Xiling Empire

Chapter 419: Burn a gun

Chapter 419: Burning the Gun and Going Out

Two huge fleets confronted each other in the cold space of space. Although the distance between the two sides was hundreds of thousands of kilometers, the tense atmosphere had penetrated into the bones of everyone.

"Zerato, are these your people?"

Although I had a basic understanding of the situation, I asked the Dark Templar beside me.

"If from Protos' point of view, they are my people," Zerathu's voice sounded low and slow, but perhaps Tadalim was not willing to admit that we exile heretics are our fellow citizens. . "

I was really anxious and exhausted, and after hearing Zerathu's words, I was so sighed in my heart.

Protos' internal divisions have long been repaired with the joint efforts of Zeratul and Tassada, but it seems that the branch of the tribe of Tadalim is now returning to the dark templars considered to be "heretics." I feel unacceptable to the arms of the tribe.These secrets, which are hard to know in the original "plot", are really eye-opening-like a sentence I heard a long time ago, the people who hate you most often It is your compatriot.

"What are your requirements?"

I had a decision in my heart. I just had a good time to talk to the other side, but Proce took such an inquiry as a sign of weakness, and immediately said in a rising tone: "Leave our holy place immediately and hand over our artifact, And you, as the leader of this force, must come to our warship in person and show remorse for your reckless behavior. "

"Ground forces, keep working."

耸 I shrugged my shoulders and gave an indifferent expression. Immediately, the several survey ships that had already stopped operating began scanning and analyzing the Protos temples again.

I am naturally not the kind of person who will blaspheme others' beliefs and treasures, so even without Tadalim, I will not rashly destroy these Protos ruins, but just do my best to these mysterious buildings as much as possible Careful exploration, even Zerathu himself has no opinion on this harmless investigation we have conducted, but in the view of the zealous and exclusive Tadalim, perhaps we "interracial people" are just standing on their side The sacred place of the ancestors is already a great blasphemy. I don't think that it is the best way to deal with such an unreasonable theory.

If your sister didn't look at Uncle Z's face, at this time I ordered a unilateral freezing of the Bill of Rights against Protos.

The actions of our ground forces immediately angered those Tadalim fleets that faced the Empire fleet far away hundreds of thousands of kilometers away. The enemy commander named Pross made a similar ultimatum to us with a severe tone. Manifesto: "Stupid and savage alien, you must pay for your ignorance. Your fragile spaceship must be turned into a flame of atonement to Protoss ancestors to purify your crimes."

After Prosper completed such a powerful ultimatum, our mothership host immediately issued a high-energy response alert.I didn't expect the other person's patience to be more lacking than I thought. The total video was decisively offline after less than three or two sentences. Hit

As a powerful race with the highest technology in this star area, Protos's fleet is naturally not comparable to those of human ships. Not to mention the number of opponents, there are nearly 10,000 ships in total. When the opponent's main gun is charged, Suddenly, the mother ship's main engine issued a rapid sirens.

警告 "Warning warns high-energy response forward High-energy response forward Shield shield power increase to prepare for fire."

The more than a thousand shuttle-shaped battleships that followed the "Protoss" mothership did not surprise me. It is the famous void ship-of course, there is another name called Qu Guangship. I think using the second This kind of title is more appropriate, because after knowing the true meaning of the word "Void", I feel that these warships are dubbed the name of Void.

Through the holographic projection in front of me, I can see that the manipulator arms at the front of those shuttle-shaped warships are slowly spreading out, and a series of focusing prisms on the inside are floating bright blue and white rays, starting hundreds of thousands of kilometers away Charged, and this energy has not been shot yet, which proves that in the actual interstellar world, the early charge of Quguang does not need to continuously attack a specific target-this huge difference from the game settings makes This concentrated photon cannon that can multiply its power in the attack has a more amazing threat, just like the Zerg that can create mobile hatching ponds and one-time flying dragons on the front line. It seems that the existence in the real world will always be It is more than one level better than the information projection on the earth.

"Zerato, I'm sorry, it seems I have to fight with your fellow citizens."

The rapid turn of the situation made this battle-hardened soldier feel a bit of struggle. He had some contact with the Imperial Warrior and he already knew about our power, especially the two amazing shots made by Li Lina made him to us. The mysterious power of the Awesome is in awe.Although this understanding is still very superficial, it is enough to make him understand that the Protos fleet hundreds of thousands of kilometers away does not necessarily occupy any advantage in this confrontation. Once the war begins, I am afraid The result will be terrible, but in the end, he still sighed.

At this stage, no one can stop the fighting from exploding.

"Imperial Fleet, the overall dephasing accessory unit enters the mother ship's protective field, the battleship's main gun is charged, the energy target is swept, and the enemy's all energy attack equipment"

After obtaining my combat permission, the mothership captain immediately became extremely skilled and issued a series of precise orders, always quiet, like the imperial fleet of lurking beasts in the shadow, facing the provocation of Tadalim, finally revealing its Scary fangs.

Strictly speaking, although there has been a firefight with the fleet of the Independent Federation before, it is only a personal crushing game of Pandora and Huesca. Thousands of human battleships are connected to two strategic-level girls. Toys are not counted. Today is the real confrontation between the Imperial Fleet and the Alien Fleet, so I have no reservations at the beginning, and ordered all kinds of equipment that sounded extremely good.

Amazing energy flows through every pipeline of the huge battleship, and the scream of energy flow rises like a train whistle approaching. As the flagship eternal battlecruiser, the cooling grille under each Schilling ship In an instant, it changed from dark red to dazzling white.The starship gun of the eternal class ship gradually emerged a splendid bit of spark under the combined power of three different space phantom wells. This unprecedented powerful charge gun can charge Being able to get up even trembled the bridge where we were-or was this an illusion, to be honest, even just looking at the holographic projection, the process of charging the galaxy is too flammable.

Zerathu's eyes flashed with a complex light.On the one hand, the fanatical heathens of Tadalim were the enemies of the Dark Templars, and they even had more than once against the Protoss of Shakurás. They have made unreasonable attacks, and in many cases, they always treat every dark templar they encounter as heretics to "purify", but on the other hand, even if that is the enemy, the current The situation is also a group of unknown "Emperor" is firing on his own kin, so Uncle Z is very tangled.

At this time, the energization of the enemy's more than a thousand Quguang ships was finally over. The way we did not evade may have caused a little doubt for Pross, but this could not stop his determination to attack us.

The distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers is imminent for the light cannon, and the eternal core computer, which can be called an abnormal core computer in any kind of Imperial battleship central computer, is faster than the light. As the thousands of huge photon jets were about to reach the Empire Fleet forward, a synthetic female voice rang through the bridge: "Beginning of dephasing"

As if the reflection of the water was suddenly disturbed, the huge imperial fleet shook unreally for a moment, as if it had become a substantive picture.

The photon torrent that took a long time to get out of the opponent's thousand roads penetrated the Empire fleet that has been turned into an image, and even the maintenance robot responsible for polishing, oiling, and replacing the three filters of the legion's flagship did not hurt one.

But this is just the beginning of a terror for the Tadalim fleet.

"Enable the grappler."

I nodded to the captain beside me.

Let me see just how powerful Tavel's latest achievements are-energy predators. Tavel conducts research and development based on my special abilities. It took a huge amount of manpower and material resources to try out the first-generation experimental special equipment for energy attack. Although I cannot fully simulate my abilities, it is enough to invalidate all conventional energy attacks.

The imperial fleet that had entered the state of nothingness adjusted the queue slightly. Instead of avoiding those huge photon torrents, they faced the enemy's attacks one by one, and then gradually re-entered the entity.

"The dephasing effect is about to end, the energy predator has been successfully activated, and the target energy sample has been obtained ... the energy channel is being established ... the channel is being established ... the energy predator is being increased ... the test data is being prepared for recording."

A blue halo passed over each of the Hilling ships under the attack of the Quguang ship, and the entire Empire fleet was also lifted from nothingness at the same time. Thousands of photon torrents charged to the extreme finally hit the substance. The target, in a moment, stirred up a dazzling white flame on our spacecraft. The Tadalim fleet, which was just in shock, saw that his attack worked, and immediately increased the output power of the Quguang ship more vigorously- Until all the energy of their current spacecraft is out of control.

The light beam connected between the curved light ship's energy-gathering crystal and the Spirit ship is growing at a rate visible to the naked eye. Within seconds, a maximum power attack that can be released by a normal curved light ship has been emitted, dazzling blue and white The spark of energy began to crack out from the curved crystals of the curved light ship, and then gradually spread to their entire hull. Due to the out of control generated from the inside, the Protos were proud of the plasma. The shields didn't play a role at all, but within ten seconds, the plasma shields on those curved light ships had been shaky-their last remaining energy was drying up under the siphon of the energy grapple.

The captains of those curved light ships tried to cut off the energy supply of the focusing crystals, but the energy channels established by the energy grazing devices have spread throughout their entire hulls. As long as they can conduct energy, they have been accurately mastered by the eternal host. Attribution is incorporated into the energy channel, and their resistance is completely futile.

Soon, more than a thousand curved light ships that had previously floated a light blue halo gradually dimmed, and their dense sparks of energy filled their streamlined hulls. These completely dried out Protos battleships began to distort and deform. That was the energy of the grazers squeezing the crystal energy in their structure.Pross tried to contact the warriors in the battleship, but he got only a scream of screaming-thirteen seconds later, the grabbers had started to absorb Proto The spiritual energy in Sri Lanka.

In the end, when the soul of the last Captain Guangqu was completely drained, and even the chemical energy of every cell in his body was scarce, the energy predator finally completed this cricket feast, bringing more than a thousand ships. The curved warships, which turned into bleak and distorted metal wreckage, were released from the force field and allowed them to crash crookedly onto the surface of Pluto.

"The energy predator is fully charged, the energy form is being converted ... Xinghe's main gun is attacking for the first time ..."

With such a dull mechanical female voice, the "Xinghe" main gun, which has completed an unprecedented triple charge, released a huge energy torrent of several kilometers in diameter. Under my instruction, it avoided the three ships of Tadalim. The aircraft carrier instead made an "s" cut in a square array of its thousands of frigates.

In the face of this kind of "Star River", which can cut a small planet into two halves, the plasma shield seems to be non-existent. In Tadalim's square array, a series of explosions shine on the dark and cold starry sky.

同时 At the same time as the first attack was completed, the mechanical female voice resounded through the bridge again: "... in the transformation of energy form ... the second attack of the main galaxy ..."

"... the third attack of the Xinghe Cannon ..."

"" ... the fourth attack of the Xinghe Cannon ... "

A huge light cuts across the enemy's fleet, one s and one B ...

Until the entire energy pipeline of the Xinghe main gun is severely overloaded-this strategic weapon is used to connect like a machine gun, thanks to the fact that we installed a second buffer system in advance.

After our attack began, the Protos fleet, which was caught in a brief turmoil because all of the 1,000 Quguang ships were drained and crashed within 20 seconds, also quickly organized an effective counterattack, but such a counterattack is in our view It's really weak, maybe it is because of its powerful technology that it has become habitual to bully human beings in this star area. In the face of the strange army of the Spirit Empire, it has been hit so hard that the opponent's attack seems a little hesitant. A moment of hesitation allowed our assault ships and gravitational trap effect ships to completely block the entire battlefield through space jumps, completely preventing the opponent from escaping with the best space teleportation-although I can't be sure of their space technology. To what extent.

The counterattack firepower from the Tadalim Fleet finally landed on the Empire Fleet.At first, it was only a few tentative attacks that were unfavorable. Worried, they were afraid that they would become the next victim of this terrible weapon, but soon they realized that the vicious weapon was no longer working.

After all, it is a test product. It absorbs such a large amount of energy at one time, and then converges to the main gun of the mother ship through void conduction. It needs to be cooled.

"The shield strength of the third formation is decreasing ... space transition ... the formation is adjusted ... the mother ship is fully fired ..."

Electronically synthesized mechanical female voices report the state of the situation.Although the attacks of these Protos warships can cause some damage to the Imperial fleet, unless they can surround us with sea-ocean tactics, they can rely on such firepower. Breaking our shields is a miracle. In space confrontation, the Imperial fleet has one of the most impressive tactics, that is, "jumping maneuver". Every unit in the entire Imperial fleet, even if it is responsible for changing the filter The automatic robots of the net are all capable of space jumping. On the interstellar battlefield, our entire fleet can make use of space jumping to make instant changes in the entire formation. The troops under the concentrated attack of the enemy's firepower are within one millisecond. You can swap positions with intact units in the rear. We always use the warships in the heyday to engage the enemy-and this is based on the premise that our warships are far more powerful than our opponents.

Bright laser beams are staggered in cosmic space, and each flash means enough to kill countless stated energy bursts.The Empire Fleet formed a huge joint shield, blocking most of the enemy's attacks outside the shield. Except for some fragile unmanned ships and cannon fodder units driven by combat puppets that were destroyed while blocking the enemy's deadliest attacks, our losses were almost negligible, while Protos' warships were consumed in their plasma shields Then began a large batch of battle damage.

In fact, I was surprised that their plasma shields could withstand the first round of volleys by the Empire fleet.

"What are their aircraft carriers doing?"

Just as we were making fun ... Keke, confronting the enemy, Li Lina suddenly reminded me, at this moment I suddenly appeared, the three Protos aircraft carriers that did not show a little offensive intention from the beginning of the battle were really too Suspicious-are they watching the fireworks of their fleet calmly?

"Those haloes just appeared," Frowning lightly, pointing at the layers of light ring-shaped objects that suddenly appeared below the enemy aircraft carrier shown on the holographic projection, and she did it in a unique and cruel way. With the analysis, "They have never attacked, and may be accumulating energy to make a surprise attack. The Xinghe main gun can be fired again in a few minutes. We better kill their aircraft carrier to keep these guys quiet ~ www.readwn.com ~ But It seems that the enemy did not intend to wait for a few more minutes. With the sudden alarm of the mother ship's main engine, we instantly detected that the gravitational pull around the space caused a wide range of anomalies.

In the next second, the position of the eternal class ship's main gun was surrounded by thousands of small fighter planes that suddenly appeared.

Protos's aircraft carrier ... How to rely on space jump to deploy carrier-based aircraft?

I didn't expect this at all. This is too far from the "setting data" in the impression. If I knew the enemy had this trick, I should keep a gravitational trap effect ship near the eternal class.

Just when I was surprised, the thousands of fighters that used space technology to directly transfer to our main gun position were already full of squeaking electric sparks and slammed into the "Xinghe" that had just begun to recharge again.

They want to detonate our main gun


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