Xiling Empire

Chapter 394: Sudden crisis

Until the evening of the day, we still had no choice what to do with Sylvia.

Until she knows the root cause of her denial, even the occult master Araiye can only let her body slow down temporarily. The root cause is in Sylvia, but the latter is now showing no signs of waking. .

\ "Ajun ... Did she just watch her disappear little by little?"

The older sister has a sad expression on her face. Through the transparent observation corridor outside the research room, she looks at the opposite light and shadow. Alaya transforms herself into an energy form and overlaps with Sylvia, in this way to delay With the latter's death, through the instrument's records, the energy of Sylvia was still being released.

And beside Sylvia, a petite girl was sitting there motionlessly, as if a sculpture watching her, it was Vizca, even if she knew that it was not her own before. "" Bella Villa "Sister", the little girl devoted a lot of her feelings to each other.

\ "I don't like to think about things in a pessimistic direction," I shook my head, "" But the situation is really not optimistic ... "

\ "If at the last minute, I would take time to stand still for her," she said hesitantly, "" At least I can get some time. "

\ "But the energy vacuum that she bursts from time to time is likely to make you suffer from backfire." I shook my head categorically and rejected the shallow adventure, although it is unclear whether Sylvia's ability to stand still will produce power Explosive, but I dare not let shallow to take the risk.

But looking at Sylvia, which gradually turned into scattered light spots in the air, the expression on my face was still more gloomy.

Although I haven't known each other for a long time, even though Bellavira was our enemy, but now Sylvia has been regarded as a friend by all of us. This simple, silly girl even won the favor of Pandora, So watching her step by step into death makes us extremely depressed.

What the **** is going on? Can't there be a bit more clear clues?

When I was upset in my heart, I slammed my fist on the window sill of the observation corridor and stirred up ripples on the protective barrier.

在 At this moment, Pandora's spiritual connection came suddenly.

\ "Brother, I found those missing interceptors"

Pandora's voice reminded me of my thoughts, and then I remembered another bad thing: We still have several gravitational siege ships lost in the atmosphere.

It seems that Pandora not only intercepts meteorites that may break into the atmosphere, but also searches for missing warships by the way?

\ "How are those ships?"

\ "They all sank in the adjacent waters, but the warship itself was intact, and the officers and men inside the ship resumed contact with us. Some soldiers reported that the warship fell because of sudden loss of energy."

\ "Suddenly lost energy?"

某 Something flashed in my mind and asked immediately.

Pandora shared a report with me: \ "This is the record at the time, the main energy in the warship suddenly disappeared for some reason, even the phantom energy is no exception, after using the last backup energy in the engine to land safely on the sea All the warships, including that mothership, sank to the bottom of the sea ... brother? "

\ "Uh, it's okay, since those warships have not been damaged, let them return to their original cruising position as soon as possible. You should also be careful, and report any accidents as soon as possible."

I hung up the connection and the expression on my face was cloudy.

Energy suddenly disappeared-this is not the first time.

I take the information from Pandora seriously ... well, I just carefully looked at the beginning, as for why I did not read the descriptive content ... you know, I do not explain.

The time when the energy vacuum was born was exactly when Silvia was in a coma, and the time for communication recovery in the wrecked ship was exactly the same as the time when Alaya used his energy to suppress Silvia.I don't think these are all Coincidentally.

I told my elder sister about the information I got. Compared with us, she is much more cautious and analytical.

\ "Sylvia's coma caused a violent run of her abilities, or is it because of her violent run that caused the current coma?"

After listening to the situation I told, my sister's face was also dignified.

\ "Or worse: Sylvia is about to degenerate into an abyss, does Alaya have such a conjecture? If Sylvia's psychic and spiritual energy representing the Apostles of the Spirit are all dissipated, she will be abyss in her body The part of the transformation will suddenly burst out, and she may even become an abyss channel at that time. "

\ "No wonder all this has been outside of Lin Xue's prediction." I said, remembering the scene where Lin Xue complained about the future filled with many blank fragments.

Qian Qian was watching quietly from beginning to end, and suddenly broke the silence at this moment: \ "Even so, I don't believe this is the wish of Sylvia."

\ "Of course," I stroked my head lightly, \ "Bella Villa was dead, and Sylvia was our friend, not to mention--even the fallen apostles, in order to destroy our several ships It is necessary to take the risk of completely dissipating it. This behavior is too mentally crippled. I now suspect that it is all a conspiracy. "

\ "Conspiracy, yes, it is conspiracy," my sister knocked on the window sill, her mouth slightly tilted up, "" Ajun, the bubblers have some very interesting things in the ‘book library network in Xueyuan City ...’

Aresta? That old fox is making a ghost?

I don't seem to be completely unimaginable, but I still feel quite at odds.

Regardless of how he moved his hands and feet on a Spirit apostle, after all, except for the special structure of the current Sylvia, there is basically no self-protection ability. I am curious that the old fox really thought that by virtue of this Can small means pose a threat to the entire huge space fleet?

And one thing is even more confusing.Our arrival is absolutely sudden.Aresta cannot be as predictive as Lin Xue.Even if Chu Xuan crosses it ten or eight times, he can make it in such a short time. Conspiracy against us? He simply couldn't understand the existence form of the "Apostles of the Spirit", not to mention he had wanted to return Sylvia many times before. If the latter was really a weapon designed by the old fox to fight us, he We should have wished we had left Sylvia.

And using a "disabled apostle" to create special weapons that can fight the Empire fleet, I don't think Earth people can do this.

尽管 But despite all these doubts, all the arrows point to one point: the coma between Aresta and Sylvia, and the fall of our warship have inextricable links.

\ "Call me Aresta."

I took a deep breath and instructed Wei Jia, who was not far away.

\ "In addition, the Pat squadron fire controlled the high-level forces of the Academy City, let the space warships over Tokyo fall into the attack range, and began to try to invade the control of the Academy City's library, but all this must be done in a hidden state, Understand?"

Wu Weijia immediately returned with a standard military salute: \ "Long live the great empire"

I was still the image of the inverted pipe man, and Yresta appeared on the holographic projection without any new ideas. This time, I was too lazy to turn the image over again.

\ "I wonder what else do you command? Ss?"

Aresta is still the weird voice of neither male nor female, and listens to the tone ... It seems that there is no guilty conscience.

\ "You really don't know why I'm looking for you?"

Although my heart was strange, I faced up and asked dullly.

Aresta's voice still sounded unhurried: \ "Your mood doesn't seem to be very good, is it something you are dissatisfied with my work?"

Hey this guy, pretend to be stupid? Still really unaware?

At this time I seem to understand the benefits of facial paralysis. Just like chatting on qq, the other party can never see any clues about lies in your expression.

\ "Your job is done well, the situation along the coast of Japan is quite stable, and the cities that were destroyed by the tsunami have indeed completed the evacuation of the people ... but you know what I am saying."

Face to my hint once again, Yresta still expressed a doubt: \ "I don't know if it is a cultural difference, I can't seem to understand what you mean."

I'm confused. Does this guy in front of him really know nothing? Still stuffed with garlic? If it were the latter, it wouldn't look too much.

"About Sylvia-" I paused and tapped my finger on the table, "" I wonder how many secrets you have concealed--don't fool me with your orphan doctrine. "

This time Yaresta was silent, and she spoke slowly after almost ten seconds: \ "I thought the power of the foreigners was enough to see everything. Didn't expect that there will still be things that can't be achieved after the technology exhibition reaches the extreme ... Wrong, Sylvia is really not an orphan adopted in a school city.In fact, she appears in this city as abruptly as you. Even I can't find the slightest clue of her before. Then, is she separated from you? Fellow? "

\ "You can say so-don't diverge from the topic and continue."

\ "Well, as you wish-the arrival of that girl caused my curiosity, so I did some research on her-rest assured that she was not harmed in the process because her presence was too It's special ... I have to admit that the girl used to be a very important part of one of my plans. Her special ability and the amazing energy contained in her body are all very valuable things to me, and it's why I have always wanted to get her back from you, but other than that, I can swear that my plan has not started at all. "

My face is gloomy, and I stare motionlessly at the opponent's eyes, trying to find signs of his lying, but unfortunately, this facially paralyzed guy is always calm.

And what he told sounded quite frank-in fact, I still don't think that an earth person can conspire after facing the overwhelming space fleet, even if that person is an old fox like Yresta.

Seeing the cloudy expression on my face, Aresta finally asked curiously: "What on earth has made powerful foreigners so irritable?"

I lowered my eyes, glanced at the image in front of me with the upper part of the light, and did not answer, but cut off the connection directly.

\ "Wei Jia, what are you doing now?"

I asked with spiritual connection.

\ "No abnormal data has been reported by the Chief Executive Yresta and his affiliate information channels, and he has no unnecessary actions."

\ "Let the hosts continue to monitor, maybe he is just inactive for a while ..."

还 Before I finished, another spiritual connection suddenly came in. It was a shallow voice: \ "Ajun Ajun Silvia started to get out of control"

Rushing into the third laboratory, what I saw was a huge white light cluster that filled nearly one-third of the volume of the entire laboratory. Alaya's breath was mixed in it, but it was gradually being rejected. After coming out, the various barrier systems that were originally used to prevent Sylvia ’s energy dissipation frantically issued alarm sounds, indicating that the entire energy suppression force field was approaching its limit.

\ "What's going on? Why is it suddenly out of control?"

Grasp my hand anxiously and said quickly: \ "Everything was okay, but suddenly a strange electromagnetic wave invaded here from the outside, and the research laboratory did not set up filtering for such low-level energy as electromagnetic waves. Unexpectedly, Sylvia even followed her and lost control, and now her whole body energy is collapsing, and she can't even maintain her own shape. "

\ "Can Allayer hear you? How are you now?"

I felt the turbulent energy in the huge light group and the faint breath of Alaya, and I was worried about the situation of the angel sister.

\ "Brother Monarch ... I'm okay ..." As it turned into pure energy, Alaya's voice sounded with an inorganic tremor, \ "But I was about to suppress Sylvia Now, I just made some terrible hints in the depths of her subconscious. If she completely loses her sanity ... the consequences will be very serious. "

\ "Hint?" I called out in surprise, \ "What hint?"

\ "It's an attack on us-once the brother Monarch, Sylvia has completely dissipated, all the Schilling battleships over the entire earth will be instantly enveloped by a vacuum of energy, and the protective shields outside the atmosphere will all disappear."

This sentence was sent out through the public channel, so not only did I take a sip of air conditioning, but even Qian Qian and her sister could not help but exclaim.

\ "Let all the Spirit Battleships in the entire Earth-Moon system fall?" Said Shallowly, "Is this possible? Such a powerful attack?"

\ "Of course it is possible, sir" Vega didn't know when he came in, \ "According to our analysis of Sylvia ’s energy samples, she used to be at least a general level, and may even be an emperor-level spirit. Apostle, and the transformation of the abyss energy makes her stronger.Although she has lost the ability to control this power, Sylvia still retains this energy in her body.If it is released at the cost of burning life, an emperor level The self-detonation of the fallen apostle is absolutely capable of covering the entire planet and even a wider area, and her ability is still so special ... "

注意到 I noticed that Weijia had switched to a combat posture, and a plasma appeared under the sturdy carcass of the lower body—armored electricity storage, which was a sign of entering a state of high alert.

\ "Vega, what's going on? Isn't it for you to meet Aresta?"

Scorpion Sister will give a military salute: \ "Reporting the situation of the Chief is very suspicious. Yalista is obviously not the manipulator of all things. Time is not enough. We will slowly investigate. In order to avoid unnecessary losses, the subordinates hope that several chiefs will immediately Withdrawing from this planet, the Armored Scorpion Squad will be responsible for staying here, and continue the investigation after the energy vacuum has ceased ... "

\ "Investigate a fart" I can't help but knock on the brain of this deadly steel scorpion--well, I can't reach it, \ "By the time Sylvia was dead, all humans were dead. your sister"

\ "Sorry, sir, but this is the best choice"

Sylvia said in no way to Dion.

I know that the scorpion in front of us is really for our sake. Sylvia ’s self-detonation is already inevitable. In addition to the special Spirit unit, 99% of the Empire ’s battleships will disappear due to phantom energy. And the fall, not to mention the subsequent bombardment of asteroids swarmed by the disappearance of the shield, those huge spacecraft are enough to smash the earth's crust into space dust.

The Empire Fleet will suffer heavy losses, and humanity will be destroyed instantly.This includes so many friends who have made me love, tears, beautiful piano, and even the rarely-talked Steele and Divinity ... even if I can Save them all, how will they feel after their home is destroyed because of my incompetence?

\ "Can't retreat" I watched Wei Jia sternly, \ "The empire has never retreated"

This sentence was said by Pandora in my arms when he told me the "One Thousand and One Battles" ~ www.readwn.com ~ But it is obvious that this sentence that was quite silly to me at first made Scorpion Much moved, she saluted a military salute, and said aloud: "Observe your orders, long live the empire, long live the great empire."

After letting the blood sent from Vega to the top half a mile, I almost got excited, but finally turned my head calmly and said to Araiye: \ "Araiye, how long can I persist? And Is there any feasible way? "

The sound of Sister Angel's voice sounded exhausted, but it was quite spirited: \ "Brother Monarch, I can suppress it for about thirty minutes if there is no accident. As for the method ... although I have one, it is very dangerous to implement."

\ "What method?" I was glad, as long as the current crisis can be resolved, a little danger is not a big deal.

\ "Awakening Sylvia" Araya said firmly, \ "Reactivating her soul and rebuilding her self-awareness may interrupt her collapse process."

\ "So, what's the danger?" Of course, as a magic layman, I don't have any more thoughts about Araiye's method. The only thing I care about is what Araiye said is "very dangerous".

\ "It may be more than just Silvia awakening ..." Araiye hesitated, but still spoke out, "" Bella Villa's soul fragment has not disappeared ... "


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