Xiling Empire

Chapter 725: Occasionally it ’s good to be idle

It seemed to be snowing outside these two days, and it was always yīn heavy, but God drank forty-eight hours and did n’t even scoop out the ice dumplings. Lin Xue ’s prediction was correct, and the meteorological station let the atmosphere pit again.

There is no cold winter in Shadow City. Every day, all residents vote for several templates, and then they are filtered according to the child ’s mother ’s "optimal weather solution." The weather is finally artificially created, so the world inside is mostly Warm and pleasant and sunny, occasionally on special days, residents will be notified in advance and then snow and rain, not for ecological balance, but to reduce the monotony of the good weather every day, and add a bit of romance. A super-technology-shaped city has many strange lifestyles and residents' behaviors that outsiders ca n’t understand. For example, on what weather every day, Shadow City has established many parties, and its members are permanent residents of Shadow City from all over the world. The Imperial Citizenship of Honorary Citizenship. They started to find something to do because the eggs were painful every day, such as Cheng Li, "Snow Party", "Rain Party," "Sunny Party" and "Black Cloud Party" held every day for the weather on the next day. Various voting and publicity activities, in an attempt to gain more public opinion to achieve their own hobby. According to statistics, most members of the "Snow Party" are shadow city citizens under the age of 16 such as Yupo, they like to play snow and Have a white romantic mood. The members of the "Raining Party" are mainly concentrated between the ages of 17 and 25. They are busy engaged in the need to create a romantic relationship. "Sunny Party is currently the shadow city weather council The majority party occupies the vast majority of seats. Its members are of every age and completely cover all middle-aged and elderly people because they have the old Hanyun Party. "It is a new party, most of which are young people, and are deeply poisoned by literary and artistic works. Therefore, the pursuit of a Gothic atmosphere in the real world, dark clouds, Gothic churches. Evening dresses and dark nights, which make the people of the Dark Clouds addicted, but because they occupy too few seats, this party is the most Is considering to meet their own wild look in another way, such as going to the dark area to rent an apartment, Sylvanas feel like spring is here ......

Of course, in addition to this main faction, the weather council also has many other inclination, such as the "Typhoon Party" and "Hail Party" recently established by the "Lightning Party" and "Hail Party", which were established by the Anti-Electrocution Department. "Party" just two days ago, Sandora secretly supported, but currently the only member is Youyouzi's "pie party", the "Gold Coin Party" established by Brian Lingmeng with Jin Xingyuan, or else said that Lin Zi was big There are birds, and there are many people who want to fall from the sky. Such wonders really only appear in places like Shadow City.

Nothing serious happened in Shadow City in the past two days. The macro world was peaceful and the order of the virtual space was orderly. At first we thought that the fall of Atlantis was behind the scenes by the fallen apostles, but according to the intelligence warning of the Space Time Administration The movement of this fallen apostle has been dormant. It seems that the friction with us several times in a row and the recent increasingly stringent search of the Protoss in the void have made them choose to act temporarily and low-key, but the fall of Atlantis only To be attributed to Huesca's obsession is too serious-this is very embarrassing to a cat's eye 1.2 meters, but it is good news for us.

The dormancy of the fallen apostles means a stable environment, which can quickly carry out various surges and scientific research projects that urgently require time. The hidden empire base in the Kuiper belt space folds has been saturated. We are establishing new production bases in several extragalactic galaxies. The Pan Galactic Civilization Community has also completed the reorganization of the empire, and has now become a "regular militia" team like the New Eden Federation. Tavel is tackling some technical difficulties, including the analysis of the Nova star ring fragments and reverse recovery. The respectable biochemical and power technology preserved by Trentis, the respectable research madman vows to pledge that once these two technologies are transformed into actual power, it will be possible to make the power of shallow, older sister and Lin Xue more likely. Go up one level.

As mentioned before, the research center has studied their abilities more than once, and has initially cracked the principle of this magical ability, but after all, the time is short and it is very difficult to turn the theory into a productive force. At present, except that the energy predator developed according to my ability has entered the actual application stage, and the experimental xìng time avoidance device has been manufactured based on the shallow second gap theory, it can be said that the technicians have no achievements in other application fields. This has always annoyed Tavel, who has never given up in the field of research. Now Atlantis ’technology supplement has brought dawn to our researchers: I think that under the horrible pressure of Huesca, that only shaped The scientific research team of the Atlantis civilization has worked hard to study abilities. They have deeper insights on this power derived from spirit and spirit hún, which just fills a large gap in the Tavel research project. Now, the latter has begun to fantasize about when she can study mass production time commandos and cursed fighters, as well as prophet soldiers who carry out enemy tactical propositions on the front line. She has even designed military micro-architectures for these three types of soldiers. They are sliding coffins, clamshell coffins, and straight coffins ... Well, of course, those are just the good wishes of a coffin control research fanatic, and the real output is Guards can have such different fighters now it appears simply impossible, I expect that some applications of the new equipment can vary, similar to the kind of swept transducer. Facts have proven that this unreasonable thing has amazing potential once it is listed as a conventional weapon. An energy grapple can make all warships that use energy attack turn into scrap iron. A time avoidance system can even make the Star Cannon. Become a decoration, I dare not imagine how a cursed beacon with a trajectory forward can erase the enemy's dodge time and ignore the defense. The cursed beacon that hits the disaster on the target's head will be scared once it is developed. Bingtis even positively pointed out that if she had this kind of thing, she even dared to smash the glass of the Father in the middle of the night. Although I think that the female hooligan is able to smash in the middle of the night without such a thing Strong man of Father God glass.

In addition to the new round of scientific research activities carried out by Tavel and the accompanying explosions and explosions and explosions, there has been a recent change in Shadow City. There are a lot of monsters who are curious and everywhere, and these are all fantasy township immigrants. New residents.

As compensation for the disaster xìng ecological damage caused by Atlantis, we opened the door to the world to Fantasy Township and gave them a relatively loose entry clearance conditions to ensure that homeless monsters can Find a place to stay here. At first I thought that only the residents of the Monster Hill would move here. After all, many monsters are like nest animals, like animals. Unless they have to do so, they rarely leave their place. But I didn't expect it to be Ava. Long's environment and the magic of Shadow City have attracted them unexpectedly. Not only all the monsters in Monster Mountain have moved here, but many monsters living elsewhere have also applied to live in Avalon and Shadow City. I filled up the immigration quota I had previously allocated to them.

Of course, Shadow City cannot be completely open to them. The number of immigrants allowed in Fantasy Township is limited. Many monsters can only sigh on the welfare house of Avalon because they are late, but we still welcome them. Came here as a tourist for a short stay.

Because they are not the empire's dependents, the monsters cannot obtain an independent administrative area in the shadow city, and even the gathering town of Avalon cannot obtain independent management rights, but the careless monsters do not care at all about this. What they see is only the novelty of the outside world. The business of Lingyin and several Yingling travel agencies has been unprecedentedly hot. Now a city management almost forgets what its job is.

Due to the end of the carnival, the work on the Cantonese Field of the Dimension Hub was much more idle. Yakumo Zi temporarily lost his task and opened a shop in Shadow City in cooperation with his own god. I usually sleep in the back. There are only two salespersons, one with blue clouds and one with orange.

I used to go to that shop once, and now there is still a small shop of clothing, shoes and hats. I can't imagine how the fox scarves and fox fur hats come from.

And then a few small things are things at home.

The first is that the poisonous island surprised child finally finished her family visit and returned to her home to continue her "maid practice". Recently, she is following An Weina to learn how to use two Uzi submachine guns and 22 plasmas. The grenade was hidden in the maid's costume, but to be honest, each of us thought that this was just a girl's whim. Despite her strong attitude, I recently started to count whether I directly arranged for her to attend the Imperial Chalk Military Academy. After all, she is also a middle school student, and she has a ghost maid in her family. These underage maids have spit me up to death recently.

Speaking of whom I ’ve heard recently, the poisonous island finally ca n’t restrain her destruction. Wang Yi may also be when An Weina taught her to use a shovel to launch the eight-blade flash. Anyway, she started to rectify the law and order in her neighborhood and had a serious conflict with the neighbourhood. One more credible case was that she went out to buy vegetables yesterday afternoon. The next morning, the newspaper reported that several nearby theft culprits had been arrested. I found that I was fainted in a garbage bin near the supermarket, everyone was evenly fat, and a poem was engraved on the back with a sharp object. I think of the card on my head disappeared when I returned from the poisonous island, and recently She taught herself the classical literature of the chalk country ...

I hope she can find her true self on the road to getting rid of violence. Even if you go out to fight with people every day, do n’t try to practice what you want to become the second maid in the world. It ’s a pity that Anveena has recently started to mumble that “' Climbing in and out of the TV twenty times a minute "mentioned the maid lesson one by one, do you say it is something that living people can learn?

Another thing is related to Ding Dong. Our great goddess of life finally remembered that she still manages several worlds, so she decided to handle an official business with interest. This was the thing the night before, but this time the office behavior that was worthy of praise seemed to be Caused the undesired consequences, Ding Dong finally cried out of the temple and locked herself in the cupboard for three hours. When Sandora went to the kitchen to steal food, she almost dipped the small things with sweet noodle sauce, Later I inquired with lìlìna. I generally knew that the cause and effect seemed to be a group of prayers, which caused trouble. A group of students prayed to God that the final exams would not be held. The goddess, who has been in the course hundreds of times, is extremely distressed But this is not enough to make Lotte's heartless and crying Ding Dong cry like this. What hurts the girl most is that she racked her brains and guided those praying candidates to complete their exams. The result was 138 people. All hanging.

One hundred and thirty-eight times xìng hanging a branch, the goddess who set a new record felt that he had no face to face.

In the end, it has something to do with shallow: I did not expect that the relationship between myself and shallow would break through the last layer of relationship in the kind of cheating situation. Of course, the consistent style of Lian Sang to shallow is the normal one. What's more, I did not expect that the spring that I expected was really troublesome and difficult. The newly-married couple had a month, and I and Marty and Martyrs were alone in embarrassment? Mercury lamps will complain that someone will always move their boxes after going to bed at night. , Ding Dong has almost bitten my chuáng head cabinet into a black nest, and Araiye asked puzzled why the spiritual sea would be completely closed at night. Xiao Qijing did not respond, but the elder sister's ambiguous smile was really stressful, and Recently I also added a more fuel-efficient lìlìna, that little girl mumbled with the right volume every time she saw "big s as an opening speech, in the end, I can only recognize it ... oh, raising children before marriage really pitted father, pitted Really dad.

A small park on the outskirts of the city. This is a place that I often come to recently. At first, it was only a small bubble that was lost occasionally. When I went out looking for a child, I passed here, but Xiao Qijing became interested in it. The ground is here to kill some leisure time.

"But in the cold winter months, it's frozen in the park. Maybe it's just us?"

Leaning on a bench in the park and watching the deserted surroundings alone, I murmured.

"Fix it, it's only you idiot who's here to freeze. Miss Ben just happened to pass by and watch your nerves here to come and take care of it." Lin Xue said politely.

It was a coincidence that I met Lin Xue here. In the past two days, this girl hasn't come home to dine. I didn't expect to meet her in such a remote place. It happened to be nothing, so I sat down and talked: As the lady said, chatting in a cold wind in a suburban park at minus five degrees is like SB without Superman's constitution.

"The child seems to be used to running outside."

Lin Xue didn't know what he was thinking. After a while, he lowered his head and looked at the little girl muttering as he ran around the bench.

Ever since the first time came bravely to the outside world. The strength of Xiao Qijing's spirit hún is constantly growing. Now when she is running outside like this, she looks almost the same as a normal girl, except that the volume has been reduced by a few laps in proportion to the volume.

The transparent body in the original is already substantive. If you don't observe it closely, you can hardly imagine that such a cute little girl is just an illusory shadow.

"To be honest, I don't know what this child usually thinks. She will be randomly interested in things outside, so I must seize these opportunities to let her get more exposed to new things." I stretched out my hand with a smile. Xiao Qijing, who was tied to fallen leaves, ran over immediately, and shoved a handful of leaves into my palm: "Whooting leaves!"

From the talent of learning to speak, Xiao Qijing is much stronger than Little Bubbles, and can control the real thing with a spirit body in such a short time. Should it be truly inherited the excellent "gene" of me and Alaya?

"Daughter control" Lin Xue muttered, "'What if she's interested in the sun?'

I suddenly hesitated: "How do you know? I just returned from the corona yesterday morning. This girl thought the sun was an egg yolk. I had to use the egg yolk to make a sun in the sky."

Miss Lin was horrified then.

And I suddenly reacted to one thing after a few seconds: she didn't know these things. Didn't this girl look at our movements with her own power in these two days?

"Speaking of which, aren't you the **** of peeping?" I coughed twice and muttered, "I thought I was in your grasp of the usual movements."

Unexpectedly, Lin Xue suddenly gritted her teeth and held my arm hard: "Minus, what's so beautiful, look at your big wolf and shallow ..." "

The anti-vomiting mess that was originally prepared was suddenly chopped back, and I suddenly scratched my hair awkwardly and smirked: I almost forgot the stubble, and to say who was the first to know that he had a relationship with shallow, it was definitely this The all-seeing half-fairy girl, she was even earlier than I knew it. If you think about it, Lin Xue suddenly fell down when the fireworks party was held. Unfortunately, she did n’t know what was going on at the time. Now think about it. Then, this girl hasn't been here for a few days. Maybe she's alone at home.

I'm really an unresponsive guy. Not only did I not feel Lin Xue's friendship at first, but now I still forget the problems caused by this girl's ability?

"I do n’t need to apologize." Before I spoke, Lin Xue suddenly leaned over and buried my head in my ōng mouth. "Then I will get angry instead. This is a long-term doomed thing, I just have a little, Depressed. "

"not angry?"

"Shout, I screw!", "Ah, one by one"

"I'm not angry now."

I wasn't angry in my mouth, I know that the young lady in front of me is definitely not such a big guy ~ www.readwn.com ~ What should I say now? After giving her fate, I still intend to calculate the accounts slowly in the future. Considering her long-time shaking behavior in order to reverse her destiny, I think it should be the latter.

"Go to dinner at home?"

"Of course, I have eaten at home all these days suddenly, the cook is frightened, and I'll go to your lunch."

Have you been hanging out all year long and finally caused yourself to be removed from the house?

I spit it like this, watching Lin Xue finally lù the usual mischievous face, I relaxed again, leaning on the bench on the sky, gently holding the girl next to me, sighing leisurely: "It's nice to be idle ..."

"Yeah, it ’s okay to be idle occasionally," Lin Xue grinned, "but the wood, we are idle."


"You have to do something again ..."

"No way!"@.

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