Xiling Empire

Chapter 420: Victory and gift

Chapter 420: Victory and Gifts

Thousands of small unmanned fighters directly jumped from the Protos aircraft carrier gathered like an angry bee colony in front of the "gathering crystal" of the "Xinghe" which was gradually brightening, giving up conventional attacks completely, but using itself as The bomb rammed head-on against a light mass that was spewing intense energy.

At this moment, I admit that Proce is a genius-he can think of such a surprise tactic.

The experimental energy predator is still in a cool state.The cd of the ultimate invincible device, which is an inverse phaser, is even longer than the energy predator.The charge of the Galaxy Cannon is almost saturated, and there are thousands of suicide attacks. In the continuous impact of human-machine, the huge energy light group is gradually losing stability, and this is not over yet. As the halo below those aircraft carriers continues to flash, more carrier-based interceptors break through space and leap to the front of our main gun. In just a few seconds, tens of thousands of small drones have gathered there

多少 How much of this kind of aircraft carrier can you hold, bastards, can't you break the law?

If there are any regrets in a horrible giant warship such as the eternal class, its most powerful "Xinghe" main gun will become one of the weaknesses because of the huge psionic interference during the energy gathering stage, and the energy gathering area is the entire ship. The only place where a battleship cannot be covered by a psionic shield, but then again-who the **** can think of such a **** tactic of hitting the enemy's muzzle one second before firing?

Grace, Pross thought ...

Such defects were naturally expected by the war engineers of Hilling, and they also set up a series of stabilization devices near the galaxy crystal of Xinghe to prevent the "explosive chamber" from being hit by external forces during the charging process of the main gun. However, any stabilizing device has its upper limit, and the energy control core of Niu B can not carry the joint self-detonation of 10,000 fighters-not to mention that Protos's artificial thing is not a display.

\ "Warning,‘ Xinghe Solar Energy Crystal is disturbed by unknown energy, the charging stability is decreasing, the Psionic Shield fails to start, and the emergency stop push is started after three seconds ... ”

All things are complicated to say, but they are all caused by the fire of calcium carbide. The enemy's three aircraft carriers have been building aircraft since the beginning of the war. Although I don't know what their original tactics are, the attack on the opponent's leaping wall is indeed true. It played a role, the siren of the mother ship's main engine gradually increased, and the huge light cluster at the front of Xinghe looked completely out of control.

However, I don't have much worry on my face.As the longest-serving and most stable high-tech flagship in the Empire, the timeless design is perfect to the pain, and any unexpected situation has been the original generation of designers. Considering that even if the main gun is out of control, it also has an emergency stop push setting-although that will cause the entire main gun to be unable to start again in the next 3 hours, and even the emergency stop push will not work, we also have partial space dissociation This last resort: The entire "Xinghe" system operates modularly, and it is designed to automatically jump out of the hull in the most urgent situations. We have time to complete the entire "Xinghe" one millisecond before the main gun explodes. "Throw it into a different space, but then the majestic and timeless level will be completely broken ...

Well, I do n’t intend to use the above two methods this time. As a second battle with the opponent, what we need is absolute victory. We will use the other methods to leave the impression that the empire is invincible, even if it is only a loss. A main gun is not in our consideration.

I gloomy face, watching the drone drone flies on the holographic projection flying around the light cluster of Xinghe, and then stomped my foot.

For a moment, I disappeared on the bridge.

Cosmic space ... you are so magnificent, the splendid Milky Way is like flowing ...

I managed to be a bit poetic. A drone just exploded beside me. Although it did not cause me any damage due to the existence of a mental shield, it succeeded in frightening me.

Forget it, next time I'm going to find an asteroid with no one to take the bard, now it's important to work.

Our current position is ten meters behind the main gun of Xinghe, and 10,000 Protos drones in front of it are in full bloom.

Although I have gathered hundreds of thousands of kilometers, I know that with Protos's technology, Pross now needs to see that it is easy for me to head one by one, so even if my heart is rushing to fight boxing with these fighters, I still try to suppress it. Go down and try to make a majestic expression sinking in the water. At this time, except for the image, the gods are all floating clouds.

Suddenly appeared above the ultimate main gun that was about to explode, and watched tens of thousands of drones crashing into the huge energy light group under their feet, my amazing move immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the battlefield. Zerathu on the bridge almost exclaimed. He thought I was crazy. He had seen the power of the main gun just now. Just sweeping it can make Protos proud of the advanced fleet. For a series of fireworks in space, and now this man called the Empire Emperor ... he would not be planning to have a funeral with his fleet?

\ "Don't show a surprised expression," and I have the same mind and know my special abilities. She has already guessed my intentions. The corner of her mouth is slightly curved, and Zerathu is slanted. \ "It's just a game for him."

At this moment, under my feet, the huge starlight has swelled to the extreme, and the light group on the verge of collapse is trembling like bubbles, unable to tremble. I previously ordered the emergency stop of the Xinghe gun and other defensive measures, so Everything, as Proce hoped, the eternal main gun was out of control.

The collapse of the huge psychic energy made the beautiful flame suddenly shrink a bit, until it was less than the size of a basketball, and then with the slight distortion of the surrounding space, the harsh white light sprayed out from under my feet.

It's now

Maybe many people don't think of it. The moment before the light of "Xinghe" is about to burst, it is also the time when it is the easiest to be controlled. As long as I seize the moment that is less than a second, I can ...

I stretched out my right hand easily and freely, and I looked at the light that suddenly swelled under my feet, then, as if suddenly attracted by a black hole, the brilliant light sphere that had expanded to a radius of nearly half a kilometer was violently twisted, forming an extra large No. funnel shape, and the tip of the funnel is in my palm.

Let you see what is called a human shape grappler-can this thing be called a star sucker?

As I quickly released that huge energy to the void plane with my own power, I thought so foolishly.

After a short while, all the out-of-control energy that burst from the front end of the main gun has been guided by me into the space and time, and the last part of the energy is compressed into a small ball of light, floating quietly in my hands.

Both the enemy and us fell into silence.

Although I can't see it, I guess Proce's expression on the face must be quite exciting now. He probably can't understand what is called mental power conduction, let alone what kind of golden finger the ability attack is invalidated. The laser that was enough to annihilate thousands of Protos battleships turned into an apple-sized beam of light, which was absolutely beyond his imagination.

I shattered the inconspicuous energy light ball in my hand, and the huge spiritual power suddenly expanded, invading the enemy's fleet's communication system without hindrance, and even roaring in each of their minds. The method of spiritual invasion learned by Dora does not require too advanced skills. Basically, as long as the mental strength is strong, it can take effect. Of course, because I am not a professional spiritual grabber like Sandora, I am afraid that Pross and his men Soldiers will suffer from tinnitus and insomnia for a long time.

\ "Protos," I copied my thoughts directly into the minds of those members of Tadalim, "" I'm almost impatient. "

Witnessed this scene that can be described with sensationalities.The impact on those Tadarim members is definitely more than thrilling than the half-hour bombardment of the emperor.The power is strange and powerful. They have come to their knowledge of the limits of life so far-maybe the Zerg dominator is strong enough to survive for a while under similar artillery fire, but no creature in the universe can wipe it away with one hand like this. Destroy the huge energy of the entire fleet, a person's power can reach such a level ... So to what extent should the mysterious \ "Hilling Empire" be powerful?

Unsurprisingly, the Tadalim Fleet finally chose to retreat. Although the Protos are not afraid of death, it is one thing to be afraid of death. It is not the same as a qualified warrior who has desperately thought hard and totally irresistible enemies. quality.

Compared with the glorious power of the first appearance, the current Tadalim fleet is extremely embarrassing.

The plasma shields of all battleships have been wiped out under the attack of the imperial artillery, and the armor of each ship is covered with obvious traces of melting.The soldiers who perform the task of assault and harassment even rely on their mobile advantage without cooling transitions. , Wrote with a peculiar energy beam on the enemy ’s large battleship shell \ "xx to go here", "pork stew noodles are the king of the world", "k city management is all pigs" and so on All kinds of speechless words, I don't know what expressions these unlucky Tadalim members would show when they saw these written things in various interstellar words when they returned to their base to repair the spacecraft.

Anyway, now I look at the back of their retreat and feel a kind of vicissitudes penetrating into the bones.

Since I don't want to start a full-scale war with the entire Protos race, I have not killed the entire fleet of the other party. If their brains still have a little thinking ability, they should know what choices to make now, after all, here too. It is always good to keep a point against the Zerg in the star area.

After I returned to the bridge again, I came to Zerathu.

\ "Considering humanitarianism, I have put their collar back, but next time, I will fight directly against the entire Protos race."

\ "Thank you for your kindness, the powerful Emperor Spirit."

Zerathu's eyes flashed with light.Finally, he lowered his head to me. For a warrior, the strong is always worthy of respect, and even more respectable is that this strong person also has a broad mind, in exchange for Whoever can let his enemies run away for humanitarian reasons in space warfare can be said to be broad-minded-although Lilian has been muttering in the spiritual connection that I am an incorruptible person.

Che, that Tiantianjing thinks about how the dark belly goddess can understand my great plan. Our goal is to let the entire Protoss willingly go to the empire's test bed and help me write a test report. ... keke, say it leaked ...

\ "You have something to say?"

I can see that Zerato has always been a bit verbal and unstoppable, and asked curiously, perhaps a natural communication habit. Protos are really not good at hiding their emotions in front of strangers, even if they are separated by one. Mask, Uncle Z is about to write "I have something to say" on his face.

\ "Yes, the Emperor of the Spirit," Protos continued to maintain his awkward manner of addressing me, "" I am doubting Tadalim's action. "

\ "Well? What's wrong? They are not always so exclusive ... Well, I got this information from one of my human friends, and he has dealt with you a lot."

Zerato suddenly helped me lie through the brain supplement: \ "You mentioned my best friend Renault? He is indeed a person who can always be involved in all kinds of troubles ..."

I did not expect that Uncle Z would have a sense of humor, or did Renault really become the second unfortunate polymer after the last boy in another world?

\ "Tadalim is indeed a very xenophobic and extreme religious fanatic," Zerathu is critical of his kin, \ "but they should not be blind to this extent, because you landed in Pro Thousands of warships were threatened on an abandoned planet in Thoth, especially against a stranger who has just arrived in this star area and has done nothing except deal with the Zerg.It is not us who proactively provoked a dispute. Protos's way of racially acting, I doubt ... they have been somehow bewildered, somewhat extremely unfavorable to you ... "

I have to say that Uncle Z is really a person who is suitable for telling ghost stories.The story that didn't have any sense, let him speak it in his low and slow tone, and it feels to me like watching the midnight bell at midnight Like.

I rubbed my forefinger with my index finger, too lazy to think about similar troubles, and muttered in a low voice: \ "Go with him, anyway, I'm not good at conspiracy, and some people's conspiracy can't deal with the emperor."

It didn't take long to explore on Pleiades.Everything here has been lost under the destruction of the Zerg. There is really little value left to investigate, except for the collection of several new Zerg samples and some research on Protos architecture. Outside of the information, we didn't have much to gain.

Before the last batch of landing troops returned to the mothership, several of them, in accordance with Lillian's instructions, planted a kind of green in the equatorial position of the planet, which was dedicated by the goddess of life, and the goddess officer was devoted to improve. The contaminated insecticide, the magical seed named by Lina \ "Roach Buster 1", although it is not yet a complete body, this new plant containing the power of life is enough to purify the remaining Zerg influence on this planet, In less than a month or two, this place will become a lush star of life, the ecosystem here will be rebuilt, all Zerg corpses and the insect moss they secrete will become the nutrients needed to rebuild all of them. In fact, just a few hours after the druids planted the seeds, a small green flower gradually bloomed on the surface of Pingxing, urged by the power of life, and this \ "flower" was still Flying to the surface of the planet with the naked eye, through the observation equipment on the spacecraft, we witnessed a lively green vine quickly broke through the ground and grew into a short time. Large lush plants, constantly decomposing the Zerg wreckage along the way and spreading the green to the magnificent scene of the entire land, the power of the Protoss is enviable, and the hard work that Li Lina has given in the process of nurturing such a child cannot be denied.

\ "This ... this is a miracle of life. I have never been touched by the scene in front of me like today ..." Zerathu watched the vines growing on the screen. Almost the whole person was lying on the projector. He His voice trembled, a fierce emotion touched by life seemed to stir the strong heart of this soldier, making him even incoherent, \ "Life, gained a new life hope is being thinned out and a powerful emperor, I want to pay tribute to you, I acknowledge I made the wrong first impression of your empire ... you are powerful saviors, not as dangerous as in my first impression ... I salute you "

In other words, should our image be relied on by Lina's black-bellied pseudo-loli?

Also, Uncle Z, you are not calm ...

\ "For a long time, we have been monitoring the balance of the world," At the moment, the shallowness of the heart is pretending to play the role of the savior, \ "The rescue of the innocent and the trial of the guilty are our innate. The mission of invading the balancers of the world, the empire will annihilate them into ashes, and in the face of the unfortunate innocent, we do not mind bearing the burden of redemption ~ www.readwn.com ~ shallow, you will let Ding Dong eat nothing.

\ "We are still nurturing this kind of child," I tapped my head lightly, letting her stop pretending to flicker Uncle Z, while taking out a few green glitter seeds, \ "It was blessed by the goddess of life With the function of purifying unclean life and rebuilding the planet, these seeds should be our meeting gift-except for those zealous Tadalims, we are happy to be friends with every race in this world. "

In the face of these \ "invaluable" treasures that I suddenly took out, Zeratu immediately showed a look of surprise. Presumably, in his view, these things should be regarded as holy relics of the whole race. Now I just take it out of my pocket and give it away--and what are the two black things that are mixed inside?

I embarrassedly picked out the chocolate beans and shoved it to Liliana who was dangling next to me, and then said with great care: \ "This is a proof of our kindness to the Protos family, although today with you A heresy tribe had unpleasant contacts, but I still hope that we can become friends. "


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