Xiling Empire

Chapter 494: The truth of the world

\"how do you feel?"

With a slight smile, I reached out and pulled Sasaki, still in a daze, and asked.

\ "Awful ..."

The swordsman shook his head vigorously, as if he wanted to shake out the buzzing things inside, "" If it was just an introduction, would you need so much content? "

转化 It looks like the conversion was quite successful.

\ "There is a mess in my mind, all those messy things are stacked together," Zuosaki still closed his eyes and shook his head, \ "I didn't expect you to be so big, ha, although changing the boss to me is not It does n’t make much sense, but are you planning to go to war with my original boss? But it ’s not very similar. ”

\ "We're here to help, but it looks like neither of them appreciates-诶, don't shake, I'm dizzy."

Sasaki smiled bitterly, pointing to his head and said, "The problem is in my eyes, it's you."

So you just wobbled at the same frequency to stabilize your vision?

\ "I can understand the feeling that the transformation has just been completed," Der looked at Sasaki, who could hardly stand, with a sympathetic tone. "" At the time, because of the immature technology, I was worse than you. "

Sasaki only appeared at this time. It turned out that there was also a "special hero" in front of me, and I couldn't help wondering: "It seemed that you were in those materials, alas, a headache ... How long is that? How did you survive it? "

Der replied: \ "It'll be good for a while, it won't hurt if it hurts too much. In addition, this thing helped me a lot."

With that said, she took out the baby-like handheld game console. This small gift from Bubbles made Medusa love it, but now she was willing to share it, showing how much she was to her first difficult friend. Value.

\ "Distract yourself with this, just don't touch the red box in the fourth level. The bubble put a monster with the same plug there. The hand can't reach 3,000 per second."

Der reluctantly handed over the game console to Sasaki while cautiously admonishing, letting the other side sweat, and almost let us all lie down.

Child mother, you are too strong

\ "Uncle Alien, what are you doing?"

Looking at the present with a stunned look, Tosaka finally couldn't help the confusion in his heart, and hurriedly roared to the ground to ask, as if the enemy, Sasaki, had appeared to be his own person? The two heroes started talking about the game strategy? More importantly, what did your sister do just now?

This series of questions makes Tosaka head as big as a bucket, and the most effective way to solve the doubt is naturally to ask the alien uncle who seems to have dominated all this.

\ "I will explain to you later," I smiled and pressed back Tosaka, who was unwilling, \ "Anyway, it is good for you."

Yuan Yuansaka wanted to say something, but Sandora suddenly interrupted her: \ "Ajun, time is coming."

At once, everyone was quiet.

\ "Can you really catch the cause of the mutation this time?" The waiting for a minute felt so long at this time, the palace tried to find a topic to break the deadlock, and almost at the same time as his voice fell, The Departed Garden was launched.

It was only a small experiment, and the weapons that could attack the entire universe were locked on an insignificant planet.This was not even a formal attack at all. At most it was the release of energy that occasionally arises during the armed debugging process of that set of rules, but The scene born in an instant is still thrilling.

The entire Liudong Temple was broken down before us.

Decomposition, this statement should be more appropriate.In fact, the temple in front of us has completely floated into the air. The large and small paving slabs and building houses are all floating as if they have lost their gravity. At the same time, they randomly decompose into large ones. Small and small pieces are like cutting jelly called Liudong Temple into small pieces with extremely sharp knives and then spraying them into a vacuum environment without gravity. The broken buildings are constantly at a height of 100 meters above our heads. Wandering, and the red moonlight poured down through these fragmented gaps.

Wait, red moonlight?

突然 I suddenly realized that I am still standing outside the mountain gate of Liudong Temple, which is logically a place where there is no mutation, but why do I see the red giant moon?

\ "Ah" When the doubt just came out, a cry of tears exclaimed me quickly, and it seemed that the girl who was scared by something suddenly rushed into my arms, almost hit me. Come on.

\ "Brother ... brother ... behind ..."

I turned around in doubt, at the same time, there was a sound of inhalation in my ear.

Iwaki City ... Destroyed

The entire city ... No, no trace of the city can be seen anymore. Only a little bit of ruins floating in the air can still show the remains of human civilization, the land is barren, and the red melting traces spread to the horizon like a winding pimple. In addition, there are magma everywhere, huge ground fissures, and tiankengs with a radius of several kilometers and bottomless depths.The former city of Winterwood has not left any shadow at all, and all have disappeared into the scene of **** as if a meteorite had hit it. In the high air, huge rocks and even floating islands are suspended there, and the rumbling is slowly rotating. Compared to the huge rifts and hollows on the ground, it is clear that these floating islands have been torn apart from the ground. Thing, the huge blood-colored moon is so close to the ground, it even covers one fifth of the sky in our field of vision, and the unknown red light that is scattered covers everything with the color of blood, and I even have the illusion, high The floating islands in the air are separated from the earth by the gravity of this huge moon, and now they are falling to the moon ...

\ "Wood, that's not an illusion."

A voice suddenly rang through the sky, and awakened everyone who was distracted by the horror scene in front of her. It was Lin Xue, who stepped directly into the world through the dying garden.

\ "At the back of the world, gravity has been out of balance, and the stability between celestial bodies has been destroyed by something. The celestial body in your eyes is not a moon, but a larger red planet. The real moon is behind this weird celestial body. It has only half of the volume left for unknown reasons.The nature of this red celestial body is very special.Its speed is slow and fast.Its position in space does not follow normal laws of physics at all, and its own gravity is constantly oscillating. Gravitational fluctuations, the creatures on the surface of the earth suffered an extinction, and even the surface was torn into pieces. Now you see the moment when the red moon ’s gravity increases, but soon, I can see that it only takes a few seconds. After hours-- "

Lin Linxue's voice slowed down, she was waiting, waiting for something to happen in her prediction.

\ "Red Moon's gravity has fallen."

With Lin Xue's voice falling, huge floating islands, rocks, and building debris in the high sky have fallen, as if another big 6 is collapsing above our heads.The sky is falling apart and it is impossible to describe the scene at this moment. We were naturally immune to such a scene, but Tosaka and others exclaimed in unison, Ilya even got into my arms with a crying cry: a huge floating island just like a mountain just now Just before her eyes fell, the shocking scene scared \ "Little Girl".

\ "Red Moon ’s gravitational fluctuations are irregular, but basically it will complete a periodic strengthening and weakening in a short period of time, so few things on the ground actually fall to the moon due to gravitational disorder, they are often Pulled to a very high position, and then slammed down, and according to the analysis of the passed away garden, the distribution of the force between the red moon and the earth is strange, even within a square meter, the gravity may be uneven Yes, this leads to those objects off the ground bumping into the air. Well, there are more messy phenomena, and the world is not only chaotic, but also like the Liudong Temple behind you, it is also One of the manifestations of the distorted world, Avalon is unable to analyze what has not yet occurred, and I need time to sort out the information I see. "

In the course of Lin Xue's explanation, I was also observing the floating islands and boulders that were still falling from the sky in front of me.They did not know how many such lift-offs and falls had been experienced. I didn't know the power of the principle and kept it intact. Even if it was such a powerful \ "着 6 '', I didn't see a floating island smashed on the ground. This should be a manifestation of more messy phenomena in Lin Xuekou .

The entire fall process lasted about thirty minutes, which was not long, and under the condition of layers of protection, the hill where we were on has never encountered a slight impact, but the general "" Meteorite Rain "in the last days still allowed Tosaka Several girls, such as Ilya, and their faces were so pale that even the palace was a frightened look. After everything calmed down, I asked the air casually: \ "Lin Xue, what is going on in this world? ? "

\ "The back of the world, I said." Lin Xue's voice was still echoing in the sky, which made me have a strange association: we are like being in a small transparent glass box, placed On the research platform, Lin Xue is an observer outside the box. She can see everything, but cannot operate the contents of the box, and we can operate, but there is only a chaos in front of her.

I shook my head, and finally I left this weird idea behind.

\ "The structure of this world is very interesting. Thanks to the garden of death, otherwise we will never reveal this huge secret. Of course, the only real thing is Tavel. I just helped her observe something that cannot be seen by scientific means. That's it. "

\ "The world of Fate is composed of two parts."

\ "Table world, bustling, vibrant, everything is in order, and that is the world in your eyes, and here is the back of it, the destroyed world, all signs show that this hell-like place once had life, it There may even be some kind of synchronous connection with the watch world.We scanned the remaining city ruins here, which are almost 100% the same as those of the bustling metropolis of the watch world, but the red moon ruined everything and I saw how it is It is a disaster to destroy the whole world ... "

I was stunned listening to this heavenly story, Lin Xue's story was incredible, a world divided naturally into two parts? Does this architecture exist?

\ "Non-existent" When I tossed this question to an expert, the small thing said firmly immediately, \ "Although Ding Dong is a crane tail, the most basic world architecture is still known. If this structure is used to pave the entire world, its overall stability will be very poor, and it will not meet the certification of Divine Quality Management System at all. "

May I ask, Lord, your certification mark is three bsp; through the scan of the garden of death and the observation of Lin Xue, the two parts of the surface of the Fate world should be completely separated under normal circumstances. If you have to give an example, The world is like the perception of the world in the subconscious of all human beings. It is a conceptual place. It is completely synchronized with the real world and almost reflects each other, but it will never intersect, but now there are two births that Tavel can't explain. event:

The first is the emergence of the Red Moon.If the inner world is the shadow of the superficial world, then it has no reason to appear such a thing that should not exist to destroy everything. This huge celestial body between real and illusion has incredible It ’s incredible that even the Empire ’s scanning device ca n’t understand what ’s inside.

The second is the anomaly of Liudong Temple, Liudong Temple, which is one of the few human remains in the world that has not been completely destroyed by the Red Moon-at least, compared to those human remains that have become shattered, Liu The cave temple is still a lucky man who can find the wreckage. For some unknown reason, this place has become a place where the inner world and the world are fused. At this moment, I finally understood why we would see the sky in Liudong Temple that day. The huge red moon, why the dead temple buildings you saw that day are covered with huge cracks everywhere, why do you see such a strange and strange scene only in the temple courtyard, no doubt, that It is the result of the fusion of the fragmented ruins floating in the air with the real world.

\ "I said, did anyone notice me?"

忽视 A neglected voice suddenly broke the silence, and Sasaki, who has been reduced to a passerby, held his hand innocently, "" At least, can anyone explain what you are doing today? "

Sasaki should be one of the saddest characters tonight.It was originally a guard of Liudong Temple.It should have been the protagonist of the anti-invasion operation tonight, but he was inexplicably dragged on to the thief ship. The land is reduced to a crowd of actors. In addition to standing on the steps that have become the gravel mountain road to watch the show, even the guys who can't tell whether they are enemies or friends are here today. know.

\ "We just passed by," I turned back with a bright smile, \ "Very strong passing."

\ "Don't listen to this alien strange uncle nonsense," Tosaka gave me a white look and looked at Sasaki, \ "To be honest, where is the person calling you? Are you really born to the temple behind you? You know nothing about the aliens? "

\ "I don't have to lie," Sasaki admitted frankly, \ "There is no need to hide anyway anymore. I was summoned illegally. I can't leave the mountain gate and the steps in front of it, so I can't enter behind me. The temple guarded by myself was half a step, naturally I didn't know what was born inside, and it was a very irresponsible host who summoned me. She has almost never appeared in front of me since she hid in the temple. What's in it ... "

\ "Oh? By the way, should your sword be passive?"

I don't have much doubt about Sasaki's confession. After all, he is even tied to the tree of the world now, but what I immediately remembered was his phantom sword that put Saber into a hard fight. How could a hero's weapon carry psionic energy?

\ "If you are talking about this ..." Sasaki lifted the bamboo pole in his hand, \ "What change did it make [Sky Bead Change], but that is the power that comes with the self after being called, alas, anyway Quite easy to use. "

In other words, should I still find the summoner?

\ "Snowy girl, I know you have seen it, where is that summoner?"

Lin Xue's grinning voice echoed in the sky: "Hee hee, hide in the ruins of this world, but she should take the initiative to find you, after all, it has been broadcast for so long in the sky, the fool knows that the world has been Intruded, well, now that you're listening-- "

Obviously, Lin Linxue said to us and Sasaki's summoner at the same time.

\ "So, let me arrange a meeting place for you, did you see the light? As a rally point, caster, you'd better cooperate. Looking from my position, the place where you and your master are hiding is really Obviously, I can even see a gray stain on the left shoe of the man. "

The place pointed out by Ji Linxue is located in the open space not far from the foot of the mountain. She used a beacon to draw a small crayon pattern there, which is really striking.

At the same time as the echoing sound in the sky fell, I sensed the direction of the east. An energy wave was approaching here. Obviously, Lin Xue's words just played a proper role ~ www.readwn.com ~ It turned out to be hiding in the world. No wonder we did n’t find so many probes before we released the probe. How did she get a way to enter this world?

We entered the inner world and relied on the interference of the laws of the deceased garden to phase-change the entire earth relative to us. Therefore, instead of entering the inner world, it is better that the entire world has turned over in front of our eyes. Show the back of it actively, and of course a caster can't have this kind of power, that is, she got the key?

I was thinking so much in my heart as I hurried forward to the foot of the mountain.

However, if you are not in a hurry, you will be a foreigner like Sandora and me. Tosaka and Aegean are really trembling, and the reason is simple:

A few hundred meters of mountain road, there are more than a dozen vacuum zones and gravity zones.

The state of chaos in the world here also reflects its new characteristics. The air suddenly disappears somewhere, and the gravity suddenly increases or decreases. The Apostles of the Spirit are all on the mountain road that is constantly exchanging vacuum and hundred times gravity. Moving forward, Tosaka they can only walk on thin ice on the safety path marked by the tears, so on the empty mountain road, earth people such as Tosaka, Aegean Palace, and Ilya started with our smirkful gaze. Mime performances all the way, a while on the iron bridge, a volley jump, a roll on the spot ...

They 仨 have been sinned today


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