Xiling Empire

Chapter 495: In the moonlight

Chapter 395 Under the Moonlight

Standing in front of us was a woman covered in a cloak.Even more than half of her face was covered by a gorgeous hood, uh, this scene reminded me of the original Veska involuntarily. I didn't know the girl There is still no hobby for collecting cloaks.

From the moment he appeared to the present, the other party said nothing, but confronted us with silence.

To be honest, at first I thought that I needed to go through some battles. After all, the heroes in the impression should be the kind of character who talks with fists first. The other party can come to meet us obediently according to Lin Xue's request. Sister Pandora, who had already begun preparing to kill the Quartet, was quite frustrated.

\ "You are the magician who summoned Sasaki?"

Yuan Yuansaka looked at the woman in front of her with a very shocked expression. The strange situation made her feel a little scratched. \ "But ..."

\ "Yes, she is Ying Ling, her rank is caster, because she is also a 'magician', so she drilled through the holy grail system and she can also summon Ying Ling followers. Sasaki was summoned by this foul method. "I tilted my head and explained to Tosaka." But as a result of the foul, Sasaki can only be restrained in front of the mountain gate of Liudong Temple. Of course, due to the transformation of cherry blossoms, this restriction is now gone. "

\ "Wow, is this all right?" Tosaka immediately felt very unjustly protesting.

Hearing my secret was so easy to tell, the woman who covered her whole body under the cloak finally responded, and the lips hidden in the shadows moved slightly, but sent the sound to each of us: \ "I didn't expect that someone could go deep into this red moon world and originally thought it would be safe to stay here."

A conservative approach?

This is really in line with the personality of caster. As a magician, she is not good at positive attack. Maybe with a little personality, it is normal for her to choose this conservative strategy in the Holy Grail war, and according to my understanding, Compared to frontal battle, the woman in front of her is better at arranging positions in advance and using the position's advantages to achieve final victory. Therefore, from the beginning of the Holy Grail war to now, it can be understood that she has been hiding in the world.

Seeing Sasaki standing among us, of course the caster is very concerned, and more, it is still deeply puzzled. According to common sense analysis, the contract between the spirit and the caller is from the **** of the Holy Grail's power, unless the caller dies, It is impossible to eliminate this connection by conventional means. Of course, a certain treasure in her hand has the function of eliminating all mysterious effects. Using that thing can also break the contract between the hero and the summoner, but it is clear that the current Sasaki This is not the case.

There is no trace of the contract being broken, or the half of the contract in her own hands is still intact, but the spirit in front of her has completely changed into another existence.Although you can feel the magic of the other party, the magic is mixed The other kind of contract power has completely lost its effect.

In a more metaphorical way of hunting, you bought a Sony color TV, and sent it to Pharaoh downstairs to repair it one day, but your remote control is not available anymore, so you can only open the case of the color TV. In the face, the word "Soot" was so sad that he was thundered by a cottage movement.

So, this metaphor is so classic.

The psionic Sasaki is no longer a product of the Fate system.He has nothing to do with the two major inhibitory powers now, as if the television with the movement replaced. Although the appearance, the contractual relationship still exists, but Sasaki's essence is already a certain leaf of the tree of the world. Unless the caster can understand the system of another world, she will never be able to use the spell to order Sasaki to do anything.

\ "Sorry for stealing your hero," I noticed that the woman in the cape focused on Sasaki, and naturally knew what she was thinking, \ "But now it is important to do business, we want to know some situations, you have Right to protest, but we will treat it as unheard. "

The good child, Wei Gong, next to me, was once again stimulated by this kind of unrestricted words, and added his hand: \ "Is it really okay to say such words?"

Caster also froze a bit, and then thoughtfully looked at the big ticket invaders in front of him. There were four heroes that could be confirmed through magic, a striking giant, a tall man in red and white, and a purple and The silent women on the ground, and the dumb-haired girl with a serious expression wearing a silver skirt, this fighting power is already an overwhelming advantage. God knows how they stood together so kindly, and this was eliminated I can see the combat effectiveness I want, and the two girls with obvious magic fluctuations refer to Sakura and Ilya. Among others, the weak magic on the Aegean Palace is completely covered by our complex energy, and Sakura is used as a crystal. Madam, there is no magic in the body), the rest of the talents who can't see the depths are more vigilant. The caster with an IQ of 200 is not the mindless Shen Er, she definitely won't think Weak ordinary people will appear here.

Through the shadow under that hood, I can feel the eyes of the other party's inspection, and naturally I can guess what kind of trade-off she is doing. Sure enough, after a while, the other party broke the silence.

\ "It is completely impossible to compare in strength. It seems that I have no chance to resist."

As clever as she is, she will not stubbornly choose to resist to the end in this situation.

\ "But before I cooperate with you, I hope you can relieve my confusion first" Caster suddenly raised his head, revealing the beautiful face that can be described by stunning, \ "Who are you in the end? I think you and the Holy Grail The magicians of war are very different. "

Hey, I like this question 诶

几个 A few of us rushed to answer on the spot: \ "Photo enthusiasts know? Centaurus knows? Frequent traffic accidents caused by the wild wild Altman rampage? Do we come from ..."

\ "KEKE" Tosaka decisively grabbed and interrupted the cast before we moved out of the invincible theory of photography enthusiasts. "" This is not important. They are all my foreign aids. I am a participant in the Holy Grail War. This is that OK?"

Caster stopped short when we were suddenly noisy and rushing to answer questions, only then nodded in response, but now I have been asking my own question for a long time and no one answered it.

And she will appear more sadly soon, and communicating with this inexplicable group of people is a problem.

"This desolate place is a good place to hide," I looked around. On the horizon in the distance, a lot of earth and stone are slowly rising due to the operation of the red moon. "How did you find a way to come in?"

\ "What if I said I didn't know it myself?"

Caster replied, while carefully observing our response, it was clear that although she behaved very calmly, she was still nervous in the face of such an invader combination that was enough to crush herself more than ten times, but it was very obvious that she There is no plan to tell the truth.

Of course we will not be satisfied with this answer, Sandora snorted coldly, and then cast her gaze in a certain direction in the distance.

\ "There are personal classes there."

In this sentence, let bsp; in such a desolate place, to find a human mind swing, it is simply too simple for Sandola, even without the need for a life radar scan, she can point out that with instinct. The location of the man who was properly placed by the caster.

\ "We have no intention of embarrassing you or harming you or your master," Sandora looked at the caster coldly. The invisible spiritual shock made the corners of the latter's mouth have leaked blood, \ "but that is based on your cooperation In the past, you have the courage to show up in front of us alone, so I will tolerate you for the first time to deceive, but the second time, punishment will not only fall on you. "

Tosaka and others looked at Sandora with amazement, as if for the first time they knew this golden girl who suddenly exuded noble and cold temperament, I shrugged with a smile on them: \ "This is Sandora's real Look. "

\ "It is Yanfeng Qili"

I wonder if the burning pain or the threat of Sandora played a role, and Caster did not hesitate to tell his secret this time.

\ "The human hand gave me one thing so that I and Zongichiro could enter this space."

Breathing violently, Caster finally calmed down from the burning pain of her heart. She looked at the noble temperament girl with horrified eyes, and the other person could almost let herself as the heroic spirit die with only one look. Her weird and terrifying strength shocked her.

\ "False priest?" Tosaka immediately screamed in surprise, and Yan Feng Qi Li's name appeared here unexpectedly, and Wei Gong made another exclaim: \ "Zong Yilang? Is it Mr. Ge Mu? "

\ "Yes, Ge Muzong Ichiro," I patted the shoulder of the palace, "" You boy, learn to face all the incredible things, your sister can now become a floating colossus, so don't worry about it Things like details ... "

Jingwei Palace had a tangled face and nodded silently.

We don't know until now that Yanfeng Qili knew the existence of the world from the beginning. He gave the caster a black crystal dagger. The thing seemed ordinary to me, but he was in harmony with heaven. The round of red moon faintly catered to the energy fluctuations, like a formula that is simple but can unlock the entire password. People with crystal daggers can use this to enter the inner world. After Sandora's warning, the caster finally cooperated with many And it looks like she doesn't have any feelings for Father Yanfeng himself. If it wasn't for revealing the secrets of herself and Ge Muzong Yilang into this world, I'm afraid she just took the initiative to give us the black crystal dagger.

\ "I don't like being treated as a chess piece," Caster said frankly why he didn't like Yan Feng, "" I can see that he ‘help me and Zong Yilang is totally purposeful.”

But as to why Sasaki is more powerful than ordinary spirits, and its weapons have mutated, caster failed to give us a clear answer, and even she herself did not know how all this was born, the only thing that could be used as a clue. It was during the summoning ceremony that she was in the inner world, that is, the secret of Sasaki's strengthening and the only explanation for the phantom energy contained in his weapon, also related to the inner world.

\ "If I have to say something worth mentioning," Caster saw that we were not very satisfied, and was afraid that the harsh golden girl would be unhappy to do something radical, and quickly added, "" At the end, the red moon in the sky suddenly turned blue. "

Alas, the original moon has not only changed its gravity, but even its color?

Is that **** still a moon?

Unfortunately, although caster is in the world during the summoning process, the holy grail system limits Sasaki's "birth" in the world of watches. The latter has never seen the scene here, and naturally cannot help himself. The master testified.

The blue moon is definitely a vital clue.Everything that happened in the past tells us one thing. When a world shows the remains of the Apostles of the Spirit, whether it is incombustible garbage or one or two grief The absolute Avengers, that means huge trouble is coming, so as long as it can explain the source of psionic energy on Sasaki's weapon, we must not let go.

\ "Xue, can you see that blue moon?"

I connected with Lin Xue's spiritual connection. The latter's eyes watched the past and the future at the same time. If the blue moon appeared and may appear in the future, she should not escape her observation.

\ "Sorry, I didn't see it at all," Lin Xue's answer surprised me, but her explanation followed me. \ "You think that bypassing the world structure and observing a space that exists in the concept is so Easy things? And even prophets, I can't see anything in my power? "

I'm sorry, I forgot this.

From the caster, we finally knew another character hidden in the shadows, Yan Feng Qi Li, although I felt that it was a deeply hidden guy from the beginning, but he did not expect that he could be related to this world, and He let the caster enter the inner world, indirectly helping the latter to increase the possibility of winning in the Holy Grail War. What is it for?

Caster admits that the red moon here can gradually increase her power, something similar to magic, but something more like a catalyst is contained in those red moonlights, which has great benefits for a magician like her, saber I also felt this hidden power after concentrating, but Tosaka didn't feel anything, which shows that this magic is only effective for Ying Ling. Since Yan Feng Qi Li can have a "key" that can open the door to the world, Then he has no reason to not know the secret of Red Moonlight.

越 The more clues, the bigger the mystery, this is how I feel now.

But at least, now we know who to find to solve the mystery.

\ "It seems that this is all you know," I shook my head, thinking that I could uncover the secrets of the world from the caster, but I didn't expect that the other party was just a pawn. We went back earlier, you and Ge Mubei are too tired, so let's wash and go to bed early ... "

Rumbled, the sound of collapse.

\ "Hey alien uncle" Yuan Saka is really very angry this time, and even the more polite \ "Uncle" owes it, \ "You're done now?"

Even more petrified is the party caster. She is ready to die generously today. As a result, the man who led a group of heroes and thugs to hit the scene just asked a few inexplicable questions like the census. gone?

\ "Are you kidding me?" Tosaka and bsp; I looked right: \ "I am a serious person who never jokes"

\ "But ..." What else does Tosaka want to say, even if the event has now entered a very incredible branch plot, the holy grail dream in the girl's heart still persists stubbornly, \ "At least, she is a hostile hero ... good Well, I give up, I confess, I have nothing to do with love in this Holy Grail War. "

I was surprised at this turn. I thought that Tosaka's stubbornness on this issue could persist to the end of the world. Didn't expect it to fall apart so soon?

Alas, it's not too fast, after all, the Holy Grail War of Harmony and Friendship at the beginning is really beyond recognition.

\ "Wait, are you leaving now?"

When we saw that we really turned around, we were about to leave. Caster suppressed his crying and laughing mood, and hurriedly asked again. I shrugged her: \ "Nonsense, I didn't sleep well after tossing last night, today you won't let me go to bed earlier ? "

As soon as the voice fell, Sandora next to her face blushed secretly and pinched my waist-this was due to her body strengthening, Sandola's fingers burst into the air, you said that this girl was so shy and light. Not heavy?

\ "I mean," caster took a deep breath, "" Aren't we enemies? "

\ "Oh, you mean, we should kill you now?"

The woman in the cloak in front of me stunned for a moment, then nodded ~ www.readwn.com ~ In other words, you take the initiative to hope that after we kill you, we can let go of the no-threatening Kezuki Ichiro? "

I asked quietly, the answer to this question sounds cruel, but it is a fact. In the face of four heroes and one Sasaki who betrayed himself, and a large number of unknown thugs, it is hard to guarantee that the caster is not playing like this Ideas come before us.

After a few seconds of silence, the woman hiding in the cloak nodded gently: \ "Although I don't know why you know so much, but if you kill me and you let Zong Yilang go, then you can do it, of course, although the power gap It's so huge, I won't sit still. "

I stared at the woman in front of me who regarded her life as a bargaining chip for her own "owner". After a long time, she suddenly laughed: "" Tosaka, go back with everyone, I have something to do Talk to her, uh, Sakura, you and der stay. "


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