Xiling Empire

Chapter 1531: Dreaming 1

"Return history?" I was stunned by the news brought by the green puppet, repeated it subconsciously, and then suddenly reacted, and flung in front of the elf girl, "that is to escape the polluted old empire on the green star After the zone it returned again? But this time the return record was not found in the log and was deleted by someone !? "

"I can't be sure to such a detailed level," Green Ling seems to be startled by my excitement, and the neck suddenly shrank: In addition to looking particularly "brave" when chasing Lina, this elf girl is very Timid, "The memory of the mother tree is a very vague thing, just like racial consciousness. After the ordinary reading of our ordinary elves in the cycle of life and death, the record appears more blurred, so it can only be roughly determined Green Star returned shortly after leaving the polluted area. I do n’t know whether the order under the core of the planet was pulled by any other force. It ’s also not sure if the planet ’s logbook has been modified ... no traces on the logbook. , But there is no record of the return flight, but no deletion record can be found, and there is no misplacement or omission in the log. "

Seeing me frowning and thinking, Luan added carefully: "The memory of the mother tree is very vague. There is no time for that return flight, so there is no way to reverse the date of the log according to time."

I looked at the elf girl with a tense look and waved her with a smile: "Relax, relax, I was a bit surprised by your news ... After successfully escaping, I returned to the Ark of the Empire. You are absolutely Unprecedented first. Zadom, you are General Haran. Should you be there when you transform Green Star? "

In the age of the old empire, the tree elves were Harlan's dependents, but there was almost no time to know much between them: shortly after the tree elves were discovered by the empire and named "highly intelligent races with development potential" These long ears were sent to the ark without even having a fight behind Harlan. There are not many stories between them, so the old relationship between the two is often accidentally forgotten by me. But they themselves will not forget it. After Harlan was incorporated into the new empire, the tree elf quickly recognized and formed a piece with his former benefactor. Now that I saw Zadorm at the scene, I know that he was also attracted by the information of Green Puppet, and I should like to help investigate.

"It can be determined that something is not wrong with the predetermined program or the automatic navigation device," Zadom nodded. Although he is the general in charge of combat. In theory, it was not the design and construction staff of Green Star at that time, but at that time, there was chaos. Harlan kept awake and could provide the last protection for the tree elves. So he also knows the situation of Green Star quite well. "I went to the site with the expert who was responsible for writing the navigation program. The core of the planet itself is not faulty, there is no background program, and so on. But there is really no way to determine whether the navigation log has been affected. Outsiders have fiddled with it, and can't find evidence that it returned tens of thousands of years ago: it can't be proven, and it can't be proven not. In my opinion ... the ark that has fled the Empire's area suddenly returns is incredible. "

"The memory of the mother tree can't be wrong!" Said the green whispered but firmly. In the minds of all tree elves, the mother tree has an extraordinary status. If you have to choose one from the navigation log and the mother tree, Believe it. She would prefer the mother tree.

Although that primitive memory of life is not as accurate as the logbook.

"I also believe in the memory of the mother tree," I half-raised my right hand to show support for the green cricket. "After all, no one has any reason to move such hands and feet in a plant memory that was 'dead'. It's meaningless, no one will profit from the whole void. I believe that the Green Star's logbook has been deleted, and the editing method is clever without leaving any traces. But the people who did it obviously did not expect that the mother tree would have such a magical memory of race. The quirky talent of mortals is something that even gods occasionally get confused. "

"Well, some experts do have the same idea," Zadom did not insist on his own intuition, but chose to trust the expert, and then his face was a little regretful. "Unfortunately, all the scientists who helped build the core of the planets of the tree elves were dead. Otherwise, we should be able to better analyze that planet fortress."

"When the Green Star set sail, there was no one else besides the tree elves, was it?" I wondered what possible explanations for this "return", and looked curiously at Zadom, "including the Apostles of the Spirit, not listed. Advanced to navigation systems, and anyone else. "

"No," Zadorm said firmly. "The abyss is spreading through the spiritual network, so no Spirit Spirit apostle is allowed to board the boat. We cannot spread pollution. This is Her Majesty's death order, and I believe no one will violate it. . "

"But what if it was the apostles who had been contaminated boarded the ark without the attention of others?" I frowned. "The polluters did not accept the old order."

This time Zadom paused. It seemed that he was also shaken by this conjecture, but in the end he shook his head: "It's also impossible. First, we checked in detail when the Green Star set sail to confirm that the planet There are no people on the list. Second, the polluted apostles are not the same as the fallen apostles who were born later. The former is a completely crazy chaotic creature that was generated in the early stages of a disaster, and the latter is a long-term one. Transformed but still sane creatures. Your Majesty, you also know that the fallen apostles were partially purified under the influence of the void creatures. They were not in the early stages of the disaster, and those chaotic creatures ... they do n’t know how to forbear and cannot wait for the ark to fly. After going out for a while, after the normal apostles in the empire area were completely destroyed, they returned to the voyage. They didn't have that brain. "

Things seem to be at an impasse, and the information we currently have is far from explaining the problem of Green Star's return, so I no longer dwell on the cause of it, but focus on the results: "Green, have you found any hidden dangers or damage on the planet? Traces? Or the tree elf's ... uh, 'physical problem'? "

In the long drift of Green Star, the tree elves survived for so many years by sleeping in the dormant cabin, so Green Star's rash return to the abyss area is likely to leave any negative effects, and these negative effects may remain. They may not be found in the dormant tree elves.

"No abnormalities have been found at this time," Green Mink shook his head, "the planet structure is somewhat damaged, but every damage can be found in the log, and it is certain that it occurred during the drifting process. The physical condition of the tree elf is also nothing. Problems, we can get blessings and revelations directly from the goddess of life. God's eyes can see everything, and we did not find problems after mass prayer. "

Due to innate affinity, the tree elf believed in Ding Dong on a large scale, but when I heard that the green puppet was so determined, I still couldn't help but look down at the chest pocket, listening to the “clicking” Sound-this is Ding Dong secretly nibbling at the candy bar. I'm too lazy to teach her not to eat in someone else's pocket.

I want to say something. But in the end, I still didn't say: In the professional field, Ding Dong does not drop the chain very much, and the early warning of the abyss and its derivative effects is the talent of the Protoss. It has nothing to do with intelligence. Green pheasant said that it is okay, then it should be really okay.

"That is to say, apart from the memory of the mother tree, there are no traces related to the return journey in the logbook, the planet itself, and the tree elves ..." I frowned, and then suddenly remembered something, "In the early days of the Green Star sailing, When the Star Fortress is in good condition, the tree elves have not yet fallen asleep collectively. At that time, you controlled the planet manually and often came to live on the surface of Green Star. During this time, Green Star did not 'return'-unless you The memory of the entire family has been tampered with. "

The green owl nodded, and Zadorm beside him also showed no accidental approval. Obviously, both of them had already considered this issue.

"That is to say, the" return "happened after the Green Star environment deteriorated," I nodded and concluded, "The Green Star environment deteriorated, and the tree elves had to start sleeping in batches. Then soon the entire family broke away from the real world, Survive in the virtual world, at this time your planet suddenly returned to the Empire once, because everyone was asleep, so no one knew about it ... wait. Someone should know! "

"Yes, the navigator should know," Green Ling bit his lower lip. "This is also our biggest problem: During the tens of thousands of years of sailing, although most people have entered the virtual world, the planet is always monitored by someone. Yes, although the number of pilots is small, they have never been absent from work, and the short return time of Green Star will not let those pilots ignore it ... This cannot be explained. "

"Are you asking those pilots? What do they say?" I looked up at Zador.

"No gain, the pilot confirmed that there are always people on duty during Green Star's voyage, and several pilots are supervising each other at any time-they use this method to prevent someone from becoming mentally disordered, and all the pilots are mentally disordered at the same time. The situation is basically impossible, "said Zadom, shaking his head." Everyone does not remember what Green Star has to say about his return journey. After leaving the polluted area, the Star Fortress fled all the way to the void, and avoided all empire colonies according to preset procedures. Point and the world with an abyss reaction, the pilot ’s personal diary also confirms this. In addition, the pilots ’personal diaries have two copies, one is kept privately, and the other is placed in the database for random inspection and storage by everyone at any time. This is also to prevent someone from being insane and not being detected in time. The tree elves are a very cautious race. "

In the long drifting of the Green Star, the tree elves survived in the closed underground space for a long time, the resources were less and less, and the spacecraft equipment was getting older, which brought them great psychological pressure, and in this case, Next, they worked out a virtual world survival plan in time, and built something like "projection paradise" in the center of the earth, which is enough to show that these long-eared creatures have tough and cautious characteristics. Then the pilots, as the most elite of the tree spirits, their records should be true and credible, and not be deleted due to insanity. At the same time, considering that the tree elves had not had time to master the operating skills taught by the empire, they could not fully control the Green Star themselves, so the pilots were out of control and sailed back.

"Unless there was a shot by a fallen emperor like Sandora at the time, it directly distorted all the memory of the entire planet, including the personnel's brain and data disks." I took a look at Zador, but I also knew the conjecture. The possibility is even less, not to mention whether there is such a fallen emperor who can just catch up with the green star, even if it is, what is his motive?

Let the fleeing ark that has fled back to the polluted area and let it go without any damage, leaving no trouble, just to scare the archaeologists after a few years? If there is a fallen emperor who thinks so, I can see the cuteness from him ...

After thinking about it for a long time, it seems that no explanation can be found from the available data. Although it seems that Green Star has not left any hidden dangers because of this "return", it is after all a matter related to the collapse of the old empire. In no case can you be taken lightly.

So I made a decision from the corner of my mouth: "Take me to the mother tree to see the situation."

Anyway, I don't have much to do at present, and the deep stuff in the deep diving project is not something that a layman can figure out. While Sandora and a group of experts are busy, as the leader of the Empire, I have to pretend to be diligent and love the people ... ...

"The memory of the mother tree is only when the tree elves are in a cycle of life and death ..." Green Mind reminded him subconsciously, and then seemed to have just reacted. "Oh yes. You shouldn't have this restriction."

I smiled, but considering that I wasn't sure if I could communicate with the mother tree, and Ding Dong in his pocket was a fool who couldn't even understand his own ideas. Still decided to greet someone with a clever mind who can't break the chain. So I called out in the spiritual connection, and the next moment there was a shining portal. A little girl in a princess dress almost crawled out of the room and said, "Boss, boss, you call me ?! Li Lina said in a rush, was she going to sleep? "

I knew this was out of the question, but it did n’t seem that Green Wings needed to use a basket to deal with this girl. I picked up Li Lina's neck collar and turned her to the tree elf girl in front of her: "Look who this is ? "

Lvyou looked at her "Envoy of Life" with admiration in surprise, and Li Lina bounced in mid-air like an electric shock: "Lao Boss ... Boss! Can't arrange a marriage! And my orientation is normal! Boss you! Put me down, put me down ... "

I threw Lilina to the green pimple, and opened the portal to the mother tree: "Let's go."

The vast world. The boundless green is rippling freely, the thick vines and the tender green leaves are intertwined to cover the foot, and even a little bit of muddy color can not be seen from the layered vines, as if the earth is a plant, and the plant is The earth is average: The mother tree is the second most magnificent plant I have ever seen besides the tree of the world, and if not it cannot be as divine as the tree of the world. The "giant vine" that can cover a planet may even rank first: at least it is very large.

Although the name is "Mother Tree", this is a name inherited from the tree spirit culture. In my eyes, this plant is more like a combination of vines and shrubs ... but this classification is not right because it is in Some "nodes" also have branches of plants that grow like trees. This is a plant in another world. There is no way to classify using common sense from humans.

With the development of the empire in various fields, especially the cooperation between the Space-Time Administration and the Ministry of Military Affairs, the understanding of each race has become deeper and deeper. Many empire-related races have received a lot of benefits, and the family members most closely related to the empire Nature is the biggest beneficiary among them: the tree elf's mother tree not only received the resurrection and reinvention of the goddess of life, but also received a new "flower pot" about six months ago, which is the special space allocated to the tree elf in front of her. It is mounted under the name of Shadow Space. It is a piece of shadow-like space, but it is a small independent space-time. I sometimes refer to it here as the "Earth Office" of the Tree Elves in the Empire Capital-as a task spread throughout the Empire. There are many races of diplomats to deal with every day, and they deserve a larger area of ​​residence in the shadow space.

Other servants also have their own station in the shadow space, not limited to the shadow city. Some of them are assigned to a colony star, and some of them have obtained a small alien space like the tree elves. The space scale is the largest.

There are also some tree-elven villages and towns on the nearby vines. They built houses directly on the branches of the mother tree to serve as offices, but they came here to communicate with the mother tree and did not disturb the locals.

Even if I am not an expert in life force, I can feel strong vitality here and there. I try to spread my spiritual power and the green earth under my feet, but as I expected: I only get some Sluggish, nightmare-like feedback.

Higher-level spiritual power can indeed read the memory of the mother tree across ethnic groups, but I don't understand this strange "language", which should require more essential communication.

Lilina finally got my permission and got rid of the green cricket's arms. The whole person was embarrassed like a doll that had been destroyed. She gave me a grieving glance, then sat down and started talking with her mother. communicate with.

I took out Ding Dong from my pocket and found a small seam between the nearest vines ~ www.readwn.com ~ Small things in hand: "Communicate with this plant and see how the return of Green Star back then thing."

I have told the little guy about the return of Green Star through spiritual connection, otherwise this guy who was busy eating candy from beginning to end would never know what happened.

Ding Dong looked around in a dim way, and then he reacted with a happy face: "Haha! Ding Dong's leaves!"

... She finally remembered that the mother tree was saved with her leaves.

A breezy buzzing sound was brought to everyone's ears by the breeze. It seemed that the mother tree also sensed the approach of the goddess of life and was welcoming everyone with joy.

"Strange ..." Lilina did get it done faster than Ding Dong, but she had only more confusion on her face after communicating with her mother tree. "I have seen the memory of this plant with my own eyes, and I also saw it. The sight of Green Star returning, but it feels ... blurry, distorted, more like dreaming. "

Immediately I was dreaming: dreaming?

Why a starship that has escaped the polluted area dreams of returning to the old empire! ?

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