Xiling Empire

Chapter 393: Accidents

There has been no breakthrough in the research on the debris of this universe. There are two points that can be determined at present. The first is that it comes from another universe. This is undoubted. The entire asteroid belt is driven by the ring debris. The next leap into this space is that the smuggled goods entrained in it cannot naturally be the product of the universe. Second, the maker of this thing is a civilization very similar to the earth-of course the former is countless times more advanced than the latter.

It is designed to be suitable for humans to ride and control. It has a back seat and a visual display terminal that conforms to the habits of upright vertebrates. Its cockpit sealing makes us have reason to believe that its former owner must need to breathe. ... Ahem, dedicated scientists have even inferred that the user of the plane also has ten fingers by analyzing the distribution of keys on the control panel of the plane-I don't know how they came to this conclusion.

Apart from not knowing whether the other person's face is different from the Earth people, the races that created this aircraft have the same physical structure as the Earth people.

But that's the end of what we can analyze. The information left by this broken machine is too little, and the only few places where the words and symbols are written have been smashed into holes or weathered. Obviously, it is very disturbing to our speculation, because I have every reason to believe that in the hands of a lazy author, even if the text is still stored on it, it must be a simplified Chinese character. -He is too lazy to write even traditional Chinese characters.

Maybe if I have time, I will be interested in going through the universe to see what this civilization looks like-a civilization form so close to the human civilization on earth, but far more developed than the latter, maybe they can think of human beings by looking at them. What does the future look like? After all, using the Spirit's society as the goal ... that hurts self-esteem ...

Two super curious guys, Qianchan and Lin Xue, coerced to stay in the scientific research center. Although they certainly did not play a role in the research work, they can look at the scientific research workers' research on the relics of other civilizations. It's also very happy for them, especially the latter, that girl hasn't demolished my spaceship for a long time, and now this kind of bad interest seems to be showing signs of resurgence ...

As I walked and talked, I returned to the bridge with Sandora. Today is the third day of the asteroid collision, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, despite the magnificent scene outside, and the huge joint fleet meets the asteroid group. The scene of even caused a state of national excitement in many countries on the ground, but as owners of this fleet, Sandora and I are very aware that the current situation is not as dangerous as it seems.

After experiencing the highest peak of the asteroid belt collision, the bombardment from outer space has gradually eased, and the planetary defensive barrier formed by the fleet has finally reversed from the state of continuous strength decline, and began to slowly recharge. The psionic reactor does not have to worry about the lack of energy at all, and the intercepting fleet can even take a rest now and take a good look at the fireworks. Compared to those super-civilized artillery, these rely solely on kinetic energy and a little abyss energy to strike Celestial bodies are not a threat to the entire Empire fleet at all.

According to the calculations of the host Schilling, such collisions will last at most until the afternoon of the fourth day, and the ring debris will almost appear at that time, and now the asteroid bombings have shown signs of weakening. It can be said that this most The troublesome round of attacks was almost resolved.

The original out-of-control star that threatened the most was that Ding Dong's cheating skills didn't even have time to hit the soy sauce and get a bento, which was even more embarrassing than the killing of Kil'jaeden toilet that year, which made us very relieved.

What remains is an unlicensed heavy metal planet that has not yet appeared. That thing sounds terrible, but in fact the threat is not even as good as this group of asteroids. The engineering team that Tavel sent to assemble the satellite guns has already The news that it was ready was returned. Now a Schilling host is responsible for the thinking core of the Star Sniper. That is to say, it does n’t even require us to take the horse. As soon as that planet appears, the super-strong laser from another space will There is no residue left after evaporating it, and those who have been sentenced to death before birth do not need to care.

So far, the earth has not been damaged in the slightest. Although the tense atmosphere is still engulfing the earth under the orange-red sky, but no earth person has been hit by a meteor yet-to say this time Will the only Earth person hit by a meteor in the event be me?

Lin Xue's prediction that the three asteroids that will fall to the ground seems to have no chance to play—unless we leave the protective cover open at this time.

But no one expected that accidents would really happen.

Lin Xue's prediction came true.

After just going back to take a nap, I was awakened from my bed by a sudden emergency call. On the way to the central command room, I accidentally connected the public information link, but I got the message that three meteorites have broken through. The blockade of the Imperial Fleet, two of which have fallen to the ocean, while the meteorite above Antarctica was successfully turned into rocky steam by the interceptor at the close.

But our shields are still intact.

"What's going on? How can a meteorite break through the shield?"

When I arrived on the bridge, I saw that they were already waiting here, and the huge holographic projection showed the current damage on the ground in several parts.

"It didn't break the shield," Sandora heard, turning her head, her expression gloomy. "These three meteorite appeared directly inside the shield, and even hit the earth without slowing down the atmosphere. The interceptor almost did not respond. "

"Appears directly inside the shield? What about our gravity interrupter?"

I was shocked to ask that, because this asteroid swarm attack was originally completed through a space-time teleport, we had long considered the situation in which these space bombs jumped directly to our shield using random jumps, for which we were in the atmosphere A large number of gravitational interrupters have been arranged to interfere with various overtime transmissions, but there are still missing fish?

Or is there a mistake in the calculation of the bubble, and there are spatial loopholes in the atmosphere?

Sandora shook her head, her face was very bad: "Gravity Interceptors 87 to 92, 135 Interceptors, and the Mothership 3 of Gravity Trap lost contact with the command center 30 minutes ago. The interference field there is now blank. I have sent a reconnaissance plane over, but no news has been returned yet. The three meteorites came in from the leak in the space ... and what's worse, we have no extras. If the ship is interrupted, the special warship will not have much reserves, and it will need to add such a high energy-consuming thing as a gravitational trap generator ... "

I frowned: "That is to say, there are loopholes in the atmosphere ...

This is ... what a bad situation, if this time it was not three meteorites, but three little star-shaped big guys that came in this time-we could only write memoirs of human civilization in outer space.

"Girl, have you seen nothing?"

I noticed that Lin Xue was also standing beside her, and her face was also very depressed, so she asked curiously.

"I said I saw the arrival of the three meteorite, but I didn't see the process," Lin Xue said, rubbing her forehead, and spying on the future many times in the past few days made her quite tired. Prophecy is not almighty, otherwise I would have become a **** ... Damn, why are there so many blank spots ... "

Not only was her tone exhausted, but there was also a touch of self-blame. Although she always seemed to be indifferent to everything, Lin Xue was quite concerned about the fact that she couldn't help. This may be because she was different. Be able to develop the character of the group for many years.

"At least you didn't see more things falling to the ground in your prediction," I hesitated, and patted Lin Xue's shoulders comfortably. "Go back and rest. If you use more plug-ins, you will be named by GM. "

As soon as Lin Xue's face showed a touch of touch and a touch of redness, I was almost sprayed out by the second sentence, then tilted my eyes and turned away angrily.

Sandora skimmed her lips and said, "I have urgently installed gravitational trap generators near the dead ends of those force fields, but to be honest, those small equipment that can only be applied to local battlefields are almost as dedicated as special interceptors. It ’s like furnishing. At this time, I can only hope that Lin Xue ’s prediction is correct ... ”

"I can stop them"

Before Sandora had finished speaking, a childish and somewhat mechanical voice sounded behind us. As soon as I turned my head, nobody was there.

Then I bowed my head, eh, this time I saw someone wearing a silver-white tights, trying to raise a small face to make a serious black-haired little loli.

Pandora ... hasn't the nitroglycerin in your head cooled down yet?

Pandora was stabbed for various itchy “mistakes” (including, of course, her bombing of the last “space amber” sample) caused by her overheated brains during her personal interception of the asteroid. Sandorah ordered a foot ban, forbidden to rush out to fight with the asteroid, it is clear that the little guy has now finally found the opportunity to restore freedom: when it comes to rapid reaction capabilities, no army can be compared to the Pandora Guards. Group size lunatics.

But I've always been curious, how exactly did Pandora, a little lunatic, be promoted to the position of general, just because of his unparalleled personal combat power? Still, without my cautious and competent lieutenant, my baby sister left my brain full of violent bacteria ...

Originally, the ban on Pandora was only a temporary thought. Now that the latter has written his grievances on his face, Sandora and I look at each other and nodded at the same time.

Laughed-Little Loli from the 10,000-year-old iceberg even laughed out how big a place the war occupies in your mind.

I cried with a smile on Pandora's soft face, and in the troubled eyes of the latter, I shouted: "But in the atmosphere, be careful not to blow the earth ..."

After praying for the troubled Earth King, I refocused my attention on the energy barrier of the defensive circle. Before the cause of the loss of contact of the destroyer is unclear, I am really worried about the next problematic meeting. It will not be our shield ...

But a few hours later, another bad news made me have no time to worry about the shield: the spiritual connection suddenly sounded in my mind-from the ground, my sister's voice.

Sister "Ajun" sounded very anxious. "Sylvia's situation doesn't look normal. Come down and see."

What happened to Sylvia?

Seeing my face change lightly, she immediately asked with concern: "Ajun? What's wrong?"

"Sylvia has an accident, and my sister asked me to pass right away."

"I'll go with you," she said without hesitation. She grew up and liked to follow me no matter what she did. Now this sentence is almost cost-effective.

Considering that shallow ability is not very effective for the current interception war in space, and her commanding ability (does it?) And driving skills (ibid.) Are even more uncomfortable, I nodded in agreement.

Utilizing the transmission device in the mother ship directly connected to the underground facilities of the institute, I came to my sister after a brief moment.

"How is Sylvia? My sister?"

Noting the busy scene below the institute, I quickly seized the opportunity to catch a researcher and asked.

"Her Majesty, Sylvia is still in a coma, and she is in a very ... unexpected state, Lord Mother is in the third laboratory, and Sylvia has been transferred."

Third laboratory? It's not a place to be a treatment place--it's for the study of space barrier generators

After leading to the third research room in a hurry, we saw Sylvia placed in the middle of the room. She had lost her consciousness and lay quietly on the medical platform temporarily placed in the room. Several people The spirit technician in a researcher's white robe was busy around, operating a variety of instruments and equipment that I could not understand, while the older sister was watching with anxiety.

Hearing the soft opening of the automatic door, my sister immediately turned her head and walked quickly to me.

"What's going on?" I still feel confused until now. No one can explain the situation of Sylvia. Even the elder sister's spiritual connection is unknown, which makes me quite annoyed.

"We couldn't find the reason," the sister led us towards Sylvia. "At noon today, she suddenly fainted in the open space in front of the institute, and this has always been the case. Researchers have discovered her energy. The materialized body structure has undergone a rather weird change, and is tending to an unstable release state, just like a battery that is constantly leaking electricity, but we do not know the cause of this phenomenon, she is still in Constantly released. "

"That's why she was put in the third laboratory."

I frowned, and found that the various barrier generators around were running at full power.

"It can only be expedient," the older sister nodded. "In this way, Sylvia dissipates as slowly as possible."

On the medical platform, the quietly supine girl was as calm as a deep sleep, with no painful expression on her face.

But if I look closely, I find that her left hand has shown instability: it is like a disturbed TV signal, twisted from time to time, constantly trembling to switch between reality and reality, and sometimes it even looks like an upcoming The disappearing image presents a vague two-dimensional state, which shows that her body is not only switching uncontrollably between energy and matter, but also gradually becoming second-order ... Is there something strange just now? Mixed in?

"Araiye, do you know this?"

I asked the angelic sister who was curious about all of this in the spiritual sea, because the latter has settled in my spiritual sea, and now almost has become my soul-binding equipment. From the perspective of mystic knowledge, she is better than Yin Tiksi's thirteen-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousandth-century-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-three-thous number of thirteen thousand in Dicks's mind, as well as living in the mind of the “host”, please call me: Wanfa Directory.

Allay emerged from the air, and then turned into a stream of light, slowly covering Shylvia.

As an energy creature, Araye should be able to see what happened to the other person. Sure enough, just after a while of observation, the angel sister uttered her conjecture:

"Maybe you forgot yourself."

"Forgotten ... yourself?"

Faced with the confused expression that we all unanimously revealed, Alye organized a language and explained it in as simple a way as possible: "This is a unique disease of our energy creatures. Because of the life form, the energy creatures have not The clear distinction between the spirit, our soul, body, memory, and emotion all show a state of chaos, even a concept. Our soul determines our form, which is commonly referred to as' I think So I'm in. "

"Self-knowledge determines self-existence ~ www.readwn.com ~ Sister Master is really the first one to understand." Your clear cognition of yourself determines your own stability. "

Alaya nodded: "That's it. For us, it is our own thoughts that lead to us", which is exactly the opposite of material life, and the current situation of Sylvia seems to be It's the body that dissipates after losing self-awareness. "

Just as after the loss of human beings, does the soul begin to dissipate?

Damn, how could this happen?

"Araiye, is it because of Sylvia's amnesia?" I suddenly thought of a possibility, but then shook my head. "This shouldn't be, she has had amnesia for several months. Why? Did it start to dissipate until now? "

Allay explained: "The 'self-awareness' of energy creatures is not just our superficial memories, it's more about our subconscious. As long as we can recognize the existence of the self in the subconscious, we will not dissipate ... ... Well, it's the same as the vegetative nerve of human beings, so even if Sylvia loses her memory, she won't be what she is now ... unless ... something lurks deep inside her and makes her right Negation exists in his own existence. "() V

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