Xiling Empire

Chapter 319: Little Bubbles vs Medusa (Part 1)

Little Bubble's action was beyond everyone's expectations.

Strictly speaking. Every action of this little guy was beyond our expectations, including the girl sneaking into the copy host squad when she went to Azeroth last time, including her appearing in the military restricted areas N times in a row, including her On more than one occasion, the passing Dingdong was regarded as \ "delicious" and was inhumanly hunted ... I can't understand how strange the thinking circuit in this little girl's head is, because it looks like her Everything is randomly chosen from a bunch of options ...

Well, I know, children are like this. They carefree and freely spend their own wayward privileges in the first few years of their lives. Even if they have an interest in the moon in the sky, parents can only Accompanying the smiling face promised to go up and hook down the thing in two days, this is a unique privilege only for children-I want to do this now, my sister has stewed me long ago.

Small bubbles naturally should have such privileges, but every surprise of this girl is far more serious than the average Earth kid countless times.Even if an ordinary kid is capricious and whimsical, it will produce at most pairs of passing toy stores. Dead skin relies on his face, but Little Bubble is like this-you can imagine a little guy who can make tens of thousands of relatives go crazy with every move and also produces tons of high-explosive dangerous goods. How harmful will it be if it is whimsical? ?

If you think a little bit about who made our cutting-edge munitions that are enough to blow up the entire earth into honeycomb coal, you should understand. No matter how stupid a small bubble is, there should be no problem in building a quantum bomb.

In addition, the words "quantum bomb" these four mysterious words appear in my mind, we should not be held accountable.

Little Bubble follows Medusa, the motive is \ "To help Dad catch the bad guys, and then make Dad and Mom happy '', this naive and touching little determination will make me happy if I change the situation But now it just makes me sweat coldly.

Case one: Little Bubble and Medusa fight. The upper hand prevailed, and then the little fellow who did not carelessly placed bombs in the urban area, and the city of K was completely destroyed.

Case two: Little Bubble and Medusa fought against each other, took the lead, and then the angry little guy called for support, and two hundred mainframe security guards in the personal space came out of the nest to engage in saturated strikes in the urban area, and the city of K was completely destroyed.

Case three ... three hairs! In both cases, people are almost dead!

I am 100% convinced that there is no such thing as "humanitarianism" and "harm control" in my mind!

Unlike Sandora, who has no concept of human casualties, what I immediately thought of was the various catastrophic consequences that could occur after Xiao Pao and Medusa started playing. The fighting power of the host Spirit was poor, but as we all know, The combat effectiveness of summoned arms has never been measured by common sense, and in a fragile place like the earth, the damage caused by a Schilling host is absolutely stronger than a full-power nuclear bomb production line.

Thinking of the horrific situation in the city of K, and the horror of the small bubble incarnation of the human destroyer, I immediately sweated my mind: \ "Have you locked the position of the small bubble?"

Pandora closed her eyes slightly, and then made a speechless "" didi "sound from some corner of the body, then opened her eyes and nodded to me:" "Nancheng District."

I stunned God: \ "Can't be more precise?"

\ "Small bubble closed the active coordinate positioning. Passive scanning can only be accurate to this extent."

Well, the little guy is quite determined.

\ "Who's closest to that now?" Said her sister, laying the food on the table, and by the way expertly patted Sandorah's dishonest hand back-I am afraid that those who dare to treat the Empress Dowager in a hungry state like this Can't find a few in the void?

\ "Ajun, I'm so hungry ..." Sandora came together pitifully, and the billions of stars in her eyes could almost blind the dog's eyes, \ "Why eat first ..."

You dare to use the appetizing cakes in front of you, right?

\ "Siccaro is currently in Nancheng District. However, the other party stated that he was in an emergency and could not respond."

\ "Emergency?"

Pandora nodded: \ "He is being chased and killed by more than a hundred city administrators because he sells CDs in front of the city management compound."

The next day we heard the news that Nancheng District ’s urban management was in full swing, chasing arrogant pirates across the city, and eliminating more than 20 illegal street vendors along the way, of course.

I almost decided on the spot to detain the black super uncle to the end of the world.

\ "Let the little scorpion pass," I thought about it, but I still think that it was more reliable for me to look at it in the past. \ "The little bubble is not light and light, and she has to rush out the guards under her hand to greet them. We can face the harmonious society without face. "

Although I don't care much about whether the small bubble will be popular and destroy the city, but since I mentioned it, Pandora is of course unconditionally obedient. Anyway, the special war arm of Vega usually has no task to do, and the cool My sister does not have any personal hobbies other than collecting cold weapons.Either she waits for rust in her own storage room or abuses recruits on the training ground. Now it is really appropriate for her to be a bodyguard, and speaking of small The fast-response special operations, I really do not have a commander under my hand like the scorpion that runs at full power like a meat grinder.

At this time, in the oldest and most chaotic area of ​​K City, Nancheng District, Medusa was distraught in a messy alley.

Even how fast the process of urbanization. The rotten and chaotic zones like this will still exist. They are the corners forgotten by most people. They are called by the "high society" as decaying scars left in the process of urban growth. They are regarded as various sins and improprieties. The seedbed that breeds behavior is the paradise where the bottom people called the "marginal people" lived. This is an isolated island in a flashy world. Another kingdom is isolated by an invisible wall. Normal order and rules. In one block, it will suddenly fail, and then at the other end of the block, everyone will follow another more effective law: chaos, survival of the fittest [eternal life].

Such a place of course will not be seen by those real dark forces, but for those wanderers and chaotic gangs in the bottom gap, it is undoubtedly a paradise on earth.

There may be some newborn calves or ambitious people who want to change all this, and use their immature power to shake this seemingly chaotic but inextricably bound and scarred, but everything exists naturally. The reason for this is naturally the same in such a chaotic neighborhood, as if even a glorious cathedral would have a sewer, and even a magnificent city also needs such a corner to hide dirt, and if such a neighborhood disappears, then what is here The contained sludge will inevitably flow into the surrounding urban area.In this way, it is obviously worth the money.So, the convenience of Nancheng District naturally takes root in City K, and no matter how the outside world changes, it still stands still. Land occupies the corner of this small city. Although Nancheng District is less than one-fifth of the entire K city in terms of area, it has become a headache area for the best managers.

Zoe is also a place where even the most powerful urban management forces feel unable to escape. Therefore, a certain uncle Hei Chao can develop his pirated CD market here and almost unify the unlicensed hawker industry in Nancheng District, but the legend of Uncle Hei Chao in Nancheng District is destined to become history. The city management compound should not be regarded as a second-hand wholesale market, and as a result it has committed the outrage of the world's strongest land force ...

No matter what, if you want to say that it's the best place to hide a trail, it's still the most confusing area.

But for Medusa, it is really helpless to hide in such a "lower" area.

The "eyes" have been spied more and more frequently. The energy jammer developed by the organization to combat the psionicist can only play a limited role in front of the opponent, and it has suddenly appeared after several consecutive times. The loss caused by the attack of the psionicist, Medusa now has the opportunity to be sure that the dangerous enemies lurking in this city are not just \ "powers", another powerful force deeper than Olympus's hiding Maybe it's surfaced. If you still want to complete the task, the only option is to take advantage of the chaos in this block ...

Even if the \ "eye" has grasped his whereabouts, considering the situation in this chaotic zone, the power group or the mysterious organization must be a little bit cautious when acting, and then they will have enough time to move, which shows that The hypocritical aspect of those who claim to be righteous is indeed a good thing to use ...

A series of failures has made the upper levels of the organization quite disappointed in themselves, and the incident reported last time \ "Ghost Attack" has not received any response until now. If it has not been its own contribution and loyalty to the organization, Visible words. I'm afraid those adults even have to suspect that they are using this method to escape blame, but this is not the worst, the worst is that even if such a series of failures occur, they still cannot leave the mess, just Because there may be a lot of "treasures of God" below this city, she can't leave anyway until she finds the traces of the ancient ruins.

相对 In contrast, the recent actions on the organization side are a bit puzzling. Although they are still collecting information on "God's Treasures" in various places, they have suddenly interrupted transactions with several related groups. At the same time, the "hunting" of those small-scale power organizations has stopped, and the focus of the upper levels of the organization has obviously deflected ...

Yuntian knows what those adults think.

But for Medusa, what the top people in the organization are doing is not something she should pay attention to. She only needs to complete the task, complete the **** task of finding the ancient ruins in the city of K, and then leave this already dangerous. City: With successive failures, Medusa now has no sense of security.

Especially after I met that ghost last time—God knows how there can be such an unexplainable thing in this world, maybe it is a phenomenon caused by some mysterious power? Until now, Medusa still couldn't understand the thrilling encounter that night, because she didn't feel any energy fluctuation from the strange life body and the power, and what was the identity of the man who appeared later ? According to the information, there is no such person in the upper cadres of the power group, and most of the powerful powers in the world and their organizational information should also be under the control of Olympus. Just right ...

\ "Abominable ... Haven't you got rid of it ..."

In a rotten tailgate area that was abandoned for some reason, Medusa passed through a small debris passage, and then panted slightly by a wall occupied by various scratches and colorful oil paint. Although strengthened by genetic drugs developed by the organization, her physical strength is not too good compared to abilities.

About an hour ago, the mysterious pursuer appeared in his own perception, and one hour later, he fled all the way from the downtown area, but the pursuer still swayed in his perception not far away. He didn't hide his breath at all, it was a naked provocation.

Well, in fact, it was just the first independent guy who "acted" and forgot to turn on the energy jammer.

But now Medusa is not in the mood to be angry with the other's provocation, because she doesn't perceive that "eye" snooping.

After such a long period of infighting, although I have never met, Medusa is already familiar with the "eyes" snooping sense and can no longer be familiar with it. Since there is no such familiarity, it proves that The chaser is not a member of the power group, but I am afraid that is a member of that mysterious force.

For that mysterious force, Medusa has always had an inexplicable sense of fear. It seems that after the other party intervened, her actions have been in a state of being destroyed ...

Amedusa rested for a while, and the pursuer stopped as if at the beginning. Medusa could feel that the other party was within ten meters behind her, but when she turned back, there was still no one there.

\ "It will not be invisible ability." Medusa muttered, but she didn't really think so, because she didn't feel any energy fluctuations in the other person from the beginning ... This is really weird. .

He is as weird as that ghost.

Through the study of "Treasures of God", the members of Olympus understand the power far more than ordinary powers. Each of them has undergone special training and can even rely on pure intuition. To sense the mental power fluctuations caused by nearby powers, but Medusa is now completely unable to sense any mental power turbulence from the opponent, as if that iron is simply an iron block without mental power--too much Already.

\ "Come out, I know you're there."

In the end, Medusa still spoke.She didn't think that the other party chased herself for so long just because she had a hobby. Since the other party did not show up, she could only use this method to try to make the other party react. Even if it's just an action, to be honest, the strange situation has made Medusa feel a little nervous.

A powerful Olympus power is certainly not so fragile. The reason Medusa was upset by a stealthy follower was completely caused by the last attack by Anveena: tyrannical The undead almost tore up all her soul at the time, and was still destroying in her spiritual sea. Although the other party finally repaired those injuries, the psychological damage was not so easy to repair ...

Originally spoke only without hope, just to vent the depression in his heart, but what made Medusa unexpected was that the other party really responded.

Unexpected distortions occurred in the air in front of me, and unrecognizable strange energy gradually became turbulent, and then all gathered in the transparent ripples that appeared out of thin air.

No way? Is this coming out? What's the matter of running away and worrying for more than an hour? ?

At this moment, Medusa was almost crying.

Let's add a friend here: Little bubble really is a good obedient child.

And when that transparent ripple finally stabilized, and after a small figure came out of it, Medusa decided that she should really cry out ...

A little girl with a lollipop wearing a cute white princess dress that can only make Medusa more speechless at this time, judging by the immature face and the sad one-million-meter standard height, the other party The visual age is definitely not more than ten years old. After a long while, he is chasing himself like this hair girl! ?

Wait, right!

Rin Medusa immediately cut off her contempt mentality, Mao girl? The power of the ability cannot be judged by age. Let alone the rare "invisible" ability, the other party can chase after the high-speed moving self all the way, and dodge the frozen attack that he is bound to win many times in a row. Just by these two points, the \ "little girl" in front of it must not be underestimated ~ www.readwn.com ~ It seems that the mysterious organization is really not simple, even such a small child must be trained as a lethal killer ?

Even if the other party has a sweet smile, even if the other party still has a disgusting lollipop, even ...

Although I don't want to admit it, when I saw the shape of this little girl in front of me, I still couldn't mention a little energy! !!

\ "Chu acrac !!!"

While Medusa was in a tangled state for some subtle reasons, the little girl in front of her suddenly spoke. She carefully put the lollipop in her hand into a small box and put it close to her, then put a finger on it. He said the lovely and inexplicable words with the strict expression of righteousness.

\ "Chu acrac?" Medusa froze suddenly, then the corners of her mouth twitched, "What the **** ..." (!)

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