Xiling Empire

Chapter 1543: Rally and Offense

This should be the weirdest picture of a march since the establishment of the new empire:

The Imperial Fleet is the center of the former army. The huge starship formation is driven across the starry sky by the coordinate-like engine. The Protoss troops are in the rear position. The majestic battle-type temple and the unknown tower structure are mobile kingdoms, like a splendor. The glorious ocean followed behind the emperor, and served as a guard and guide in the perimeter of the battlefield ... but it was an abyssal fleet that exudes a repressive atmosphere. It was once called the fallen apostle and fought several times with the empire. The "polluter" of the annual battle.

This is a coalition, but it is also a weird coalition. Time flies back for a few months. I am afraid that the bravest people dare not claim that the emperor will fight alongside the fallen apostles. However, this is the fact and the fact before everyone.

This huge coalition does not have much experience in joint operations, especially the Protoss and Schilling combat units are not the same. It is even more difficult to cooperate. Therefore, this queue is only temporary, and it will be redistributed on the battlefield. But even the temporary queue is also particular about the emperor's center, the rear of the Protoss, and the abyss fleet's perimeter guards to prevent ambush by the new army: Abyss's troops are familiar with the local environment, especially the new army, so they can be attacked When I first responded, I naturally acted as a perimeter guard. The emperor was good at attacking. The instantaneous explosive power and joint shield protection of such things as battleships were very strong. Therefore, they could assume the role of the former army, but the explosive power of the protoss was weaker. The type of Vietnam War and Bravery, as long as they are given time to start a battle, start various divine magic, and buff well, the combat power of the protoss will increase exponentially over time, so it is suitable to be placed in the back. Of course, the "before and after" here is not the same as the plane battlefield. The space war must consider the possibility of the enemy appearing from any angle, so the protoss is actually in the middle of the entire queue, behind them is still a group of abyss fleets. This is equivalent to a full bodyguard, who is responsible for the defense of the entire team.

After all, it is in the abyss. The new army is also a cunning enemy that can deceive the abyss spirits. It is good to march carefully.

However, the chance of being attacked is still very low. We are currently in the absolute control area of ​​the "old army". Here and in the surrounding universes are the abyss of the spirit spirit territory. It is unlikely that the enemy will penetrate into this place.

The joint forces reorganized the queue in this unstable frontier universe and met with the "Old Army". First, they confirmed the safety of the forward route, and then waited for the last conventional fleet-servants from the Civilization Community, the New Eden Federation, and the Hessen tribe. military.

A huge "General" aircraft carrier slowly floated out of the gate of the world. The aircraft carrier formation was shrouded in drones like a bee colony. Although the Merovas did a lot of evil things, they made this kind of spacecraft. It is indeed a good thing. Now it has almost become the standard equipment of the servants.

During the last battle, we hardly brought many servants. Only the fleet of the Civilization Community joined the battlefield at the end of the battle in order to prevent the weak combatants from losing too much in the abyss, but this time Sandora decided to let The subordinates also followed the army, and the number of recruits was quite large.

There is a reason for this: the combat effectiveness of the servants is not as good as that of the regular army, but they have already listed a large number of general aircraft carriers that we have obtained from the Merovas. This special psionic warship has greatly improved their combat effectiveness and allowed them to The subordinates have the ability to fight directly when facing the Spirit troops. Secondly, we also re-evaluated the pollution in the abyss area and found that the environment in the depths of the area was not as bad as previously expected. Abyss spirits are going to bridge here, and naturally they have been adjusting the environmental conditions in the abyss area. Although the pollution concentration here is high, the abyss in most areas has been inert. Even ordinary races here will not be infected and go crazy; in the end, the new army has given up their outer lands and transferred all their energies to the "quiet core", which means that the emperor will successfully capture a large number of weak guards. world. These worlds may have little colonial value, but they are value in themselves as springboards and forward bases. We need sufficient troops to guard and control these "cheap war results." Regardless of whether the combat effectiveness of the emperor, the protoss, or the old army is very valuable, we must not waste the regular army on the gate-this requires a large number of servants to help. They are familiar with various empire installations, and the elite commanders know how to control the gates of the world and sovereignty hubs (this is the important achievement of the Ministry of Military Affairs over the past three years). They are more than enough to serve as temporary administrators of the outer universe.

The enlisted servants only had the three-party forces mentioned above. This is not because the Salvation Army, Verdis and other troops are unwilling to participate in the battle, but that the servants also have the level of strength and expertise in the industry. They are currently familiar with space operations The only three civilizations that are more familiar with "advanced equipment" and have high technological strength themselves are the main forces that assist the Emperor in space patrols and void alert, and the remaining servants have basically just gotten rid of planetary civilization. Soon, no matter how fast they learn, they will not be able to play much in pure space warfare. The latter is usually responsible for the local security tasks of the imperial colonies or other regional combat tasks. The two types of servants can be regarded as "space special police" and "community police" ... Although it sounds a little bit different, the differences between the major families cannot be ignored.

"Fleet of Civilization arrives on the battlefield!"

"The new Eden Federal Army arrived on the battlefield!"

"The Hessian fleet arrived on the battlefield! Fight for generals and empires!"

With a fleet-ready report, one-third of the servant fleet was mixed into the coalition forces under the guidance of navigation signals, and found its place in the vast space between the Protoss and Emperor, leaving the huge number of Two-thirds of the fleet will have to wait in place: they will then advance steadily with the Celestial System Fleet as the second wave of propulsion / construction forces, while assisting to suppress the local resistance while receiving the captured new army territory Power and build fast frontline bases. The celestial system fleet has now reached the frontier, but the movement speed of the behemoth is really slow, and it must not be able to follow the main force to strike.

Then I suddenly saw a familiar face on the communicator: "Roland Gael? Why did you come here in person?"

Roland Gayle! The old lion of the Pan Galactic Civilization Community! I did not expect that he actually led the Community fleet. The commanders of the servants were arranged by them and did not need to report to the Head of Spirit. Therefore, I was surprised to see this familiar old man-experienced so much Ups and downs, I think this old man should have made a long career and retired to support him every day. Even if he continues to serve as the governor of the Civilization Community, he will not continue to be on the battlefield?

"Empire emperors are on the battlefield, why can't I come," Roland Gael was stunned. The ease of life for several years has not worn away his spirit. Even through the communicator, I seem to feel this old lion's body all over He was wearing the uniform of a civilized community with a smile on his face. "I have fought many years of war. Intuition tells me that this is probably the biggest battle that many people can encounter in their lifetime. You have to completely destroy the void. The most dangerous legion in the area, so I'll help. "

Sandora said lightly: "This battle will be very difficult. You will not only be auxiliary soldiers, you will even face the Spirit Battleship."

Roland Gayle shrugged. "Okay, then face it again."

With the communication hanging up, I looked at Sandora with some sighs and couldn't help muttering in unison: "This old lion ..."

Anyway, we will try to avoid fragile servants and the regular army of the enemy. So let Roland Gail meet the most brilliant war in his life as he wishes. There should be no problem.

At this time, my sister looked at the central projection with a little worry, and it was showing a group of general-level battleships with black stripes, and those general-level battleships were also mixed with many strange-looking large ships: "Civilized Community and The new Eden Federation is easy to say. Only the combat effectiveness of those Hessian tribes has not been tested. This is the first time that they have applied for large-scale operations. Will it be a problem? "

"This race is amazing," Sandora said lightly. There was a little appreciation in the tone, "they did n’t have a high level of science and technology at the beginning, they can only say that they have reached the pinnacle of space civilization. They have not been able to jump out of the universe, but they havetened to catch up with the knowledge taught by the empire. On the "progress" ... It seems that the mess of knowledge left by Wisca at the beginning laid the foundation for the Hessian tribe. Their learning ability is strong, their adaptability is beyond imagination, and only a short period of time is used. In time, a large number of 'general' aircraft carrier pilots have been trained, and their own spacecraft have been modified with the technology of the general's aircraft carrier. Finally, this race is fearless from top to bottom, and they almost worship Veska as a god, In this way, a near-religious concept of war has been developed-when the general's name is meditated when the battlefield is killed, the soul can be sublimated and included in the ranks of the British soul after death. They firmly believe in this, and they still believe it. Do not doubt the fighting ability of the Hessians, maybe the only thing to worry about is whether they will be overblooded ... After all, it is a madman race educated by Huesca. "

The lunatic race educated by Huesca ...

I couldn't help but sigh with Sandora, and looked away at the position of two meters and two sisters, but the parties did not seem to feel the slightest, even when the commander of the Hessian tribe reported the situation, Veska did not care about it. Looking up, she is doing a very meaningful thing: polishing and waxing her baby gun cannon, it seems that there is nothing else to divert her attention.

"The second calibration of the gate of the world is complete," Abyss Healing regained my attention in a word, and she silently looked at the jumping road map in front of her. "All the troops have arrived, so ... there will not be Stopped. "

The fleet turned from a slow cruise for a short time to acceleration again, and rushed to another gate of the world like a giant wave.

The next is several consecutive jumps, no longer stopping halfway, and the huge coalition forces quickly passing through the abyss zone like no one. We passed a dozen universes along the way, most of them were desolate, and some were wild. Twisted, but each universe is guarded by heavy soldiers and can merge with a part of the abyss fleet. In the beginning, Abyss' Spirit's troops were only a small part of the coalition, but as each world increased, a batch was added. Later, her fleet had almost caught up to the number of God. This was still the majority of her troops were towed. As a result of the "quiet core"-this guy's family is indeed not weak, and I can't help but think about how many troops there were before the abyss region split.

Until now, the routes were safe, but we slowly found the traces left by the fierce battle. At the end of the twenty-first leap, the fleet had left the area of ​​absolute control of the Abyss Schilling and entered the "junction zone" under the joint control of the new and old forces, and the battlefield debris began to appear in space. Broken metal floats above the gates of the world and the orbits of sovereignty hubs. Unusual twisted light can be seen in distant space, which is the embers of a large-scale phantom explosion. The situation was even worse after the twenty-seventh jump. Although the route was still unblocked, the space facilities remaining in the universe proved that the abyss Spirit had spent a great price to keep these territories: the gate of the world was a temporary model, and the space was hot except the debris Over the air mass, the broken artificial planet, only a few space fortresses and a group of eternal mother ships are maintaining the security of the traffic points, and torn spacecraft fragments can be seen everywhere.

At the thirty-second jump, the original military base of the universe was obviously completely destroyed by war. The shadow of the sovereign hub is completely invisible. There is only a solitary temporary gate of the world in the space. A group of fortresses serves as a semi-fixed military base around the gate. In addition, no fixed facilities can be seen at all.

It is getting closer and closer to the area where the battle is still going on, but the scarce fortifications in space are disturbing, and the fortress ship alone cannot resist the new army's counterattack (if they really intend to counterattack). Abyss Xi Ling certainly knew this, and her expression was a bit helpless: "The new army's fighting style is extremely extreme, that is, destroying everything within range, and once the situation turns into a disadvantage, they will even destroy their own rear path and Unrelated celestial bodies around. In this way, even if you can lay down their positions, you will only get a piece of scorched earth, and even the space entities used to build the sovereign hub will not be found. You can only temporarily drag a few artificial stars from other worlds to deal with the scene. Or find another place. This world was I stormed down with a raid. The new army quickly abandoned this place, but they bombed everything before evacuating ... as you can see, only from Zero reconstruction. "

At the thirty-fifth jump, we finally entered a contesting universe.

This is a world in chaos. The dim and thin primordial gas flooded the entire space, and a grayish hue permeated the space, with intense primordial energy radiation everywhere. But you ca n’t see any shaped celestial bodies, or even the more obvious material-intensive belts. It seems that the universe has not begun to evolve at all. It has only grown uniformly since its birth. It feels like a thin and boring " The beginning of the universe soup. "

The joint force entered the world from a temporarily constructed abyss gate. This is a scramble area. The new army has not had time to destroy what is here. Therefore, behind us is a complete space base. Those huge artificial celestial bodies are more or less monotonous and chaotic. Space adds a bit of scenery. There is no fighting in the visual range. It is only peaceful from the external monitor. It seems that the world is very peaceful except for the extravagant space. However, after turning on the warning radar, the real situation of the world appears in In front of everyone:

There are a large number of crossfire points in space. One of them is a fierce and turbulent high-energy response beyond 150 million light-years. It should be a fierce battle fleet. Although the high-energy response beyond 3.2 billion light-years is not explosive, However, the radar reads that a large group of phantom clouds with an amazing intensity is rapidly "growing". It seems that the battle has ended, and the two warring parties are all under the impact of the super weapon.

These are the two most obvious high-energy reaction zones, but there are also many weaker energy explosion points throughout the universe. They are constantly annihilating in the range of tens of billions of light years, and together form a three-dimensional map of the war galaxy ... … Oh, we ca n’t say the Milky Way star map, this world does n’t even have a star-making movement, it is simply desolate.

Even a half-barreled water commander like me can see the situation from the energy distribution map returned by the radar: the new army and the old army are repeatedly fighting for control of the universe, and they are constantly establishing sovereign hubs and gates of the world in space. , While desperately defending these key facilities while struggling to attack the enemy's sovereignty facilities, each high-energy reaction zone is a burning battlefield, and these flames will never go out before one of the belligerents is completely burned out ~ www.readwn.com ~ At present it seems that the Abyss is overwhelming: she controls the world barrier of the world and the largest gate of the world, so that the joint forces can successfully transmit in. But according to the jumping road map, there are three more jumps to reach the "quiet core" from here ...

In other words, the main force of the Abyss Healing was trapped at the place where there were three jumps from the quiet core. The further forward, her control would be weaker. As for the two old army corps trapped in the quiet core, , Now completely isolated.

"Here is the main traffic route to the core of tranquility. The gate of the world connects hundreds of surrounding universes. I have destroyed more than half of the original large portals here, and the rest are basically under the control of the old army, but the new The army built a large number of temporary portals ... They are many and can hardly be suppressed. "Abyss Schilling admits that the situation here is not as good as it seems." Now we have enough troops, no matter what the universe ’s Take back control completely. "

Sandora nodded and issued instructions to all the Imperial Fleet through the spiritual network: "Each main force ’s time-lapse weapon system is on-line, target e33-w15-n22, saturated bombing, the first and sixth legions leave the array, and reorganize to support each theater. . Full offense, start! "(To be continued ...)

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