Xiling Empire

Chapter 715: Funeral

Chapter 715 Aftermath

When all the dust settled, the people of Atlantis began to clean up their homes destroyed by the disaster. After the joy of victory, the tragedy of the war dead soon followed. This disaster xìng incident on Atlanti The scars caused by the people of Sri Lanka are unimaginable. Since fleeing their homes 760,000 years ago, these remaining "Descendants of God" have been fighting side by side as brothers and sisters, and have been fighting each other for the darkest years together. They persisted because of an almost impossible hope. Today, but this disaster from the sky made nearly two-thirds of them dead forever. In the corners of the city, Atlantis civilians who are cleaning up the dead body and the aftermath can be seen everywhere. The sadness in their eyes It almost dilutes the joy of victory.

A large number of corpses were concentrated on the square in the center of the city. Among them were mutant humans that were beheaded and killed, and city guards who died in the counterattack. When the abyss retreated, these enemies and ours who had exhausted each other with the last strength to fight again Lying on the same ground, there is no more hatred and fighting, and they accept the mourning from the people.

Before Atlantis set sail, Sandora and I left the carrier, and once again came to the city. There is a ceremony here that we need to play in person-this is what we requested.

"Most of the people gathered in this square are war dead who have no loved ones. Their entire family has been sacrificed, or they were all alone," Ares said, leaning in my ear. "Most of them People did not insist on the return of the gods. But your attention and concern can give comfort to the spirit hún of these soldiers, and they can go home with confidence. "

While Ares was talking, the crowd in the square suddenly spread to both sides. It was time, and the priest in charge of the Anhún ceremony walked out of the crowd passage. He wears a thick black cloak that completely covers his face. He wears the sacred emblem of the crystal cross in front of him, walks barefoot on the icy stone road with a tray filled with crystal dust, and behind the priest are two white cloaks. The assistant clergyman, who had two old devices in his hands, looked like small suitcases.

"Blooded soldiers, heroes who fell on the battlefield, and the deceased who finally got rid of the curse of the demon and got the clean spirit hún," the priest stood in front of the huge corpse that almost couldn't bear to look directly, using strangeness The voice, which is not very loud but can be conveyed to the ears of every listener, reads a short prayer, "You have gone through a difficult time, experienced a sinister fate, and now you can finally relax and welcome the peace of this moment. The last battle in the life course has ended, you have not retreated, you have not surrendered, regardless of victory or defeat, you are worthy of the name of Atlantis. Now, the other end of the journey is waiting for you. On the road, I hope you can continue to move forward with the glory of God. The crystals of God will soothe your tired bodies, and the pure blue light will heal your spirits, children, let ’s go on the road, lightly Let's meet again in our hometown ... "

With the deep chanting, the trays in the hands of the priests also exude soft blue light, and the special crystal powders floated dàng out, as if turned into light and merged into the corpses on the square. After merging into the corpse, he took a step forward and opened the strange machine in his hand, but at this moment, a sudden sāo disorder passed from outside the crowd, interrupting the upcoming ceremony.

The two small figures rushed through the gaps between the tall figures around them, with severe low pressure all the way, exclaiming from all around.

"Why are you two here?"

I looked at the two little twins in front of me in surprise, and quickly pacified them with one hand and pressing their heads one by one: Ding-Dang on top, these two grievous Wannian 1.2 meters were just with great psychological determination from A group of at least two tall people walked calmly between the giant tutu's belly!

Pandora and Huesca had always listened to my orders to stay on the mothership obediently, and they did not appear even in the final battle (I'm really afraid that Huesca's fighting posture will destroy the morale of Atlantis soldiers xìng strike), but now they came out without a word?

I looked up at the crowd around me. Obviously, the appearance of Huesca caused a very serious wave of terror. Almost all the civilians looked at us with frightened eyes. They all retreated, their mouths whispered softly. Shout, the buzz-like buzzing sound spread across the square in an instant, and the "blood red demon with vertical pupils" spread like a curse through the crowd, and did not retreat when facing the disaster caused by the fragment of the ring of stars. The people of Atlantis broke out the fear of the group after seeing Huesca.

But panic and panic, chaos and violence did not happen, civilians and soldiers simply backed by instinct, then whispered sī, no one took hostile actions, apparently about "the blood pupil demon has been sealed into a **** "The body" has been spread out by Ares. Everyone looked at this little girl who had brought them the fear of the end of the world with doubtful eyes. Gradually, after discovering that the latter was not hostile, The crowd dared to get closer.

"You two are not afraid to cause confusion."

I looked at Pandora and Huesca with a headache. To be precise, this sentence was addressed to Huesca. Pandora should just accompany my sister to come out.

"Always have to face, I can never appear in front of the Atlantis, otherwise the elder brother will be distressed," Veska shook his head, always like her childish little sister. A moment passed but unexpectedly matured, "Brother, let Viscar be one time."

"Well, you are my baby sister, you can do as many times as you like." I shrugged with a helpless expression, and realized in my heart that this was not Veska's concept of good or evil or guilty attitude that prompted her at this time. Stand up-this girl doesn't have that kind of thing at all, she is thinking about "can't let the elder brother feel embarrassed by this kind of thing in the future", and in contrast, Huesca is determined more than Pandora occasionally The determination on the blood is harder to dispel.

This girl just calmly pulled her sister, who is also one and two meters across the foot of a group of giants two or three meters high, which has shown that her determination is firm ... well, too firm.

"This I understand, the psionic diffuser of the second frequency," Huesca strode in front of the three clergy, pointing at the suitcase-shaped "relic" in the other's hand, who saw the other coming. The time was obvious, but finally calmed down, the giant who was two or three meters tall was scared by a little girl who was one and two meters tall, and somehow I couldn't laugh at all, "You two can go down, I Think, these soldiers are still off by the real Apostles of the Spirit-sister. "

For the first time, Veska called Pandora as his elder sister, and his eyes were clearly brightened, then he walked quickly to the black-robed priest: "Continue."

The priest was somewhat unknown, but after all, the "god" he believed in himself ordered himself. He just stumbled and continued to chant prayers that were quite different from ordinary religion.

Huesca and Pandora closed their eyes slightly, and after the peculiar energy flew quickly like flames, their hair became ice-blue.

The phantom radiation of a specific frequency slowly diffuses out with the actions of the two little loli, forming a circle of auras. This energy spreads outward at an incredible slow speed, as if the water surface ripples under the slow motion, and Faintly echoing the low prayers of the black-robed priests, I do n’t quite understand what these religious rituals derived from the worship of the Apostles of the Spirit of the Atlantis mean, but it seems that Pandora and Huesca passed through The way to know what to do now. When those auras came into contact with the corpses on the square, the latter began to crystallize immediately.

Perhaps the blue dust crystals sprinkled by the priests had become chain reaction primers. The psionic radiation released by Pandora and Huesca caused subsequent crystal changes. The corpses on the square quickly condensed under the illumination of blue light. It gradually turned into crystal clear crystal sculptures, which reminded me of when she first saw Medusa when she was exposed to psionic radiation and turned into a crystal hero, but the Atlantis did not Not energetic creatures, their corpses appear to have turned into crystals for another reason-well, it doesn't make sense to think about them now.

The corpse turned into crystal did not stop changing. As the priest whispered, a faint blue flame was rising from these corpses. At first I thought that I had been staring at the crystal and had hallucinations, but soon These dreamlike blue flames turned into a raging fire, silently beginning to devour every corpse in the square.

In the pure blue flame, the corpses transformed into crystal sculptures were quickly dissolved. When the ceremony was completed, they finally disappeared completely, leaving only a few blue lights flying in the air at the scene, showing the once existing The deceased made a final stop here.

"They have finally completed the final reincarnation of life and become part of their hometown. Their bodies have become energy and circulated in the energy pipe network below the city. Their spirit and the air of this city are fused together. They The spirit hún will burn forever in the years after Atlantis, "Aris with a look of pride and emotion," use everything, this is the greatest virtue of God to teach us, to bring our last trace of value Contributing to the race, these fighters will be proud. "

After hearing such an explanation, I finally understood how this religious ritual is going. Although I knew that I should not blame, I was always a little uncomfortable. The distortion of this civilization by the old empire is too serious. Although we cannot simply judge whether this distortion is good or bad, watching Ares proudly call the burning of fellow corpses in exchange for energy a noble virtue ...

"Ajun," Sandora squeezed my hand. "If the life of the deceased can leave its value in this form and live forever in the gratitude and nostalgia of future generations, this may also be a good way to go. "

Sandola's words may only be a comfort, but I can only nod. After all, in the eyes of Atlantis, this kind of dedication is the best way to commemorate the deceased, and look at the civilians around them with grief A slightly slower look may be the only way to make them feel that the person they value still lives in their hearts.

Ending the last religious ceremonial event in Atlantis, Sandora and I returned to the spacecraft with Pandora and Huesca. The two little loli's unauthorized actions today were beyond my expectations, but they still seem to have achieved Got good results. As members of the "God", they personally walked between mortals and stood off as assistant priests to see off the dead soldiers. This behavior greatly won the favor of the people and made Atlantis to " The "red pupil demon" fear mentality has produced a lot of relief, at least from now on, Huesca should be able to safely appear in front of these ancient people who were almost extinct themselves.

The floating island ’s power system has been repaired and the world teleportation system is ready. I set its teleportation target to Avalon, because Ares said after seeing the picture of Avalon that place He remembered the scenery of his hometown. While lamenting that the imperial expedition team still paid attention to environmental protection, we finally made a final decision on the settlement of Atlantis in the future. Fortunately, as a world where only the spirits live in a sparsely populated and growing world, Avalon has vacant places, and its sky is even more empty. If there is one more floating island, it may affect unicorns in some areas. There should be no other trouble in the sun.

On the way back from the spacecraft, I convened the monster girls of Fantasy Township and started to discuss the issue of housing subsidies.

Yakumo purple, Bori Lingmeng, Yakumo blue, Youyouzi, Sixteen Nights, Night, Miss ... A lot of fantasy townspeople gathered together in the spacious lounge, yelling at the seeds, the atmosphere was very lively The harmonious and active atmosphere fully meets the atmosphere of each of our senior empires when they meet to discuss issues. In this case, drinking tea and presiding over the meeting, both Sandora and I felt very kind.

"Ahem, let me say a few words-Lan, what are you doing?"

I coughed twice to attract the attention of everyone, and then looked at Yakumo blue dissatisfied. This fox mother has been playing with her ears just now, and now I am beginning to practice using the willpower to make the two ears in the opposite direction. The stunt turned 180 degrees, although this did not affect other people's lectures, it seriously interfered with my concentration: I really wanted to help the guy tie his ears in the past.

"Ah, sorry," the fur on Foxwoman's tail exploded for a moment, as if startled by me. "There is still a little tinnitus, you don't care about me, please continue."

Is it because the Atlantis cheered for half an hour before? Unlucky ears?

After seriously reminding Yao Yunlan to pay attention to the impact, Sandora and I supplemented each other and talked about the arrangement of Fantasy Township ...

Before we set off, we had designed a lot of plans to deal with the degree of damage that Fantasy Township might suffer, ranging from the worst demise of the Eastern World to the slightest 70-yard scratch of Atlantis. Coping methods.

The current situation is much better than the worst case that Sandora had expected at the beginning. Atlantis did not throw a doomsday in Fantasy Town like a blockbuster, but the disaster was not light, at least Monster Mountain suffered. The damage is very serious: half of the mountain where a large group of xìng monsters live has been exposed to the strong radiation of the energy vent of Atlantis for a long time, and it is already dead. It is expected that the Chernobyl ruins are compared with that place It can be counted as a national first-class scenic spot, and along with the spread of water in the mountain, highly toxic radiation has also appeared in the foot of the mountain. The monsters can not be afraid of radiation for a short time, but they can't stand it for a long time.

Obviously, before the radiation dissipated, it was temporarily uninhabitable.

This is the most severe disaster point. A little lighter is the area around Monster Mountain. The main energy pipeline of Atlantis broke, and the psionic energy leaks caused several forest fires, although they were all in the first place. I was extinguished, but the power of Phantom was too mighty after all. Basically, in just a moment, a few kilometers of forest can be turned into steam by high temperature. There are also places where the net is leaked out, so many people live on the plains under the mountains. Monster lost her home. In addition to Ling Meng's unruly declaration that she had 27 properties in the forest to be compensated, we had to resettle a large number of people because of those fires.

The above two points are all the problems to be solved. The situation is not complicated and the losses are not serious, but in any case it is an unavoidable responsibility. Fantasy Township certainly has the ability to rebuild damaged houses and villages in a timely manner after such an incident. However, several places with severe radiation are not easy to recover in a short time. There are psychic powers everywhere, even with the technology of the empire, It takes time to deal with psionic radiation, which is not a concept with nuclear radiation. While looking at a harmony in Fantasy Township, in fact, there are also complex divisions of forces. These divisions of force are different from the borderline that humans meet at every turn, but they are distinguished according to the usual group living habits of monsters and the concept of territory. Although this area of ​​influence is not as serious as the borderline, it also shows that different monsters all have their own territory. The residents of the monster mountain cannot set up their hukou in the forest. Retailers on the plains cannot get visas by the lake. Short-term borrowing for a day or two is not a big problem. I'm afraid the problem will come over a long time: Everyone knows that monsters are usually the best.

So the idea of ​​letting the guys on Monster Hill go to rent a house with relatives and give them a hundred dollars more than severance payment is not feasible.

The ideal solution now is to let the monsters who have lost their homes temporarily move to Avalon ~ www.readwn.com ~ I fully believe that the environment in that place can let any guy with normal aesthetics linger, and in a short time They can flicker inside to take out the demolition compensation money to buy a house in the local mortgage, but the only resistance at present is Bollywood Dream: In order to knock more demolition compensation money, the unruly red and white has been sparing no effort to publicize She and Yayunzi were doing bulls and horses in the shadow city, suffering from hunger and cold, and working hard to redeem their lives, trying to make all the residents of Fantasy Township fear the shadow city and all the living facilities attached to it, so that she would "compensate all residents xìng The living area is converted into cash to quickly get rich and get rich ”, I dig the corners of the imperialists and fill the pockets of individualism, deceive the residents of the rural areas in the legal city of Suqian, and use the information not to be equal. It ’s terrible, so last night I rushed to ask Artemis to hurry up and organize the spirit to start writing a set The Walloon Residence Guide is also preparing to set up more than 20 public welfare travel agencies, with Avalon's most famous 20 spearheads who are good at using spears as heads of travel agencies to ensure that the residents of Fantasy Township on site visits will have a perfect stay. Travel experience (believe me, all accidents will be attracted by the presidents), based on these, quickly established a new generation of Avalon real estate development and promotion leadership led by imperialism values, anyway, we must quickly let Demolition households in Fantasy Township live in first. Even if they don't live in, they have to use a variety of tourism projects to make money for the demolition compensation. @。

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