Xiling Empire

Chapter 489: Overthrow

Chapter 489 Destruction, Encounter

"Berserker is injured," Ilya's voice sounded very lost, "to protect me."

"Injured?" I wondered. "If they were resurrected after being killed by Pandora, should they return to their best condition?"

"No," Ilya shook her head. "It wasn't because of that death. Berserker was wounded during the siege of the Einzbelen family."

"Oh, that's the way it is," I nodded, and then plunged off the ball, "What are you talking about? Einzbelen is ruined?"

"Well," Elijah nodded with a smile. "The Einzbelen family was annihilated. Only Berserker escaped with Elijah, but the family was very powerful, and maybe there were people who escaped by chance. "

I looked at the expression of the little silver girl with a stunned expression, and there was no trace of lying at all, but ... but she was serious? It's weird to comment on the destruction of your family in this kind of talk about breakfast, right?

"Einzbelen was attacked? Was it the hero?"

I thought about this possibility for the first time, but I felt a little bit incredible. The heroes are indeed powerful, but Einzbelen, as an ancient magic family, cannot be underestimated, let alone they have summoned illegally. How could the strongest hero Hercules die so suddenly?

Moreover, even a powerful monster such as Hercules can only take Ilya out alive under the attack of the enemy, and he has been seriously injured. Such a powerful strength, even Jin Shining ... … Uh, it shouldn't be possible for a fool to win the shot, right?

"Perhaps it's the spirit," Ilya leaned her body on the swing rope on one side. "But they are very large. One of the servants who fortunately fled here brought information that about 5,000 spirit-like men besieged Ai Inzberen Castle, then wiped out the family's remaining strongholds elsewhere, followed by the attack on my residence in the forest over there because the scene was too chaotic and Ilya didn't see how many enemies there were, but It should be no less than 500 people. Berserker was just holding me and rushed out of it and was seriously injured by the shooting. Now, it should have been razed to the ground ... "

As early as half the time in the Ilya language, I opened my mouth wide. Although I had just imagined how Einzbelen's offensive could collapse in such a short time, no matter how it was conceived, the five thousand heroic cluster impacted Can't the castle scene appear?

The scale of five thousand heroes used to level the entire country should not be a problem, and even the world is likely to be subverted. If it is such an attack, it is normal for the entire Einzbelen to be destroyed.

Five thousand heroic troops ... Damn, what is the world twisted to?

Wait, if five hundred heroes fight in groups so close to Winterwood, to what extent should the turmoil caused? Even if they are all the weakest heroes and they don't have the range to attack, it's impossible to have nothing like now. Tosaka and Honga search for the movement in the city almost every night. Why are they not showing anything?

But Ilya had absolutely no need to lie about this kind of thing, it was not good for her, and the fact that hundreds of thousands of heroes formed the army to besiege the magician's position was too sensational. A little girl compiled such an unreliable one. What does your story do?

And suddenly, I realized a very important question:

What would happen if the most important people who destroyed the Einzbelen's current target family were still alive?

Ilya is in a dangerous situation

Perhaps now that the news of Ilya's escape from birth was not known to the enemy, but she wandered the streets like this unsuspectingly, and it would not be long before she would enter the sight of the attackers. I really do n’t know what this little loli was thinking Something, didn't she have any sense of crisis?

"It's okay." In the face of such tension, Yin Loli just smiled indifferently. "Elia is very special. If the attacker is a hero, they must just want to catch me alive. In the Holy Grail War Before the end, they will not kill me, and if the Holy Grail war is over, it is naturally impossible for Ilya to continue to live, so no matter what, the same result, Berserker is really a fool, obviously it is useless, But I hurt myself because of that. I've already died once. Wouldn't it be too wasteful if I die again? "

This ... What kind of apathy is this? To analyze her life and death with the same tones as those of bystanders, or even a more indifferent tone than those of bystanders, what do you think of death as something as plain as the rising sun and sunset every day, and she still always smiles?

Einzbelen family, it's great that you can destroy

"It might not be bad even if they were caught by those heroes," Ilya still said in a relaxed tone. "I was always locked in the castle anyway, and I still had to go through many trials, and now I have to worry about the Holy Grail war It would be a lot easier if things could be caught and wait for the peace of mind ... "

"The holy grail war is over." Very abruptly, I said in an unusually calm tone. It was such a common sentence, but Yilia suddenly stunned, she looked at it unbelievably, as if first Like the person before me, I know what it is.

I don't think there is any kind of leadership, and there is no such thing as the king's spirit. Even the leader's decisive killing is deficient, but anyone who has experienced so many things will always accumulate something.

During the World War I in Keprus, a trillion genocide was under the iron hoof of the Emperor regiment. Tens of billions of human refugees were blocked by an order in the galaxy that was about to be destroyed. Something has left an indelible mark.

"Sorry, it scared you," now that Elijah was looking at this with a tense expression, I realized that I might have lost some emotions just because of anger, and the bad feeling of blocking the galaxy that day was ordered in Kepru came back to me After waving these bad emotions, I put my hand on Ilya's head. "Don't mind, just a joke just now-do you have a place to go now?"

I thought that since the entire Einzbelen had fallen apart under the attack of unknown forces, the temporary homes they had prepared for Ilya must have been spared, that is, the little girl now should be homeless Right?

"I haven't found a place yet," referring to this real problem, Ilya finally suffered a small face. Even the destruction of her family didn't make her feel sad. Now the girl is upset because she can't find a place to live. From this, it can be seen that the cold-blooded magicians who cultivated Ilya as a one-time tool made the latter cold to them. "And Berserker has to heal. He is very big and has no place to live."

"Come with me," I made the decision directly. "You are almost done now, and I don't think the Yanfeng Church can provide you with any protection against thousands of heroes. Better let us protect you. "

"Does Big Brother want the Holy Grail too?"

Immediately Ilya asked, curiously.

"That thing isn't worth it to me," I poked, "Just follow me. Don't you envy Pandora and Huesca? From now on, I'll just treat you as a sister?"


"That's all there is to it."

In the face of Miss Tensaka Tosaka who was about to run away because a tenant didn't hesitate to stuff a hostile magician with a monster-like Berserker hero, I told her the cause and effect very calmly.

Tosaka looked skeptically at Elia, who was smiling innocently at the faces of humans and animals, while the latter was busy teasing Xiao Pao by the way and observing Sister Pandora not far away, without noticing Tosaka's eyes.

"Uncle Alien, didn't you really make such a decision because of the soul of lo*ic*n?"

"Bang" is the so-called "rebirth and rebirth". After the first shudder, now I strike a knife on Tosaka's head. It's very familiar. The old man in the Lianyungang admitted that an alien photographer named Chen Jun is really a little devil. Natural nemesis, unambiguous.

"You can't give me serious points?"

"Well, it hurts." After Tosaka clutched her head and dispelled her usual good girl's disguise, now she looks like an ordinary girl who is slightly punished by her parents for mischief, uh, when do I say Bring yourself to the position of parents?

"Well, what do we do now? If Ilya is telling the truth, what else can we do?" Tosaka spread his hands and showed a helpless look. "Thousands of heroes, who believes? "

"Well, it's enough to have a big brother to believe me." Ilya with a sharp ear called out from a distance immediately, and as soon as the voice fell, Pandora and Veska moved to the front of Ilya at the same time, and the latter screamed. "Ah, I didn't grab it from you"

Ignoring several small interactions, I think it's better to consider the issue of the Einzbelen extermination: "There is a huge vacant land in that forest turned into scorched earth, and the ground forms a sinkhole that sinks for nearly 100 meters. , This is always cleared by er just now, how do you explain this problem? "

"I believe Belin was attacked by a powerful hero, but thousands of heroes are incredible," Tosaka said, taking a step back, holding up the black tea on the table, "but if you are there It ’s okay to let Ilya stay here to take refuge. Anyway, you can kill Berserker with any kid. In addition, regarding the destruction of Einzbelen, the Magicians Association will certainly not ignore it. My source of information After all, it ’s thin, it ’s better to wait and see, maybe it ’s cheaper. This war has evolved to the point where I have no control at all, but it ’s too early for me to give up ... uh, alien uncle, why I There will be a tooth mark on the cup? "

I tightened my scalp, then looked seriously at Her Majesty, who was smirking in her arms.

"My last set of English porcelain"

The impoverished lady, Tosaka Hiroshi, was decisive at this moment, and Yang Tian made a cry of grief and indignation, but it made me return to the original form: "Don't yell at people, the bottom of the cup also says mdeinnetbsp;" Oh, "Yuan Saka instantly returned to normality and continued to calm down the tea. "So let's talk about how to investigate the change of Liudong Temple ..."

Ah, there is no change in face cd, not even the rigidity of the move ah this unruly young lady.

It's no surprise that Tosaka has seized every opportunity to get oil and water from us, and the more important question now is whether the enemy who destroyed Einzbelen will turn his next target to Tosaka. The opponent is undoubtedly a participant in the Holy Grail, or at least for other participants, a mysterious enemy that can destroy the entire ancient magic family in one day, and according to Ilya, there are still 5,000 other opponents As the vanguard of the Yingling Army, this kind of combat power made Tosaka feel desperate by imagination. No wonder she would immediately take Ilya's intelligence as a joke: if anyone can have the powerful power to summon five thousand heroes at once, then directly To build a fake holy grail is a matter of capture, Tosaka does not think that the Elite Corps of Eliya mouth really exists.

But the necessary vigilance must not be taken lightly. Although I think that even if there are really 5,000 heroes charging towards this side, it is impossible to pass the firepower of Pandora and Huesca ’s anti-aircraft gun, but Tosaka does not know this. She was destined to spend a sleepless night, and she did not dare to place high hopes on our detection equipment, so she had to arrange her home to be solid for the night, or at least let the alarm enchantment here react to any wind and grass.

And Sandora and I ca n’t seem to be idle. The twists and turns of the Fte world have gradually emerged. Perhaps they will be fleeting and then retreat to the depths of the world. Therefore, we must seize the opportunity. The sighting system of the departed garden is not at this moment. They stopped to scan the two key places, Liudong Temple and the ruins of Einzberen Castle. If that kind of mutation reappears, these two places are undoubtedly the most likely to be the ones that bear the brunt.

It's already late at night, close to eleven, and everything around is quiet. In addition to the brightly lit living room, the big house of the Yuan Ban family has been completely shrouded by the thick night, only a little flash on the roof from time to time, it is that Yuan Ban is busy Adding some defensive and alarming enchantments, but the occasional "Wow failed", "Ah? Why didn't you respond?" Such a low-pitched exclaim made people really doubt the reliability of those things. It is well known that Ocenza is occasionally confused on certain details, and I really don't know how to ensure that she does not get rid of when she is studying magic that is as powerful as high explosives.

"Sber? Why haven't you slept yet?"

The golden girl who suddenly came to the living room dressed up, and the silver-white skirt reflected the cold light. Altolia glanced at me and Sandora who was fighting the boxing king (I was not analyzing Avalon just now) Did you get the information?), And said solemnly: "Since just now I feel uneasy, Shi Lang insisted to go home to see the situation of the workers."

"Wei Palace?" I turned my head, just to see the half-magic magician coming down the stairs on the second floor. "What's going on?"

"The news from Ilya made me worry that the enemies who attacked Einzbelen killed all her family, not even those innocent servants and guests, even the uninhabited Einzbelen. Abandoned, uninhabited property was also leveled, "said the palace guardian with a deep sense of uneasiness." If the enemy would attack without discrimination, wouldn't it be dangerous for the workers in my family who are repairing the house? " "

This is something we didn't expect before. The fear of the Aegean Palace is unreasonable. After leaving the Aegean Palace, Pandora has taken back the space thunder arranged there. If there is a hostile hero attacking the Aegean Palace, and it is like attacking Ainzbe The people of the Castle of Lun were killed as soon as they saw people. The ordinary workers there were absolutely complete.

"I'm idle anyway, let's go with you."

Once again, Sandora, who can do nothing but squat. After I turned off the console, I stood up and said.

Sandola immediately shook my arm with dissatisfaction: "Ah, Ajun, you lied and said that you had a hundred games and a fifty-one victory."

At first it was three games and two wins.

The palace building in the middle of the night has long been quiet. At this moment, it is quiet. The work efficiency of the Fujimura laborers is indeed extremely high. It may be that the pressure of the sinking Japanese Sea is blame. Under their crazy work, they were originally The 6-cabin ruins of the Wei Palace have been cleaned up, and the corners are piled up with neat and orderly building materials. It seems that although employed by the underworld, these workers are indeed from a qualified construction company.

The temporary houses where the workers lived were at peace ~ www.readwn.com ~ and showed no signs of attack.

"It looks like nothing was born."

Wei Gong showed a sigh of relief. Although it was impossible to encounter the enemy's offense so coincidentally, he could not help but feel relieved for a moment when everything was fine.

"That's because it's waiting for you, Guardian Shiro."

Under the night, a male voice came suddenly.

sber instantly held the invisible holy sword in his hand, carefully watching the direction of the sound, and as the figure gradually showed its true appearance from the darkness, walking to the bright moonlight in the empty courtyard, the palace was surprised at once Exclaimed: "Shinji? How could it be you?"

"Well, the palace, and your followers, and these two unlucky people were involved ... is your friend? You really are a guy who will attract unfortunate friends and relatives."

The blue male, named Kenji Shinji, said condescendingly in a triumphant tone.

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