Xiling Empire

Chapter 422: Full attack

Chapter 422 Full Attack

\ "What do you think of this fortress?"

史 Stiel and I leaned on a bench in front of the fountain in the church area and looked up at the clear blue sky simulated by the light blue energy shield above. I suddenly asked in a chat tone.

Steyr was silent for a moment, and sighed suddenly: \ "Miracle, a miracle beyond the limits of human imagination. I couldn't imagine that I would have such a magical experience when I was killed 48 hours ago ... Ha, an alien planet, shouldn't this concept be Appear in the minds of the magic side members? "

\ "And the irony is that, as opposed to you, those forces on the scientific side will not play much role in this interstellar war-you don't want to tangle this problem, right?"

No smoking seemed to make Still feel restless. He habitually touched his pockets, then put down his hand depressedly, and said dullly: "" How many years have developed the habit of science, Just like smoking addiction, rejection is not easy to quit. "

I smiled slightly: "Okay, I think you should at least have the concept that the earth is circular."

\ "... nonsense, do you treat me as a fool?"

\ "Then I will tell you now, where this empire fortress is built, this black death planet is even larger than the earth, and contains various rare mineral resources equivalent to 37 Times, and less than a month ago, it was occupied by hundreds of millions of powerful lives. There are 300 million Zerg warriors in the sky above you heading into fireworks on the battlefield, and one tenth of them The number is enough to blood-wash any country on Earth, but this planet is only the most inconspicuous piece of gravel in this star area.In the era of the most intense war here, there are even several such planets every day Lighted up as a flash of light in the universe, you may not have any impression of these, then look around you, those warriors from various worlds that may look strange to you, they are strong, tough, and each has the power to save the world Each of them is a hero and an emperor of their entire race.The most powerful of them were once considered demigods, but here, on the front line of this empire, they are all soldiers, for glory and peace. Lee fighting soldiers, and even bluntly saying to describe, they are all recruits eggs "

I patted Steele on the shoulder and stood up.

\ "You have to be conscious, I heard that recently there is a word circulating between the Holy Expeditionary Forces here, and I will also give you this sentence: 'Here testify to my own smallness and the shallowness of human beings, I have no derogation What humans mean, but I hope you can understand that becoming epic is not necessarily full of lofty ambitions, and here you better give up all prejudices in your heart-that thing is worthless to everyone who sweeps the street here A joke. "

After a long period of silence, Steele finally took out a cigarette decisively, and after igniting a ring finger, he took a hard breath, and then exhaled comfortably. It feels very unpleasant, but I admit that I already agree with you a bit ... this is the end of the world, and everyone who comes over to sell compact discs is at the level of the savior. No one cares about the broken things of humanity ... But anyway, let's fight in powered armor ... but you can think of it. "

表情 The expression on my face is subtle and tight, and then I grit my teeth: \ "The one who sells the disc ... he is the one who sells it"

\ "It's a wonderful and unforgiving prank," when Steyr and I were about to turn to the piracy industry in General City, when the Spirit people urgently needed such a strange direction as the establishment of an urban management organization, a familiar , With some naughty girl voices suddenly sounding behind, \ "But, my great angel, can you tell me, are we fighting for the gods now?"

扭 I turned my head. Sure enough, Laura Stewart and Shenhuozhi were standing there, the former with a sly smile on his face, his hands behind his back, and the front body leaned forward slightly and asked me.

\ "Fight for the gods ..." I showed a serious look in coordination, \ "If you are talking about a God who can create the earth, I can tell you quite clearly that we are doing this with food and drink It's as simple as the so-called god.If the symbolic meaning in everyone's heart is set aside, it is just a more powerful form of life.The so-called God in the heart is the truth. As long as you think you are fighting for faith, that is enough. Now-leaving the cage on Earth, no one here cares whether the person who comes over has the same faith as himself, can this explanation not be? "

\ "Anyway," Laura waved his hand indifferently, \ "Anyway, I have seen with my own eyes, what the real ultimate life should look like, a combination of science and mystery, this may be the ultimate way out for human beings, ask you that question I just want to get a little psychological support. By the way, I will give you an explanation. "

He is really irresponsible ... I have nothing to say about this foxwoman.

\ "At least don't shame the Earth people," I scratched my head and looked helpless, \ "No matter how modern people are in the 21st century, don't even compare the insights of those from outsiders in the feudal era."

Although that is the case, I don't have much worry about whether these people brought by Rolla will still stand in opposition to scientific power.Although it is a member of the magic side, the English Puritan magician is definitely not like The Orthodox Church of Rome is as rigid as it has been, and has experienced such huge impacts as meteorite attacks and alien rescues. Now the sharp opposition between the scientific and magic sides in the forbidden world has been greatly relieved-of course, there is more to this relief Some reasons, such as the scientific side has become a puppet force under our control, such as the Roman Orthodox Church being ignored by the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven during the salvation action, their power has always been weaker, and for example, Rolla, the number one on the magic side, simply Is my staff ...

Speaking of them, unknowingly, has the entire world of forbidden power been under our control?

The Salvation Army, who had previously assembled and had experience in similar joint wars, assumed the responsibilities that they thought of. They explained to the recruits who gathered in various worlds about the Divine Expeditionary Force, which was based on the highest doctrine of the Salvation Army. The general code applicable to soldiers in every world after simplification is mainly to unite absolutely, eliminate all racial disputes, tolerate ideological differences as much as possible, and use the ultimate glory and victory as the sole goal of fighting, and other It sounds almost as extreme as a cult, but this iron-blooded belief seems to have inspired the heroism of the warriors of all races, and after a simulated battle with the captured Zerg \ "targets" Now, the surge in strength is even more so that the soldiers of the expeditionary army are fighting spirits-they obviously forget the fact that our enemies can add up to hundreds of billions.

Anyway, it is not a bad thing to have fighting spirit anyway, those raven should be able to teach their students well.

The various military modules of General City have entered normal operation, our troops are continuously increasing, and the other six imperial fleets serving as pioneers have established relatively stable frontline forts in the sky area near us, including the Black Egg There are about 13 military fortress-type planets under the control of the Empire Fleet. Of course, these planets are all desolate without exception: we have not planned to compete with the indigenous people here for the precious ecological planet. Anyway, there is almost no lower limit for the survival [eternal life] of the Spirit people, and we don't need to fight for the tourist attractions and the three major races in the entire star area-they must unite to resist the invasion of the empire, which is enough for us to drink.

\ "Except that the main legion of the empire seems to be patronized by someone's unfortunate halo and has repeatedly encountered encounters, other expeditions are making good progress," in the tactical hall inside the crystal tower, Sandora pointed us on a holographic projection. I stared at me subtly on the side of the star chart. For this remote planet that specifically found a bird and did not shit, it still encountered enemy forces one after another. To be honest, I have a little doubt that I accidentally contacted my sister one day. It ’s a curse made by nothing. Naturally, I ca n’t refute Sandola ’s trough, \ "Now we are here, and our other control planets are at six points around it-basically showing Symmetry, to ensure that the fleets produced by each fortress planet can be assembled at the lowest cost in the shortest time.Expeditionary forces in various worlds have been led to these forts by ravens recently transferred from shadow cities to serve as surprise troops, according to According to the information submitted by Renault, we already have ten Zerg-occupied planets in the sky. These places will be listed as targets for attack. "

I blinked my eyes and researched the horrific holographic star map, and now I have to find where I am for a long time to give up decisively: \ "Okay, extinction or occupation, we now have enough devastating weapons, but the number of landing troops Still not enough-especially war against ten planets at the same time. "

\ "You can rest assured that most of these ten planets are desolate places completely destroyed by the Zerg. It is enough to burn the entire planet to ashes, and the remaining few planets are all human colonial stars. Those colonists seem to have just Soon after the defeat, their desperate counterattack before the evacuation drastically reduced the number of Zerg on the planet, and the difficulty of the landing battle should not be great, but we had better hurry up, and within a few days, the reproductive power of the bugs must be spread on the top. Full of their larvae. "

\"I have a question"

I was almost confused and heard us arrange this kind of war on the interstellar level, and Rolla has only now found the opportunity to intervene, and immediately raised her hand to attract our attention loudly.

Except for the biggest bishop who always likes to pretend to be a little girl, the other world expeditionary forces are calmly watching—they simply do n’t understand what the “Saviors” are discussing.

\ "Say it." I frowned, not knowing what the biggest bishop planned to do.

\ "I can ask ... will we just destroy the monsters one by one until we wipe out the Zerg planets in the entire galaxy?"

\ "Of course not," I immediately shook my head. Since it is all my own, it is nothing to say the emperor's plan, anyway, it is not a secret, \ "We plan to turn these planets one by one until they attract their queen, Queen of Blade Have absolute control over all Zerg, and then everything will be easy. "

It was noon until [Zhitian] at noon yesterday, and because of the transplanar transmission, Sylvanas, who had been drowsy and dozing all the time, was immediately revived with blood: \ "Do you need me to control her with undead magic?"

\ "Of course not," I said, and then turned to look at Renault who was drinking aside and holding his ears by the way, \ "Our next step is to let Renault soak her."

\ "噗"

Uncle Renault spewed more than three meters away with a bite of old blood, and then slipped off his chair in a squeak.

\ "There is a fate between them, they should be able to soak."

Li Lina feared that the world [covering the sky] would add a word without chaos. Immediately, the leaders of all ethnic groups who were just a little stunned were completely replaced by thrillers.

Representatives of various ethnic groups watched uncle James Renault, who was almost choked to death by the high concentration of vodka just now.

The two sides fell into silence for a few seconds, and Rolla finally came back to God for the first time, with an expression of admiration, and comforted Uncle Renault, who had quickly turned into a gray ash: \ "God teaches us to be tolerant-rest assured, I don't Will discriminate against you. "

Sylvanas flashed a red light in his eyes and shrugged at Renault: "You are really courageous, but I still have many female zombies single. You might consider changing your taste?"

大 Uncle Renault has finally weathered ...

\ "Well, that's it, we will send the specific action plan to the command centers of various ethnic groups later, and the meeting will now be adjourned."

After everyone was gone, I came to Renault who was still staring blankly and reached out and dangled in front of his eyes: \ "Okay, Uncle Beard, now let's discuss the relationship between you and Kerrigan. how about it?"

\ "How did you know ..." Renault seemed to realize the problem at this time, but quickly shook his head calmly. "Anyway, with your technology, it is easy to know these things."

Alas ... is there a necessary connection between high technology and the prosperity of the gossip industry?

\ "Okay, I just give you a reassurance pill, we will get everything done, and if Kerrigan can really return, we don't mind helping her."

I patted Renault on the shoulder, pulled him off the ground, and said something that surprised him so much.

In this case, he will definitely help us desperately.

When coming out of the command center, Lilina walked beside me, chatting with me with a spiritual connection: \ "Is it necessary to help the uncle beard so much trouble? Let Sylvanas directly use the undead magic to transform it How Simple is the Blade Queen "

\ "The actual interstellar world is different from the game. There is a guide who is proficient in local conditions, but it can save a lot of trouble."

\ "Cut ... the good old man can just say," Lillina muttered, "I thought you planned to put Kerrigan in the harem by the way."

\ "... You have no bonus next month."

\ "When did you give me a bonus, you fascist boss"

The comprehensive attack on the Zerg started smoothly in accordance with the original plan. Relying on the foul production method of the host of the Spirit, we have built a huge fleet in a short period of time, relying on the expansion similar to that of the Zerg. The colonial areas of the empire advanced, burning seven Zerg-contaminated planets in just three days, and the progress of the landing warfare was slightly slow.Although they were the first military operations, the advancement of ground forces was impossible after all Compared with the shock wave of p-o3, and those mixed forces from various worlds also need time to run in, we can't let too many precious soldiers sacrifice in the cold space of the alien world for lack of experience, which makes The Ravens who served as commanders also chose a relatively conservative approach.

But overall, our progress is smooth.

\ "Azeroth ’s Stormwind Front and Vedic Empire front have purified 70% of the land on Planet 8, and 'Roach Buster 1 has begun to grow under their protection. That planet can be considered Already done, "In the command center of General City, Sandora introduced me to the current advancement of the army, but when it came to that" cockroach nemesis ", even Her Majesty the Queen couldn't help it. Don, \ "In addition, the Thunder Bluff Army and the Armored Scorpion Corps encountered some trouble on Planet Ten. After the initial confusion, the Zerg's racial defense capabilities seemed to have been stimulated, and that planet was covered with dozens of places The huge thunder beasts and mutant dragons that are high in meters, all the lower-level units seem to have been used as nourishment by these superior forces, and it costs a little to deal with them, but because Pandora is serving as an overseer near there, anyway, now we only The headache is that the tenth planet that should have been reserved has been opened from the center, and it is estimated that it will make the humans in the independent federation nervous ~ www.readwn.com ~ let them protest, " I shrugged indifferently, \ "I can't clean my own house by myself, and others help sweep the floor. They also complain that the floor is not waxed.

But at this time I didn't expect that the courage of the independent federation was really so fat-or that the courage of every race here is not small.

Just before the end of our large-scale operation, a patrol unit located at the outermost area of ​​the Empire's control area was suddenly attacked by a large-scale battle cruiser formation, in a situation where the number was absolutely inferior and it was not itself a combat ship. Next, the commander of this patrol can only choose to retreat.Although he successfully used the time-space transition to escape from the opponent's attack, this can be said to be the first time we have suffered setbacks in this area, and the attacker--Mengsk Fleet.

Just as we assembled a fleet of fleets to fight back against this fleet that suddenly invaded the empire's frontiers, another batch of patrol units were also attacked at the other end of the sky zone, and their situation was even more severe than that of the first unit. Worse: The attackers were a group of unidentified Protos fleets. In the face of almost ten times their own aircraft carrier formation, only two assault ships of that patrol eventually managed to escape.

The situation seems strange.

Grace, it's time to ask for tickets again ...)


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