Xiling Empire

Chapter 753: Bellavila's wake again

Chapter 753 Bellavira's Awakening Again

There have been some new changes in Shadow City recently, mainly due to a few more blocks and many new residents.

After the settlement of Avalon, of course, the monsters in Huanxiang Township will not be bored all the time. Many lively or curious monsters often come out to play. Qi Lù Nuo opened a cold drink shop in a prime area of ​​the city. Of course, the source of supply was purely handmade fairy popsicles.

Wenwen applied to join the Time and Space Administration. After three failed assessments, she finally reluctantly joined the World Patrol Force as a trainee. She is now a honorable journalist. She is still busy writing her daily Wenwen daily, which is different from the previous one. Yes, the publication speed and credibility of that newspaper has improved significantly, and the content is much richer-such as the interview after Claude saved the world.

Marisa opened her magic store to the Blood Elf District and sold some of her own potions or other magic products. It is said that the business turned out to be unexpectedly good. The only regret is that the habit of holding a sheep in black and white is still unchanged, and The failure rate of committing crimes under the eyes of a group of Blood Elf Magisters has reached 100%. Now, on average, every five days, Lingmeng or Yakumo Purple will drop in to the Silver Moon Public Security Office to lead people. It is said that Paqiuli returned during the detention of Marisa I went to visit the secondary prison friendly, but Marisa was sentenced to an extended sentence the next day: Paqiuli brought her a set of Blu-ray version of "Prison Break".

Alice really went to enroll at Imperial Academy and rented an empty house near the school as a practice workshop. It is said that her puppetology and alchemy scores are among the best in the class. Unfortunately, her battleship control seems to be in the next millennium. I couldn't pass before I arrived, I don't know which **** recommended her for the major.

Boli Lingmeng is still the city manager of the Shadow City. This job was originally I forced it on the girl's head out of bad taste to let her work and repay her debt. I did not expect that she actually insisted on it. Now Lingmeng is patrolling seriously every day, and often she can see her fluttering big bow flicker in the neighborhood where the monsters gather. In her own words: patrolling in a place that will never appear in the world is much easier than solving the abnormal changes in Fantasy Township, and there are endless employee benefits, which is simply great.

But I suspect that she just feels that it is easier to be lazy with this patrolling work alone. I believe that Ling Meng will not be lazy. I would rather expect Sikaro to give up his handbag.

Yakumo purple is not very common these days. After the carnival, the workload of the dimensional hub has dropped sharply, and the dimensional distribution points opened in other worlds and the Keplu area of ​​the universe have also reduced the work intensity of the hub square. Now, Yayunzi may be busy sleeping with her big head every day. Her name can only be seen when she occasionally consults the personnel registration form of the Authority, indicating that the big monster who has almost entered hibernation is still in the "Working Girl" "status.

As mentioned before, Yakumo Blue's cloakroom is still open. I have seen it a few times, and was deeply shocked by the slogan in that place: pure fur, penalty for fake, ten, winter supply, fresh Reliable, fox down is sold at 20% off, and it is not sold on the body-the monster has dignity, and it is forbidden to visit for hair changing.

That line of words caused my eyes to flutter many times in a row, and I observed the furry tail of a fox fox with inquiring eyes until I was finally pushed out of the store by the flushed nine-tailed girl.

Facts have proven that the phenomenon of self-producing and selling is very popular among the fantasy town monsters.

I just went to the base in the city center ten minutes ago, where I met with the quality projection of Tavel, and now her body is personally leading the detailed dismantling of the last star ring fragment at the Kuiper Belt Base. It can be seen from the impact of the transmission that the huge star ring debris has been dismantled into a large piece of fragmented machinery floating in space, as if the wind wrapped with countless sand and stones suddenly stopped, all kinds of probes flickered with light. Quickly shuttle between the pieces, try to redraw the structure of the pieces when they are intact, and try to find out who put the most special piece of debris.

Tavel's report is very optimistic. The power of the Dark Goddess has cleared many obstacles for us in advance. Perhaps within a few days, Tavel will be able to bring good news to himself.

In addition to meeting the quality projection of Tavel, I also saw an unexpected person in the base: Ares, the Atlantis warrior.

He recently conducted an inspection at the Cooperative Research Center. A research team is analyzing the data of the ancient scientific expedition carried in the Atlantis data storage device, and reverse analysis of the Atlantis is obviously the best practice method, of course, through security and mildness Method.

A series of biochemical transformations of the Atlantis civilization by the old empire now seem unscrupulous, although the Atlantis themselves are not dissatisfied with this treatment at all, and even "the God grants himself strength" Thank you Dade for this, but we cannot ignore the twisted and weird synthetic monsters, cyborgs, corpse guards, and Valkyrie and Anubis made with the living spirit hún. In any case, the old empire has The old road that proves that there are many hidden dangers cannot be reproduced. Even if the living body reconstruction technology is re-enabled, we must ensure its safety and human safety.

The time is now 9:30 in the morning, and for a busy city, it is already a high-speed moment for urban machinery. Although Shadow City does not have ordinary business and capital systems, the city will still be very prosperous at this time of day. There are all kinds of weird vehicles on the highway and three-headed mercury lamps flying at low altitudes. The shops on both sides are also entertaining travelers from all over the world. The city patrolmen walk along the street along different patrol routes every day. Qi Lù Nuo squats at the door 掰Point your finger at your yesterday's income. There was only one place to be quiet: the small shop in Sylvia.

Opening in the military zone, the store manager takes half a shot, never advertises, and forgets to open the store because he misses it. Such a store has no other advantages than being quiet.

After a round trip to the Institute, it was still too early to see if it was fine. I walked towards the border of the military zone and wanted to see if someone had been waiting for the past two days.

In order to ensure the last customers of a silver-haired mole rat, Bubble specially opened a door on the military area isolation barrier on the side of the dessert shop. Turning from the light weapons R & D factory, you can directly go to the store. However, to ensure that For security within the military zone, Sivis later had to set up a large number of sentry cannons and guards near this "exceptional passage"-this fundamentally prevented the possibility of Sylvia's business boom.

When the mass production host is delivered on weekdays, there are often small girls walking in pairs on this quiet trail. Why should mass production bubbles that should have no personality be interested in desserts? It is still mí: Various tests have shown that there is no personality phenomenon in mass production bubbles. But as they like, even if it is just some vague conditioned reflexes, I also added some subsidies to the mass-produced bubbles for this purpose: money dedicated to buying candy and pudding.

Opening the glass door of the dessert shop, the pleasant wind chimes and crisp and cheerful greetings rang at the same time, making people scream: "Welcome!"

I looked up in surprise, but found that the silver-haired girl in the clerk's dress was looking at herself with a bright smile of eight teeth, and two girls standing exactly the same as Sylvia looked, Dressed guys with exactly the same height.

"Ah, it is Your Majesty-today is a lucky day. You can entertain Your Majesty on the third day of work."

"Raven?" I was a little stunned. "What number?"

"The Raven 998 pays tribute to you!" The silver-haired girl in the dress of the Sylvia shop special sèshì bowed cheerfully, "If it was you, would you like a cup of coffee?"

"Um, good ..." I replied casually, sitting down in the usual seat of the window, watching the mass production Raven No. 998 rushing to prepare coffee for myself, the awkward look was gentle and steady just now The image of the clerk forms a huge contrast: apparently the masterly raven is not necessarily smart in other ways.

After a bit of noise in front of the coffee table, Raven 998 turned around with an apology and glanced at me: "Well, Your Majesty, is it OK to drink tea?"

I nodded, and then with a twitching expression, watched 998 continue to harm another device. After a few minutes:

"Sir, what do you think of orange juice?"

"I ... I'll just drink water," I quickly waved, "If there is something wrong with the job, we can say, if you have any opinions on Sylvia, we should meet in person, don't do this ..."

Raven 998 glanced at the water dispenser next to it, thinking about it, and came over: "Your Majesty, let me chat with you."

Where did this guy pop out? Sylvia's mechanical idiot will at least use a water dispenser, OK?

"Usually soldiers, they all have centralized logistics. They have never done housework and never used these civilian equipment," Raven 998 twitched his hair awkwardly, while the other two Ravens pretended to be cleaning next to them and sneered. "And I've only been here for three days, and I'm not used to it."

At this time, I remembered to ask what was going on in front of me. As a result, Raven 998 made me half a word unresponsive: "Because I want to help the mother do something, but the mother doesn't want anything except to open a shop, our sister Three of them had to discuss it and had to come to work. "

I took a look at the empty shop, and there were no guests. In theory, except for a few mass-produced bubbles for sugar at noon or one or two mizakas in the afternoon, the shop ’s turnover today will stop at Now, there are three part-time shop assistants popping up right now. What irreconcilable contradiction between them and Sylvia should be so devastating that the silver hair is slow and half-beat-Sylvia herself Eating depends on the Shadow City Allowance!

Uh, speaking of Sylvia, I haven't seen her since. One of the purposes of my coming here is to find her ... well, strictly speaking, to find another person in her body.

"Sure enough, you are looking for a mother. She is resting in the back. We are looking at the shop." Raven 998 turned his eyes to the door leading to the back of the shop. "Maybe wake up soon. She has been sleeping for two days. Time, said to be communicating with the mother of Belavira. "

As soon as Raven 998's voice had just fallen, the door was suddenly opened, and Sylvia rubbed her eyes and floated dàng out, and went straight to me: "Early. Oh, it doesn't look early."

I was confused by the other person's fluent and natural words, and suddenly responded: "Bella Villa? Now you?"

"Ah, 1 rest, now it is 2. Sylvia said that you have gone to the divine realm, then you may come to me. I have been preparing for the past two days, and by the way, let Sylvia be healthy." And The former fallen emperor, who shared a body, yawned, yawned, and stood up to take a few pieces of cake from behind the counter. He greeted the clerk, "Who, who is number 998? Help me make a cup of coffee ... ... "

I rubbed my forehead: "Did you see the coffee pot in half?"

Bella Vera held the cake and looked at 998 with a strange expression: "Is there any tea?"

Then she saw the front tea cup, which had been burned to vitreous by the arcane flame.

Bella Vera bit her cake in her mouth and faced 998 with a subtle expression: "What is your main dissatisfaction with this world?"

Raven 998 held his head and thought over the door.

"It's embarrassing to share a body with Sylvia. Her stupid behavior always causes trouble for others, especially me: I can't avoid it at all. Let the Ravens do this? Thanks to her." With his head in mind, he handed over a chocolate pudding and said, "Taste it? This is made by Sylvia himself. The girl only has the skill of making desserts and can barely justify it."

"You don't think it's a bit inappropriate for you, as a half-manager, to eat the goods that your store is selling?"

"Ha, anyway, you have to eat it for a while. Is that silly idiot who opened a store in the military area-let's not talk about this, let me talk about you, staying in the **** world for many days, period The tree shrine of the world suddenly grew a circle. There are also many technicians in the research institute who are busy, and even the bubbles are not often here-it seems that you have experienced many things in the world of God. "

It may be that after a long period of deep sleep, people can always make people talk. The food in Belavila's mouth does not affect her talking to herself, but compared with a supreme dragon god, this The King of Magical Girls is still far behind.

"Huh? Don't trust me?"

Bellavira asked suddenly.

"Of course not," I waved my hand. Although the situation was very strange at the time, Bella Villa is indeed her own camp. She is the mother of all Ravens, and shares the body and authority with Sylvia. In this case, I didn't have anything to hide from her, "I'm just organizing the language-it's about the fallen apostles. I know you were once their high-level person, so maybe I know something else."

At the moment, I told the other side about what I experienced in the Divine Realm, especially the possible ultimate goal of the fallen apostle. At the time, Belavila had told us a lot about this topic, but because each time she appeared was very limited And the internal situation of the fallen apostle was too complicated, and the information I got from her was not enough.

"Is it possible to change the pattern of the void? Maybe it's a very close answer," Bellavi said with a stretch, with a little indifferent tone. "Oh, you may not be able to understand what the fallen apostles really are. I have told you that there are many contradictions between the fallen apostles, suspicion, hostility, and even the behavior of the sword behind them. After losing the mental network and being distorted, everyone is a little nervous, but in this case Next, the fallen apostles are still organized actions, and have a common supreme goal-don't you think it's strange? "

"You mean, the fallen apostle has a character like the Supreme Leader?"

I thought about it and said not sure. The former Apostles of the Spirits maintained extreme discipline xìng and stability xìng under the common rule of 135 emperors, because all of them had a core goal of "against the abyss and develop race", and because of this, Goal and established an extremely strict authority system, but now that great goal no longer exists, and their authority system is probably out of order: authority may still exist, but among fallen apostles at the same level, the authority system ’s The restraint xìng may have gone out of control, so Occam was able to perform a sneak attack on Bella Villa.

Under such circumstances, the stability and common progress of the race can no longer rely on the self-discipline of individual apostles. Instead, like the "lower race", there must be a character who controls everything with absolute wrists.

If this is the case, the problem of the internal apostles of the fallen apostles still exists. They are just carrying out the same goal with their own innocence. Although this goal is indeed what the fallen apostles want, it cannot make them one piece.

"The highest ruler ..." Bellavira lowered her head in thought, "It's similar, but I'm not sure."

I was suddenly shocked: "Don't you even meet your boss?"

"Probably no one has ever seen him," Bella Villara looked into my eyes. "All fallen apostles call someone" the Lord ". He speaks directly in our spiritual world, and we execute directly. His order ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is all communication. I have never seen the true face of the other party, I can only be sure that it is a real person and a member of the old empire. God knows who is in the big That power was obtained after the disaster. So far, all actions of the fallen apostles have been carried out under the direction of the 'adult'. It can be said that there is no other class in the fallen apostles except him, and all are performers. Only the strength of the high, the weak obey the instinct of the strong. So I am not very clear about the detailed plan of the entire group of fallen apostles. Because except for a unified end purpose, all plans do not belong to us. This cake tastes good, Sure enough, it still makes sense to eat something by myself. Usually, I can only know the taste of certain foods from Sylvia's memories ... "

"You eat slowly. No one will grab you." I got up and poured a glass of orange juice for Bella Villa, trying to calm myself down. "That is ... you don't even know what that guy looks like? Do n’t even know what the strength of the other party is, and then obediently? Are the fallen apostles all m? ”

Bella Vera put down the food in her hand, stared at my eyes, and raised her finger to her head: "We really don't know what that guy's strength is, but at least he can do one thing: cut this off."


"Spirit Spirit Apostle." @.

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