Xiling Empire

Chapter 752: How happy campus life is

1The exchange between the empire leader and the divine realm is definitely a major event worthy of being recorded in the history of the new empire. After that, the direct channel of the divine spirit was re-established. The two sides re-shared information and sent envoys to each other. It is a major event that affects the pattern of the multiverse, but when Shadow City and Avalon carried out these projects, the other people in Shadow City were still living their own lives. In this magical city at the hub level, it has its own Special everyday ways.

Today is the third day of return from the Divine Realm, and the daily work of Shadow City has returned to normal except for the research on giant debris research and the expansion of the channel. Yesterday, I took Qian Qian and Xiao Bao to the park for a day. During this time, I was treated as a newlywed three times and lost Xiao

Bubbles twice, tossed by superficial and weird thoughts several times, which made me decide that I can no longer go out with the two live treasure girls anymore in the past two days, so I decided to go to the military academy to have a good name today The inspection work is actually a look at Misaka's sisters, and by the way, a look at the poisonous island. In a sense, Surpriser is a "sister" who is more troublesome.

It seems that at the time, it was strongly suggested that the poisonous island surprise son come to the Imperial Military Academy and return to campus life is a wise decision. Under the dual effects of boredom for many days and his strong suggestion before, the thinking and acting girl was a little unusual among her peers. Finally returned to the life of a normal female high school student instead of continuing to play her maid-playing game. That's right: The elder sister should be the ten uniforms of the college uniform, otherwise it is evil!

It may be the reason why I have n’t been in contact with campus life for a long time. I almost forgot the rules of the class hours of the students. When I came to the college, I just happened to catch up with the last class in the morning. I did n’t see anyone, but it ’s good. Just to see the teaching activities of the most famous and cruel college in the multiverse on weekdays, I have been curious about how the nonsense courses are usually taught, but I do n’t have time to look at them. In a sense, we are also half an education person.

I found a der playing a handheld in the office, or it would be more appropriate to call Medusa directly now. ”I plan to let her take her to the Lütian teaching area.

This heroine has been teaching for several months at the Imperial Military Academy.

In addition to being a formal teacher, such as Medea, many of Avalon's spirits hang a faculty name in the Imperial College, when there is no task (there is usually a lot of leisure time, after all, the spirit is needed The troubles solved by Ontology are still few, and Ding Dong manages the ordinary world.) They teach students in the college. "Most of them are responsible for some elective courses. Since shallow is one of the college's directors, this institute Fantastic schools have many unheard of regulations, such as the system of applying for courses by teachers themselves. Those who have the skills and qualifications can apply for an unprecedented course by themselves, even if it teaches people how to tie shoelaces in ten seconds. No problem, as long as there are students willing to apply after the pre-application, you can open your own subject, and those heroes who will be transformed by the ancient hero emperors have no personal talent? So the current college curriculum has reached outrageous In comparison, the all-round riding class applied by Medusa is still normal ~

Although it seems to me that knowledge of unicorn riding and self-harm driving should not be used as riding training content.

"Here is the teaching area of ​​the French Ministry." Medusa led the way and led me to a school district of this giant college. "Although interrupted by the game guide, her mood now looks good. Always smiling, "The school district of the Ministry of Magic is very large.

In front of it is the teaching point of undead magic. The lecturer of the Undead Department is a death knight from Azeroth. There are not many students, but not too few. It should be a practical class now, and it really is in class. "

The Empire does not prohibit undead magic and shadow magic. Although these two powers can easily cause hidden dangers if they are not used properly, we have magic girls, many magic girls, and the monkey monkeys and raven superb magic skills have improved all The types of undead spells and shadow spells allow them to be cultivated in a safe and humane way, and effectively eliminate the negative effects of some spells to improve the aesthetics of the black demon mentor. Praised.

The round circle field in front of us is the practice teaching area of ​​the Ministry of Magic. This round field is specially made for magic training. The ground is cast with super-strength starship material and starstone coating. There is an outer layer. The psionic shield that can be turned off effectively prevents attacking xìng magic from damaging the teaching site and fundamentally eliminates skipping classes. A lecture on undead magic is currently taking place in the teaching area. "A female xìng blood elf wearing a normal black teacher uniform is standing in the middle of the circular arena, speaking to a dozen students in the front. Medusa pointed at the blood elf to me. Introduction: "That's the mentor of the Undead Department, Fei Liya, a death knight who was once the Scourge Minion. It is said that at the end of the Salvation War, he was smashed into the back of the head by a wrench that fell from the Goblin airship, so he restored voluntarily and killed all his old subordinates on the battlefield. After that, he joined the Salvation Army in a humble way. Later, she became a teacher because she was the magic teacher of Silvermoon before she died. "

"Are you familiar with her?"

Medusa nodded: "She has a red hand ..."

The female death knight, who is giving classes to students, has noticed that we are here, immediately stopped explaining and complimented here. I waved to her to continue, and then watched with interest the scene of the so-called undead magic. how is it like.

"Students, we have learned about the improvement of existing magic and the skills to optimize the casting process without changing the way of magic flow. Now it is an extremely rare opportunity for performance. Anyone willing to come up and show yourself Is there a magical improvement? "

A tall, thin, dark gray undead mage immediately took the lead.

This student seems a bit nervous, and has been watching this secretly, confirming that Lou's eyes are focused on him, before preparing to cast in the open space, I still remember to introduce before the cast: "This is my bone surgery and bone wall After the magic improved and merged, I changed the arrangement of the bones so that they form a large area of ​​discontinuous barriers-like this! "

The student spoke a short spell, and a dozen sharp spurs of about one and a half meters emerged from the ground immediately before him in the empty space of 100 meters.

"These bones are formed by magic, very strong, and it is difficult for heavy tanks to break any one of them." And I can summon dozens at a time! These improved bone walls focus more on defense than the limited range of osteosynthesis. "

The unknown front practitioner explained with pride.

"Zero." The death knight instructor shrugged, evaluating relentlessly.

The student was dumb all of a sudden. I'm also a little stupid: This magic is very good, let alone say, these bone spurs grow out of thin air on this indestructible ground, right? And changing a fixed magic into this picture, the student's magical accomplishments are obviously very deep. In his world, at least he is also a great magic teacher level. How do you say zero points are zero points?

"Go back and care more about the sports channel" Death Knight instructor sighs "" Liu Xiang kills you as long as twelve seconds next! " "The second one came out, a skeleton mage, who was walking forward and tied his student uniform to the cervical spine with a rope, and a small instrument affixed to his chin: the language generator commonly used by skeleton people.

"Instructor, my improved magic is bone augmentation" is a valuable benefit to the skeletons. Previous bone augmentations only increased the hardness and density of white bones, but did not change their appearance. This led to strengthening. Always limited. Now that I have found a way to make bones thicker while increasing bone stiffness, please see! "

The skeleton mage said, and reached out and took out a handful of white powder to evacuate, summoning a dangling little skeleton man out of thin air, and the death knight instructor immediately stopped: "Wait for your spelling material ? How do you summon a skeleton without a corpse? "

The skeleton mage scratched his skull: "I bought some calcium tablets and went back to grinding them myself. That's almost the intensity."

Nima, this is not scientific!

"Well, okay, I'll give you five points for the exam." Although it has no practical value. Show your augmentation now.

The skeleton mage nodded, silently casting the spell, and then the gray light flashed. Everyone looked around, and the poor, skeletal small skeleton summoned with calcium tablets immediately swelled like a balloon, and was originally thin His arm, like chopsticks, is now looking at the peaks and peaks that resemble Schwarzenegger.

The Death Knight instructor watched for a while, and suddenly asked, "How many points are you in mechanics?" "

, "Zero."

"This is also a zero point. Let this product take a step to try!"

With a bang, the skeleton man summoned as the teaching aid responded to the floor.

"Fortunately, you haven't experimented with yourself first. Different students have to polish you up again. Didn't you find that the joints are dead ?! What have you been experimenting with before?"

, "

Morav's snail next door. I said, why did n’t the snail come out recently? 1

I thought I couldn't bear it after I changed the big house. "

A solid half-body with a muscular body popped out of the trainee's pile, wow wow shouting to the skeleton mage who is not so good: "It's you who is **** mother! I gave birth to my Muhammad I!" "

In the subsequent exhibitions, several students came up one after another. If only from the perspective of magic skills, they are all excellent talents, and at least they are also leaders in academia in a standard alien world. It can be seen that they can improve their magic skills by themselves, but it is regrettable that they have not seen any reliable teaching results. Among the students who have already been shown, the only praise is only the skeleton mage: he The creation of xìng land summoned the skull with calcium tablets, which made me amazing, and effectively refreshed the lower limit of my worldview.

The death knight who is a teacher is obviously extremely embarrassed. The original intention of opening this course was definitely not to add to the humorous cause of the Empire, but the students she recruited were obviously only talented in this area. The death knight still had a grudge. May Ding Dong bless the students who stay on the scene.

"I set up this college just to give my sisters a place to spend normal student time." On the road, I said to Medusa, who was quietly following me, "" It has grown to an unexpected size. But to be honest, I think this place is a bit too messy. "

Medusa took a look at this: "Master Tan is the director" Who else can limit her thoughts, but you don't have to worry about it. Although the college has a lot of subjects that make people laugh, they major Still under control. Military command, modern technology, advanced magic, and cutting-edge skills trained in these courses can make an ordinary person become an elite in the subsidiary world level in a short time. Now the first batch of trainees have entered the servant army, although our heroes do not know much about the servant army,

But I have also heard people mention that even those two-year graduates have excellent performance in performing tasks. As for the messy courses, it is good to be extracurricular entertainment. "

, Like Bahamut driving? "

I glanced at this imperial sister who was also driving a brutal course.

"Riding is a very important combat skill," Medusa said earnestly. "When fighting in various worlds, it is difficult to determine what kind of mount you will find around you. If you master one more riding skill, you may occupy it in battle. Have the upper hand. "

I shrugged and said that I had nothing to say about the topic, and then asked about the situation of Toshima in the academy.

She did not enjoy privileges because of her close relationship with the royal family. Surprised child had to choose courses like ordinary students in school and then go to school obediently. I am curious now what she chose. We must know that due to the existence of various auxiliary learning equipment, the proportion of the basic courses of this college is very small, and a student can often take more than a dozen courses.

"Ms. Poison Island, she is a very dynamic person." Medusa ’s mouth chún cocked up. "In addition to the required courses and housekeeping courses, she also took four combat classes and three cold weapon courses. Three hot weapon courses, two military courses, including command and combat, standard Azeroth-style magic training courses in pharmacy, poison, and assassination. Although she has just enrolled for a few days, she has also participated in the community Well, Misaka's clubs. It's not clear exactly what it is doing, but I have seen a mass production TX800 that is doing group gymnastics near that community. I think it should be a robot seminar or the like.

I thought about it, and suddenly felt that it was a huge mistake to let a potentially tyrannical guy enter this school: what kind of mentality did the girl enter into the school and take those courses?

I have time to talk to her for the long-term peace of the world's humanity.

She and Medusa turned around in the campus of the University for a while and talked about some topics about life in the shadow city. This purple-haired hero is not a talkative person, but she also talks a lot on this topic. She introduced it to me. "" Ding Dangying Yingling, "" The daily mission of this very special Yingling unit, as well as their entertainment, and the popular topic between the Yinglings recently, I noticed a faint smile on her face, can't help but be curious: " Feeling good? "

"How do you say, you like the way of life now" Medusa raised the palm of his hand. "And talking to you is pleasant and has a reassuring power."

I quickly waved and said, "How can I be so great,

Keke, can you say it again? "

"You can't change it in a perfunctory way?" Medusa turned her face. "The spirits are obsessed guys. But besides the obsessions, we also have moods and sorrows. We also want to live our favorite life. When When this desire is fulfilled, the expression of jī should be. Just what are you thinking about? "

"I?" I scratched my face. "What do you see?" "

Medusa just smiled and didn't say a word, but it seemed that the work of cracking the shards in the past two days was a bit too thoughtful and written on her face.

The bell just sounded at this moment. Two minutes later, the long-haired girl in the college uniform came over from the intersection in front of her, and Toshima, who returned to student status, came along with a Misaka and a three-perspective mercury lamp. If the height difference of the three of them is staircase, it is just like ordinary school girls who talk and laugh.

The three (three-headed mercury lamp also counted?) Looked up, and smiled invariably, Misaka and surprised child ran over and hurried over, while the short three-headed mercury lamp of tuǐ jumped up and hung in surprise子 的 tuǐ 上。

"I'll come and see." I rushed to speak and stated in advance to the surprised man. "Otherwise, I'm not a brother or a name. Here, I'm not allowed to mention" Master, two characters. " The former.

"I didn't expect to be able to return to school, although it was different from the previous school."

The surprised child smiled faintly, and did not realize that he had chosen a lot of cheating courses ~ www.readwn.com ~ I watched with interest the three heads who were jumping around by my tuǐ Body mercury lamp: "You should not be a student, are you? Who is behind you?"

"I caught a cold today, so I asked a substitute baby to attend the lesson. Misaka Misaka replied through a substitute mercury lamp and was very dissatisfied with the serious deterioration in height!"

, "Substituting mercury lamps is a way for Misaka to ensure full attendance when they are not in class. In addition to practical classes, teachers are allowed to substitute mercury lamps for help. Misaka district explained to his brother happily."

This group of girls can really play. Now the mass production of mercury lamps is almost equivalent to the windmills and cylindrical robots in another world academy city. It has become a landscape in the college!

I talked with Surprised about the school, and I can see that the other party ’s mood is very good. It is the first thing to be happy to return to school, and it is the second thing to be able to learn some favorite explosive courses. It's a happy thing, which makes Drug Island very satisfied with the current situation, but her original intention to come here to study still makes her a headache: "I want to make myself more useful. It would be great if I can go with you next time. . "

I felt that my original intention of recommending her to school had been completely reversed. @。

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