Xiling Empire

Chapter 490: After the abuse, return

Chapter 490 After the abuse, return

Shin Takajima?

How did he appear here?

Since Sakura was abducted by me, along with her followers, Ms. Tong Shinji's only honor guard also made me flicker into an employee. This scum has gradually faded out of our sight, not to say that it will keep him safe and sound , But it is excluded from the circle of the Holy Grail War, a waste person who can make the only follower lose, and does not have any magic talent itself, is really not a worthy role, in my impression, such a small The miscellaneous fish should suddenly flash a shot while playing behind-the-scenes music, screaming and screaming for two seconds after passing by, and then ruthlessly deducted "Jiantong Shenji, the actor-the mass actor Such a name is right, or if I ’m in a good mood, I ’ll arrange a silhouette for lonely dying at the corner of the city n years later, but I never thought that Jin Tong Shen Er, who should have been out, would appear before us , Even with such suspicious elation.

Hey, do n’t tell me when this **** bought a movie on the street the other day, and I met an extra-terrestrial man disguised as a beggar. He was taught a book called “Beidou Shenquanquan” and also let the T virus get through to Rendu ’s second pulse. Will laugh to death

"Shinji, you haven't answered my question yet, why are you here?"

Wei Gong clenched his fists and stared at the person in front of him. The other party suddenly appeared here at this time. The strangeness of the matter gradually raised his vigilance.

"Well, Wei Gong, you are really welcome to your friends," Lan Qing sighed falsely, "I waited for you here yesterday. Unfortunately, you lucky guy has already I hid in the woman's home in Tosaka. I was going to kill the people here and go to level the Tosaka family and arrest you with that nasty Tosaka. I didn't expect you to come to the door. It is truly my friend. "

"Have you shot at ordinary people here?"

The voice of the Acropolis suddenly cooled down, and at the same time, Altolia stepped forward and made a posture to strike at any time.

To this kind of threat, Tong Shinji seemed to not see it, but smiled scornfully: "Huh, it's boring hypocrisy, but don't worry, they just passed out of sleep. Now you still care about yourself though you don't know if you are How did you hide the **** Sakura and the traitor from Der, but if you kill you, they will definitely show up ... "


"To understanding"

The gold girl suddenly waved the invisible sword in her hand, and the whole person turned into a silver streamer, blasting towards the enemy in front of her like lightning. Although she did not know what kind of support the other party could have so fearless, let the other party delay Time was obviously not a good idea, so at the behest of the Acropolis, Altria made a sudden attack.

However, facing such a sprint that is far from being able to be resisted by human beings, Shen Tongji, who was supposed to be greedy for life and fear of death, did not show any panic, but showed a proud smile.

"Drink" The tall figure that suddenly appeared in the air stopped in front of Altolia without any warning. Facing the fatal blow of the Cavalier King, this figure not only did not evade, but strove to wave the long pistol of his hand completely. The killing method moved the attack.

A "click" made a crisp sound. Of course, the black spear did not cause any harm to Altolia, but it was an understatement. The spear was cut into two by the invisible sword, and the tall figure blocking sber was also the next moment. He was hit by the charge of the Cavalier King, and he backed up a dozen steps before he could barely stand in front of Jiantong Shen.

After just one second of confrontation, the huge gap in strength was revealed.

"Elite? Spearmen?" Although he had the upper hand in one round, sber clenched his holy sword carefully and stared at the enemy in front of him.

It was a strong man with a height of eighteen meters, but three-fifths of his face was covered by a tall helmet with a red tadpole, so that his appearance could not be seen, and the style of the helmet seemed to be A little ... uh, I did n’t see that the other party was wearing full body armor without any iconic pattern on the armor. It looked like some kind of standard equipment of an ordinary soldier in the ancient army, and on his left hand was clad with a metal and leather wrap. The elliptical shield is covered with deep and shallow marks of axe and axe, apparently with the soldier's birth and death for countless years.

Such equipment does not look like a lancer with agility and fighting ability, but an ordinary ancient infantry, but the weapon he uses is indeed a lance. It is no wonder that sber will confirm the identity of the other party. In that confused, hesitant tone.

The weapon in his hand was destroyed, leaving only a half of the gun body, but the hero in plate armor did not panic. He threw the weapon in his hand calmly, and immediately grabbed a seven-foot-long handle in the air. Metal javelin, ready to fight.

"Excellent soldier," Altolia, who had led the army for many years, did not hesitate to praise the calm and calm soldier in front of him. "But as a hero, he is too weak."

That ’s right, although there is no lack of sufficient fighting consciousness and bravery, it is an indisputable fact that the energy intensity of this infantry hero is far inferior to that of sber. It was just the moment of contact that he was cut off by a sword and He was repelled for nearly ten meters. If Jiantong Shenji relied on such a hero, it can only be said that Ya's brain had been occupied by Wang Zhi and Tofu Milk.

The infantry hero completely wrapped in plate armor clenched his hand javelin, carefully moved his footsteps around sber, then suddenly raised his right hand and threw the heavy seven-foot-long javelin violently.

The sudden change of the enemy into a long-range attack made sber slightly surprised, but she immediately responded, lifting her sword and flying the lightning-strike javelin, and then suddenly rushed towards the enemy with force at the foot, and at the moment the other side pulled out from the waist. Put the simple and short sword against the menacing golden girl with regular soldier fighting skills.

The standard ancient elite infantry tactics, throwing, fighting, and blocking are all the most basic soldier fighting skills. They are simple and unpretentious, and their power cannot be compared with those of the great heroes. They just hone such simple actions. After that, they formed a fighting instinct, and then rely on a variety of fighting methods to fight the enemy. Nameless, even infantry heroes who do not even have treasures and stunts use such ordinary tactics to fight against the well-known knight king. The result Naturally, it was obvious. After just a few rounds of confrontation, sber cut off the weapon of the opponent's hand again. In the next second, the thick oval shield was divided into two by the invisible holy sword, and the next moment-sber The slain by chase was interrupted by another javelin that came suddenly.

“嗖” was wrapped in sharp wind, and the black javelin blasted across the golden girl ’s tip and flew deep into the ground. Then, more sounds of breaking air came from all directions, I suddenly remembered Here's what Ilya said:

"... just escaped with Ilya ... Berserker was seriously wounded by the shot ..."

Could it be this weird infantry hero who destroyed Einzbelen?

As if to confirm my conjecture, with the waves of condensing energy, the surrounding night gradually emerged one after another, tall and strong, full body plate armor, infantry with oval shields and javelins in Jiantong Shen Er's proud laughter revealed his true features. Although there are slight differences in body and armor details, these infantry can still be seen at a glance as belonging to an army, taking neat and cautious steps, rushing from all sides The infantry soldiers who came up had surrounded all retreats. Under the heavy helmet was exposed a pair of calm and courageous but endless **** eyes. These infantrymen held heavy shields covered with sword and axe wounds. In front of him, then raised his javelin in his right hand.

"Now, as long as I give an order, you are all dead."

Ma Takaji hid proudly behind two tall infantry soldiers. The absolute advantage in numbers made him feel like he had a winning chance. All the other magicians did it right away. The old man was still trembling all day worrying about what other trump cards he had. It was a shame ... Feed the palace, how about it? Is n’t it a good feeling of despair? ? "

"Sber, this is ..." The palace's face was also covered with cold sweat, and it was not so good to be surrounded by hundreds of spirits. At this moment, sber was holding arms and carefully looking around. These enemies were besieged. The breath on the body is undoubtedly heroic, but what exactly is this terrible amount? In other words, what kind of abnormal magician can support the magic supply of so many spirits at the same time?

The strength of the infantry hero had just been proven in the battle. The frontal battle could not even hold the ten moves of the Cavalier King. Strong, and these infantrymen can not open the gap between the heroes and ordinary people, the girl who knows this is looking for help to the aliens A and aliens B who are dressing up the crowd from start to finish .

Hey, you guys should be working at this time, right?

This kind of information came out “beeply” from Altolia ’s stupid antenna, and echoed in my mind. It seems that it is no longer appropriate to continue watching this situation.

Because we have become the object of being watched ...

Two hundred or so infantry heroes are about one-fifth the strength of ordinary heroes. With tacit understanding and well-trained, they can achieve the effect of defeating powerful heroes with numbers. It is almost certain that the mysterious enemy who spied on the palace guard that night It should be one of these guys, and Elijah said that the destruction of Einzbelen by the British army should also be their handwriting. Although I do n’t know how the Jiantong family successfully opened such a plug-in, this is not the same as the existing one. The incompatibility of world rules is undoubtedly related to the distortion of the Fte world.

"Ha, an ordinary person is still quite brave," seeing me stepping towards myself, Jian Tong Shenji could not help but step back half a step, but then Haha laughed, "You should still be at a loss for everything in front of you No way ... what? "

I just patted it as if I patted the other person's shoulder when greeting someone I knew. I patted an infantry hero who was going to stop on the side, and the latter instantly burst into a bright spark of energy. .

Energy body, can you fight me?

"Wow Ajun is great, Ajun cheers" From behind me, such a purely chaotic voice made me unstable and almost rushed to the street. This girl, Sandora, was too lazy to handle it, at least you can play the audience honestly. what

"噗", "噗", "噗", sounded continuously and muffled uninterruptedly. At first, I was quite interested to shoot out the infantry heroes one by one, but when the opponent actively organized an attack, I even joined hands. They were too lazy to move, they stood there and let them attack. Every hero or the javelin they threw would be affected by the energy disintegrating field when they approached me, and burst into a bright flame. For a time, the palace palace seemed to be at Like fireworks.

As a pyrotechnic tube, I have a lot of pressure.

"This ... this is impossible" old lines, but Jiantong Shenji still shouted it, making him think that the two hundred heroes who had the upper hand were so simple when facing the weird "ordinary man" in front of them. It simply turned into a firework. The weird situation and the fear of losing him exclaimed, and even brought a faint crying voice: "Stop, you idiots, stop and stop."

The attack stopped, and about fifty infantry heroes had disintegrated under the force field, but the remaining one hundred people still maintained a dense and orderly formation and surrounded us layer by layer, as if the person was photographed just now The scene where the flies are eliminated one by one does not exist at all. Even at this moment, I was surprised. The soldiers were so well trained. They seemed to be facing the endless abyss. Like the robots walking in front of me, I have only seen such an extreme military discipline on the soldiers of the Spirit. These infantry heroes are eye-opening.

Unfortunately, these excellent soldiers are all enemies.

"Well, if you don't attack, then it's better for me," I ripped the corners of my mouth, and my heart was determined that I can't let one go today. "One finger of death"

With this yelling that made Sandora nearly choke, I suddenly held out my hand, a red lightning burst from the tip of my index finger, and directly ordered an infantry hero who didn't have time to respond. The opponent just raised his shield and looked like His predecessors burst into flames as well.

"Dead Eye"

At sight, the two infantry soldiers "banged" into fireworks.

"Monthly Reading?" "Tianzhao", "Snake Snake", "Electromagnetic Cannon", "Yang Electronic Breaking City Cannon", "Beidou Passionate Breaking Fist", "Dynamic Photographic Wave"

"Uh, what is Chen doing?"

Staring blankly at someone using a bunch of flowers and whistling but amazing skills to harvest the lives of those weird soldiers, sber's hair turned around in place, and Sandora whispered next to him.

"I don't know," Her Majesty closed her eyes simply, "because I didn't see anything"

"That ..." Wei Gong froze, then shrugged at his followers, "We shouldn't see it."

At the same time, with the number of heroic troops he brought under the strange and strange attacks, and the number of attacks by his own side has not even hurt the opponent's hair, Jin Tong Shen Er's face has gone He was bleak, his legs were clenched, and he completely lost his glorious look at the beginning. The sweat of Douda finally slipped off from the head as another infantry hero disappeared under "Go to your sister's Tianma Meteor Fist".

"Don't ... don't come over ..."

There were only less than ten complete armored infantry around him. The spirit of Jiantong Jinji was on the verge of collapse. He stumbled back and pushed the infantry around him in a hurry, "I give in, I surrender, don't kill I"

"Of course," I stopped, and suddenly burst into a bright smile. "Of course I won't kill you, and from now on I won't hurt you a chill."

Shin Takajima, Shigeru Miyako, and even Altolia stayed in the spot for a moment, looking at me with incredible eyes, and after a few seconds of frowning, Shinichi Kan suddenly showed an ecstatic expression on his face: " Really ... really? Can you really let me go? "

"Well, it just feels better to hand you over to another person."

I shrugged, and as the words dropped, a sharp whistling came from the air. Well, rest assured, this time it wasn't boarding the 6th cabin.

The dark chain pierced the air and emerged out of thin air. The sharp blades bound by the chain's tip reflected a cold light in the moonlight, and attacked the closest infantry hero to me.

The latter's response was not unpleasant. At the moment when the chain sword appeared, he raised his hand shield. After the sound of "ding" was crisp, the blade penetrated deeply into the leather and metal wrap. The shield.

But this beautiful block only made him relaxed for less than a second ~ www.readwn.com ~ The next second, starting from the position where the shield was hit, the ice-blue crystal flower burst rapidly. Come on.

Like an infection, the infantry blocker who blocked the attack was covered with a layer of growing crystals, but within ten seconds, the brave soldier turned into a crystal clear ice-blue crystal statue.

The sber beside Sandora immediately subconsciously covered her right arm. She seemed to have encountered this thing.

There was a light sound, a tall purple woman fell lightly in front of me, holding a chain sword as a weapon, almost reaching the tip of the ankle, fluttering slightly under the night breeze, and a string of blue and white inside. The crystalline silk exudes a mysterious and distant light.

The voice of "Der" Tong Shinji almost twisted, and hysterically raised his hands and snarled, "You traitor, sure enough ... have you turned to the palace, hahaha, you traitor, have you finally appeared in front of me?"

"It's not just me, human," said Zi's tall woman, quietly. "My mster, is more willing to show her new power here-using you as the first sharpening stone."

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