Xiling Empire

Chapter 423: Crazy, all crazy

Chapter 423 Crazy, All Crazy

I think Mensk and the Protos' minds have bothered the door-they are full of joint attacks on us?

The huge human battle cruiser formation and the Protos fleet of unknown origin seemed to be discussed, and suddenly emerged collectively from the edge of the empire control area. The former gathered a large number of troops to attack our patrol forces, and the latter With a relatively large-scale attack on the high-tech battleships that can be attacked by Emperor's attack, and depending on their fleet composition-it is obvious that the number was organized after being familiar with Emperor's powerful combat capabilities.

The status quo is that from afar we have to deal with hundreds of billions of enemies with Star Wars power ... and their tactics are still so disgusting.

As the first enemy to attack, the Independent Commonwealth rarely chose guerrilla warfare that did not conform to their style. Large-scale war patrols only chose to attack the imperial patrol units that had been ordered, and it was not against the Spirit unit. A deadly attack, hundreds of battlecruisers swarmed up and fired a volley, then no matter what the results were, they turned around and ran, leaving thousands of cannon fodder frigates to disrupt our sight. It turns out that this tactic is It is very effective regardless of the cost. Although the Spirit army has a strong combat capability, even a high-ranking apostle can single out and destroy a whole battle cruiser formation. However, in the event of a sneak attack, a patrol Assault ships are not capable of carrying a hundred battle cruisers Yamato guns-they have not reached the level of inaccessibility.

In the first encounter, the two patrol units were so badly damaged that even a lower commander chose to blew himself up.

Except for the suddenly crazy independent federal army, Protos also attacked the Emperor. It is hard to imagine that Protos, which has always been based on the policy of elite soldiers, could gather so many fleets, even appearing in numbers. Hundreds of aircraft carriers led tens of thousands of spaceships to attack two or three empire posts in such a crazy situation, because it was not the main territory of the Zerg. Our defensive strength in the Dongtian District was very weak. I did not expect that Protos was used as the breakthrough point for the attack. The huge "Protoss" troops used space jumps to occupy the two throat planets there and began to build bases, but the main thing is that our main force is still cleaning up the remaining Zerg planets in the star zone. If the main force is adjusted To deal with the humans and the "protoss" who launched a joint attack, then our previous efforts may have to be put to an end. In order not to cause unnecessary losses, we contracted the troops in the Dongtian District and formed a temporary confrontation with the Protos fleet. On the other hand, the Fleet of the Independent Confederacy has spared no effort in killing: by comparison, destroying Mengsk's army Than against those who hold a lot of high-tech Protoss army easier.

After the main military modules have been copied, the core area of ​​General City has been disintegrated and blasted off to form the mother ship "Imperial Admiral". Now that we have come within the scope of Dongtian District, the Protos army will The neighboring galaxy stationed here is less than 0.3 light-years away from the planetary fortress we temporarily established, which basically belongs to the range where both sides can go to the ground at any time.

"The other party still didn't answer, and we can't confirm their identity, but according to the information left by Zerathu on that day, we don't have the flag of Shakulas in the other party's base. According to preliminary judgment, they should be Protos. Extreme forces in it, Tadalim and the like. "

"Isn't it even clear who the other party is ..." After listening to Sivis' report, I was a bit depressed. "Say we haven't done anything harmful? Why have all the races in the entire star area united to attack the empire?"

"Indeed, they are moving in a joint attack."

Sandola had a somber expression, staring at the star map in front of her with a somber expression.

"Human beings harassed and raided in Xitian District. Protos' main force carried out an assault and established a base in Dongtian District. The Zerg moved the sea tactics in other directions and constantly restrained our main force, A Jun. Look at the star map. Power points Although they have no obvious signs of joint action, such an offensive method is simply in line with the characteristics of a joint attack ... "

Tribal Alliance Against the Empire? What kind of expansion of dog blood?

"Renault, what is the probability that you say that humans and Zergs will unite?"

Unexpected sudden changes caused Uncle Beard's mouth to be rare without alcohol. His eyes flashed with light and said in a low tone: "If it is a speculator like Mengsk, he can join with anyone for the benefit, If he thinks you have threatened his **** of this galaxy, it is not impossible to unite with the Zerg, and Kerrigan ... I don't understand her current way of thinking, but recently your emperor has leveled tens of billions Zerg, she must have realized your huge threat, and it is a good choice to fight against humanity. "

"Then ... what are the odds of their two races joining Protos again?"

"Same as nonsense."

The answer to me this time was a young girl's voice. As soon as I lowered my head, Lirina was standing with an unhappy face less than half a meter away.

This girl seems to have been raising her hand to talk from the beginning, but it seems that we haven't noticed ...

"Why did you ignore me from the beginning? I said the inspector of the war"

Immediately after Li Lina's words fell, Pandora bowed her head and gave me a mallet: it seemed that more than one pseudo-Lolita was ignored.

"Okay, okay, my priest, what do you think of the war madness to keep quiet about the plan to exterminate all species in the entire galaxy?"

Pandora's big grey eyes didn't have a wave, but just turned his head slightly, then kicked his toes lightly on the ground.

Suddenly the whole bridge was shaking-this is our flagship, you madman, at least a little normal way to sullen, okay?

"I contacted the Lord Goddess yesterday," Li Lina raised her face and proudly performed an invitation. "The Lord Goddess used her own power to search all the life in the entire star area. Now the three races here have been acting simultaneously. Among them, the human race has the fastest action. At present, all the fleets of the independent federation are gathering in our direction. Mengsk has almost pulled out his army at the bottom of the box, and is fighting the Emperor with a desperate attitude. Although the Zerg seem to be aggressive, only half their forces are engaged in the battle. Their main force is still crouching on their own fortress planet, as if they are watching the battle. Protos has the least power to participate in the battle. At present, it is basically them The entire army, consisting mainly of Tadalim and other protoss extremists, is such intelligence useful? "

"Very useful" I showed a surprised expression, and then rubbed Liliana's head in praise, but let the other person roll their eyes gloomily. "In this way, the problem lies mainly with the independent federation, but why Mengsk Let both the Protoss and the Zerg go crazy with themselves ... In other words, isn't Ding Dong unable to participate in this incident? Is it really OK for her to scan this place with her own divine power? "

"The Lord Goddess drilled a hole, using the name of a routine tour of the territory," Li Lina gestured me with an ok gesture. "And before doing so, the Lord Goddess has written a review book, no The problem said "

The problem is big, classmate

It is still a mystery why the three interstellars suddenly united against the empire. The other party still refuses to communicate with us until now, but the situation is getting worse and worse-the emperor is indeed powerful. If everything goes well, according to our It is not a problem for the power to destroy the Zerg here, let alone we have yy special-effect weapons against the Zerg, but now the situation is that our enemies are not only Zerg, but also the entire star area. Human beings and a large group of Protos "protoss" of unknown purpose use conventional warfare to deal with the three tribal coalition forces. Although we can still win, the losses in this process are really wrong. As for the unconventional warfare ... Proposal to sign extermination orders for all races in the entire star area?

"Now we have two choices," Sivis stood straight in front of the holographic star map with a calm face. "Or use the strength of the empire to continue dealing with the residents here and suppress the enemy's attack until we find the cause of the war, or immediately They fought extinct battles, and the number of devastating weapons we formed has reached a sufficient number, which can destroy all life in this entire star area within seven days, but this may cause dissatisfaction among the Protoss. If the Protoss The adversaries have passed 30 percent and are not eligible for genocide-but your order will determine whether the empire declares war on this star area, my majesty. "

Sure enough, it is a guy called "Pandora's external thinking circuit". Look at this analysis. How many times better than a 10,000-year-old maniac who said that the slaughter is far better.

To tell the truth, the provocations of all ethnic groups here came so suddenly, especially the mengsk's army, this is not the first time to arouse my patience, it is absolutely impossible to say that there is no anger in my heart, but before the large-scale attack, I really A little care, why did they unite against the spirit?

"Sir, we have detected an unofficial Schilling shuttle approaching the defensive zone."

While I was thinking, Vega suddenly came to the bridge and saluted me.

"Sidebar ... Hilling Shuttle?"

I was surprised to say that there are still Schilling ships in this place that are "out of stock"? Was the strange Apostle of the Spirit awake again?

But soon, we are not a Healing man, but a dark templar who has been separated for a short time.

Zeratul—he was alone driving the shuttle we lent to him, and passed through the frontal confrontation area of ​​Protos and the Schilling Empire in an opposite phase, and hurried to our side.

After being admitted to the "Admiral of the Empire", Zerathu hurriedly rushed to the bridge, only to be relieved after seeing me.

"I hope it's not too late, Her Majesty the Emperor."

"It's hard to say," I shrugged, "your kinsmen have declared war on the empire, and we are discussing which weapon to use to exterminate the star area more economically."

"... This joke is creepy and powerful emperor," Zerathu said for a moment, after confirming that we were only joking, and said in a low tone. "They are not sensible and do not understand your power, but the void brings My revelation made me aware of the danger of confronting you, and I hope to hear from you before you make a final decision. "

"Let's say, it just so happened that I was wondering how the races in this star area would be crazy to attack the emperor."

"Because some kind of revelation has come," Zerathu's eyes flickered. "This revelation tells those people that the alien Spirit empire is the most dangerous aggressor in the universe. The only purpose of the Spirit people here is to occupy, The conquest, the slaughter, and the revelation heralded a scene in which the entire constellation was blown up by you, and it also revealed your plan. The elimination of the most aggressive Zerg is just a cover, the purpose is to destroy the resistance forces one by one, and the second A civilization about to be destroyed by you is human ... Under the enlightenment of this revelation, the ruler of human may have secretly contacted the Queen of the Blade and some of the Tadalim extremists, although the latter always dismissed humans, But they are clearly more willing to follow the revelation to eliminate a more alien threat. "

After listening to Zerathu's narration, we finally have a feeling of being in the clouds, enlightenment? This kind of deity can actually encourage the interstellar tribe to declare war on us?

For a moment, I thought of the abyss. If it was the erosion of the power of the abyss, it would indeed lead to such unreasonable melee, but I quickly rejected this assumption: using a thorough revelation to lure war, this complex and tortuous plan seems It does not conform to the abyss's usual way of doing things. In my impression, it should take more brainless actions.

I smelled a conspiracy-wasn't that a bit vulgar to say?

"When it comes to revelation, why aren't you affected? Trust in us like this?"

Sandora was silent for a while, then suddenly looked up at Zerathu's eyes, a little cold, her eyes flashed with golden halo, as if to see through the soul of the dark templar in front of her.

Zeratu did not shake at all, his face shook his head lightly: "As a revelation, the content of this prediction is too precise-I think it is more like a well-designed vicious story. I admit that in the beginning I also developed a tendency to agree with this revelation, but after a short meditation, I got rid of this tide of thought that suddenly poured into the soul. It seems that the firmer the soul, the more doubtful it will be about the content of the revelation. We do n’t understand the Mystery, but at least the people of Shakuras finally kept awake. Only when the extremists of Tadalim had lost the ability to judge right and wrong under the action of psychotoxic drugs, they chose to become slaves of the soul, and the human army moved in vain. ... "

Having said that, Zeratu looked up slightly at Renault's direction, and finally said, "I can only say that their ruler's soul is too fragile, and Akturos Mengsk himself was probably inclined at first to You were expelled from this star area, and his rule made that race too easy to be incited. "

At this time, the elder sister suddenly responded, and then clapped her hands heavily: "In other words, in this 'revelation', the Zerg is the only one that has not been affected."

Let my sister remind me so, I also thought of this: Zerg, because of the problem of life form, they should belong to a whole in the strict sense, all Zerg are under the unified control of the spiritual power of the Queen of Blades, which leads to as long as their The queen stays awake, and the entire Zerg is unaffected. Maybe this explains why the Zerg who should have waged a full-scale war with us instead chose to watch from the side. Kerrigan must be very curious about the life, all Want to see what benefits you can get from this?

"What is 'Revelation'? How did it appear? Where did it first appear?"

Sandora frowned, and asked Zerathu.

"I ... can't explain ..."

After groaning for a long time, Zerathu could only say an ambiguous answer: "From the form it manifests, that should be a trend of thought. At the same time, those who know that you are coming will have at the same time a mind for you. Questioned, this was not a clear hostility at the beginning, but soon, people could not help but have various associations with your intentions. Under the promotion of some force, this association became the mainstream of people's opinion in a natural way. The whole process does not seem to be suspicious. If you are in it, you can't even notice that your thoughts have been manipulated by some force unknowingly. According to the information I found, this revelation occurs at the same time. In the minds of all intelligent creatures throughout the star area, the most revealing area is the core of the rule of the three major races. "

"It's as if public opinion itself has the wisdom to determine its direction, or that everyone's thoughts begin to deflect in one direction like a pointer affected by a magnet ..." I whispered to myself ~ www.readwn.com ~ then Asked Sandora in the spiritual connection, "Sandora, is this mental manipulation?"

"It ’s close, but the scope is larger, and the effect is weaker. A determined Protos warrior can perceive a shift in his thoughts after only one meditation, and it seems that it affects not only people ’s spirit, but also This fact is changing ... there must be a conspiracy behind the scenes, but now we need to solve the enemy in front of us. "

In this regard, I strongly agree.

It seems that some of the big killers that had been prepared early had to be on the table in advance, and they were originally intended to scare the Queen of Blades ...

After arranging Zeratul for a temporary break in the "Admiral of the Empire", I contacted a dozen fortress planets established by the Empire Expansion Corps, where our true ace power was hidden, although at first I knew they were making this thing I think it's a bit overwhelming, but now it seems ...

Occasionally Pandora's militarism comes in handy ...

(I think the monthly ticket still needs to take the initiative ...)

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