Xiling Empire

Chapter 413: Wonderful effect

Chapter 403 Marvelous Effect

\ "Who are these Ravens now leading?"

I looked back and forth in front of the 100 slow half-shots, but none of them appeared like a commander. They are like clones with uniform equipment, and even the windbreaker on their body is a style, and it is not obvious at all. Identity tag.

\ "They ... Sylvia is in control."

He hesitated a moment before Tavel came up with an answer that surprised me.

\ "That slow half-beat?" Because of surprise, I even accidentally exposed a more rude title, "I mean, Sylvia's guy controls a hundred raven? Isn't she now? Bella Vera, she often forgets to put jelly buns even if she cooks instant noodles. "

Hey, did I mix something very messy just now?

But anyway, it's really news that Sylvia is the commander of these Ravens. The dull natural stay knows nothing about us at all, and I guess it is to let her look at the Empire with her own eyes. The fleet vacated in front of itself and the other side could magically ignore the past. If she was the commander of the Raven unit now ... your sister, at least at this time, give me news that is not so strange.

Tavel looked at the change of expression on my face [the change of bead]. Needless to say, you can know what the emperor is thinking, and we are personally aware of the slowness of a silver half-beat. His expression is also very tangled: "" The fact is that, the specific principle is not clear to us, but it should be related to soul science, because the current Raven is a mass-produced model that uses Sylvia's soul to copy. There is an extremely strong spiritual connection between them, and this connection seems to make use of the encryption algorithm in the former Guards of Emperor Bellavira, we can not crack it at all, so the actions of these recruits are still nominally by Sylvia in the soul Deep in control, but it is strange that Sylvia himself knows nothing about it.It is a subconscious activity carried out in the deep plane of the soul.It is also because of these subconscious activities, these mass-produced raven talents. Have the ability to act-theoretically. "

As soon as I heard the last sentence "in theory," I knew that the bombing of Tavel's noun was finally over.

Sandora's brow frowned as Tarver described: \ "Can these raven fight? Under Silvia's control, these soldiers will obey orders from others?"

Tavel nodded: \ "Of course, we were also worried at the beginning of this problem, but things went quite smoothly: the depth of Sylvia's soul played a decisive role in the trust of Her Majesty Chen Jun, leading to the Raven troops in her name. All orders that are beneficial to His Majesty Chen Jun can be executed without any obstacles. As long as we issue orders under His Majesty Chen Jun, these raven will be executed unconditionally. "

Feed you a guy with zero EQ. Do n’t say this in front of Sandorah and Shallow. Feed Sandorah, do n’t bite, do n’t bite. This is a misunderstanding.

I was attacked tragically because of Tawil's ambiguous [very pure and ambiguous] description. I finally completed a review of these recruits with a tooth mark ...

As Tavel said, these recruits showed great trust and loyalty to me because they shared the deep soul of Sylvia, and at the same time, they obeyed Sandora and shallow orders well.I Originally thought that such soldiers did not have their own thinking ability, but after saying such rude words, a raven immediately told me with aggrieved face that he had a brain and euphemistically said that he had more brains than their mother. It took me a long while ...

In other words, with the perfect individual will, is it under the absolute control of another high soul? The spirit apostles are indeed incomprehensible creatures.

\ "Are there fewer of these ravens?"

偏 I tilted my head and asked Tavel, a hundred experimental soldiers. This may already be the maximum number that Shadow City can prepare without a corresponding production line, but we have a billion bugs on our heads.

Tavel also looked up at the gloomy sky surrounded by overwhelming swarms of worms. The continuous flashes of light above it showed that the battle in outer space was still fierce. It took a long time for her to nod: \ "Indeed, this amount is too exaggerated That ’s it ... The non-transition crows are all warriors who are extremely good at mass killing, and are inherently intermediate-level apostles of the armored scorpion level. They can carry out continuous battles with almost unlimited battery life. The combat effectiveness of these warriors is worth looking forward to. "

Next, I asked the Ravens a series of combat data in detail, mainly their defensive abilities and fighting styles.In general, the mage's constitution is very weak, and the meditation and the excessive use of magic power are perennial. As a result, they are more vulnerable than ordinary people. Most wizards have become arthritis fats because they do not exercise often ...

But I seem to underestimate the extent of the Spirit people's specifications. These Sylvia's replicas do not have the various problems of human mage.They are not only highly skilled but also proficient in at least twenty effective fighting techniques. Take a punch and kill a Terminator without pressure.Although the defense is not as perverted as the Scorpion soldiers, it is not weaker than the mass-produced armored scorpions when the Arcane Shield is opened, as if even the cold weapon burns. Your friend's scorpion will also have a photon cannon on the tail to put cold guns. These instant magic magisters also have half a **** in their close combat ... What's my description of this mess?

After confirming the fighting methods of the Ravens, I decided to send them to the fourth day area where the swarms are most dense now, where is the place where the most gentlemen exchange fire, there are at least 10 million flying dragons and thousands of small and large warships Rushing there, although under the control of absolute technology, Feilong's drooling tactics could not enter the atmosphere of the Black Egg Star, but Sikaro, who was drooling over there, has said that he was under pressure more than once.

Aya wasn't soft when she was chased and killed by half of the city by the city management. Now she took the initiative to ask for support. It seems that the problem in the fourth day is indeed serious enough.

Before the Ravens took off, my older sister, who had stayed in the room for two days because of excessive appetite, suddenly appeared in front of us, making me and Shallow and even Sandola startled.

\ "Sister ... are you okay?"

I looked tremblingly around my elder sister, who had a black grievance, and felt that the dim sky that was covered by the swarm was not as gloomy as the ten-meter radius around me, and it was always sunny and gentle. The elder sister who heals and smiles is now with a slightly lowered head, his head full of blackness spreading out, and the weird atmosphere that is constantly scattered beside him. I don't think that now my elder sister just finds a TV and drills in to pretend to be Sadako. I would not be surprised.

\ "Ajun, this is for them"

Older sister Sui suddenly raised her head, with an unprecedented dim light in her eyes, and then handed a shuttle-shaped crystal prism to my hand.

I looked at the palm-sized crystal prism. This is a psionic crystal used to store energy, which is equivalent to a large-capacity battery, but what is the extremely dangerous breath that continues to radiate from this crystal? What happened? Why do I have the feeling that as long as I wear this thing, I will be so unlucky that I have to drink water to suffocate for 70 or 80 consecutive lives?

\ "Sister, what is this?"

I carefully held this cursing item that was obviously made by my sister two days in the house. I think it's better to ask clearly.

The elder sister looked up slightly, glanced at the dim \ "black cloud" in the sky, didn't know what was associated, and immediately made a look of nausea, it took a long time to calm down, and muttered in a low voice: \ "Let them take this thing Just shove it into a bug's belly, whatever you want ... and then leave it alone ... It makes me sick to such an extent ... Unforgivable ... "

\ "照着 办"

I dare not ask any more. I immediately threw this crystal to the raven standing next to me. The latter took the crystal and turned into a puppet. The expression "Why am I so unlucky" immediately appeared on my face.

It seems that you are keenly aware of the virtues of your officers, recruits.

Because to **** an unidentified but dangerously dangerous thing into space, the Ravens were faster than I thought, and in a blink of an eye, these wizards of the Spirit Empire flew day by day ... ... well, it's going to be heaven anyway.

\ "Girl, don't we need to go?"

I thought for a moment, but I turned my head and asked Sandora.

The latter shook his head with a smile on his face: \ "The situation is just a huge number of enemies. This is a good opportunity to collect information about the regular army against the War Zerg. After all, the real hero of the war should be a soldier-- It is enough for the leading apostles to reverse the war at a critical moment. "

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard the roar of the curve engine passing by, and Pandora and her sister led the army again ...

\ "The two little lunatics are the exception ..."

You also have a lot of charge when you are in charge. Strictly speaking, the whole Spirit Empire is such a guy who can charge with blood.

Although Sandora said that this type of tug-of-war between regular troops does not require the appearance of a leading apostle, I eventually came to an orbital platform close to the battlefield. I wanted to see these called Spirit Masters. What is the combat effectiveness of the Ravens? Second, I am really curious about what the older sister has troubled.

I was in charge of guarding the orbital platform closest to the front line. I was a commander I was not familiar with, but I had a vague impression. After thinking about it for a long time, I realized that this guy was selling lamb skewers at the gate of the community.

说 How far do you say our community hides and lies?

\ "Her Majesty the Emperor"

Uncle Lamb Kebab slammed a military salute at me, and showed no surprise to my arrival, but made a stand-by look in a true military style.

Just less than ten meters above our head is the planet shield. The light blue energy barrier seems to divide the world into two parts. The swarm that covers the sky and the sun is frantically suicidal at the other end of the barrier. The charge was full of broken limbs scattered by bugs, various anti-aircraft artillery placed on the platform and the laser cannon that was almost the same size as the Eiffel Tower continued to sweep across the sky, like a wiper on a car, which carried us overhead The swarm of insects refreshed over and over again-I have to use the word refresh, because basically every time we knock down the insects, they can fill the gap in a second.

I watched this place, and sure enough ... it was more disgusting than on the ground.

\ "Where are the Ravens?"

Looking at the mass production slow-motion figures for a long time, I tilted my head and asked Uncle Shish Kebab, saying that those unlucky recruits have not been killed by cannon fodder, have they? This place is overwhelmed by bugs, a hundred raven thrown in, not even a water splash.

Uncle Lamb Kebab just opened his mouth and wanted to answer, an unprecedentedly intense flash suddenly illuminated the entire dark platform, and then, the low hissing sound of countless zerg corpses when they fell on the planet shield and was burned to ashes-due to It's close to the edge of the atmosphere, and the lack of air has caused the sound that should have been sharp to become such a faint muffled sound.

I immediately looked up and saw a raven landing on the planet shield.She stood on the strong psionic barrier, her body squatted slightly, then she pulled her hands apart, and pulled a meter directly in front of her. What a dazzling arc.

\ "哧 拉 ——"

With a roar of lightning, the arc released from the raven actually split into hundreds of fork-shaped lightnings. They ran towards the Zerg who had already rushed to this side and were hit by this fork-shaped lightning. The Zerg didn't even twitch time into shards, and Lightning split into two directly after hitting the target, rushing towards more enemies.

快 How fast is lightning?

Almost in a blink of an eye, my vision has been covered by this unprecedentedly powerful grid. Numerous lightning forks take their target as a springboard, jumping and spreading across the Zerg army, covering like a nebula. Almost the entire sky zone, and wherever I can see, except for the mutated giant flying dragons, no Zerg can persist for one millisecond under this lightning net.

Even the giant dragons that survived the frontal attack of lightning were just a lingering gasp.The drooling spitting these ravenous black drunks at the ravens before they even died will be even before they approach the latter. The energy field from the other side is steamed away, and the Ravens, who have just emptied the entire sky area, stand on the psionic barrier with all their spare time. They usually use instant huge fireballs to shoot these ugly flying toads one by one.

The killed Zerg corpses fell to the psionic barrier below under the effect of gravity, and then turned into smoke in an instant. After seeing the Zerg use their human corpses as nutrients to produce recruits, We have adopted a tactic that would rather reduce the efficiency of killing the enemy and reduce the opponent to ashes, so these raven will not only hesitate to take the risk, but also attract the Zerg to the vicinity of the planet shield and then destroy it. The energy barrier can more effectively assume the task of destroying corpses.

Hey ... go to this guy who killed at least hundreds of thousands of Zerg just now? This combat power is almost equivalent to the average dps of Pandora. Isn't that the Raven is just a heroic combat soldier? Are they all leaders? This doesn't match the data. I'm asking for truth.

The stormy sea set off in my heart. I suddenly noticed that during the time when Raven's crazy instant curse was absent, the psionic shield above our heads seemed a bit dim-maybe an illusion? The magnitude of this dimness is too low, and I am not sure if I have seen it.

\ "Sandora, did our planet shields have suffered a strong attack just now?"

Although I was not sure, I contacted the ground cautiously, and then told Sandora what I had observed.

After listening to my description, Sandora immediately asked in a surprised tone: "You haven't really looked at the details of the Raven? I shared it with you."

Hmm ... are you saying that the pile of light directories has more than two hundred megabytes of data? You still kill me.

\ "That's where the Raven is really powerful," Sandora explained, hating the iron, \ "Raven, they have a talent ability to conduct energy, and can use any energy they come into contact with as a cast energy source. The powerful talent of battle, the phenomenon you just mentioned, is that the Ravens rely on standing on the planet shield to extract powerful psionic energy, and then cast continuously. Otherwise, you may think that by virtue of the natural conditions of the intermediate apostles, they may Kill hundreds of thousands of enemies in an instant? "

It turned out that it took the energy of the entire planet shield to release such attacks. Without the planet shield, their fighting power should be similar to that of the scorpion soldiers, but ... I still feel that their fighting power is a bit abnormal. Taller.

Even if there is endless phantom energy as a backup energy, the power of that Lightning Web is not enough that even the final arc can instantly burn as strong a fighter as a fighter? Is the energy they can guide at the same time infinite?

However, doubts are doubtful.It is still a pleasure that these raven have such amazing effects when dealing with the Zerg.In the face of the fork-like lightning and psionic storm that they are continuously releasing, the number of bugs in this sky area appears to be naked Visible decline, the opponent's battle damage is finally much greater than their supplementary strength

\ "What about that crystal?"

I flew to the nearest raven, and directly induced the void to explode the hundreds of kilometers of Zerg into organic clouds, and then took the time to ask ~ www.readwn.com ~ I could not find the crystal Which Raven was given to them ... they all look the same

My interrogated Raven freely released thousands of shadow shotguns, nailed the giant dragon remaining in this area to the planet shield and replied: \ "Your Majesty, that crystal has been shot by O17. The dragon's body, but the situation on the battlefield is quite chaotic. After we deliberately let go of that dragon, we don't know where we went. "

\ "So ... what happened? After that thing was dropped?"

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