Xiling Empire

Chapter 724: Lynn's Trouble, Authority Development

When two mighty duels were smashed and towed away by the shoehorns thrown by the judges, their fighting spirit still returned to the ring: "In the name of the empire! This battle has only just begun Start! "" The duel is sacred, let us continue! "

"Boss, give me another chance!" "Molina, it's not good for girls to take off their shoes and smash people. You forgot that your brother stole the fruits of the dragon **** next door to eat ..." Please remember that the Erli Bridge in the outer world and the Third Ring Road in the inner world are the only one in the West Carlo that sells licenses through one-stop sales. The contact phone number is: 150315 ………… Ah! " The ground was dragged off the stage for repairs, and the audience outside showed off with enthusiasm. The weapons and ammunition consumed during the farewell could add up to at least two fruit, vegetable, and egg markets to cover three large tile houses. I saw a new business opportunity during the competition. I changed the cart that sells melon seeds soda candies to a tractor, and yelled out loud: "Eggs! Tomatoes! Cans! Baner bricks! Shoehorns! "

Bingtis' eyes and nose lighted up and greeted, "Reimu! Give me thirty yuan of Baner bricks!"

Aren't you using bows and arrows?

"Dear viewers, the thrilling third game is over. Just like in the second game, this time there is still no competition for the master DaZE." Marisa shivered at the cans and cabbage leaves that had just accumulated by accident. "But The main purpose of our game today is to entertain the first friendship, the second exchange, the third, and by the way, it ’s best to be the master, so who else is willing to come on stage to show DaZE? "

Yakumo Blue, while holding a large hair brush, brushed the leaves in the tail fluff while annoyingly announced: "There is also a new news. Following the Empire Command's sss-level notification, the Grand Slam Fighting Tournament held in Monster Town will become Azerbaijan. One of Walloon's official rally events. In the future, it can be held in accordance with circumstances. No application is required. Welcome to the heroes, monsters, superpowers, aliens, future people, iron man, ultraman, apostles and magic girls. Since the enrollment, the slogan of the recent imperial government office is: Long live entertainment. "

I stared blankly at Bingtis, and the latter pointed behind me: "Don't look at the body, the body doesn't have the right to order you, your wife's meaning." A shallow voice was behind him. Then it rang: "Ajun Ajun" I said! "

As soon as I turned my head, Qianchan and Sandora didn't know when they had sat on the two chairs on the other side, just like a judge. The former was recording an orange smashed from the stage. Give me: "How fun, there is fun after the carnival!" "I know to play ..." I messed up the girl's neat and smooth short hair, this girl really can't see the appearance of a young man, "Really Are they gone? "

"Ah, I just gave it away." "Qian Qian eaten the orange peel for Sandola and sipped the flesh herself." "Jingxing Stone mumbled for a long time. If you didn't send them, she kept saying that you are ruthless and unjust." Guy. "

I shrugged: "That guy just broke his mouth, and they gave them monthly passes." When I come to play in the morning and go home in the afternoon, I still use Aya to send it? "

"So Ah Jun is a fool,

"Sandora sighed and lay on the table." You, you usually light the mercury lamp, and you haven't noticed that Jade Star Stone keeps saying you are an eccentric eye? " "

At this time, the fourth talent showman on the stage finally came out in a lot of calls, but it was a little girl who was not tall, and this guy popped onto the ring. Nosy, you do n’t even have to think about it: Yibuki!

Also, she was obviously a contest initiated by herself, how could she not play? The guys of the ghost clan are usually the ones who like to challenge people the most.

"Ghosts" is better than anything! Strength, drinking, fighting, all accompanied. "When the big horned lì came to power, she first set off the war to all the onlookers at the scene, and then picked up the treasure gourd and sipped a few drinks, and looked around drunk." It was very arrogant and nobody looked like Let her interpret it like this, but a little more straightforward and simple and lovely feeling, especially a drunk look like a little Luo lì "let alone threatening, it is fun to watch.

"Hey! Did you come up to challenge?" Waited for a few minutes. "No one answered the audience, Cuixiang choked up with some dissatisfaction, and the wine gourd in his hand and the iron chain on his body beeped, but many people know that and ghosts The clan test is a troublesome task. Although a few people have made a leap, they have no one in the end.

"We have a challenger here!"

Just when I thought that the guardian of Cuixiang was about to end like this, Monina suddenly yelled loudly, and then, a blushing dragon **** girl was thrown on the ring by her unscrupulous teammates.

"Lin! I'll see you, I'll make you braised meat when I win!" "But Dueling Well ..." The Dragon Goddess said weakly, challenging such things to others was apparent to her. It ’s too difficult, but she did n’t have a chance to regret it. Cui Xiang jumped up to this challenger who finally came out, "Ha, finally there is a challenge, I know, what kind of protoss are you, eh, it seems like I can't beat it You guys, but as long as it is a challenge, there is no problem fighting it over the trial! "Later we judged that in this overwhelming challenge, the alcohol consumed by Cuixiang played a decisive role.

"I have a feeling that the idiot drunkard will be killed in seconds." I worriedly looked at the two guys on the field who were not very clever. Last time, Lin slammed the sighing wall in a brainless state. The glorious record of wielding Ilsen to turn over thousands of creatures is even more surprising.

"It's okay, Lynn knows the size, it's just a test, she won't do her best." Monina said with a smile.

In the open platform, two people naturally talk about their respective areas of expertise before the test. Just now Yibuki Hong has arrogantly announced that he will meet all challenges. Lin can only hesitate to say his expertise: "I do n’t know anything else, but I have more strength. "

Obviously, for Dragon Girl, only one brute force is a shame for tǐng, but Cui Xiang is very satisfied with this response: "Hah? Strength? Great, I like strength more than trying! Take out you Come on to the full strength of yours ", but I have tried my strength against those of the Imperial soldiers, I am very confident, so you do not let water. "Do you really want all the strength?" Lin asked softly, turning her wrists a little uneasily.

Cui Xiang nodded lifelessly: "Uh-huh" All strength! "Oh bad! "I exclaimed outside the court, but it was too late, the real dragon goddess girl turned into a clear cut, and in the flash of golden light, the girl who was always weak and weak was quickly transformed into a gold one hundred meters high. The two-headed dragons mightily occupy the entire ring.

Because of the surge in body shape, "Lin did not dare to move at will after she became a dragon god, and she might hurt the surrounding unknown group of truth. As long as the two huge wings are tightly packed on both sides of the body, she is wrapped like a mule. Yes, the giant dragon **** received his tail under his body, and immediately wiped out a third of the ring. Marisa and Yakumo, who are the hosts, have already jumped to the ring. The former did not forget his work: "Excuse me My partner, what is your opinion on the current situation? "

Yakumo Lan stared dumbfounded at the two-headed golden dragon that was more exaggerated than the "Shenlong" in Fantasy Township. After a long period of calculation, he could not use material conservation to compare with the situation in front of him. Mao all stood up: "This ... this is unscientific! "

"That" Lin lowered her left head, and for a long time finally found the big horned lì, who was already holding a gourd with a dull face under her feet, then stretched out a house-like claw and touched it with the tip of a thumb nail Cuixiang's head, "Let's rub your wrists."


The stupid dragon goddess girl exerted too much force again, and the unreacted fragrant incense was hit directly into the ground by a fingernail like a cannonball, leaving only half a meter-like hole today.

It seems that Bingtis's divine asylum just strengthens the barrier around the platform, and the strengthening effect on the ground is limited.

"Supposedly," I talked to Monina again across the ice giant. "" Your captain has been trying to beat the wrist with a dragon god? "

Monina nodded helplessly: "Every time we have to run hundreds of miles to get the captain back."

"How did you live to this day?" "It's probably fatal," Ilson said gravely, with a gloomy expression like a forest grove, and Kenser wiped his eyes: "Okay, okay. "

Seeing the little Sesame who was "comparing strength" with her blink of an eye, Lin finally knew that she had been in trouble again, and couldn't help crying. She swept her tail unconsciously on the ground, and she was now leveled by a third. Yichangtai continued to turn into a large pit, and the flying gravel bricks burst out like raindrops. "The onlookers who haven't run far cry and cry and cry, and Lingmeng is wearing a wide-brimmed steel helmet." I walked through the gunfire bullet rain, pushing a squealing medical cart that I didn't know where to come from, and shouted aloud in the rugged ruins: "gauze! Potion! Life insurance! I bought a painful movie! "

This alternative and lively Huotaisai was ended early because of the destruction of the playing field. Fortunately, there were no casualties. In this competition, none of the masters was born, but we gave birth to several cheating artists. Among them, the century battle of the golden bell cap against the iron cloth shirt was hailed as a classic. In the end, Lin Shen ’s tail swept the feat completely. It's even more amazing. From the perspective of the pit father, Bingti Stan said that the holy light that she once led has not been as powerful as the amazing goods on the stage today, and she is very satisfied with today's Yuxing show.

The only headache was aftermath. There was a large group of monsters on the scene with swollen noses and swollen noses caused by Lin's "little moves", large green vegetation disappeared, and small animals running out of the fairy forest and curious onlookers were trampled to death and wounded. One last one The good news is that all the spirits and monsters basically improved their meals that night.

A drilling team went deep into the ground and successfully dug out the dizzy stew from the three-kilometer-deep hole. Dajialuo was dizzy for more than two hours because of a concussion, and even worse, she had a corner broken by three points. For one, I asked for an ice cream cone from Sylvia, and while fragrant was still fainting, I gave 502 to her big stubble for a while, but this kind of good intention did not seem to cause fragrant After the girl woke up, she chased me with her head lowered and killed me for more than 20 kilometers. Like a bison, she put a few holes in my clothes to stop it. I hope the horns of the ghost tribe can regenerate faster. Now Cuixiang announces that she has no face to face.

This incident seems to herald one thing: after the protoss sliver quintessence of the nation and the people, another group of scourges and noisy masters has come to the empire capital "and quickly and closely cooperated with the local uncontrolled organization. They The quality of the scourge may not be as good as that of the Protoss sliver quintet, but the number is huge: Artemis is ready to get busy.

A few days after the carnival ended, visitors from all walks of life also left one after another, and the traversers were often regarded as popular characters, and the majority of the people believed that they were omnipotent and flourished in various worlds. That is nonsense. Now we know that the actual situation is that 99% of the traversors are essentially grass-roots civil servants. Behind the glorious aura of "dark world forces" is that they perform their official duties anytime, anywhere. Busy life "Of course, this job is not tiring.

What do the grassroots staff of the Space and Time Administration do every day? What job would they have in a world without war and not governed by an empire? This is something I ’m curious about, especially when I saw Wu Gengliu going to the headquarters of the Administration to report. This curiosity was even more inflated. I roughly turned over the work arrangements of ordinary examiners. Large organizations have a whole new understanding.

The first is intelligence gathering. This is the most basic job of every inspector or special agent. Of the intelligence they collect, only one-third of the world's major incident reports, and the remaining two-thirds of all attention is focused on On the early warning of world anomalies such as abyss infection, Bubba and Sivis jointly wrote a textbook "which details the various anomalies present in the world when the abyss infection occurred, and the severity of the abyss infection at different levels. And the speed of destruction, the difference between dangerous things such as the gates of the abyss, the source of primary infections, secondary infections, and other messy things, as well as detailed guides to more than 20,000 games, a comprehensive introduction to the film and television animation works, and the Imperial Military Code , Shadow City Shopping Guide, Big Eyes, Poetry, Songs, and Poems. There are always countless counties. Examiners in each world must pick up the useful things in them and read them thoroughly. OKU once described to me with tears in his eyes. The tragic experience of picking up the lights and reading at night in the first few days at work. Later, I ignored the child's mother's crying blood and opposed to deleting it from the pit father's textbook. There are two things. Intelligence gathering is the most important work of the staff of the Space and Time Administration. It directly affects the results of the imperial intelligence agency's early warning of the abyss. Basically, a novice reviewer will not do this job. Unfamiliar, Yang Guo has recently written reports using a data terminal, and the arm that Ya Xin put on has played a role in determining xìng.

The second job seems a little reverent: saving lives and maintaining world peace.

That's right, this is the routine work of every grass-roots employee of the Space and Time Administration. "Although it is not so frequent as it is daily. When major changes occur in the world in which he is stationed, such as world wars, huge disasters, etc., review Officers and commissioners must take immediate action to restore the stability of the world within the limits of the imperial code. This job sounds very lofty, but in fact it is clear from an explanation: According to the thinking of the Spirit apostles, the soldiers of the Empire The land you set foot on is the Empire's territory. Everything monitored by the Empire Outpost is the Empire ’s property. Even in the non-ruled world, as long as the Empire Outpost is stationed, it should be included in our defense line. Under the guidance of this main idea, we have mass-produced millions of saviors. "Every day, we run through all kinds of wars, natural disasters, man-made disasters, stock market shocks, school shootings, swine fever in Wangcun, and the Li family. In the numerous incidents such as divorce, Zhao Erguozi's failure to f 媳, Li Xiaohei's eating pancake fruit and not giving money, he constantly maintained world peace and human prosperity in the dark world. The high-risk world is even world-famous. Thanks to them as outstanding youth representatives in the new century, all human beings, but few know that the real reason why these living Lei Feng came out at the age of 14 to save the world is to ensure the clean environment around the outpost ...

It must be said that the enthusiasm and speed of completion of this second task by the staff of the Authority are impressive. Everyone has a passion for saving the world. Translation into Chinese is a hero since ancient times. If you have the opportunity and strength to save the world, these outstanding elements who have been carefully screened out will basically be happy to help their hometown. Recently, I heard that the tour led the puppet empire to calm down the terrorist groups in her world ...

As for the third job of the staff of the Authority ~ www.readwn.com ~ this ... Strictly speaking, it is not actually a requirement in the employee code, but I found that almost all examiners have been doing it recently: establishing in this world Expand your power.

In the literal sense, the staff of the Authority not only got mixed up personally in their own world, but also slowly formed their own small bases, at least a small circle, of course, not an organization like the party camp, It is to make it easier to complete tasks and deal with sundries in the work, and spontaneously formed small "associations". For example, in many places in the macro world, there are dimensional stores in the background of the Empire, "mysterious **** shops" of the quality There are witches, "Space Hotel", "Third New King Family Village" established by weird Frankenstein, etc. It is said that the Pizza Hut of Luluxiu has recently been reorganized ... These small organizations have many names, some of which are almost as large as Unify the entire dark world, and some are just "one non-existing activity room at the end of the hallway" that exists in the seven wonders of the campus. They all have one thing in common: a small number of management personnel as the core, a large number of completely Ordinary people who did n’t know about it were fooled and sold ...


I have to say that it really is the elite who have been selected by us. The grassroots employees of the Authority are really guys with super mobility ...

..., @.

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