Xiling Empire

Chapter 804: Raid

For mobile phone users to read synchronously, please visit. Or, the artificial sky is gradually brightening, the artificial moon and dark background representing night are gradually fading, and the storm and atmospheric discharge of Fog Star once again dominates everything around. ==. 首. 发 ==

A silver-white and scarred individual fighter plane cut through the sky abruptly. In the pouring rain and heavy clouds, a huge blank band was drilled stiffly.The high-speed fighter plane and the surrounding air were rubbing fiercely, sending out The high-frequency sound bō that is so sharp that can kill ordinary people, so that the rain curtains hundreds of meters away show ripples that spread out, and these ripples are connected one by one to form a pipe like a bō ripple, obliquely Ground points to a military base at the bottom of the atmosphere.

In the pipeline formed by the energy light curtain, the fighter plane slowly decelerated, and finally landed smoothly on a landing platform near the center of General City. From entering the last layer of energy barrier, it began to emit white mist, which was a nitrogen-helium-hydrogen atmosphere that originally appeared in a liquid state under the high-pressure environment outside the base. After entering the low-pressure base space, These liquid gases evaporate quickly, making the fighter aircraft as if it had just come out of the cage, with the startling several cracks on the armor surface and the blue fire bursting out from the inside, people can't help thinking that this aircraft will explode in the next second general.

Immediately after the aircraft landed, several servo machines stepped forward.The octopus-type machines floating in the air began to rescue the fighter aircraft which was almost torn in half according to the established procedures. While repairing its scars, Do not hesitate to tear apart its heavily deformed armor, and pulled out a driver who was almost melted on both sides.

"\" No. Er-658312-y-135, soldiers, the body is severely damaged, you will remove your memory core, please stop the input and output behavior of the memory core to prevent the core information húnluàn. "

A robot with a smaller size than other servo-mechanics approached this imperial soldier who almost turned into a corpse. He said with the voice of the machine that the imperial soldier was lying on the ground and his voice was a bit distorted: \ "I cannot hear your voice. (Sound) The information link is interrupted, there is important information electromagnetic sound) reporting, the memory core is given priority to save ... "

It was found that the soldier in front of him could no longer communicate information with the outside world. The servo mechanism floated up and down in the air. After a brief discussion with its superior server, he decided to execute the core chōu first, so he unceremoniously terminated the operation of the soldier. Began to dismantle the latter's memory core.

The above is a set of audio and video materials left by a set of automatic recording devices. It is only about five minutes in length. After the playback, the holographic projection is restored to a white bottom and a continuously rotating emperor emblem. Sandora switched the picture to another scene. What appeared to the crowd was a jīng dense rhombus structure emitting blue halo like breath, this structure is floating on a metal platform, looking at the background of the holographic projection, It is located in a soldier regeneration factory.

This is the memory of a soldier of the Spirit. This soldier returned to the base in a severely damaged fighter plane this morning. Only the core of the memory was rescued. Before that, he and his comrades have lost contact with the base for as long as possible. An hour.

\ "Soldier, your regeneration is paused, can you speak now?"

\ "Memory test is normal, ready to respond to commands from the highest authority."

The diamond-shaped structure in the holographic image was slightly shaken, and a full-sounding sound sounded in the air. It seems that the soldier was still a loud mén before the burnt was so small, because now The sound is completely simulated by the scanning device in the tactical center based on the memory in its memory core.

I can hear the other party ’s voice slightly, which is easy to understand. As an ordinary soldier, he has few opportunities to meet the emperor directly, even if it is just a video conference, let alone as it is now. It seems that the analogy surrounded by leaders around the country is not very suitable.) Anyone speaking in this environment has to be nervous, no matter whether he is surrounded by leaders or mother-in-law ...

Susandora nodded and said, "" You encountered enemy aircraft while patrolling on the fifth track? "

\ "Fifth orbit, the coordinates are ..." The memory core quickly reported a series of complex data, and continued, "" The enemy has an assault ship and three **** fighters, and the patrol team crashed except for this aircraft. The enemy was completely destroyed, no encounter was found, and no sign of ambush was found. \\\\ Wm provides the latest hand-written book mí group 4∴⑧㈥⑥㈠⑦㈧ \\\\ ”in this chapter.

The memory core can provide limited information.Before he became this respect, he was just an ordinary patrolman.In such a sudden encounter, he could completely destroy the enemy aircraft and survived to be the best result of the other party. With the scanning equipment carried by a single soldier, he really has nothing to report.

After letting this soldier hurriedly continue to change the shell in the maintenance factory, several of us were silent.

\ "Fifth orbit ... isn't that inside the Fog Star line of defense?"

Shallowly blinking her eyes, she said stupidly, it was really hard for her to spend the day arguing with Lilin to make a fool with Zhang Lian and catching her time, and spare time to pay attention to where this one million male divisions are stationed: in fact I was surprised to say the words of the Mist Star Defense Line ...

I adjusted the star map to the Mobrador Stellar System, and marked it with an arc after a few adjustments. Here is a brief introduction: \ "Here is the fifth orbit, as the name suggests is the orbit of the fifth planet of Mobrador, In the Fog Star defense line, we have crossed our million army ... "

Susandora could not help but cough: \ "Cough, Ajun, that's the fourth track."

I stunned, hey smirked twice: "Oh, that's wrong, why this fifth planet looks unclear like a bean ..."

\ "That's the satellite of the Mist," Sandora almost buried her face under the table, and there was a bit of a gritted tooth between the talks, "Ajun, you give me the star map."

Obediently, I gave out the control of the star map, and I laughed a little slyly: there is no way to identify the star map has always been his weakness, and the three planets on the periphery of the Mobrador Galaxy are still very close, not to mention professional In addition to the planet, there are a lot of semi-understandable symbol footnotes on the military star map.These things add up to make people look dizzy.It is said that the gadget is an essential auxiliary information for strategic deployment, but I think Their biggest role is to míhuò's own commander. You can see how simple the avenger ’s movement chart looks now. There is nothing clean, just a few officers of the Ministry of Information mén have been a bit jīng for these two days. Look.

Bian Sandora locked the coordinates of the attack on the patrol. It was a seemingly unremarkable space, far from any celestial body, and there was no imperial post nearby. More importantly, it was not on any force transport line.

Because the military transportation lines are marked on the star map.

\ "I'm afraid we have to face up to a bad fact," Sandora sighed, pointing to the small dot on the star chart, \ "The Ethereum avoided our early warning system one after another and appeared directly around us, even This time, they simply ignored the Fog Star line of defense and appeared inside the Mobrador Star System-they may be able to appear anywhere in the universe, and they have the technology to disable conventional warning radars. "

A few of you take a look at me and I take a look at you. To be honest, I have encountered such a **** situation in this **** place. We now have a bit of a sense of habit, but suddenly knew that the Avengers still have such an ace. of.

\ "When the old lady was about to change clothes, they suddenly appeared to do nothing." Li Lina said very sullenly.

\ "Chen Qian, Chen Qian, discuss things with you," Bingtis dragged his sister's clothes, \ "In the future, curse on the base, triggered, special mén to deal with uninvited guests, curse them ... Well, cursing them every fart can collapse in the second half of their lives ... "

I hurried this guy down: \ "Can't you say something less disgusting?"

Susandora looked at the group of eyes in front of her eyes and was about to go into a situation, and quickly coughed twice to warn him: "Cough, all be serious, the situation is unclear."

The king of nv spoke quietly immediately. We straightened our faces and listened to the Holy Spirit. Only Bingtis mumbled unwillingly: \ "Che, it's rare to come up with such a wonderful idea. Besides, the Apostles of the Spirit are not there. Function ... "

I think getting this guy hún into the room was a mistake from the beginning!

\ "The situation should not be so bad," Sandora glanced at us solemnly, and changed to a gastritis expression when I scanned Scantis, but it was finally covered up, \ "I just guess that the Avengers have mastered it now This is just the method, but in the old empire, there was no such technology that could ignore the early warning radar and transmit without causing any space phenomenon, so do n’t think of the situation as bad. And if they really mastered this technology, It is entirely possible to send the army directly to the streets of the General City, or even teleport to us-but the other party did not do so. So I now guess that this ghostly transmission method should be beyond their control, and it is impossible to It appeared too close to the empire base. If you look at the records of these times, the first appearance of the Avengers was the Raid of the Mist, and after we moved the ring, they appeared for the first time on the main material plane. In that attack, we The early warning radar played a role. Then the second assault, the opponent still appeared at the boundary of gravity, this time we still scanned the space phenomenon in advance, but it was impossible to determine Determine the enemy's jumping trajectory. After the attack of the engineering team and the attack of the patrol, this is only a very small encounter. So I speculate that the Avengers should have two methods. The first method is Hidden traces, hiding our own jumping trajectories when jumping in space, making us unable to track their base camp, which is true in their four appearances. The second type is without warning transmission, not only can hide their own jumping trajectories, And the warning radar was completely hidden before the jump was completed, which was the case in the next two encounters. "

\ "Also," what my sister also analyzed at this time, \ "The first and second appearances of the Avengers were purposeful, and they did not conduct unwarned transmission. The third and The fourth appearance seemed completely accidental. I am afraid that even the other party did not expect to encounter our troops. It was also during those two encounters that they used unwarned transmission ... "

\ "Méng blindfolded his eyes," Sandora stretched out her hand and reached this conclusion, "" Although others can't alert them, they don't know where they will appear. And I have reason to believe that this technology only It is suitable for small-scale transmission, otherwise the patrol team encountered more than just a small unit. In addition, the opponent never directly invaded the general city and did not attack the mother ship formation with the gravitational trap device, indicating that the gravitational trap near the base It is still useful, but it is unknown how much the effect has been suppressed. "

I almost jumped back and forth between Sandora and my elder sister with admiration, and said that the far-sightedness of these two had gone beyond the general category, and it was just because of the appearance of each other and a little bit of continuous xìng \ "The law" can infer so many things. It seems that there are really experts in this world-I'm not anyway, but what is strange to me is that my sister is ...

\ "Sister," Seeing that the two have finished playing on this topic, I suddenly raised my hand, \ "What shall we eat tonight?"

My sister-in-law stunned for a while, apparently lù out of her expression, and then smiled softly: \ "Eat hot pot."

Well, I swear now that if you ask her what's going on with the Avengers, she can't remember a single word! My single-sister sister can only give me some confidence at this time ...

Bingtis swept between me and my sister with suspicious eyes. She knows that we have limited knowledge, but I don't know what is going on with her sister's single thread. I just think that I suddenly raised this topic at this time. Yes, but Sandora is completely immersed in the longing for dinner. Her elder sister \ "hot pot" just fell, Her Majesty King nv quickly knocked on the table with a happy face: "OK, eat hot pot!"

I think she may really want to eat \ "hot pot", this girl recently became addicted to stainless steel tǐng.

In the shadow of the increasingly treacherous avenue of the Avengers, we also feel the pressure, so the construction speed of the frontline engineering units has repeatedly been accelerated.The light points on the star map representing the construction process will refresh almost every hour, representing a new batch of The war factory or sentry blockhouse has already been put into use. Hundreds of heavily armed fortresses have been quickly established under the cover of various hidden devices. Some of them have already begun to try to produce the first army. Just as we feared, the "Avenger" unit of the Avengers appeared again, once outside a space fortress that was basically completed. This small unit was later followed by a large number of sentry cannons stationed there. Like tofu brain, then we decisively gave up the space fortress, waiting to attract the enemy's main force, but it is regrettable that the enemy also seems to have given up this not-so-fresh fresh ròu: near the recently completed space fortress There were only a bunch of sentry cannons, no fleet was stationed, and the leader bee had not had time to cast a mirror there. Another time was when an engineering unit that had just completed the rush to build and was preparing to go to the next space fort was attacked.It was still a suspicious encounter. After paying the price of several frigates, the engineering team successfully dumped the enemy. Our reinforcements arrived and wiped out the small fleet, but the enemy never appeared. The remaining encounters were worthless, and no direct contact occurred. The probe into the deep space found the enemy's tracks, but the enemy disappeared mysteriously before the main force rushed over.

This phenomenon has definitely only begun to appear recently.Every indication is that the Avengers are frequently entering the main material plane.They may be patrolling, but they are headless fly patrols. Sandora cannot tell where they are. Something went wrong-anyway, the enemy's current movement is really full of míhuòxìng for us. There is an enemy in this world that you can never guess, and that is neuropathy. Although it is not appropriate to say this, now I am really nervous to watch the movement of the Avengers.

But all this is just the tranquility before the storm. In fact, no one expected that the great changes would come so suddenly, and they came in such an incredible way.

一天 The day before the leader bee was about to set off to launch the Mirror Guards in those space fortresses, the screaming alarms returned simultaneously in the General City broadcast and the information link of each apostle.

\ Severe alert, severe alert! Cinnabar is attacked! Cinnabar is attacked! Repeat, the enemy crossed our line of defense, the enemy crossed our line of defense! "

When the alarm rang through all the channels, I was asking Sivis about the progress of the construction of the mén of the giant world, and Malia was also following because of curiosity. Full of incredible gods, and frightened ~ www.readwn.com ~ Cinnamon is the fourth planet in this stellar sequence, which is relatively far away from the planet Mobrador, but due to the thick greenhouse gas and the coverage of the quarter The volcanic lava zone of one of the planets has a hot climate.The Mobradorians opened it into a colony decades ago, but due to the harsh climate, the land available for cultivation and living is also very scarce. This dark brown Sè's planet has a very small population.It mainly exists as an important mineral origin. Most of the people who live on it are miners and small miners who want to make a fortune in the last half of their life, although they are nominally colonial stars. Its colonial value is really not high.

But that's just relative to the old colony of "Xinxiang".

褐 For the Mobrador civilization, which has only three habitable planets, Cinnamon is one-third of their hometown. The attack on this planet means the fall of their homeland.

For Emperor, Cinnabar is a safe zone behind our layers of defense. Attacking here means the greatest shame.

Sandora was not around, but her voice resounded through all channels with me: \ "Royal Fleet! Arrangement !!!"! .

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