Xiling Empire

Chapter 415: Planet landing

Chapter 415 The Planet Lands

I think I have formed the most yy mage army in history-no one.

Have you ever seen a blood elven mage wearing a power armor all over, with plasma tail flames flying in the sky and sounding like a blizzard?

You have seen vicissitudes of white hair, the white beard on the chin can reach the third rib, and each fold on the face reveals the wisdom and knowledge of the old and old Gandalf-type **** in the crypt in the Star Marine armor. With half a cigar in his mouth, he murmured "1etsreandd" vaguely while guiding the Arcane Missile?

Alas ... Uncle Victor, you have fallen.

In the process of using Zerg samples for actual combat exercises, we can be sure that these batches of mages mobilized by Azeroth can indeed play a very good role in fighting against the Zerg. Their magic power is not as good as that of the Raven. It is a BT-level magic god, but it can also cause various gynecological diseases such as Zerg endocrine disorders ... cough, and other fatal injuries. In the context of StarCraft, the extremely powerful Zerg is facing the speciality of the alien world. It was so overwhelming under the energy attack that it was really overjoyed.

Of course, although the mage army can be used as a new force, it is definitely not the main force.This is an interstellar battlefield.Our enemies are even swarms of billions of units.Even if we call the mage from three worlds, they are in the number Shang can't be the main force, and more importantly, the mage's attacks are only effective against the Zerg, as for other races in this star area ...

I don't think that the native mages from Azeroth can compete with the advanced weapons of interstellar civilization.

The real protagonist is our battleship.

At this point, the human wizards were naturally aware of it, and they did not show dissatisfaction. On the "battlefields of the gods", they did not expect to become combat power from the beginning, they just stood in this magnificent In foreign countries, being able to fight alongside the gods has already made these aliens who grow up in the flames of war and worship various heroes and legends extremely excited.

\ "We will be epic."

Said the old mage, who was holding a cigar, before visibly pulling down his mask.

I repeat once again, Lord Victor, you have fallen.

During the days of emergency training of these mage units, Renault has been in a state of semi-chaos, magic, this kind of thing has disappeared in the human legend of Starcraft for countless years, and they have forgotten this completely on the technology line. This mysterious art that once fascinated countless people has now witnessed firsthand that a living mage army released that gorgeous magic in front of himself, which made many of Renault's firm materialists surprise.

Even Renault himself is no exception.

I didn't waste time letting him understand the ins and outs of everything, but simply told him two points: "First, there is really no magic in this universe. As a native creature of this universe, unless it encounters a miracle such as When you come across Soy sauce Apostles or Ding Dong children ’s shoes for personal visits), do n’t expect to learn magic all your life. Second, the powerful scope of the Spirit empire includes the alien world [异 世 邪 君], what you see These mages are from the army of another universe, they are a vassal race of the Spirit Empire. "

Then Renault and his good friends were thrilled collectively.

The natural leader of this batch of mage units is Jaina. After a few days of emergency training, she and her soldiers are almost familiar with the strange battlefields and enemies here. Well, that body can directly excite each goblin. The magical armor that exploded. Of course, the power armor used by Jaina herself is a specially designed and improved type. This "captain aircraft", which costs twice as much as ordinary power armor, has a close-knit, streamlined line, basically using the federal ghost agent's The inspiration of the armor is still the idea of ​​the game house of Bubble), after wearing it, it will never produce the clunky feeling of conventional power armor-although the majority of male mages have said that only half a ton of large power armor is a man's romance, but I like it Elegant and beautiful women naturally still prefer this personal light armor.

However, everything has advantages and disadvantages.The lightweight of the armor itself results in the improved power armor's protection ability is far inferior to that of the universal type.Although its performance is still sufficient to allow Victor to empty a reinforced Federal Marine Corps, it still limits its application. Range, because it needs to consume a large amount of energy load to strengthen the phantom shield of the armor itself to make up for the lack of physical armor.The magic amplification effect of this improved power armor is always unsatisfactory, so it is set to long exclusive : As the leader of Azeroth's army, Jaina has few chances to go to the battlefield herself, and even a slightly inferior magic magnification device can be ignored with the powerful strength of Jaina herself.

\ "Mages of all races have mastered the trick of using this magic armor to assist in battle. It really is as worrying as a piece of clothing as you said," Jaina and I walked side by side in General City. In the temporarily opened mage area, I reported the training of mages. "We are now learning to adapt to the radar system on the mask and various locked images. Although this thing is convenient, it always makes some older people The mage is at a loss. "

This is inevitable.Although a series of advanced equipment installed on the power armor to facilitate long-range combat has been upgraded by Tavel to be fully intelligent, those aliens who have never used high technology must be used to the heads of every enemy. The distance information marked to the millimeter is still required for the break-in period.

\ "What then? Any questions?"

I asked in detail that this batch of power armor was a test product designed within a day after all. Tavel thought about it carefully. She is also a spirit apostle. Not enough understanding of carbon-based life is likely to make her results flawed. .

For example, accidentally forgetting the oxygen supply ... Uh, this should not be too bad?

\ "It's okay to say that there is, ..." Jaina said a little embarrassingly. "The first is that the elves, including the night elves and blood elves, think that the helmet design of the power armor is problematic, and their ears are curled in It will feel uncomfortable for a long time.The second is the dwarf and the dwarf.Although the control of the armor is not a problem, each time you put on the armor, you need to pad a bunch of things below to make them a little embarrassed. And the mage ... their stature is too large, and the horns on their heads also need special helmets. In addition, the tauren's hoof is often stuck in the armor. Thrall and Kane contacted me last night and the next batch of mages The troops are mainly Thunder Bluffs. The tauren have a lot of shamans. We better prepare them with some extra-large armors. "

Me: \ "... I'll let Bubbles add a production line ..."

To be honest, just now I didn't know why I suddenly thought of designing a tauren machine gunner armor.

It was seven days since the crickets collapsed.

The detection of adjacent galaxies has been completed long ago. I originally planned to solve the problem with a p-o3 in the past, but this time the situation seems not so simple. According to the pictures returned by the detector, the planet is full of traces of intelligent life. Although they have been covered with potholes by the secretions of the bugs, some of these tall buildings can still be clearly distinguished. Through reductive analysis as much as possible, Renault judges that the remains on this planet should be From Protos.

I have always had a strong interest in this mysterious race, but the stubbornness of the other party makes me feel that it would be quite troublesome to find them directly for cooperation. Now I just find the other party's abandoned colony star. The planet sliced ​​that I was so sorry for the more than one hundred research ships I brought

My partner, Qian Qian, and Li Li, the empire's most unreliable trio personally led three newly rebuilt eternal motherships and 10,000 frigates. Its surface is hurt by the zigzag's numerous nests dug from the top of the planet). This investigation and extinction mission will be completed by us. Of course, this is not to say that we are the professionals who are most suitable for this kind of high-end missions. But ...

We are the most idle guy in the entire Black Egg Star Base Camp ...

Even my elder sister can serve as a think tank, and little lunatics like Pandora and Huesca can be responsible for army expansion and training, and I have to be with this superficial crazy girl who is all day long and Lilian's unreliable The poison tongue goddess is classified as a three-person group of idlers, and can only come out to perform the most unskilled sweeping work. Life, really, is like the fragrant West Lake Longjing, even if your worth is 18,000 pounds, it is destined to be immersed In the cup ...

Although it brought a huge fleet of 10,000 frigates, the main combat force of our operation was the landing force. Weijia finally found her chance to show her skills. The planetary landing war and various search and infiltration operations are The armored scorpions are good at playing, especially against the enemies with a large number of melee units like the Zerg. In the original words of these war-loving scorpions: you can kill the precious targets, which are satisfactory from quantity to quality.

In a melee, a trained scorpion can win tens of thousands of Zerg puppies. The space-folding technology of synchronous thousands of slashes will not be able to carry the Zerg even if it evolves for tens of thousands of years. The scorpion will destroy the Zerg melee units in the shortest time and will be responsible for breaking the enemy's fortifications and smoothing the way for the follow-up forces.

The other part of the ground troops is composed of mages.We have mixed the Ravens and human mages.A raven led a hundred human mages to form a long-range slaughter unit dedicated to the Zerg.The first batch of mages from Azeroth A total of ten such teams were formed, and they would sweep every Protos ruin under the cover of armored scorpions, and then let our inspection team land safely.

Excluding these powerful teams that can be called special forces, the largest number is naturally a general battle sequence consisting of conventional Spirit soldiers, light vehicles, and single combat aircraft.The experienced veterans are divided into hundreds of squads of varying numbers. , Was dropped in areas that are not important but still have certain detection value, and drones have landed near those locations, ensuring the security of the landing process: Although the Spirit army is strong and fearless, I do n’t like to let myself Soldiers make insignificant sacrifice.

After some preparatory work, all the landing troops entered the micro-transition landing module carrying them, and began to march toward the entire Pingxing ...).

The mechanically synthesized female voice rang through the bridge: \ "The planetary landing module has entered the shooting state, and the transmission coordinates have been corrected to the surface of the planet. Please be prepared for the landing units to fight for victory and mission. in."

With hundreds of strong lights suddenly shining on the surface of the planet, our batch of landing teams have safely arrived at the surface.

\ "... Um ... Lord, Lord?" Jaina's unscrupulous voice was uploaded from the bridge on the bridge. Because it was the first time she participated in the operation, in order to set an example, she volunteered to join the batch of landing troops. , "" This is Jaina, may I hear you? "

\ "It's very clear, how is your situation there?"

\ "We've reached the surface safely. It's desolate and ... a little disgusting."

Jaina's voice sounded obedient, and I have no doubt that they directly occupied the insect moss-there was almost no inch of clean land on the surface of Pingxing.

\ "Are there any enemies?"

\ "No response-our leader Raven is releasing search magic, we will find a place to hide first."

\ "Well, take care, Vega and her Scorpion soldiers are in your team, be careful not to stay away from their protective range."

After a brief explanation, I turned my attention back to a series of holographic projections on the bridge, as for Qian Qian and Li Lina?

The two masters who couldn't calm down now ran to the lander, and they were waiting to kill the Quartet.

On the holographic projection in front of me, uh ... uh, hundreds of blue light spots on the surface of Pingxing are gradually expanding into light spots, which means that our hundreds of landing troops have begun to expand to the periphery, but each army The returned information made me a little confused. Until now, they have not encountered a large-scale Zerg unit. Only a few scattered soldiers You Yong were registered by the team, and then killed by the first time.

This is not normal. It is reasonable to say that the Zerg's reproductive ability, so many days have passed, even if they can not form a climate again, will not the entire planet have only this idle force? Could it be that the one hundred million bugs are already all of their army on this star?

文明 All civilizations destroyed by the Zerg will cry, they will cry

\ "Your Majesty, here is the thirty-seventh landing force. We have now set our target. It looks like a palace in Protos. There is no energy left inside."

这样 Such a report sound suddenly came from the communicator. I pressed the doubt in my heart and started to respond: \ "Very well, is the enemy moving now?"

\ "After three sporadic battles, the other side did not appear as a large-scale unit, nor did we organize any form of counterattack against our arrival."

\ "Well, keep moving, pay attention to concealment."

Immediately afterwards, the news from the various advance teams also converged.I naturally could not respond to these messages one by one, but I handed it over to the other commanders of the fleet.According to the information they gathered, the planet ’s bugs were indeed large Some are missing.

\ "Host, did you rescan the stars?"

I frowned and asked into the air.

\ "Data comparison and comparison ... Same as the first scan result, no swarm traces, no specific energy response, no dangerous sexual energy radiation."

Qi Qie, what is going on in this weird situation? There are traces of bug moss and those slime creatures everywhere. Why can't I find the trace of the other party? Did Chengdu dare to join the Blade Queen contest?

As soon as I had this nonsense thought, a voice suddenly came out of the communication equipment: \ "Here is the fourteenth landing force. We have entered the target. It is initially judged that this is the Protos ceremonial place. We now have a huge The wreckage of the worm is collecting its DNA sample ... in the sample comparison ... sir, this is a post-worm repeat, this is a post-worm. "

\ "Are you sure? How did that thing hang?"

I'm surprised, dead? Is the planet's worm dead? No wonder the enemy can't be seen everywhere. After half a day, their spawning machine is finished.

\ "Sir, we have a lot of high-temperature melting traces on the scene, and there are scars on the post-worm body that were melted by high-temperature cutting tools," the commander of the conventional landing force hurriedly reported, \ "There is a certain level of energy residue on the scene ... wait sir, we have Protos' original psionic remnants that killed this female, probably the Protos Protoss. "

Protos? Are they on this planet?

The news was immediately conveyed to the heads of each landing force. After confirming that the alert level had dropped by one level, these advance teams immediately expanded the search scale, and soon, in several areas close to the fourteenth landing force search area. Inside, other troops also showed similar fighting traces. It seems that the Protoss forces are mainly concentrated in these areas to attack the Zerg, but we have not found the bodies of any Protos fighters, and we do not know whether they were Zerg eat or eat or eat ...

Just when we thought everything was going well and the enemy would not appear and was ready to launch into the scientific research force, a raven suddenly returned to the emergency communication: \ "Here is your third raven squad. Our druid is in one place. Caverns revealed a hidden life wave. The detector dropped a minute ago and lost contact with us. We are about to enter the crypt and ask follow-up troops to follow up. "

This news finally changed the peaceful exploration process. [Dzi Bead Change], the two regular troops closest to the Third Raven Squad were immediately ordered to approach their current crypt, and I told the following Qian Qian and Li Lina, no surprise, these two were excited on the spot

\ "Finally we can go exploring, Ajun, let's go now"

This is a shallow, elated voice. She has a concept of going deep into the worm's nest that looks completely different from a normal girl ~ www.readwn.com ~ Great. This time there is a fight. "

Li Lina cheered up with Qian Qian, how to say, I think the priestess of the goddess of life is as unreliable as the **** she believes in ...

Alas ... the monthly pass is still misty after the 4D update ...)


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