Xiling Empire

Chapter 716: Doll Control finally met the puppets

Chapter 716 The Doll Control Finally Meets the Dolls

The days of Avalon are sunny, and the residents of Fantasy Township like it--what is the most profitable in the 21st century? Tourism! For a profitable business, you only need a feng shui treasure, a broken mouth, a group of old priests selling jade, and then sit fortune telling to look at the palmistry, basically except for the natural disaster, financial crisis and the failure of the robbery. It will never lose money.

At least that's the theory.

Huge transport motherships rarely appear in the airspace of Avalon, because I have always felt that environmental protection is important to this picturesque place with spring seasons, but this time is an exception. With my spare no effort, the residents of Fantasy Township have expressed their desire to see the quaint scenery of the empire capital Xanadu as soon as possible. Atlantis Teleport also needs to open a huge space crack in the sky of Avalon. Yimao is the central idea of ​​Yimao, and the transport mother ship did not open the door independently and entered directly in Avalon.

The huge spacecraft covering the sky slowly poked out from the huge crack in the sky, cast a dark cloud-like shadow on the endless green grassland, and was shocked by the countless small animals in the tree. Because the volume is too huge, the transport mother ship cannot land directly on this original ecological grassland, so it was suspended at an altitude of one or two kilometers from the ground. Then everyone transferred to a small transport aircraft for landing. Of course, there are many monster habits. Flying on their own, they even hope that they can feel that the air in the other world is salty or light, so when the transport plane flies down, there are a large number of small black spots flying around, and it looks like the broken plane from a distance. Flying as if dropping parts. Many residents of Fantasy Township were surprised by the beauty of Avalon long before they left the spacecraft. They all expressed their real envy at the behaviors of Boli Lingmeng and Yakumo Purple who worked in such a good place. Feeling jealous and hateful, and have expressed a strong desire to invest in building a house here.

Boli Lingmeng severely criticized the optimism of the monsters and expressed deep worries. Yakumo Purple pointed out that a dark-hearted boss was completely playing with the concept of stealing beams and changing columns, using a beautiful prospect and whitewashing the new property. The background comes to méng to deceive the owner to stay and wait until the contract is signed before showing the true face of the exploiter. The behavior is as bad as when he entered the job. He pointed to the fork and told the new staff that this is our company's office building. Did you know that the boss did n’t finish the contract at that time? The office location is Room 404 on the fourth floor of the Fork Tower and you have to share a compartment with two companies who watch Feng Shui Gua Gu, a painful feeling of pit father will come sooner or later ...

For two and a half hours, I argued with these two guys who didn't talk well, and tried to prove that I had no intention of pit monsters from the beginning. Well, I didn't even believe it.

The end result was that I had to promise to supplement the bonuses deducted from working with Ba Yunzi and Boli Lingmeng. The two leaders changed their tone and announced a strong support for the relocation and resettlement of Fantasy Township. Driven by enough interests, Lingmeng will definitely sell the entire Fantasy Town without hesitation, and even Zima will help count the money ...

The transport plane steadily landed on an endless prairie. This is an area newly born as the world tree continues to grow. At present, there is no clear administrative division. Even the ecological environment here is not surveyed by Artemis. half. It was temporarily named "Morning Wind Prairie", and it was shaken from the "Name Book" of the Tree of the World by Ding Dang, which is much better than the original "Grass Horse Horse Prairie".

"Hoo-hoo !!!! Prairie !!!"

As soon as she got out of the transport plane, Qi Luo Nuo ran up the prairie just like the wind, and the unprecedented vast space and natural power around her put her as a fairy into a state of excitement. A large area without such exaggeration is used for growing grass. Because it is impossible to see any other landform when looking out to any place, this makes Qiluo Nuo very curious about what the prairie will encounter when she runs to the end. In order to prevent her from really reaching the end of the world, we can only tie her to a tow. Come back.

As an ice fairy, you should freeze frogs and make ice cream as your puppet. You have to disguise the mice on the prairie ... Nazling, you come back to me!

It took me a lot of effort to gather the monsters who ran around as soon as they landed. During this period, at least 40 meters of ropes and a dozen collars were consumed, and I was in the process of catching those who ran around. About thirty or forty toothprints were harvested, but as the leader of the monsters, Yakumo Zi at least this time expressed his support for the work of his boss: the group of energetic guys represented thousands of demolished households in Fantasy Township. I visited the new home on the spot, but now it seems that they may not even manage themselves. Therefore, some compulsory comfort measures are necessary. I believe that these monsters will not run away after a while.

At this moment, a low whistling sound came from high altitude. It seemed that the sound of the high-rise wind was urgently changed by being blocked by some large object. The shadow of yīn, which was larger than the size of the transport carrier, gradually covered us. The grass, I looked up, Atlantis Floating Island has now explored the door of space, and is now moving the other half of it.

"Wow ..." Wenwen stared blankly as he watched the magnificent air continent protrude from a crack in space and exclaimed softly. Atlantis had teleported in the middle of the night when he appeared in Fantasy Town, Moreover, the breakthrough point was almost invisible to the naked eye, and no one saw with his own eyes how the floating island accomplished the feat of the time, which was also a very regrettable thing for Wenwen, and this time, she was full of eyes.

The Tengu girl held the camera for a while, and then she seemed to feel that it was not fun to take photos on the ground. She just flew her wings and flew up to the sky. She also looked up at the side of the orange cat and let the huge wind blow. A few meters away, it is not distressing to give Eight Cloud Blue.

And I looked at the huge shadow on the ground and began to think about a problem: Atlantis was so large here that it was blocked here. The entire prairie and a large area nearby had to fall into the night. Now this is Atlanta Only a small part of Tis leaked out, and it was only very dark around us and not to the level of midnight, but if this thing came out ...

There is no doubt that Avalon's lighting market will usher in an unprecedented boom, and the residents here will definitely protest against the lighting problem. This year, the top floor of the building has paid attention to the spacing of the buildings. You put a radius on top of others. Hundred kilometers of sun visor, which owner does not get angry? .

I told this situation to Sandora, who also thought it was a problem.

Both Sandora and I were having headaches. Atlantis hovering in Avalon would cause ecological problems, and it would be too cumbersome to revise Avalon's optical laws (mainly Ding Dong may mess everything up). At that time, a cheerful greeting suddenly came from afar, and Xiaobei and his wife with six plus signs sweetly reunited with each other: "Ajun——"

I looked around, and saw a large group of people rushing towards this side in a rush, the first one with a sense of presence is shallow, then the older sister and Lin Xue, and then a large group of big and small Little loli or pseudo loli, such as Bubbles, Liliana, and Rose Maidens, Ilya sits on Bererer's shoulder and falls to the back. Now she is holding a flashlight and flashing beside Uncle B's face. To overtake, I think Uncle B must be enjoying it now, and his happy tears shed.

Marisa watched so dàngdàng a large group of people rushing up and down, and tu snoring was a little snoring on the spot, and the little witch who was not afraid of heaven was not fearless. The guy who "borrowed" things the most was the one who rushed over to face a group of hunting troops, so now she was stunned and pulled my arm vigorously to shake dàng: "Hey! What have you done to those girls! They I'm here for you desperately! "

I dare not imagine how a group of young girls cheering up and going through twisted reasoning can form a desperate posture in Marisa's mind.

"Ajun, Ajun ~! You can count it! Carnival is too boring without Ajun's company!" Qian Qian jumped a few meters away and slammed into his lover's arms, desperately in my ōng mouth After leaving for a long time before leaving with a smile, I quickly pulled out Jingle from the pocket in front of ōng, who was still wearing a mosquito coil in his eyes and told everything just now with a small voice: "Too soon ... Everything is too fast ... Bang, Ding Dong flattened ... "

"I didn't expect it to be so magnificent." My elder sister with a soft smile arranged for me a messy collar and jingle wings tossed before ōng, looking up at Atlantis, who was gradually occupying more than half of the sky. , A few little nods came to me bouncing: "What about the mercury lamp? What about the mercury lamp?"

Cui Xingshi and some of them miss their eldest sister because they haven't seen them for a few days-if only a few months ago, they would not dare to look for their terrible sister so eagerly.

"I'm here," a cold voice came from mid-air, and then I felt my shoulders sink, and the little doll girl sat lightly on her shoulders and dàng started to play on the swing with double tuǐ, her voice was thick Deep grudge, "Don't ask, it's boring, and I've been on the boat all the time, dumb humans won't let me on the battlefield at all, not even the Mercury Lantern Corps."

I raised my hand and knocked on the head of the small lamp. When I came out this time, I didn't intend to take this little guy. It was her hard work and the half tiger teeth that forced me to change my mind, but it was a fantasy. After I found that the situation was a bit complicated, I still insisted that she stay on the boat. Now it's okay. When I was on the boat, I was quiet. After returning home, the mercury lamp began to complain to my sisters.

... It seems that the small lamp that will play such a temper is also tǐng adorable, right?

In short, now we are having fun together, telling each other some interesting things that are separate these few days, but a voice is ringing at this time without depending on the situation: "This is ..."

A short hair with gold sè, a red sè headband, and a thick big book under her arm, it seemed that a sixteen-seven-year-old girl suddenly squeezed out from the people in Fantasy Township, and looked in amazement. With the doll girls gathered under my feet.

"Puppet? No one controls ... Puppet !?"

Marisa was surprised to see the blond girl who was gradually showing her research interest: "Hey, Alice, wouldn't you just find out now? When you were on the boat, you didn't see this doll named Mercury Lamp often flying around. ...... Oh, I see, you must be boring in the room to talk to the puppet. You do n’t see dze when you eat. It ’s really helpless. "

When Marisa said this, I immediately remembered who this little strange girl was: Alice Margot Royd, well, the name is a bit long, referred to as Alice, she is a resident of Fantasy Township who lives in the forest of magic, and Marisa is also a very powerful witch. She seems to be good at manipulating magic puppets, and she is also most interested in studying magic puppets. Unlike Marisa, who is always action-oriented and furious, this Alice seems to belong to The guys of the house type are usually together with the magical dolls they make or are devoted to researching. Even in fantasy scenes such as the fantasy town crisis and the battle of Atlantis, I did not see her out, so Not very familiar.

But now I am very impressed with her-I am the first time I have met someone who dares to make a flutter action on a mercury lamp.

"Hey! What the idiot are you doing!" The mercury lamp sensitively avoided Alice flying towards her, shouting with dissatisfaction, "dumb human, hurry up and pull this crazy woman away!"

Alice waved the magic book in her anxiety, and seemed to want to fly up to catch the mercury lamp: "I just ... just want to see ... Are you really talking by yourself? No one controls it? Who did you make? You Is there a name? "

After the mercury lamp came to the house due to a series of confusion, it was the first time I saw that she was once again in such a sorrowful dilemma. In the face of the little girl's call for help, not only did no one go up to support her, even her sister and her sister made a fortune The expression of interest started to watch the drama. The mercury lamp escaped Alice's slamming for several times in succession and saw the other party also began to release the puppet to intercept himself. Finally, he was out of anger, and his small hand waved in the air: "This is your self Find it! Come out! The King's Mercury Lantern Corps! "

Alice has just stayed, and countless dàng-shaped water gates have emerged in the air around it. Numerous three-headed, 60-meter-high cartoon doll edition mercury lamps have protruded out of these space gates. They are wearing various standard clothes, carrying carbines or the heart of the sun, wearing soldier helmets or pirate hats on their heads, with serious expressions, appearing neatly in the plains and mid-air, and quickly under the command of mercury lamps. An offensive array was formed, surrounded by Alice and several dolls released by her.

Gilgamesh slammed behind me: "Infringement! This is my king's skill! This is the infringement of Chiluǒluǒ! My king is going to sue you in the city management team! My king is looking for your parents!"

I slap Jill: "Her parents are here, you can sue."

Jin Bing looked at me fiercely, and then looked down at the little bubble that was cheering for the mercury lamp, suddenly turned his head and ran to tears: "Your group of pariahs are waiting for the king! Hoohoo ..."

I think Jill's abnormal behavior now has an indistinguishable connection with the game she played with Dingdang by Qi Lü Nuola before.

Surrounded by overwhelming three-headed puppets, Alice's humble magic dolls immediately fell into the downwind. Although the mercury lamps were not ruthless, those dolls were still hit by a few magical maiden mercury lamps, and Alice herself showed a very tenacious fighting force. After twelve seconds of fierce confrontation, the superb magic witch successfully prevented herself from continuing to retreat, and she bottomed up and dozens of three heads. Mercury lamp reached a confrontation: This unlucky girl who was not good at fighting had just turned Caojingjing mercury lamp into a tutu, and immediately piled up dozens of puppets on her body, and now her head is still outside.

"This is ... this is the puppet of the puppet ... it's amazing!" Alice looked up hard, "I must know how this technology works, do these other puppets also have this? ... "

"It's a pity," Cuixingshi gave me a sloping look and said, "Someone is a very eccentric father!"

You nonsense, another Titan Kingstone will be renamed Toy Story!

"Okay, okay, it's almost enough, this is the guest." I stepped forward and pressed the little star of the star stone, beckoning the mercury lamp back to my shoulder, and was happily moving towards Alice. A group of three-headed men who climbed up the "Doll Hill" also suddenly disappeared. "Alice, right? If you want to learn advanced doll manufacturing skills, sign a letter here- —With the Fantasy Township Housing Security Card, you can get a half-price tuition discount, and you can also exchange real magic skills with many genius magicians you ca n’t think of, oh, do n’t hesitate, sign this contract and become a magical girl ~ !!! "

Alice climbed up huòly, and glanced at me in distrust, but soon her attention was drawn to the paper in her hand:

Students who are not college students can also get admission! As the honorary dean of our great master of time and personally initiated, the Imperial Academy-Alchemy Department winter vacation special recruitment class began to register! Anyone who is interested in becoming an alchemist and has a certain basic knowledge of Shadow City residents (also welcomes travel scholars from other worlds ~ www.readwn.com ~ but please prepare relevant fees) can register for this training. After passing the training, the exam will pass Get escorted to a military academy and qualify as a full academy!

Please bring your one-inch headless hologram and Shadow City temporary / permanent identification card to the registration point when you register.

Registration Deadline: Just two days.

Age limit for registration: Anyone can die before or after birth. After death, please go to the Beijing Office of the Undercity for related transfer procedures.

Registration race restrictions: casually, word recognition is enough.

Registration point: Emperor Academy went to the second door of the shopping street to find Uncle Wang to lead the way.

Contact information of lecturer: Shout under the window of Building No. 8 of the dormitory of the Military Academy (please try your best, the teacher lives on the 28th floor, a little embarrassed.)

Note: This notice was drafted by the great time master, Mr. Xu Qianqian, without any amendments. All the consequences and questions have nothing to do with this printing house. I wish you a happy entrance in advance if you can find Daoer. @。

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