Xiling Empire

Chapter 421: Rally

Chapter 421 Assembly Order

In the face of the precious gift that I suddenly took out, Zerathu's eyes flickered, but hesitated for a while, but he still could not refuse this significant gift: in some ways, a few of these seeds, even Much more precious than the "artifacts" they inherited from Sarnagar.

He took these little seeds preciously, and Zeratu placed them very carefully next to him, and then asked Lilian how these "sacred seeds" should be used. Such a magical creation is never possible. Just find a flower pot and put it down?

Uncle Z, who is two meters tall, respectfully bowed to a little loli who was only half his height and bowed his head, saying "holy priestess", which is full of all kinds of joy ...

Lilina was also unambiguous, immediately waving her hand to draw a gesture: \ "Well, there are not many requirements. When this thing is well planted, bury it deep, no watering, no loose soil, The compound fertilizer can be used for farmhouse fertilizer or without fertilizer.It is the best temperature to maintain minus two baidu to zero thousand degrees.It is acid and alkali resistant, drought resistant and wind resistant. No need to worry about building a house near it ... Well, there is one thing. Although it can break down the Zerg into basic elements, you'd better drop the seeds after the number of Zerg on the planet has fallen to a certain level. After planting, the Zerg are not stupid. In case they have seeds and attack aggressively ... Plants vs. Zombies are also limited ... Oh, and the order I gave them is to completely purify and build up all Zerg forces on the planet After meeting the best ecological conditions of the current planet, it will wither and die automatically, so if it dies, you don't need to panic. That is normal. New seeds can be recovered where they were originally planted, and soaked in water for thirty minutes. You can rejuvenate "

介绍 These introductions were even the first time I heard from Li Lina. Before that, only those druids were interested in this kind of magical life, how to say ...

It's no wonder that the original green tire provided by Dingdang is so good that it can compete with that little goddess who can be happy with a jelly bean for a long time ...

If I was just a little surprised and groaned in my head, Zerathu's feeling can almost be described by thriller.

\ "It's that simple?" Uncle Z almost called out, \ "This sacred seed ... can it take root so simple?"

\ "Nonsense," Li Lina rolled her eyes impatiently, \ "It's the end of the world. Who else has the time to do the fasting bathing and dressing that egg pain? All the things used to save the world are fools anyway. This is my goddess. Lord's words ... "

After limp, don't mention your unreliable Goddess.

When Zerathu collected the seeds and quickly regained sedation, I said in a tone that didn't care much: "" You can use the seeds at will, but I have a small request-of course, do you want me? " There is no way. "

\ "Of course, accepting such a precious gift, I will certainly give my strength to generous friends." Uncle Z said in a very solemn tone.

\ "So what, in fact, is the artifact you brought ..." I hesitated a little and stated my purpose, \ "Of course, I was just curious to see it, you have seen our power, right As far as we are concerned, a long-standing mysterious 'relic has no place to be spied on. Naturally, if this involves taboos like your faith, then forget it-can I see it?'

Zerathu did not hesitate this time, and the light flashed in his eyes and nodded: \ "Of course you can, the Emperor of the Spirit, please forgive me for being cautious in this matter at first, but now this artifact is OK Show it in front of you. "

Saizato said, taking out a golden alloy cylinder with only a small arm length, but a thick egg, and passed it to me.

I didn't lie to Zeratu. I am very concerned about this so-called ancient \ "artifact", regardless of the background information of the gods and deities related to Protos religion, just by a lower civilization The creation can actually affect the space transmission positioning system of the Imperial soldiers, which is enough for me to have great interest in it.

The golden alloy cylinder made a very slight "hissing" sound, and then the whole surface suddenly appeared several arc-shaped bright traces. Following these traces, the metal cylinder gradually opened, and then a purple The hexagonal prism-shaped thing floated up from it.

材质 What kind of material is this?

I was curiously observing that it was not metallic and did not have the transparent texture of crystal.It was obviously a third strange material that did not belong to the two mentioned above.It was only less than twenty centimeters long and the pigeon eggs were thin The surface of the hexagonal prism is covered with very fine golden patterns, but it obviously does not have any meaning that I can understand. It seems to have the ability to sense energy. After being released, the golden patterns on it have been constantly swimming. Faint halo, but it does not have any energy on its own-I'm absolutely sure of this.

"\" The scan does not show a recognizable structure, and the target is a single organizational form. "

The sound of the mother ship's main engine sounded directly in my mind. Sure enough, just like the result of scanning through the metal cylinder before, this \ "artifact" does not have any internal structure at all. It is a solid cricket, but it It has an incredible ... beacon effect.

So, what is a beacon for it?

\ "It's really interesting," I saw it for a long time, or let the mother ship scan for a long time, but there was no result. I can only ask the mother ship to record the material composition of this kind of thing, and then hand in the golden cylinder again. In Zerathu's hand, "" Go back to the owner. "

Zerato closed the cylinder, and yelled at us slightly, saying, "So, maybe it's time to leave, and my journey is far from over."

I have some meaning of retention: \ "Let's go? Don't leave for a light meal? Our brothers have two drinks ..."

I haven't finished talking about it yet, Lilian has already begun to drill my fist with a small fist—what's the point of a small one-meter boy?

\ "Boss, you can rely on some good words"

Li Lina hated the sound of iron and steel, sounded in my mind, cut, is it wrong to tell the truth?

However, Zeratul eventually left, carrying too many heavy missions to keep him from being **** in one place.Perhaps, as he said, the journey was far from over, and there were many things waiting for him to do-- Anyway, I don't understand his theories of gods and gods, and finally, with his dozens of followers, this strong dark templar embarked on his journey again.

Before he left, he mentioned his next plan.First, he took these seeds to Shakulas and handed them to his compatriots.They could use these things to purify several recently infected Zerg planets, and then He will go deep into the universe, looking for "the revelation of his own destiny"-I think he just needs to talk to Lin Xue ...

\ "Some Protos scientists will not take our shuttle off?"

Looking at the bright spots of light in the distance flashing away, I suddenly expressed such worries-because the spacecraft when I arrived came to be destroyed by the insects, and Zeratu borrowed one of us when he left. The anti-phase shuttle, the safest spacecraft that can always be in the anti-phase state after activation is definitely a high-tech gadget that Protos do not understand-although its manipulation is really fool to the extreme.

Li Lina throws a wink at me politely: \ "Do you think aliens have not slipped like yours?"

I was spit by this bad guy again, and worse, I couldn't refute it at all

After transmitting various data collected on the star to the research center of Tavel, we returned to the main base of Dark Egg Star, and the caster troops from other worlds were almost assembled.

After teleported to the ground landing point, I saw at a glance that he was leading a large group of mages, lining up to meet our mage Muro.

We haven't seen each other for nearly a year since the last time the Vedic Empire was separated. I didn't expect that the second meeting with this alien wizard would be in the empire base of an alien planet. This is really ... The story of the egg hurts.

\ "It's been a long time, Muro."

After I came out of the teleportation beam, I greeted Murrow from a distance.

\ "Well, Your Majesty the Emperor, I admit, I was really scared this time ..."

I was awakened from contemplation. Murrow was startled, then smiled on his face, and told me without falsification.

\ "'Here testify to my own smallness and the shallowness of human beings. To be honest, the female mage named Jaina told me that it is just the truth. If I did n’t come to the front of your empire, I am afraid I am still immersed in human In a small world, the more you know, the more you feel that you were so short ... "

Murrow had a smile on his face, but half of it was interrupted by a slender but powerful fist flying from the side: \ "Sigh enough to return to the team. You want to lose your presence in front of the joint legions of the world. Are they from the Empire? "

Alas ... It seems that Novia gave Murrow a kick in front of me in the last meeting?

\ "I haven't seen you in a long time," I still greeted the long magic swordsman wearing the red knight armor in front of me, and then I couldn't help thinking of the other member of the "three people" who originally said, "Is there Mu? Speaking of the caster, he should have been sent. "

\ "He ... Okay," Novia's expression slightly twisted slightly, \ "Blood Elf ... The white elves of the Azeroth world should call their race like this, a Blood Elf female teacher successfully Our chief priest is fascinated, and I'm sorry, Her Majesty, but once the spirit of freedom of the elves and their stubbornness are fused together, even the magic knight will not be able to draw him back ... "


Okay, this is good news. At least mages from different worlds can get along with each other peacefully, but to say that this love that spans time and space is also too bloody?

In addition, when it comes to the chief priest of the goddess of life, I don't know who is more authentic, Lilina and Mu-all of a sudden, I came up with such a thought.

\ "Where do you say Mu and the blood elf girl intend to buy a house? The house prices in Silvermoon City are not high recently, but the other prices on the blood elf side are not cheap ... Can you mortgage on Vedis? If there is an alien [Xi Xie Jun] population in the husband and wife, at least some kind of welfare subsidy ...

Needless to say, you can think in such a unique way, and nothing else is shallow.

\ "You came here yesterday? I'm really used to it."

I remembered when Sandora notified me that the other casters in the world were in place or yesterday morning. I don't know if the mages from Vedis had strong psychological qualities. The square array formed by a large group of mages behind Murrow looked quite orderly. They can adapt to the mysterious scene in General City in one day, and their adaptability is really good.

Novia turned around and looked still standing upright, like a large group of magicians who were being inspected by the recruits, then moved closer and whispered: "Of course there are surprises and curiosities, but we now represent a world In the presence of fighters called from other worlds, you can't lose the face of your own world-in addition, I have chatted with those warriors from Azeroth, you ... it is an existence I can't imagine, We have always thought that the war we have experienced is enough to be epic, and we did not expect that it would be a regular battle for you. In such an army, everyone should understand their position. "

Novia is right. Standing here, everyone should know where they are.

In fact, it may be because they have not experienced a salvation war of the scale of the Azeroth world, and have not organized a joint organization of various ethnicities such as the "Salvation Army". When they first came to the front of this empire yesterday, those The human wizards of the Vedis Empire are really quite proud of the "top human beings". It is not that they do not realize where it is, but that the habits they have developed have made them unacceptable. The transformation from hero to soldier, these people were originally turbulent, and even the top of the country ’s rulers could bow their heads. Now you let them learn to walk in the imperial barracks ... Naturally, there will be one or two more tempered guys jumping Coming out to challenge the authority of the instructors is also to show their power in front of the mages in other worlds: is this some kind of patriotism?

If the Salvation Army of Azeroth belongs to a well-trained regular army, these Masters of Vedis should be counted as heroes convened on the rivers and lakes. The strength is there, but it is not very effective.

Anyway, it took only one second for two or three guys who came out to be the protagonists to be turned over by their Raven instructor ... and then they understood the absolutely universal truth of this place: all the enemies in the new recruits got magic In the ultimate army from the instructor, there is no strength above the magic god, it is best to clamp the tail.

At this time, Sandora came out of the transmitting beam not far away, first giggling at me as usual and stunned, and then turned around and ordered the recruits from Vedis innocently: \ "Tomorrow At this time with your Raven instructor to get new power armor-In addition, remember that instructors tell you how dangerous the universe environment is, don't think that your magic shield can let you survive in vacuum and radiation [Eternal Life] too Long, dissolve "

\ "They are really obedient."

Watching the obediently dismissed magicians, I tilted my head slightly and said in Sandora's ear, the latter clutching my cheek affectionately, muttering in my mouth: "There are a few disobedient people, let the raven Severely drilled, compared to these temporary brand-name army is really not comparable to the salvation army of Azeroth who has undergone rigorous training ... By the way, the British Puritan magician army has just In place, after testing, although the magic they use is special, the essence of the magic is the same, and the damage to the Zerg is just as amazing, but their number is relatively small, and there is no blood to look at, after all, it is not fighting. In the doomsday world, I'm not so relieved about the soldiers sent by Rolla. "

\ "Rest assured, the blood and rain in the secret world of the forbidden world is definitely not much gentler than the real battlefield, but when it comes to fighting the Zerg in the space war ... Come on, I'll go check it out, who are they leading?"

\ "Stear, sever, uh ... and Rolla."

Is Rolla here?

I was a little surprised. It was acceptable to say that Steele and God broke up, but Laura's fox girl ... As a leader of the British Puritan, is it really okay for her to leave her job so good?

The temporary residence of the British Puritans is next to the Azerothian army.According to this, it is not far away.Bubble has established a large church area here, so that these soldiers who are far away from their hometown can have a sense of belonging. Naturally, nearby There are similar things in several quarters, the elven tree house, the human house, the orc cave, and two large pools ...

Several Mermaid Arcanists in Enron ’s special mechs passed by in front of me ...

I don't know if Rolla was scared by the messy "devil ghosts" in this place ~ www.readwn.com ~ When I enter the gate of the church area, the first thing that catches my eye is the human-like signboard standing in front of the fountain, tall There are two feet of red bad priest, Steele.

\ "呦 Steel, long time no see"

I slap Steer's shoulder from the back, and yelled unexpectedly.

The other person murmured in a sullen voice: \ "I said, at least as a‘ God, you can also do something for me, okay? ”

\ "Cut, it turned out long ago."

I shrugged indifferently, then annihilated the cigarette on Steyer's mouth: \ "Every trace of air here belongs to the empire, that is, my possessions. If you smoke, you will be rationed."

\ "... You tyrant" Steele flashed blue veins on his forehead, then his shoulders fell down, "" What exactly should I call you now? Lord God? Lord God Lord? Mr. Savior? King of the Earth? Or Emperor Your Majesty ... Oh my god, how many secrets do you have? Just now we watched a group of legendary elves drag racing on the main square outside. "


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