Xiling Empire

Chapter 805: Break the line

Cinnamon is a terrestrial planet with a dark brown rocky crust, slightly smaller than the Mobrador parent star, and is located in the fourth orbit of the local stellar system. It is about 1.65 astronomical units from the sun here. This small In the stellar galaxies, this is already an icy region, but due to its thick atmosphere, unknown sources of greenhouse gases, and nearly one-quarter of the crust's never-ending magma activity, Cinnamon has an unexpectedly hot environment. Although the environment is harsh in space, such an environment is still a habitable zone for ordinary carbon-based organisms. However, most Mobrado people prefer to stay in a competitive but star-like hometown and "hometown". Cinnamon has a resident population of less than 60 million, a large part of which is miners and miners, and the rest are basically army, service personnel and the monks of the Blue Church. These scarce populations are on the Saturn Scattered near several major ore belts, the rich metal and rare element mineral deposits here have developed a residential area that can barely be called a city. When the spacecraft was looking down from high orbit, the dark lights on the brown surface of these residential areas flickered on and off, like an occasional orange-red sparkle in a block of carbon that was about to extinguish.

This is the record on the Mobrador travel log found by Milia. I am very skeptical of a person with a normal mind who would travel to this place where the birds do not shit. This unlucky planet seems to me to be the same as the small coal kiln in Shanxi. Of strategic value, although today the Imperial Fleet will go to the fire for such a small coal kiln once.

Most of the things mentioned in the travel log are good, such as the location and temperature of this mine planet, but one thing is wrong: Cinnabar is not dark for many years. In reality, it is now full of disturbing surfaces. The flash, from space to the surface.

The message link and command link have been returning to busy information and instructions from the beginning. As the battle continues, the flow of these messages increases exponentially. The broadcast from the Admiral of the Empire undoubtedly occupies a high level. Level of communication permissions:

"Echo One formation, please note that your wings have a space distortion response! You may be locked by the jumping weapon!"

I can't remember how many times this reminded the group of mad captains.

Echo One is not an imperial fleet, but an elite army from the Eden Federation. They are a mixed formation consisting of more than a dozen Protos aircraft carriers and a large number of battle cruisers. Its human aspect commander is an old one we are familiar with. Friend: The ill-tempered Tex Finley. Although this fleet, as a lieutenant, always likes all kinds of brilliance on the front line, even if they are only engaged in disturbance tasks, they are also one of all disturbance teams.

. When the Admiral of the Empire issued an alarm, Tex was leading various detours in the dangerous zone of his formation front, relying on those fierce triple-packed rotating speeds to "fire" Yamato guns, constantly reducing a frontier-level barrier ship that was too late to turn. Shield, because the enemy ’s main firepower is all placed on the mother ship of our army, this brave guy has not followed his warship into a firework, but it is also a danger: even if you use the psionic protection provided by the empire Shield, even if he was not indirectly taken care of by Xinghe's main gun, he danced on the blade. The quality of human pilots is swayed, even in frontier-level attacks, they dodged when I looked at them, which was also very disturbing.

But this is the way of fighting that makes people sweat. Tex also has a kung fu chat in the news link. When the Admiral of the Empire issued a warning, he snatched the position of the signal soldier: "Echo No. 1 heard We threw out the reverse force field, a hot gift! "

"He's going to die outside, Renault will never be surprised."

I looked at the holographic image, and Tex ’s flagship brushed the main gun of an expedition-class battleship in the distance. Then, a large twisted blue band was released on the flanks. Dozens of real and false The large-equivalent warheads appeared at the same time near the formation of Echo No. 1. They were strongly disturbed by these blue bands. Several of the warheads exploded in advance, and a Protos aircraft carrier was almost broken by the bright sparks. By the way, Several nearby battle cruisers were seriously injured, and the remaining dozens of large-equivalent warheads all disappeared. A few seconds later, the frontier battleship that had been tuned in by the formation of Echo No. 1 for a long time burst out a series of bright flashes of light. And slowly disintegrate.

"Ah, Your Majesty the Emperor! We have opened a gap! We are overfulfilling the task-but Celinedis was injured a little and our shields were shocked

It's bottomed out, can you withdraw it first? "

How did this item become a senior general in the EFF? Can I maliciously speculate on Renault's real attempt to send this strange creature over?

Cinnabar ’s original darkness and quietness and very few aircraft orbits are now surrounded by the wreckage of warships, emperors, avengers, and servants. The spacecraft has exploded violently into these solid wastes floating in space. They splattered at several times the speed of sound in the direction of the initial stage of their being blasted. They did not stop at all before hitting something. The shield outside the empire was shining with stars because of the constant impact of these fragments, although It is impossible to break the defense, but it makes people nervous.

Fortunately, we have already had the enemy ’s reinforcements channel: a space fissure in the fifth orbit, the avengers ’warships are swarming out of that sudden fissure and quickly snatching the space dominance of Cinnamon, Sando Pulling it immediately, bombarding this crack with large-equivalent space bombs, completely blocked the possibility of the Avengers drilling out from there, and probably killed a lot of enemies by the way. The aftermath is that this bombing has formed a space fragmentation zone with a radius of more than 10 million kilometers. These areas are not suitable for any normal spacecraft driver to practice drag racing skills, and the owner of a small coal kiln that has invested in bankruptcy on the brown earth planet There is absolutely no pain to try it here.

"Fire support! The sixth mothership formation is surrounded! Their jump is disturbed!"

"The enemy's shield has bottomed out and the fire is on!"

"Assault fleet opened a gap at six o'clock to consolidate the front!"

Each piece of news was fed back to the bridge. The emperor occupying a quantity advantage was gradually suppressing the Avengers' fleet from space. The reinforcements of the other party have been cut off, and we have spacecraft coming from the fog **** star continuously. There has been no suspense in the battle until now.

But we didn't mean to relax at all.

Because the enemy has landed on the surface of the planet, from the beginning they did not intend to compete with the emperor for air supremacy in space, and their target was Saturn.

"These space fleets are procrastinating," Sandora slammed the railing in front of her, leaving her third pit today. "Can't you land?"

The commander responsible for the forced impact line appeared on a small holographic projection on the officer's platform. The picture was accompanied by severe vibrations and flashes. It was obvious that he had just passed through the dangerous area of ​​fire: "The landing troops were intercepted, their fire is too fierce! Almost gave up the other battleships against us, all to intercept the landing forces! Only the ships close to Cinnamon will be intercepted by full fire! "

Fighting for the annihilation of the whole army will also delay the pace of our landing. The typical style of the Schilling Empire action: to achieve its goals at all costs.

It is still a mystery why the enemy suddenly attacked Clay Saturn, but they absolutely wanted to find something. If they just wanted to destroy the planet, the Avengers rushed over and threw a -03 to get everything, but they chose to land. The war doctrine of the Apostles of the Spirit is fast and efficient. Generally, they can be used with -03 and they will never waste a little extra ammunition. Since the opponent chose to land in combat, it means that the opponent is on this humble mineral planet Have other purposes.

Of course, what is disturbing now is how the enemy broke through, or ignored our early warning radar. Due to the existence of the super-space teleportation technology, it is indeed possible for the enemy to bypass the Mistral defense line and indirectly transmit the fleet to the stellar system. The gravitational well did not work at all. Our early warning radar also seemed to be blind. He hummed after Cinnamon was full of avengers. Obviously this is a typical unwarned transmission, but unlike our previous two days' judgment, the other party came in this time with a large force.

Sandora was stunned by this reality, Her Majesty's I am afraid this is the first time that such a huge judgment error has occurred. We all underestimated the weirdness of this Covenant.

However, it is too early to analyze the enemy's appearance, and everyone's attention is focused on the battle at hand. Although it is just an ordinary planet, it is easy to destroy a planet. It is another thing to take the planet in the hands of the Avengers. We have greatly suppressed the enemy ’s space power, but we must break through their impact on the landing forces. It seems very difficult.

"Time is not waiting."

Seeing the exploding flashes of light constantly shining on the holographic projection, I finally stood up, "prepare some small ships, and I will lead the special forces down."

"Are you sure?" Sandora stood up anxiously. "The enemy's intercepting firepower is still very fierce. In case of concentrated attack, even you may not be able to break out."

"Then don't let them focus their attacks," I smiled, "sister, leave it to you."

My elder sister, I knew what to do when I got up. At this time, I was moving my body. Normally, I always take care of my family quietly, but it does not mean that I can only be a vase at a critical time. We must clearly recognize that the older sister can be used as an armored tyrannosaurus after changing his face ...

Of course, in my opinion, such a dangerous thing as going to battle is really not wanting the older sisters and theirs to participate, but given the fierce fighting power of these beautiful women around, the current view only maintains the theoretical stage, and the distance is realized There is still a considerable distance.

Seeing the aggressive looks of our sisters and brothers, several figures stood up immediately around them. The shallow was the first to bear the brunt. She had long understood the bridge on the bridge. I'm so tired of it, if I don't find something for her, I'm afraid she can grow mushrooms on the table. The other several stood up were Lilina and the Protoss quintessence group. The former was similar to Shallow's troublemaker, and the latter was also the troublemaker.

Sister Pandora and Huesca had mad outside half an hour ago, so the two 1.2m figures did not show up here.

Originally to break through this, Asida and Asidora should be more suitable than us, but because it is not known where the enemy ’s ability to show off the ghost comes from, in order to prevent the base camp from being attacked by the attack, the twin sisters were ordered to Mist God In the space around the stars, they ca n’t come to support, which is why we are stuck here: After all, the enemy is a regular emperor with our combat effectiveness. If there is no Commander of the Spirit who has an overwhelming ing advantage, the battle can easily fall into a stalemate. .

"The second gap was opened! The suppression of fire at six o'clock is weakening!"

The good news sounded again in the instruction hall. Sandora glanced at us and knew that most of the people in the group had a role on the bridge that was limited to decoration and growing mushrooms, and nodded: "Don't patronize and The enemy fights, remember to arrange a beacon first, we need to send a large number of soldiers to quickly alleviate the situation, no matter how strong your strength is, this kind of boundless atmosphere in the battle is not as efficient as an army. In addition, it is defensive Be careful, you have a group of ridiculous guys inside. "Sangolat glanced at Bingtis." Don't look at others, it's you! "

The female hooligan smirked twice with her hair, and she was not suffocated.

This guy is a group of ridicule machines, and I have already experienced it. Its fierce ing style brings a fierce combat style, and the fierce combat style brings a variety of set fires. Bing Sister is good at standing Wanjun Cong Put the arrow rain in the middle, tie the iron chain to the "Divine Code" as a meteor hammer, plus each attack move has a glittering appearance. I think this guy's sarcastic halo is effective 24 hours, standing at the gate of Stormwind City It only takes a moment to ridicule Akéngd over and over.

"Sister Bing, I beg you, keep a low profile."

With a sincere expression on my face, I pulled the arm of Bingtis. Later, instead of leading the fleet, we drove through the line of fire. She would really yell with a meteor hammer outside, maybe the second half of the book might I can only write "Wu Fu Fu Guo Ji".

"Cut, go on and on, since you said so. I'll hold back a bit later, but it's open to the ground, it's all time, people on the planet should be almost dead, and not afraid of accidental injury. "

As soon as Bingtis said this, there was a silence all around, which pot is not open, and Mobrador on Cinnabar is still alive and dead. It is also possible that all destruction is possible, so she can't say something auspicious?

The team quickly completed their preparations. To break through the enemy's firepower, they could not drive the mothership and indirectly hit the firepower net. Therefore, Sandora prepared several excellent assault squadrons for us. They and me all focused on one of them. On the squad, the tasks of the other squads are to disperse the enemy's firepower. This is a very dangerous errand. Even if the servants continue to impact on the orbit, attracting a lot of attention to intercept the firepower, the pressure they will bear will not be reduced much. , But after confirming the names of the escorts, I felt relieved.

They were the elite pilots of West Carlo—these guys drove a small handgun into the enemy's mothership formation, making it seven in and seven out.

A mixed breakthrough formation consisting of assault ships, individual fighters and crossing aircrafts emerged from the "shot" channel "shoot" at the bottom of the Empire, and quickly rushed toward the enemy's relatively weak position. The older sister sat next to me. Staying focused on your ability. This inconspicuous mixed formation should now become a real hedgehog. I guarantee that those who attack here will be very happy to be bounced back. In order to further improve the success rate of the raid, we even tied Ilson to the ship. On the head, Monina's evaluation of this is: The spaceship will never fall apart until the fool is killed.

"Vika, how is it?"

"Fight at any time, sir."

A very confident response was returned from the assault ship that followed. We brought hundreds of elite heroes this time. It is difficult to build a teleportation device on the surface of Cinnabar. It is very difficult without the assistance of these soldiers. No matter how powerful the apostles are, you can let me blow up the continent, but to build a teleporter ... let's discuss the end of the world.

"It's good to be good," I glanced at the communication screen before speeding up, and sighed. "Don't knock on Raven 001's head. She can't do it in the cabin now. You will be out of luck in a wide area. Don't forget I just waxed it. "

I should have thought of this. I ca n’t put the Raven and the armored scorpion in a troop cabin. The unlucky magical girl 001 has no place to cast, and is now knocked full of bags. Even Aura, a machine that never blends in anything. Mothers squatted to the corner with their arms. The grievances that have accumulated for billions of years.

The assault fleet quickly separated from the mothership formation, and after several short-distance short-distance jumps, they reached the space transfer quarantine zone set by the Avengers. At this time, the enemy had noticed this weirdly acting boat fleet, and in order to ban all ships The attitude of breaking through the defense line, our little gray machine, was immediately baptized by hundreds of times the firepower, and the alarm sounded through the cockpit.

The several flying formations in the task of disrupting the "chaos" immediately left the route and galloped away in the direction of a few capable ihus. The small number of assault fleets were scattered as if the heavens were scattered. Made a posture ready to advance towards the surface.

This immediately played a very significant role, and the Avengers would not have been wary of thinking that in these ordinary "suicide" shock teams, there would be a strong ace army on the battlefield. They decisively dispersed the firepower, thinking It is a big mistake to hit all the assault ships in one shot.

Because the scattered assault and assault fighters of the "scramble" showed a completely unscientific maneuvering ability and protection ability when they smashed, their way of flight deflection did not conform to the soldier's code at all ~ www.readwn.com ~ for many years The veterans of the United States may not be able to imitate one or two of them. The ingenuity of their maneuvers is stunned. No good air defense can think of the world's pilots who have shamelessly hid in the enemy ’s turrets. Niang tested the technology), they fly around the turret, around the tail of the battleship, and around the fragments of nearby enemy ships when they explode, and they risk being vaporized inside the eternal heat dissipation grid. And, when the shield is always extinguished, it is safe to leave the safe area, allowing the enemy to aim the artillery for a long time only to face the space. This group of ferocious pilots showed thousands of horses to the empire's top group of royal guards. Strength, they flirted with some dreadful anti-aircraft guns, and the tail flames of the fighters will form one after another, and one later


After a few minutes, the smoke-fighting fighters evacuated after all—the shields all bottomed out, but none were destroyed!

Well, this is normal. After all, their ferocious driving skills are only driving single-armed fighters and assault ships. The powerful maneuvering only makes them easier to escape from the battlefield, but if they want to win over the single-armed fighter Emperor Ship-Do you think this is **** Doula?

From the beginning, they had no intention of shooting down any enemy ship, attracting the enemy's firepower for a few minutes and then running away was their entire task. r!

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