Xiling Empire

Chapter 414: The strongest mage in history

Chapter 414 The Strongest Mage In History

The maggots are finished.

They were so swiftly defeated, and even made me completely unresponsive.Even if it was already known that with the advantages of technology and the quality of individual soldiers, it would be sooner or later for Emperor to eliminate this one million insects, but when they were almost one million When the batch died, I still felt that the victory was too sudden.

One hundred million enemies alone is enough to let even the most advanced troops fall into endless battles, not to mention the abnormal regeneration ability of these bugs and the degree of explosives in the front line, plus their increasing number during the offensive process, we In the end, the Zerg that was destroyed actually reached 300 million, which is exactly three times their original number, but our side has been in a defensive state where most of the combat power cannot fight and the ground base is not perfect. Against the sky [Xian Ni] advantage, I bet that any civilization in this hasty counterattack situation to kill all 300 million swarms is a delusion.

There are two reasons that brought us victory in advance:

First, those new forces from the research results of Tavel.

A powerful caster, the Raven played a huge role in this battle. Their arcane and shadow attacks were almost fatal to the bugs, and these guys who are good at "guidance" will always I am fixed on the surface of the planet shield, relying on the endless energy provided by the countless Youneng wells below to turn myself into a human-shaped turret with a perpetual motion installed. This is the power of the mage-it is a bunch of meat grinders with full force and with the support of endless energy, the arcane shields on their bodies have not been broken, saying that they are carrying the Yang electron breaking city gun The golden saints can do it. As the saying goes, as long as there is infinite blue, it is simple to just brush Xiao A. This is the truth. Under the continuous release of them and the coverage often reaches thousands or even thousands of kilometers, the zerg have even died. To the achievements of the two little lunatics, Pandora and Huesca-you must know that the combat power of the intermediate and apostolic apostles is different from heaven and earth, and Pandora can be reached with a hundred raven. The results of the sweeping sweep, I must admit, sometimes talent skills are really important, and because the Ravens always rely on the planet shield to fight, the Zergs killed by them basically fall on the psionic barrier It turned into green smoke, which is the biggest reason for the drastic decrease in the number of zerg. No matter how disgusting people are in the hatchery of the bug, it is impossible to use the corpse turned into green smoke to make nutrients.

On the day when the battle reached its most critical moment, one hundred Ravens were evenly assigned to one hundred key points on the planet's surface, turning 70% of the energy of the entire planet's psionic system into a sky full of Olympics. The arrow rain and the fork-like lightning strike to attack. According to the scene taken by our detector in the universe, the entire black egg star at that time even expanded completely, turning into a thorny planet full of lightning. We use the raven Magic creates the most powerful defensive counter-shield in the universe

But one thing actually made me feel a bit more headache. Vega didn't seem to like the Ravens. Although the armored scorpion and the Raven were often mentioned together because they belonged to two of the three heroes of the Spirit, they seemed like ... There are many contradictions among heroes.

Of course, such a delicate confrontation is not because of any conflict between them, nor because the Raven's strength in this battle has completely suppressed the Scorpion soldiers who can only be king in a small range of individual combat. In the face of the enemy in the group, the Raven is indeed n times stronger than the scorpions), which led to Vega's jealousy. In fact, it really needs to talk about strength. Ravens and armored scorpions do not want to go up and down, just one. Good at group attacks, one who is good at single melee, plus the special fighting environment this time, the former occupied the right place, and the man was the limelight, not to say that the scorpion is not as good as the Raven, and Vega is not an excellent emperor Be careful to be jealous of the fighting effectiveness of your allies.

\ "The armored scorpions are all enthusiastic combatants. The only thing they trust is the long knife in their hands. These stubborn guys don't even use the photon cannons they are equipped with, let alone their feelings about magic," heard My doubts, Sandora explained, "In the eyes of armored scorpions, using magical combat is unreliable, lacking courage and the 'artistic' in their point of view. Similarly, in the eyes of raven, armored scorpions are rude and rigid, not With the wisdom and spirituality of the caster, they always look down on each other. "

And Sivis's explanation made me feel relieved: \ "The subtle confrontation between these two clans has been around for a long time, and they have even regarded it as a custom of their clans, but don't worry, this kind of Confrontation is benign. They are just differences in fighting concepts. There is no contradiction in itself. The unity of the Spirit Army is beyond doubt. "

I have no doubt about Sivis's words. The other races are worth it. The chance of the Hillion to have internal conflict is never greater than that of a genuine CD in the hands of West Carlo. Although occasionally between armored scorpions and the raven, There are times when evil words are confronted, but in general, they still admit that the other party is their important comrade in arms, which is enough.

The second reason that brought us victory was related to a piece of crystal-the cursed object from my sister.

At the end of the Zerg race, they seem to be unable to create a dragon.

Some kind of weird thing spread to each dragon, making its combat power greatly weakened, their DNA became chaotic and disordered, and produced various harmful evolutions, just like humans exposed to nuclear radiation, and this phenomenon Not only appeared on adult dragons already in combat, but according to information returned by the detector, those in the frontline bomber's incubation pool were constantly floating out of twisted meat pieces and broken limbs.After analysis, these things were identified as After the failed Wyvern remains were born, since the elder sister's crystal was implanted in a Wyvern, no one Zythre was born.

It's as if Zerg's \ "Flying Dragon" branch race is cursed.

The main force of the Zerg attacking the Black Egg Star is the flying dragon, and only they can rely on the quantity to threaten our planet shields and warships to a certain degree. After these dried wings toads can no longer "regenerate", There is no suspense in fighting.

Insects in units of 10,000 were burned to ashes by our battleships, and all enemies near the line of defense of the planet were slagged by Raven's arcane magic. When the number of enemies was reduced to a certain extent and their lines of defense were finally exposed, The heavy apostles led by Pandora and Huesca rely on their unique floating gun tactics to infiltrate and disintegrate the thick line of defense composed of a large number of giant dragons, completely destroying each other's hatchery, and then harvesting without technical content The Zerg didn't seem to have the concept of retreating, or the soldiers here made their commanders think that there was no need to save. Anyway, I couldn't understand their values. The imperial assault fleet annihilated all the bugs remaining above the orbit, except to stay In addition to the necessary research samples for Tavel, these enemies were all turned into clouds and fog in the universe by the psionic radiation device carried on the battleship.

The only regret is that we did not find the commander of the bugs.All of them are soldiers serving as war weapons. Their commanders are still behind. On the planet they came from, there should be a brain bug. Something like that exists. We have some swollen organisms in the last few groups that the swarm resisted. These neural groups with a radius of tens of meters are like the disgusting brain tissue without any. The ability to move, attack, and defend completely depends on the nutrition of lower-level bugs to survive [eternal life]. Tavel believes that this is the reason that the brain worm can remotely control this hundred million army on another planet. The frontline makes mobile incubation of disposable soldiers. Ponds, neural amplifiers of brain worms, and giant flying dragons. The emergence of a series of Zerg units that have never been heard points to the fact that the insects in this star area are far more troublesome than what is described in the StarCraft plot.

General City, the command hall of the Crystal Tower.

The battle against the Zerg has ended, and now all departments are doing post-war statistics and preparations for the next military expansion, and we will summarize the problems that have emerged in this battle. Renault was also invited to attend this time. Combat meetings between high level leaders in Schilling because we need more information from this local.

Uncle Beard, who appeared to me in the image of being full of alcohol at first, seems to have finally quit drinking in recent days, not that alcoholic beverages are strictly forbidden in the Spirit's barracks, but that he and the human soldiers he brought with him She was too busy to be shocked by the powerful power of the Spirit, and even forgot about her personal hobby.

One side is an overwhelming 100 million swarm of swarms, and one side is just setting up a base on a barren and strange planet. Within a few days, all battleships have been disintegrated into city defense forces. This situation is not to be considered a human, even if it is a human. It is the Protos protoss who possess the mysterious and high-tech.I am afraid that they will be wiped out under the drool of the infinite dragon within a few days, and tens of millions of dragons will form a group. If they collide, they will give Protos' fleet to Hit it, but they saw a miracle that absolute technology can make-covering the entire planet, the star-level psionic barrier that does not flash even under the collective attack of tens of millions of dragons, and those hands Unleashing a thunder that is many times stronger than nature, calling the wind and rain like an alien warrior like a mythical creature-well, I admit, the latter is actually not a technological force ... but how do you let me explain magic to Renault? principle?

\ "Is Crystal found?"

After listening to the report of the commander in charge of the battlefield search, I turned my attention to the cursed crystal that caused the Zerg Flying Dragon Army to completely collapse. The Ravens are efficient killing machines, and the older sister's cursed crystal is the Zerg The number of artifacts cannot be supplemented. In comparison, I even think that the latter is the factor that determines victory.

\ "Yes, Your Majesty, we have recovered the crystal."

The commander replied, then motioned to the soldier to put a large metal box in front of us.

The protection is really strict. It seems that even the spirit soldier who is not afraid of the heavens has to stand upright when facing the eerie cursing power of his sister.

That palm-sized psionic crystal was placed in a very sturdy thirteen pole confidential storage box.This kind of thing with a permanent psionic shield is said to be strong enough to be harmless in a starburst, but it is now being It is used to store a psionic crystal that can usually be viewed as a No. 5 battery. After the top of the storage box automatically slides open, a diamond-shaped crystal that slowly emits a black halo is exposed.It is clear that it is still activated. And constantly exhaling a breath that makes us all feel uneasy.

Older sister Sister Ji leaned out of her body and tapped her forefinger on the cursing crystal, and the latter buzzed quietly, and then restored the original blue transparency.

But that sense of danger has not diminished much.

\ "Is this magical crystal causing the Zerg to lose their fertility?"

Renault carefully watched the beautiful little crystal with a disbelief in his tone, but Tex beside him seemed to be very grinning.Although he was also cautious, he gathered up with interest and stretched out. Take a shot and try to touch the crystal, with a mouth saying: "If this thing is known to the Zerg or Protoss professed by the Zerg, they will definitely pay a large price ... any What can you think of ... "

Uncle Lina gave a glance at this uncle who had been professing to be the first bounty hunter in the universe, and said without hesitation: "Don't touch, you don't see the end of those bugs? You will never give up."

I sprayed it on the spot.

Tex is even more embarrassed, and how far to hide.

Regardless of the shocking remarks of an unscrupulous false loli without any sense of goddess, our attention is still focused on the cursing crystal on the table.

\ "At present, it seems that its power is by imposing a curse on a single individual, and then extending this curse to the entire ethnic group to which this individual belongs by using the principle of causality," Sandora struck the table with her index finger, \ "As for Why the cursed is only the dragons who came to attack the planet, but did not extend to all Zergs in the entire star area, it should be the limitation of power, and its scope of action is not clear, on other Zerg dragons in this star area Is there a mark of the curse? It needs to be examined. "

\ "That's perverted enough ..." I said with a twitch, but this thing can curse the entire species. Although it seems that its power is still limited, I have no doubt that this crystal will be thrown on the earth. Can lead to the next round of doomsday, \ "Sister, can you still make this crystal?"

If this kind of thing can be mass-produced, it is really too simple to deal with the Zerg. At that time, grab a sample of each unit and put it in the belly. The rest is waiting for Ya to die on its own. Slime guys can rely on DNA mutations to deal with curses

However, my whimsical and beautiful wish cannot be realized. My elder sister turned her head and gave me a glance: \ "This thing is not energy-producing. The mental energy required to charge it is quite huge, and there are too many such things. It will disturb the balance of the world, remember what I said? The so-called 'fortune' has a certain amount, and the worst fortune of a race can only be limited to extinction. Although this crystal cannot curse the whole The Zerg, but it also has the property of 'cursing the entire race, so even if I can make two cursing crystals, they can only work on one at the same time.'

Well, in fact, I already have an ace card that allows a certain Zerg unit to die immediately, and I should be satisfied.

Just as I handed this extremely dangerous crystal to my elder sister and asked her to keep it in her own space, the door of the command hall suddenly opened, and Tavel's mass projection stood at the door and bowed to us. Greetings: "" Your Majesty, I have a major report to report to you "

Fortunately, Goddess of Fortune Nading Blessing is a great achievement

Tavier's major moment has almost become synonymous with soaring combat effectiveness.Every result of her seems to be shocking. From the recovery of the Space-Time Management Center to the successful launch of the Raven, this female scientist is even worthless to us. For an entire Empire fleet, do n’t you say that science is the first productive force, Grandpa Marx, you did n’t lie to me

Ritaville came to the holographic projector in the command hall and put a memory crystal in. Immediately, we had the battle scenes recorded before.

It was a scene where a raven easily killed nearly 10,000 Zerg, a giant frost star connected with an unprecedented scale of fork-like lightning, and thousands of flying dragons and other miscellaneous soldiers fell into the flesh and the internal organs and fell on the screen. On the planet shield below.

After waiting for this picture to be broadcast three times in a row, Tavel converted the content of the projection, and the scene in the laboratory appeared.

\ "We captured a vigorous dragon," Tavel pointed us at the ugly monster in the center of the picture, who was imprisoned by four auras of energy, and stood next to the latter as a scientist who was watching inhumanely, and On its head, a gorgeous electric light floated. \ "Then, we used the original electric shock to attack the flying dragon completely according to the average refraction of the raven fork-like lightning."

The dazzling arc turned the entire picture into a pale one. The dragon's stern roar rang through the command hall. When the picture returned to normal lighting, we saw that the Zerg that had been used as an experimental body had fallen on the platform and was blackened. but……

\ "The damage it takes is obviously lower than that under the fork-like lightning, and there is a very obvious difference. The zerg who died under the fork-like lightning are all disintegrated within one millisecond, but this is burned to death by the extremely high voltage current. Feilong persisted for more than a second, and his body remained intact. "

立刻 A very curious look was immediately put on our faces—exactly the same attack method, exactly the same attack power, and acting on the same target, would have such a completely different effect?

\ "We carried out multiple experiments on other captured Zerg samples, simulating the entire environment on the battlefield at the time, and the attack methods used included fire, frost, and arcane, and finally reached a certain result: the Zerg was suffering magic They are extremely vulnerable when attacking, and they can even take at least three times more damage under the influence of magical energy. "

Everyone, with the exception of Lilina, who had nothing to do with this and was completely soy sauce, her eyes lit up immediately.

\ "Why?" Sandola's mouth was filled with a pleasant arc. Although she only needed results instead of causes as a ruler, she was still curious about such strange phenomena.

Tavel shook his head slightly: \ "The reason is still under analysis. Part of the reason may be that the Zerg have never been exposed to things like 'magic,' elements in magic attacks during the evolution of perennials, causing them to suffer magic due to lack of antibodies. The other reasons may be related to the extreme adaptability of the Zerg. At the moment of being attacked by the magic, the Zerg instinctively tries to resist the damage caused by the magic invasion, but the magic has an extremely special property: the catalyst action, according to a According to the data provided by the Raven, this special energy transformed by the caster's mental power not only transforms the elemental power into a transforming agent and control element for effective attack, but also a level catalyst that magnifies its power, almost every kind of energy The change [Dzizhu change] will be catalyzed by magic. This is why magic attacks always bring a lot of additional damage, not just the basic freezing and high temperature damage. There are a lot of special Zerg special to deal with Chemicals for emergency injuries, which are their unique physiques. These things can react on the fly, used to neutralize strong acids, cool down, and resist Radiation and so on ... "

\ "Then ... these chemical reactions that should be life-saving are catalyzed by the magical difference ..."

Sandra had already understood Tavel's reasoning, and her face was full of crying and laughing.

Tavel also sneered: "They were burned to death by the chemical reaction in their stomachs-theoretically."

\ "If the Zerg had such obvious shortcomings, how could they have been dominating for so long?"

带着 I have a puzzled expression on my face, and Weijia's theory sounds fine, but does the Zerg really have such a huge regret? The various chemicals used to save lives in their bodies will be run away by a small catalyst?

Tavel turned off the projection system with a smile: \ "We are fortunate. Generally, the various chemicals in the Zerg will definitely not be violently catalyzed by catalysis, but the only thing they cannot resist is' magic catalysis. -That form of energy is completely out of the rules of the universe-theoretically. "

The report from Tavier was completed. She stood quietly waiting for the next instructions from the chief executives. As a researcher, she could only provide information, but it was us who made the decision.

Everyone in the hall was temporarily silenced, and each of them was thinking about how to take advantage of such a huge advantage: we are the only force in the universe that has mastered magical powers.

Renault listened for a long time, and now he was decisively in a confused state. He hesitated and touched Lina next to him, and whispered: "I'm sorry to interrupt, but what are you talking about? It seems that the Zerg are now Weakness, but you mentioned ... magic? "

Li Lina waved his hand impatiently: "" Uncle Beard, stay away and get drunk "

Renault: \ "......"

It turns out that Renault is really only suitable for the strange-looking girl of the Queen of Blades, facing a loli-type creature, even if it is a fake loli, he must be tragedy ...

\ "KEKE" After a short thought, a bold plan gradually took shape in my mind. I waved at Tavel and asked: "Tavel, can the Ravens now be trained in batches?" "

Tavel has a sorry expression: \ "Disappointing you, my Majesty, our information on the mystery department has always been a weak point. At present, only Araiye can use his soul science knowledge to help us train in small batches in the shadow city. Crow, mass production of the latter is temporarily unfeasible. "

\ "This way," I stroked my chin, a little disappointed, but I just asked casually, the focus of the question is below, "" Tavel, we and Azeroth's gate of the world have been running steadily? Let us remind you in the Empire of Vedis.The original foreign kingdoms.The special metal currently used by the Spirit army is Austrian Iron.It was collected from the renter in that world because of the great grace that saved the world. Now it has almost become one of our logistics bases.) The established mother nest should have already established the gate of the world? "

As one of the strongest jumping minds and none of them, she immediately guessed my intention and opened her eyes: \ "Ajun can't he?"

\ "Isn't this a good idea?"

微笑 I have a smile on my face, and I am very proud of my crazy idea that suddenly popped up.

\ "Ajun, I have to admit, you are a genius strategist"

After being shallow, she figured out my plan, and immediately stood up with all eyes, it seemed that I was very excited about my genius who had always been ignorant about fighting, and I was very excited, sorry, baby, I guess that's the flash of light ...

This creative plan made me eager to implement it, so I started to order the next second: \ "Sivis contacted the Space and Time Management Center and ordered the Vedis Empire, Otto Empire, Azeroth Salvation Army, En There is also the British Puritanism of parallel time and space.The fire summons their most powerful casting units. As long as the warriors who can use magic are convened, they will gather in the shadow city and form the sacred expeditionary army-yes, check their magic form in advance. You have to confirm that the magic used by these mages is the same thing. "

Li Lina watched my enthusiasm finally burst out, and for a long time came out a sentence: \ "I really chose an incredible ... boss ..."

Originally in our plan, after eliminating the incoming 100 million bugs, we should concentrate our forces and attack the planet of the Zerg base camp adjacent to the galaxy. Otherwise, based on their reproduction degree, wait a few days before we pass by that place. It is definitely dense and densely packed with hundreds of millions or even billions of insect swarms, but after the amazing damage caused by magical powers to these bugs, the establishment of a mage army dedicated to slaughtering the zerg is more important. s position.

After all, in this star area where human colonies are everywhere, we can't use planet destruction weapons like p-o3 every time to deal with the enemy. In most cases, the conventional battlefields of planet landing operations and space against Zerg are the main The stage, in which case those mage units are absolutely useful

\ "But those mages from humans can really come in handy?"

When the plan began to be implemented, after various orders have been reached in the other world [异 世 邪 君] world and received an almost fanatical response, the elder sister finally raised this question.

This is the central square of General City. One of the few places where we usually take a walk. The sudden problems raised by my elder sister made me and Sandora stay for a while.

\ "Comparison of the strength of a great human magician and a raven ..." I hesitated and started a spiritual connection, and directly asked the raven number 1, \ "Raven 1, according to the saved in the shared database Data, how big is the combat effectiveness gap between you and a great wizard in the world of Azeroth? "

The other responded immediately without hesitation: "The casters among us are at most junior wizards."

Well, I admit that a group of guys who don't need to breathe for an uninterrupted flash of lightning storms day and night. They can consider Antonidas as a colleague. It is the second most important attack point. What's the difference between Crows' perverted continuous combat ability and their psionic reaction furnace and infinite blue?

According to this, even if we summon human mages from various worlds, they can only play a very limited role-really speaking of combat power, these powers at the peak of humans are almost the same as an ordinary Spirit soldier.

However, after hearing the elder sister's doubts, the Raven gave us a reassuring answer: \ "If you are worried about the lack of power of human casters, this is not important, according to Researcher Tavel It is not our magic damage that actually causes the Zerg to die, but the catalytic effect of the magic itself causes the violent extinction of several chemical reactions in them. As long as the human caster possesses magic, it is sufficient. After all, the nature of magic is special, unless Using the spiritual power of the casting unit, conventional methods are difficult to create. "

Hmm ... is it just a battery that provides magic? It ’s a tragedy that the most top combat power in each world is thrown into the Emperor Hill ...

But after confirming that the human mage has the same ability to kill the Zerg, another problem is before us.

They are not Spirit's Ravens. They can die with the cosmic radiation and vacuum environment and die with the Namekers. Those humans who have never left the atmosphere in their lifetimes cannot have the power of space warfare.

Even if it is a planet landing battle, they are not useful. The natural environment of the Zerg survival [eternal life] is so bad that every director of the Environmental Protection Agency can commit suicide to thank the world [cover the sky], which is full of poisonous gas and corrosive substances The surface of your planet is less secure than space.

Battery is a good battery, but it is too fragile to leak fluid even before it is discharged-this is a rather rude evaluation made by Lina's bad fake loli.

However, it didn't take long to find a solution to this problem.A team of Marines brought by Renault gave this girl with unlimited inspirations. She proposed to design a universal combat armor that can be used by human mages. Plan-To be honest, such a solution is not difficult to think of, but we are all caught in a misunderstanding of thinking. When we think of the mage, we lean directly on the broken cloak of Antonidas. Who can be like a shallow guy without a steering wheel? I also associate those white-bearded uncles with power armor.

Renault, the guy who has been eating rice for several days on the Black Egg Star, has finally been able to make a difference himself. Naturally, he is very motivated to help us develop this new power armor, but in addition to the few armors provided at the beginning Samples, Uncle Beard will soon be unable to intervene-in Tavel's eyes, the power armor made by humans is so backward that it is unbearable to see, in addition to analyzing from these samples several of the essential life-sustaining conditions suitable for carbon-based life In addition, she had to push all over and redo.

I think this is embarrassing, and Qian Qian and I have always considered themselves to be the only authentic humans in this abnormal group, but Tavel said "" The condition of His Majesty and his mothers cannot be regarded as the quality standard of ordinary humans at all " Let's collective oRZ for a long time.

Tavel and her researchers are amazingly productive.Although this is the first time to study this kind of armor for fragile carbon-based life, she gave me a more mature design solution the next day. The power armor basically maintains the shape of the human Marine Corps armor, and the mage has no mechanical power and agility advantages at all. It is meaningless to strengthen their armor in dexterity. Tavel focuses on the main strengthening direction of this equipment. Protective and ... easy to handle.

Well, easy to handle, this is the most troublesome part of the design.You can't let Jaina understand what a pan-energy power exchange valve is in a few days, and don't expect Pope Mellon to understand the principle of aerodynamic joints, we The design goal is to study a kind of fully automatic maintenance, power armor that wears like clothes without worrying about it, and it must be highly intelligent and able to adapt to human thinking habits.

Tavel installed a new gadget near the helmet of the power armor, a learning device that can accept and answer human mental fluctuations, and it effectively solved the problem of human mage's control of the power armor. Tavel's original word was \ "Can Let the wearer forget that he still has a set of half-ton armor to control. "

And the second huge improvement of this armor is its magic magnification function.The technology that Aliyah and the Ravens have worked together is actually a kind of mental amplifier.The spell release of the caster is essentially the spirit of itself. The process of extracting and mutating forces to make them become active magic power. The power amplification device of the power armor works in the last step of this process, amplifying the caster's mental power by two to three times, which makes up for it to a certain extent. The shortcomings of the human mage's serious lack of combat power.

The only regret is that we have not found a way to make the human mage infinitely blue-the energy source of the raven is phantom energy, and their metaspace-time reaction furnace provides endless casting energy, but for humans, 1un A common measurement unit of energy) into the brain is enough to make them idiots.

On the fourth day after my plan was proposed, the first batch of advanced power armors with advanced technology from Schilling came down from the production line.The two-meter-high steel cans have the same shape as human power armors.One of the reasons is that the bubbles are equivalent. Appreciate the design of the human Marine Corps in StarCraft ...), the color is selected from the silver and white background and blue trim commonly used by the emperor, and the chest position of the power armor is the emblem of the spirit army occupying the entire carapace. The words of each world say "One world, one dream".

Uh ...

谁 Who did the **** woman draw on the drawings?

But it is too late to modify-the first group of wizards from the world of Azeroth, a total of 1,000 people have come under the gate of the world in General City.

\ "Jiana? Did you come in person?"

I saw that the leader of this mage unit turned out to be acquaintance Jaina, and I immediately exclaimed.

I thought I was exclaiming loudly, but the golden woman wearing a purple mage robe in front of her didn't respond at all: she was busy scanning everything around with surprise, this is the first time I came to the alien high-tech base Of Azerothians have fallen into shock.

乌 A large group of mage troops of various Azeroths behind her are also performing the same, even more shocked than their leader.

\ "My God ... this is ... another foreign domain?"

It took a long time for Jaina to mumble to herself.

\ "Outland?" I frowned, \ "You mean Draenor World?"

剧 Azeroth's story continues? Are they on the expedition to Draenor again? No, the Burning Legion has been played by the fallen apostles as cannon fodder, and the abyss energy that invades the planets of the world of Azeroth has also receded. What are the remaining forces in the outer realm that can allow the Azeroth expeditions?

This time my voice finally caught Jaina's attention. She turned her head and saw that it was me, and a happy smile appeared on her face, bowing to us and saying: "The great ambassador from Azeroth Expeditionary forces from Sri Lanka are assembled here to fight for you. "

After a long reunion, I felt kind and embarrassed, and Jaina, who had not seen me for a long time, came to \ "Gods" again. It was obviously quite happy, and I was about to be transformed into a curious baby in the strange and magnificent surroundings. Didn't forget the first self-talk to her: \ "Jiana, did you mention the outer domain just now?"

\ "Yes," Jaina nodded, \ "There is the hometown of our orc friends. After the demonic army has been completely wiped out, we have successfully mastered the key to opening the door of darkness, and the Salvation Army has formed a powerful expeditionary force to cross the darkness. The gate, as a result, the demon power of that world has completely disappeared, and the remaining orcs there have also got rid of the curse of the demon. Now the Salvation Army has established an outpost in the world of Draenor. And I'm happy to be able to rebuild my hometown ... "

Alas ... to what extent is Azeroth now harmonious?

The great news that Jaina brought was, I was even hesitant whether I should not let the Azeroth warriors who had a hard time welcoming a peaceful life back into the dangerous battlefield: especially Starbucks, which was obviously better than Ai The Zelas War requires two high-level battlefields. Even with the high-tech assistance of the Spirit people, can these humans be safe in the face of the most dangerous things in the universe?

\ "We are fighters of the Salvation Army. Since the establishment of this organization, every recruit must carry out the belief that he must fight unconditionally for the Savior at all times."

This is Jaina's answer ~ www.readwn.com ~ After experiencing shock at the beginning, the mage units from the world of Azeroth soon showed their calmness as the most wise and calm people in humankind. With the statement "Here is the battlefield of the gods", he successfully improved his adaptability to all abnormal existence, and then began to learn how to wear power armor under the guidance of Renault Marines. After all, that thing is not as advanced as intelligence. You can take a magic wand in place and dance to the extent that the beauty transformation can appear on the body.

What's wrong with my curious idea? Or innocently design a set of Star Warrior Power Armor for Jaina that can be dressed with a beauty transformation?

Hey ... shallow will kill me ...

Okay, for the sake of not encountering a large chapter in this thousand years, let's smash the ticket decisively)


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