even snacks, Master Fox Fairy stunned, and finally she rolled herself into a ball and rolled around the hall. I had to say goodbye in advance This second shipment is sent home.

Of course, there is another reason to leave in advance: I don't understand what the experts are saying ...

However, as soon as I and the second cargo fox teleported to Shadow City, I received a call from the Ministry of Military Affairs: "Your Majesty, the tree elves have reported the situation, which is related to the abyss area, a level intelligence."

Tree elves are the most special of all dependents. They do not specialize in fighting like the servants of other dependents. They do not have special combat zones and patrol routes like specific army. Tree elves are negotiation and friendly. Race, they act as ambassadors of the empire's foreign exchanges. As long as there are places where the Apostles of the Spirit communicate with other races, they can be seen. Therefore, the tree elves can be said to be distributed throughout the empire area, plus they love to travel. Like to see new things, even the more dangerous remote frontiers can find them, saying that they are the second most widely distributed ethnic group in the empire region. It can bring a lot of special information. This information is often overlooked by the Imperial soldiers.

Therefore, the tree elves can also be regarded as the intelligence unit of the Ministry of Military Affairs, and their intelligence gathering capabilities and the macro world network can exactly complement each other: one favors the civilian and the other favors the military.

But the tree elves rarely bring information about the abyss area-because they are not fighting races, even if they like to travel long distances, they will not run near the abyss area. Those things belong to the frontline war reports, and they are usually not related to the tree elves.

I was a little stunned, and the second cargo fox who was behind me immediately raised his ears smartly: "Homeowner, don't you go home?"

I looked up at the alloy ring in the sky: "There is something in the Ministry of Military Affairs. I'll go over and check the situation. Go home yourself."

"Then I'll go shopping!" The fox girl's eyes turned into a new idea, and then she wrapped her tail around me and shoved hard. "The owner gave me money!"

I frowned as I pushed her tail away: "What about your pocket money this month? It's just half a month later!"

"It's all gone," Master Fox Fairy was not embarrassed at all, and his tail swayed with a lot of energy. "I bought snacks, beautiful clothes, hair care lotion, and I have also been a member of the Orc Beauty Salon in the south of the city for twenty years ... The owner gave me money! "

I glared at this frustrated canine, but she didn't see it, and after a few minutes I knew I couldn't possibly consume a husky. So she can only helplessly stretched out her fingers: "Bring your wallet."

In the original empire system, money was a superfluous thing. The unlimited productivity and the "simple style" of the imperial soldiers were enough to choke any business behavior in the womb, plus "information-material transformation" Black technology. So that the spiritual civilization entered a strange state of infinite materials (conventional materials only) a long time ago, and business did not develop naturally. But as the new empire changed its policies and incorporated the daily life of ordinary races into the Spirit system, this situation changed a bit: we cannot directly open unlimited productivity to ordinary races. This will destroy their existing civilization and social order, and turn a vibrant enlightened race into a deadly parasitic race in a short time, so they need to retain their business. And create the universal currency of the empire (virtual currency). This is why the shops of all ethnic groups in the Shadow City are now blooming. The Apostles of the Spirit are relatively isolated from these commercial activities (because there is no physical need for them), but they have a certain connection (to satisfy curiosity Heart or simply boring), because of the super self-discipline of the Apostles of the Spirit, we need not worry that this situation will get out of control.

But some people are not so self-disciplined-so I have always been in the pocket of the second fox's pocket money. I can only buy money from me when I want to buy this product. Of course, she can also collect the wool she has replaced. Woven into a scarf to sell, but this can only be changed during the season, and what she weaves is basically "domestic" by me ...

You can get more pocket money to increase your favorability than to make a scarf. Even if the fox is nourished by these three or four years of life, she can calculate this account-not to mention she's actually quite smart.

After watching the big ball of jumping golden hair disappearing at the end of the line of sight, I looked up at the alloy ring of the Military Department, and then directly transmitted to the command center in the center of the ring.

A beautiful girl in a tender green dress and several emperors are waiting here, and I recognize that one of the emperors is Harlan's highest general: Zador, and the pretty girl is not a stranger, it is just a bit Lily-oriented elf girl green pheasant.

At the scene, everyone stood up and saluted, and I waved in advance: "It's not a formal occasion. Don't be so troublesome. Green puppet, do you have information?"

The elf girl's long ears trembled, and her eyes looked behind me. It was a bit disappointed that she didn't have Lina's figure, but she didn't delay: "Yes, we checked the memory of Green Star and found the log There is a little anomaly in it. "

Green Star was the exiled ark that the tree elves fled when they fled from the Empire. It was a planetary fortress with a hollow core and a rough modification. After the tree elves returned to the Empire family and settled in the Empire, The Ark has completed its mission. As the planetary resources have been exhausted and the internal transformation is also an irreversible structure, the green star with a bad living environment is now regarded as an event memorial and monument. It has recently docked in shadow space.

For Green Star, which has experienced the empire disaster and is relatively well-preserved, "Apocalypse Ark ~ www.readwn.com ~ Empire has a dedicated scientific research team for long-term research. Such arks usually carry key information within hundreds of years before and after the demise of the Empire It can help us to uncover some secrets, but Green Star has been docked for several years, and their analysis has already ended. The Green Star database has also been carefully screened several times. In theory, there should be no omissions.

Seeing the doubts on my face, Luan immediately explained: "It is not the planetary database, but the memory left by the mother tree."

The mother tree, the source of the life of the tree elves, is also the basis of their ethnic reproduction. The great plant once merged with the green star to accompany the tree elves through a long journey of void and wandering. At the end of the journey, the mother The tree had withered and died, but then it was reborn with the help of Ding Dong's leaves-this is what I have in my mind about the mother tree.

"The memory of the mother tree is very special. Only the tree elves can read some of them through the cycle of life and death," explains Lu Ye, why these materials have not been discovered until today. "Once our race has awakened from slumber, it begins to reproduce and reproduce, and it is born again. The tree elves are not the same as other races. We were born with memories from the mother tree, and then some people who were born recently found abnormalities ... The mother tree remembered that she had returned once after leaving the Empire, but This record is not mentioned in the logbook! "(To be continued ...)

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