Xiling Empire

Chapter 24: Schilling Relic

Passing officers please leave a word ...

"Lin Xue ... this is the mysterious old man you said?"

"When did I say he was a mysterious old man?" Lin Xue rolled his eyes, "I just said that he had something unusual."

"Even if it's just the storage of mysterious NPCs, he should be a little special ... this image ..."

In front of us, an old man with dark skin, a dirty shirt on his upper body, a pair of gray pants on his lower body, and trousers to his knees was holding a bowl of sea, and sucked noodles desperately as if he had never eaten a meal, From time to time, he reached out and scratched his furry calf, and it seemed that he had completely immersed himself in the world of noodles, without even noticing our arrival.

"Don't underestimate this old man," Lin Xue whispered, "Gu Zhengfeng, once the most famous tomb thief in China, has stolen more tombs than the supermarkets you've entered, and almost never goes empty-handed. After all, it was a pity that during the last grave robbing, he moved something that shouldn't be moved, and let a person he absolutely couldn't afford to chase him. In the end, he had to escape to this place to escape.

"Is it ..." I seriously looked at the old man who was fighting with noodles in front of me again, how could I never imagine that the other person was such a powerful figure.

Lin Feng came a bit mysteriously together and said, "More than that, it is said that the second day after hiding in this exile town, the enemy who pursued him was strangled to death by a Sixi Maru ..."

"Small boy, are you here sincerely to add to your obsession?" The old man did not know when he had sucked the last noodle into his mouth, and yelled at Lin Feng with his eyes wide open. It turned out that he had heard our conversation long ago. , Just too lazy to ignore us.

"Don't dare!" Lin Feng arched his hand and laughed, "Today we are here to ask your elderly to ask for something. I wonder if I can go into the house and talk in detail?"

"Less nonsense," the old man held up the sea bowl, grunted and poured the noodle soup into his belly, and then said with a touch of his mouth, "You won't let me leave anyway, what else can I oppose on your land?"

He followed behind the old man, and we entered this seemingly unsteady earthen room.

The scene inside You was greatly beyond my expectation.

The small room was full of worn bottles and cans and tools that could not be used, so that there was almost no place to stay. Even the walls were covered with dirty, relic-like things. The not-so-bright room made the dark relics of the dark predecessors polished by the history of the river obscured by the relics of the predecessors. As soon as I entered this room, I even felt as if I had stepped into a burial chamber just dug out.

"It's these things that made me look like this," the old grave robber walked through the "tattered" in the ground, "but I still can't bear to throw them away."

"Everything you sell here should be worthless, right?" He whispered carefully across an old pot that looked like it would turn into pieces when touched.

"You don't have to think about these things," Lin Xue whispered. "Otherwise Gu Lao will definitely find you desperately. When he came to this town, he donated a total of 227 cultural relics and his own. All the properties, and made a request that no one else be allowed to tamper with the rest of the things here until his death. "

The old grave robber's hearing is obviously very good, and Lin Xue couldn't escape his ears by talking softly. He just listened to him and smiled, saying, "After I die, these things will naturally be handled by you, but it's really dead. One day, I hope to lie in this pile of treasures-Gu Gu dug up the graves of countless kings and nobles in my life, and I will lie in this treasure pile like them when I die! "

Hearing the old man's words, all of us could only roll our eyes to the sky, totally helpless.

"Well, sit down." After a difficult trek, we finally came to the only open space in the room, and the old man took out a few chairs that seemed to be falling apart and greeted us to sit down.

Sitting among these ancestors' treasures, we suddenly felt a meeting in the grave ...

说 "Say, did you come to me for that thing?" The old man seemed to already know where we came from.

"Yes." Lin Xue replied briskly.

"It's not impossible for you to give that thing," a flash of light flashed through the old man's eyes. The original aura seemed to disappear all of a sudden, and it seemed that he had restored the savvy grave robber that year, "If it hadn't been for the greedy and brought it out, I wouldn't have fallen into this field. To me, it would be a disaster, but I can't give it to you so easily-you know my rules. "

At this time, I finally heard that Lin Xue was looking for this old grave robber exactly what had brought him the scourge of death that year. At this time, even I was very curious about the mysterious object.

Lin Xue didn't seem to mind the rules mentioned by the old man at all. She pushed forward the shallowness of curiosity while observing the antique, and said, "This is Xu Feng's daughter, Xu Qian shallow. If you say Wrong, then the girl is qualified to start that thing-how about, take it out and try? "

"Hey-" I think Lin Xue wants to let Qian Qian do something dangerous and can't help but stop.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt your sweetheart, just need her to cooperate in an experiment."

The old grave robber looked up and down for a while, then hehe smiled: "Hey, the daughter of the missing man? Her dad is an appraised materialist, and even your abilities are unwilling to believe, also Scolded me, why is his daughter willing to believe these messy things? You wait, I'll get it for you ... "

I waited for the old man to get up and look for the mysterious thing. I asked with Qian Qian: "Uncle Xu (dad) has been here?"

"Yes," Zheng Yiming responded to us this time. "Because the relic they are going to inspect is a bit special, so we arranged a few main members of the inspection team to come here before the departure. I hope they can get that from Gu Zhengfeng. Important items. Fortunately, Mr. Xu resonated smoothly with that thing, but what we didn't expect was that not only did Mr. Xu disbelieve us completely, he also dismissed our suggestions as pseudo-science, and took care of old people who came from the tomb. Scolded ... "

Qian shallow gave us an embarrassing glance, and seemed to have anticipated his father's stubbornness.

When I heard Zheng Yiming's description, I was more curious about the mysterious object in their mouths: "You said that thing can resonate with Uncle Xu, and as a daughter of Uncle Xu, you can also resonate with what you said. "? What the **** is that?"

"You know it by looking at it. One thing is certain, it is a magical item that is harder to explain than the power of our ability ~ www.readwn.com ~ Just then, I heard a while behind me Ringing, the old grave robber had brought the thing over.

"This is it?" I looked at the humble thing in the old man's hand, it was a palm-sized hexagonal metal plate, I don't know what material it was made of, and the appearance was a layer of black and red dirt like rust, faint You can also see some incomplete symbols on the surface of this metal plate. In addition, this thing is almost the same as the waste on the dump.

This thing that looks the same as a torn piece of iron is the mysterious item that is blown away by its god?

Just when I thought I was deceived by an old man who likes to play tricks, Pandora's voice came through the spiritual connection: "This is an ethereal beacon!"

什么 "What ?!" I was shocked. "Pandora, do you know this thing?"

"An ethereal beacon, something used by members of the Imperial Corps for emergency teleportation to evacuate the battlefield in critical situations, and also as a navigator for small-scale space transitions, I have a similar device for a spirit For warriors, ethereal beacons are quite important ... how could this world ... "

在 At this moment, what happened on the scene interrupted my spiritual conversation with Pandora.

As instructed to take care of Zhengfeng, Qian Qian placed her left hand on the black metal plate that Pandora called the "empty beacon". Immediately, that metal plate made a slight buzzing sound.

怎么 "How is it possible!" Pandora came from my spiritual world with a voice full of surprise. I never saw that she would have such violent emotional fluctuations. "How could things in the Spirit Empire resonate with a carbon-based life?"

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