Xiling Empire

Chapter 25: Warrior's grave

What could be more surprising than knowing the existence of aliens?

Of course there is! That was to learn that an old grave robber had dug up alien relics from an unknown ancient tomb.

Looking at the black metal plate that was constantly shaking and buzzing in front of me, my brain was instantly filled with various movie novels, and one after another, weird stories continued to flow.

Powerful warriors from the depths of the universe have suffered countless violent battles. They were seriously injured and fell on the earth when the fashion was in an uncivilized period. The warriors who had been unable to return to their hometown were revered as gods by the local indigenous people, leading the Earth people to fight tyranny and dictatorship again and again Finally, he spent his lonely life on this distant planet. His leftovers were sacrificed by the respected earth people and buried in the long river of history. Until one day, a man named ... uh, forgot What's the name, anyway, a wretched old man found a forgotten tomb, the story of the alien warrior finally revealed the tip of the iceberg, and then subtitles ...

"Ajun?" A shallow voice suddenly sounded in my ear, letting me who had entered the delusion mode quickly returned to my mind.


"What are you doing, why are you dazed again?" Looking at me with a slight dissatisfaction seemed to be helpless to me, and Lin Xue burst out: "You should not be an ancient object here Are you cursing? As far as I know, there are some ancient mysteries that can be psychic--would you like to check them? "

呃 "Uh ... no need, I'm just thinking about things ... how about it, now I can confirm that item can resonate with shallow, so what exactly is this thing?"

Everyone's attention is focused on Gu Zhengfeng.

The old grave robber coughed and said, "In fact, I'm not very clear ..."

一起 We all stare at him fiercely together.

The old grave robber quickly narrowed his neck and said, "But I can confirm that this thing is useful-I found the ruins with a few friends, and found it deep inside one of the tombs. The introduction of things, saying that this is the "beacon of the lost," only the selected person can take it away. At that time, I was greedy, and I took it out of the box without listening to the advice of my peers. As a result, the organization was motivated Several companions died in the tomb, only I escaped by the guidance of this thing, but they were hunted down and fell to this field ... "

After listening to Gu Zhengfeng's remarks, I roughly understood the history of this "empty beacon" and said, "So you set the rules, and only people who can have some kind of connection with this" lost beacon "can take it away. it?"

The old man nodded and said, "That's it. In fact, at the beginning, I didn't expect that someone could really resonate with this thing. I just commissioned the power group with a mentality of trying. Bring them to me, but I actually met an archeologist with the surname Xu ... Unfortunately, that person didn't listen to my advice and instead scolded me ... Well, my old Gu rarely got this Do a good deed in my life ... "

Lin Xue snorted disapprovingly and said, "If I were you, throw this thing out early."

"If we really throw this thing away, wouldn't we be in big trouble?"

Lin Xue snorted again, but this time did not habitually refute what I said, but stood up to change the topic and said, "Anyway, this thing is already in hand, let's set off quickly, stay here so I've almost felt buried in the grave for a long time. "

* To the ruins *

"That's it." Lin Xue pointed out not far from the special desert off-road vehicle.

"Where? How can I not see?" I looked around and found nothing but a sand dune.

Xun Linxue walked forward and said, "Stupid, how could a mysterious relic be placed where it can be seen at a glance-it is under this desert!"

Is it underground again? Do ancient people have the same hobbies as Lin Xue and they like to build underground bases?

At the bottom of the dune, we saw the entrance to that ruin.

A two or three meter high gangway supported by gray and white stones, standing at the entrance of the gangway and looking inward, only the long stone steps underneath the foot are continuously extended downward, gradually being engulfed by the deep darkness, making people produce An illusion, "I won't go directly to **** here."

Lin Linxue closed her eyes and seemed to feel the surrounding environment seriously, and then said, "Sure enough-the sand dunes here are still, so this hole is not drowned by quicksand."

Without Lin Xue's reminder, I have already obtained a more accurate description from Pandora.

With this hole as the center, all the sand within a kilometer of a circle presents a strange "pseudo-stationary" state. The reason why it is called "pseudo-stationary" is that they are not really completely stationary, but they will still be affected by wind. The movement of the sand slowly moves, but after a period of time, these sands will return to their original position under the action of a mysterious force. Therefore, this cave has been here for many years, but has never been moved by the desert. Devoured.

A weird place.

"Sikaro," I said to the uncle Cavalier face through the spiritual connection, "improving attention, accidents give priority to protecting Shallow and Lin Xue, their ability to protect themselves is the weakest."

At this time, Lin Xue also completed the perception of the surrounding situation, and she opened her eyes and said, "It's safe ahead, let's go in."

感到 I felt that my clothes were being dragged from behind, so I went back and comforted softly: "Don't be afraid, shallow, but here are six powers to protect you."

This martyrdom does not know how many years have existed. The stone steps under our feet have been beaten by potholes in many years. Many places will even collapse as soon as they are stepped on, and then the broken stones will roll down endlessly in a burst of rattle. In the dark of the sky, we are holding the rough stone wall, and using the slightly dim light emitted by the blue and white cold light tubes, we are walking forward carefully. Lin Xue opens the way in the forefront, using my own ability to feel that the surroundings may be at any time. The danger that appears ~ www.readwn.com ~ Strange ... "Lin Xue suddenly said," How long have we been gone? "

"It's been about an hour." I said with uncertainty, because of the darkness of the environment and the depression of the atmosphere, I felt like I had walked in this weird place for a long time.

"Twenty minutes," Pandora's calm voice sounded in all of us.

"En ..." Lin Xue groaned. "In this depressed environment, people will feel wrong about the passage of time. Lily was originally blind so she was not affected, which means we have been here for almost half. Hours……"

"Sister, what did you find?" Lin Feng asked.

空气 "Air-we have gone so deep, the air in this martyr did not become thin or turbid at all-this is absolutely abnormal in an ancient crypt."

Is tadpole the strange "pseudo-stationary" phenomenon?

"Although this is a very abnormal phenomenon, it is better than no air. At least the breathing apparatus we carry is temporarily unavailable." Lin Xue said, speeding up and moving forward, we followed closely behind.

I don't know how long I have gone, just when I have to doubt whether this almost endless step can reach the heart of the earth, a ray of light suddenly appeared in front of us.

林 After Lin Xue confirmed that there was no danger ahead, we immediately rushed to the faint light.

啊 "Ah-this is ..." Lin Xue exclaimed, watching the sight in front of her.

He appeared before us in a huge stone hall!

Pandora's voice suddenly sounded in my mind, with obvious excitement: "This is the graveyard of the Spirit Warrior!"

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