Xiling Empire

Chapter 320: Little Bubbles vs Medusa (Part 2)

\ "Guac acridine!"

The little girl carefully placed the precious lollipop. Then suddenly she pointed her fingers at the opposite young woman, with a look of righteousness and a righteous expression.

In front of her, the young woman with long hair had a look of surprise, and her eyes were astonished and embarrassed. It was clear that such confrontation was definitely something she had never encountered before.

From the perspective of the third party, such a scene is more funny than serious. The senior members of the two power organizations meet in a narrow way. In this high-end setting, a sudden insertion of a lollipop that is still licking a second before Little Loli always makes people feel unreal.

Immediately, Medusa had such confusion, and then she saw the little Lori, who had no sense of danger from the inside and out, suddenly rushed towards herself like a cannonball.

Although the little loli who opened her teeth in the air looked more cute than lethal, but when she heard the sound explosion that moment, Medusa judged that her muscles did not catch up to the main armor of the heavy tank. Open well.

A small bubble turned into a cannon on the ground flew over Medusa's shoulder, and then hit a colorful wall behind in a loud noise. The thrown to the abnormal cultural fair almost received a consolation prize. The postmodern art wall was slammed into the head by a fierce little one, and even the opportunity to protest did not turn into the overthrown Berlin wall in the dust of the sky, and the broken brick and cement scattered.

刚刚 After just avoiding the impact of the little girl, Medusa jumped forward a few meters with a thunderbolt. Then, by inertia, she ran a safety distance of more than ten meters. At this moment, when she heard the sound of a collapse behind her, she turned back cramped, watching the nearly half of the crashed, and she was sweating coldly.

Is this really a shell?

But the power is exaggerated, but this chaser is too stupid, right?

In addition, is this humble little girl turned out to be a dual power? Both stealth ability and reinforcement are combined. Once such a combination ability grows, it will definitely become a deadly threat.

Thinking of it here, there was a sudden murder in Medusa's mind. Such a threat must not be left behind.

Moreover, now that you have come to this chaotic and impossible area, there is no need to worry about it.

Rin Medusa had just made up her mind, but the little figure that appeared in the smoke and dust from the opposite side almost cried her.

The little girl who smashed a wall came out unharmed, and a light blue energy shield beside her did not even make her a trace of dust.

Three abilities ...

不是 Is this world crazy? !!

泡泡 The little bubble that failed the first attack flattened her mouth a little bit depressed, with a grievance on her face, then shook her slightly dizzy head, aimed at the target in front, and rushed forward again.

Although such an attack seems stupid, there is really no better way to fight for the spirit host, or, in addition to the powerful and psionic shields of the spirit apostle, a spirit host is the first The form of attack that time can think of, except for rampage like Little Bubble, there are not many clever methods-of course, a violent little house girl based on the special fighting skills of the host of the spirit master researched by King of Fighters Street Fighter Mortal Kombat is not our thinking. Within range.

Hmm, another. The above conclusion is limited to the fact that before Xiaobuo remembered his manufacturing ability, the lethality of a fully-running Schilling host could not be measured by common sense.

After confirming that the opponent has a strength far beyond its appearance, Medusa quickly took it seriously.Although it was still a frontal strike that was as technical and easy to avoid as last time, this cautious woman instantly came up with a difference The solution: a blue halo suddenly erupted around her, and the ground immediately under her feet immediately formed a thin layer of mirror-like ice. Medusa gave a slight foot on the ice. Smoothness, like a ghost, flashed the little girl's shell impact, and then suddenly pressed his right hand on the ground ice.

As if not taking into account the normal laws of physics, a large wall of ice suddenly rises on the ground ice, and it is not known where the water needed to condense these ice cubes comes from, these hard and transparent The barrier layer is stacked in front of the small bubbles, like a large piece of crystal clear, facing the sudden obstacle, the small bubbles just made a confused sound \ "咿呀?", They crashed and crashed The broken ice was buried, and Medusa knew that such an opportunity could not be missed. Almost immediately when the ice began to collapse, she pressed her hands to the ground and screamed: "" Frozen! "

The pour-down ice wall suddenly gave off a gorgeous blue halo, and then solidified into a huge iceberg within a second.

\ "Fortunately, it's just a small child." Medusa stood up with a grateful expression on her face. \ "Although her ability is strong, the combat experience and consciousness are too bad.

白色 The white mist slowly dissipated due to the rapid drop in temperature. Medusa saw the condition of the little girl frozen by herself, and couldn't help laughing.

It turned out to be that layer of energy shield-although Medusa didn't know what kind of power the energy shield had never seen before, it seemed that its strength was beyond doubt, even if it hit ten layers on the head The ice barrier, which is harder than steel, still surrounds the little girl intact. When \ "quick freezing" condenses the broken ice into an iceberg as a whole, a spherical cavity with a radius of about one meter is formed inside At this moment, the weird little girl was standing in that spherical space, with a puzzled expression on her face, and muttering and beating at the surrounding ice cubes.

I'm so ... so cute ...

Even Medusa couldn't help but sigh like this, and then felt a little regrettable, but unfortunately the enemy.

However, training such a small child as a weapon, and even letting her perform such a dangerous task, the evil of that organization can be imagined. Presumably, under that training, the child's worldview has long been distorted and collapsed. Right?

Sure enough, this dark world must be saved by the great idea of ​​Olympus, and before that, let me ...

Solved the battle easily, Medusa could not help but start to make up for it, then with an inexplicable smile. Toward the little girl in the ice.

You let me end your twisted life ...

泡泡 Small bubbles in the artificial iceberg saw the woman walking towards herself, stretched out her hands, and opened her mouth to say something, then began to pat on the ice wall around him.

Because of the ice block, Medusa certainly couldn't hear what the little girl inside said, and when the little girl began to slap that layer of ice barrier, she couldn't help talking to herself: \ "Useless The ice layer formed by rapid freezing is not the same as the ordinary ice layer, and its strength can even be comparable to that of X alloy ... what ?! "

In front of her, the few meters of ultra-high-intensity ice layer, in which the little girl seemed to slap without pain and itching, appeared a crack!

Her power is so great! ?

\ "Frozen!" Medusa gave a loud shout and pressed her hands simultaneously on the cracked ice wall. The blue light, which was more dazzling than the previous, swept through the scarred ice layer. The entire iceberg was immediately stronger than before. And crystal clear, but although once again strengthened the power of frozen, Medusa changed her mind at first: it seems that this little girl is more powerful than expected, so before her own person came over, She must not be allowed to escape from the ice.

Fortunately, here is a no-man's land, otherwise, I'm afraid it's really a bit troublesome.

Amedusa put one hand on the surface of the ice layer, constantly strengthened the strength of the iceberg with abilities, and began to contact her subordinates. If it is possible to catch such a powerful and young psionicist alive, it will definitely be a great achievement-but there is a bit of concern for her. I don't know how long the oxygen in that spherical space can support it. An iceberg opens an oxygen channel? There was a weird little loli like a small tank inside, which was really dangerous.

At this time, the little bubble that was trapped again was also a little dazed.Maybe I haven't figured out why the ice layer that just cracked around was restored to the original moment.The little girl froze, then lowered her head and began to put her two hands. Rub it around.

Seeing this scene naturally, Amedusa could not help but be a little curious: Is it just getting cold now?

Small bubble rubbed his hands together for a few seconds. Then \ "Ding", a silvery white cylindrical weird thing more than half a meter long suddenly appeared in her hand out of thin air, tried a little to try the weight of this thing, and Xiao Pao's face showed satisfaction. Smile, then rest the cylinder on your shoulder and aim at Medusa outside the ice wall.

For the latter, at this time, it was still in a state of downtime. Only the only pair of eyes that were still active or for a round, stopped on the bright white light **** that were constantly gathered on the cylinder ...

\ "Boom !!!"

The shocking explosion rang through several blocks. The old window frame that was in disrepair was rattling under the effect of shock waves.Although it was a long-abandoned rotten building, it was in such a dirty and contaminated building. There are still many homeless people gathered near this place. When the explosion sounded, they ran out of the dark shadows from the corners of the ruined walls, and the skin patients with pustules on their hands propped up the wall. The brick is a beautiful leg hurdle.At a glance, you know that you have not turned over the road fence before turning to the wandering career. The disabled people with yellow bandages are walking like a leap, and they are jumping between the waste steel bars. The eagle rises and falls, and there is an Olympic style between the running.Compared with Liu Xiang, it is a hurdle vest. The blind artist with blind eyes flashed at the moment. One hand raised a long stick like a wind martial arts. The knight walked through the labyrinth-like concrete prefabricated board. The walking room was broken with clothes and flying up to the wind. If Hong Qigong was reborn in the past, the most cola is two white-faced men in autumn clothes and trousers. thing Yes, it is in stark contrast to the "disabled people" around the group of devil dancing around, that is, to walk and talk about the idea breaking when they were the emperor of the jade-they were two fools for a long time, which is the only real thing left in this realm. Disabled people.

A large group of people from Wuwu fled from all corners of the Lanweilou District, looking far away like a beggar gang rally. It can be seen that a large part of the funds in the original filming of Tianlong Babu were actually thrown into the water.

\ "Second brother, do you say this is 咋?"

Wanderer A ran and ran off, regardless of the fake psoriasis on his body, and suddenly looked up to ask Wanderer B in front.

\ "Why do you ask me?" Wanderer B ran and drew a few bandage rags while he was running, \ "Fuck. He wasted tomato juice that Lao Tzu just got, neither Knowing which grandson went to the fast-breaking broken building to change things, it would be 80% of the brain ... "

At this time, there was a loud noise from the back again. This time the big guys heard it. It was not a sound of a building collapse at all, it was an explosion!

And listen to the sound, the explosion is still moving here!

\ "His mother's gang is fighting hard! Run away!"

I wondered who shouted, and then within ten seconds, the whole abandoned building was really quiet.

Amedusa feels that she is really the most unlucky person in the world now.

Originally, the emperor in K City had nothing to do in front of him, but I don't know why it has been so uncomfortable recently, especially this time, even the robot cat Ding Dong came out ...

Oh, it's not a robot cat, it should be a little loli who can change all kinds of messes at any time ...

\ "Frost shock!"

Medusa yelled, and then the ice-blue light flashed under her feet, and the thin layer of ice on the ground immediately pierced a series of sharp ice guns, struggling to hold a cannon barrel towards not far. The little bite who fired ... hehe, the little girl burst out. After the continuous burst of air, Medusa did not stop, but instead stomped heavily.The mirror-like ice layer suddenly floated like water ripples. .

\ "Quick freeze!"

It is certainly a brain-broken thing to shout out your moves aloud during a battle. As a senior member of Olympus, Medusa is definitely not a brain-broken one. The most sinister part of this woman is that every time she shouts The names of the moves are random, and the moves she really uses are also random ...

The two random numbers match freely, but the small bubble still takes it seriously every time. This innocent little girl really loses a lot ...

The double frozen attack hit the target again successfully, Medusa secretly rejoices: Fortunately, the kid is so deceptive, otherwise it will be really troublesome ...

However, the effect of such an attack made Medusa want to cry without tears. The little girl in front of her had disappeared and replaced with a ruthless riot shield that looked solid despite being twisted and twisted. A crayon Shin-chan on the front of the shield vividly expresses the naked contempt of its humanoid ice machine by its maker.

\ "唰", the bad shape but the amazing weight of the riot shield was thrown over by the strange force Loli, Medusa just flashed dangerously, and saw the little **** the opposite side appeared like a rocket engine Thing, and the latter placed the weird \ "rocket engine \" on the ground, and then stood carefully on it, with the last finger forward, and cheerfully made \ "charge" gesture.

\ "No ..." Medusa sighed, and then saw the tail of the rocket engine emitting a fierce white flame, rushing out sideways.

As for the little bubbles standing on top of it-everyone should know the principle of inertia? There is an experiment in which you take a tablecloth on top of the table, and then put a few beer bottles on it, and if the tablecloth is quickly removed, the bottle will not move.

Hey, speaking of the bottle, I remember that my sister had a bottle of perfume that made me so scrapped, cough, in short, everyone should think about what the little bubble looks like now?

The stomping engine suddenly rushed out of Jiuxiaoyun, and Xiao Pao also fell into a buttock, and was frozen by Medusa again into a big ice moraine.

However, although the attack succeeded due to the opponent's offline, Medusa did not have a bit of joy, because in the moraine, that powerful and weird little loli was unhurriedly assembling a single rocket launcher ...

If you can, Medusa really doesn't want to fight any more, and she thinks she must be tossed by such a weird scene!

究竟 What kind of creature is this little girl who can't fight, freeze or hurt, and is like a robot cat! ? Whoever I provoke messed up with me! !! How come all this abnormal things in the world have caused me! !!

Medusa sighed loudly, but she could only choose to avoid it temporarily. This was the only thing she felt comforted at the moment: Although her opponent was strong and various messy attack methods emerged endlessly, it was obvious that the little girl was not very good. Clever, her turnover rate is even more than one percentage point higher than the success rate in the battle.

If it wasn't for Medusa's freezing power that didn't have much effect on inorganic living things like Little Bubbles, I'm afraid the battle wouldn't stand still for so long ~ www.readwn.com ~ But at this moment, from a distance from near The sound of the locomotive let the Medusa spirit startled.

Here comes the reinforcements!

Sure enough, more than ten small locomotives with strange shapes and amazing speeds turned out from behind the building in all directions in ten seconds, and then gathered quickly towards this side.

A reinforced psionicist jumped in the air first, jumped directly from the locomotive, and fell to Medusa one step ahead of everyone.

\ "Master Medusa, is this your enemy?"

Spider-Man-oh, it is an enhanced ability who comes to his boss, and then looks at it in amazement not far from being frozen in a moraine, and installs various strange and weird things on the bazooka The expression on the face of the little girl of the part shows that the big man who looks like Tarzan is unable to understand what kind of battle is needed to form such a weird scene.

\ "If the bazooka is used, it should not break the ice of Lord Medusa, she will blow herself to death."

\ "I thought so at first ..." Medusa smiled bitterly, and then suddenly pushed the subordinates next to her, \ "Get down!"

\ "Boom!"

泡泡 The little bubble's attack will undoubtedly go wrong again, and then the battle or farce will continue ... (!)

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