Xiling Empire

Chapter 1542: Former enemies

From the ultimate purpose, the new army and the old army are actually the same: they both tried to build a bridge.

And if only from the ultimate goal of "decreasing the cataclysm of the void," there seems to be no difference between the new army and the old army no matter who succeeds: as long as the bridge is successfully established, the imbalance between the two sides of the void will fall below a critical value. The cataclysm will happen in a milder way (although it will still be accompanied by a large number of doomsdays, but at least it will not cause a mass extinction, and many worlds can be preserved). This is exactly the new empire's decision to abandon the former abyss. Reasons for common bridging.

There is only one difference between the new army and the old army, and it is this difference that makes it impossible for us to compromise with them at all: the radicalization of the new army. They raised the "empire interest" to a point of paranoia and distortion, so much that they tried to guarantee the empire's pyramidal tip position by destroying all lives except themselves, and even the protoss were within their target.

The New Army will not share the Void Bridge with anyone. They will not allow civilizations other than their own to successfully bridge. These lunatics will make themselves the first super civilization to succeed at all costs. Then they will use Void The special nature of the Long Bridge launches offense and defense, permanently severing the possibility of other civilizations to bridge it-even the super civilization on the other side.

The Abyss Spirit is obviously much milder: she is willing to share the knowledge of bridge construction with other civilizations. In order to ensure the long bridge is established faster, she is even willing to contribute all her achievements and equipment. Maybe she started from the beginning. Foreseeing the consequences of the Nether Long Bridge being completely controlled by a civilization, she early contributed to the union of the abyss, empire, star domain, and Huron, so even if we only built a long bridge, this bridge also belongs to the four Unless the four major forces will be stupid enough to engage in infighting at such a juncture.

Abyss Spirit is willing to speak about the special nature of the Nether Bridge. At least it proves that she does not mean to monopolize the Long Bridge. Of course, she cannot monopolize it. When the startup terminal is opened, there must be four races. All four races) are present, and this launcher is not activated instantly. It needs a period of operation to connect the two sides of the strait, and then it takes a while to slowly distort the void structure (this is the conclusion analyzed by Tavel and other experts themselves, which can ensure the authenticity and reliability). In this process The Abyss Spirit cannot monopolize the long bridge under our eyes through small movements or something.

But now there is still a doubt: the bridge needs to be initiated jointly by the two sides of the strait. If any one of them fails to respond in time, the long bridge will collapse, and the end result will be as complete as the Σ civilization. The new army cannot fail to know this.

Is there any way they can circumvent this "synchronous start" limitation?

"I have also thought about this problem. There are many possibilities. Maybe they will deceive the opposite Starring Confederation by hijacking communication signals. They trick the opposite shore to cooperate with them and then rush forward to invade. Occupy the starting side of the opposite shore, but this possibility is very low. We have been in touch with the ancestors of the opposite shore. The encryption methods used by both sides are difficult to crack, so the new army should not be able to contact the Star Alliance Federation. When Ling heard my question and thought about it, she also thought very carefully on this issue. "The second possibility is that they can really bypass the" synchronous start "restriction. Maybe they have any huge breakthroughs in bridge technology ... but this possibility is lower. The technical basis of the new army and the old army is the same. Yes, just a few months. They can't break through to this extent. Then there is only a third possibility ... they may have created the perfect deep dive boat. "

"Perfect diving boat?" I raised an eyebrow and probably understood what it meant.

"It can dive deep to the opposite shore without damage or low damage. It has a huge and stable space container bay for transporting the launching end, with a powerful set of energy devices. After arriving at the opposite shore, it can supply the launching end so that they do not need With the cooperation of the super civilization on the other side, they only need to launch a start-up end to the other side in advance. Even the process of debugging and synchronization can be omitted. This process is like the early space portal, sending another 'door' to the target location in advance. , And then opened the doors on both sides to start the teleportation. It is obviously easier to make a perfect deep dive ship than to circumvent the restrictions imposed by the void. "

"All of the deep-submersible ships made by our four families can only be lucky enough to float to the opposite bank, and the success rate of floating is only one percent. Even if it floats, there is only one core compartment left," I touched my chin, "New Army Can it be so high-tech? "

"Maybe only a breakthrough is needed, or maybe they have found some clues in some ancient databases, such as the research materials of Occam in the past," Abyss Hilling knocked on his head, although it was only a quality projection, but She will also refer to her memory bank in this way. "When the new army and I split, they each inherited the original database, but the copy process was unavoidable, especially when the split was about to be completed. I And 'she' instantly generate selfish consciousness and treat the other party as an enemy. In this case, we will subconsciously interfere with the database copy to prevent the other party from inheriting complete knowledge. There should be some information torn at this stage. "She" can only inherit half. Now I can still find a lot of fragmented data in my database. I believe the other half of this data is in the other's hands, but I can never know what I have forgotten. This is a death. cycle."

The self-splitting of Abyss Spirit has always been something we don't understand, not to understand why, but not to understand the process. It is difficult for real-life creatures to understand how a sense of clustering rooted in the network replicates itself and allows the two replicas to have their own personal nuances. Of course, we can generally regard it as the copying and cutting of data. , But I believe that the specific process is definitely more complicated than that, and may even involve things like chaotic thinking. Neither Tavel's theory nor the calculation of the bubble can simulate this process, so we dare not determine how many similarities and differences between the commander of the new army and the abyss spirit, nor dare to push back the original abyss spirit What was the character of the first-generation Abyss—it was almost completely uncorrelated.

Now, based on the new information of Abyss Hilling, we have made one more point: she and the new army commander may not even have the same memory.

This can also explain why the abyss Aegis, who should be omniscient, said that the deep diving equipment in the army's hands is not fresh: even her, the memory bank is not almighty, and the defect or turbulence of the entire network will also hurt this view. Super consciousness like immortality.

"It's impossible to say what cards the new army has, in short, everything is estimated according to the worst situation," Sandora groaned for a moment, and decided, "we assume they have really made the perfect deep dive ship. The other initiator is located in a certain universe on the other side ... So now as long as they can successfully open the initiator on the other side, we can't take them completely, is that so? "

"They can't start in seven days," Abyss Schilling said with confidence. "On the one hand, my army has not been completely expelled from the core of tranquility, on the other hand ... I also made some small hands and feet in the starting terminal, the core of tranquility. The same is true of the deep-dive ports. These 'special arrangements' can make intruders troublesome. "

It seems that even with a more docile personality, the abyss of Hei Ling's slyness and meticulousness has not regressed in the slightest. When I heard her, I and Sandora were more at ease.

at this time. The admiral's shipborne host suddenly sounded a broadcast: the fleet had arrived at the border, and the hours of voyage had ended so quickly. Everyone immersed in discussion and thinking seemed to have neglected the passage of time.

Oh, one person didn't ignore it: shallow, when I turned to look at her, there was already a thousand-meter-high crane in front of this girl. How boring was this girl just now? Driving time to speed up this stuff Do you eat too much this girl?

The Empire Fleet docked in the orbit of a dark brown artificial planet that is the sovereign hub of this frontier world. We saw a lot of familiar things over the sovereign hub: a thick fortress that seemed to be stacked with multiple discs, as large as a space city, exuding a full of momentum.

This is exactly the kind of turtle shell fortress that the emperor encountered when he attacked the abyss. Sandora felt that their designs had many advantages to learn from, so after the war the technicians of the empire produced such replicas based on the cracked blueprints of the fortress. Although they were replicas, their performance did not decrease at all. It is only slightly weaker than the original in terms of absolute destructiveness. This is something that cannot be avoided: normal psionic energy itself is less destructive and weaker than the abyss-based psionic energy, but it is better for stability and control. This makes the replica fortress shield more powerful and stable, which can be considered to make up for the lack of offensive shortcomings.

And now this frontier universe is also one of the spoils of the first "comprehensive war". The heavily guarded world that Emperor first captured. It has now been rebuilt and added a large number of fortress facilities to become the Empire's border line of defense node.

A huge set of halo devices spread out a distance of one minute away from the sovereign hub. The twisted and mysterious halo maps another universe's landscape, opposite it is a dark red starry sky: the abyss area, but the territory of the abyss spirit.

"I've helped you choose the best route. All the old troops will pass through the control area of ​​the old army and will not be intercepted." Abyss Schilling uploaded a jumping route map to the navigation system, and his expression suddenly became a little weird. "Is it strange to use the gates of the world in the abyss to rush?"

I looked at the gate of the world shown on the holographic projection, and my mouth slightly tilted: "I never thought about it before, but I've formed an alliance anyway, so I'll cooperate with you this time."

As soon as the voice fell, the ship's main engine reported that another army was entering the material plane, and I quickly turned to look at another set of holographic projections. It showed the space scene on the other side of the sovereign hub: rippling in deep and dark cosmic space Ripples of light are rising, just like endless aurora condensing into the sea surface and floating in space. Accompanying this light ripples, it is an army with a completely different style from the "Starship + Space Station".

There are a lot of high towers and palaces floating in the air, and there are a lot of flat boulders that look like floating islands. Between these things that don't look like space weapons, they are fast-moving Starfield soldiers: Protoss Here comes the army.

The number of this army is difficult to discern, because the protoss are used to temporarily creating various things to fight on the battlefield, they can create millions of elemental creatures and other gadgets with a wave of their hands, and I have many fighting units I do n’t know whether it ’s a building or an army. I can only see that their splendid square matrix covers a considerable area. The monitor turned its eyes 180 degrees and could n’t find its boundary, only from the scale of the array. From the point of view, this is no less than emperor.

And this should only be part of the Protoss army, and the other part is preparing to attack the far front of the abyss zone on other fronts.

Xing Chen said that he would send all the active troops in the star field, and it seemed that he was sincere. This is obviously ironclad to wear the car in the abyss.

I turned my head and looked at the Protoss sliver fivesome not far behind. Kenser and the other four had stood up to report to the Protoss Battlefield, while Fitis was leaning on the seat on the ground with his eyes closed and nourished. Fully entered the "Emperor-full-time dry rice" state, but these five are not the most amazing, the most amazing is ...

I looked down at the pocket on my chest, and Ding Dang was sleepy and drilled a small head. Looking around the small things, I found no sign of dinner in sight, so I yawned and drilled back.

I took out this little bit that almost turned into a rice bug. Remind her of the situation.

"Yeah, yeah," Ding-Dang reacted for a while before she crawled onto my shoulder with a humming noise, beckoning to four players such as Kenther, "Gather! Get together!"

The four Protoss stood in a row neatly in front of me. Although they were tall, thin, thin, and thin, they still showed the full force of the soldiers at this moment-they couldn't be deceived by the appearance of hanging them in their usual days. Even if the team drops the chain, they are also veterans who have really experienced countless battlefields!

Ding Dong looked at his four men with satisfaction. He looked up again at the Protoss battlefield on the holographic projection, and finally said something very informative: "Hey ... Father God is not bad for us ... let us be the guards next to A Jun."

Everyone: "..."

Bingtis couldn't help but screamed, "I'll go ... does the old man say that?"

"Well," Ding Dang nodded, "I just told Ding Dang directly using telepathy."

I just wanted to say how can this be so childish. But soon calmed down: it was really nothing. Such a large-scale joint operation, the temporary allocation of several soldiers can be said to have no effect on the overall situation. Although they are "going into a social professional career" with priesthood and world management authority, they are somewhere between them. Disconnected character. So far, they are equivalent to a group of super soldiers.

I looked up to see the Protoss army still emerging from the aurora ocean. The breath of Xingchen and Sheila was constantly permeating from the shining ocean, and I turned my head to look at the dingdong squad beside me. The expressions on their faces were as heartless and heartless as usual, and it suddenly felt that it was not easy for the Father God to develop the star domain to today ...

However, my sigh did not last long, and the system broadcast quickly interrupted everyone's thoughts at the scene: the door to the world was ready.

The gate of the world, which is close to the sovereign hub, is special in nature. It is not directly connected to the interior of the empire, but directly leads to the abyss. It is the product of the original Sandorah's "reinvention of the territory" plan. This is the first time this door has been started, but it was unexpectedly opened under the active navigation of the abyss area ... It is truly unexpected.

The beginning of the "journey" is safe. We will pass through the area ruled by the Abyss Spirit, and escorted by those Abyss legions to the war zone. A blue glow glowed from the force field grid. The moment the coordinate-like engine started, the large warships trembled as if they were reflecting in the water, and then the huge starships began to accelerate. The giant waves generally followed the mothership. The first fleet first entered the gate of the world and returned all safety signals, and then other troops began to enter in sequence.

Protoss troops also go to the battlefield through the gates of these worlds-although they have their own equipment and unique methods to shuttle the world, since there are existing facilities here, naturally there is no need to build another Protoss gate.

The moment the Admiral crossed the gate of the world, the little crow twisted his body in excitement and uttered a cheering "Ga——", accompanied by this unpleasant tweet, the picture from the external monitor was severely distorted , Shock, and then gradually calmed down, an unstable world with dark red spectrum appeared before our eyes.

There are not many kinds of worlds in the abyss area ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is basically at two extremes, or it is extremely barren. The entire universe is full of noise and original energy, but no material enrichment zone can be found, as if chaos apart. Either there are abundant material and celestial systems, but everything is too active, the celestial system's chaotic material order is on the verge of collapse, and there are very few normal worlds outside these two extreme environments. The universe in front of me clearly belongs to the second situation: there are twinkling stars and the Great Wall-like nebula in the line of sight, but most of the stars are diffuse halo-like, and the stars are too close together, as if evolution failed and there is generally no solid form. Large nebulae are bright red or orange-yellow, and some bright lines like cobwebs can be seen, which are uncontrolled star-making movements: Although some basic values ​​of this universe can support the physical system, they do not Not very secure.

The external monitor turned to the rear of the fleet. We saw a gate of the world similar to the previous entrance, but the whole showed a disturbing black red. The gate of the world was surrounded by a large space facility and Star Harbor, the fallen apostles. ... or the fleet of the abyss apostles is neatly arranged in space, like a group of dormant monsters.

They then awakened from their slumber and naturally came to the emperor's flanks to take on the task of guarding.

Once was an endless enemy, but now they are advancing together ... (to be continued ...)

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