Xiling Empire

Chapter 816: Millia, upload, go!

The research center will always be the busiest place in the base. A chief scientist who can't wait to put his own quality projection in every laboratory in the empire and a group of equally hot-blooded and crazy researchers form a sense that is not even better than the Pandora Corps. Every time the inferior "Army" visits their laboratory, I always have the illusion of entering the battlefield, and the atmosphere around them is warm and earth-like. [The Seal of the Seal of God]

I found Tavier's mass projection in the PS dismantling area, and she is hosting the container opening test here. This test has been performed six times, and this is the seventh time. The previous opening experiments have all failed without exception, so the researchers present were a little dignified and troubled.

And the container that was followed by countless people was suspended on an anti-gravity platform with a radius of more than three meters, surrounded by two layers of high-strength psionic shields, and was content with our onlookers.

"It has a self-destructing device for its inner tank and casing. The device's firing conditions have not yet been determined. It seems to have multiple firing modes. When we first tried to unlock the outer lock of the container, we almost exploded it. gray."

Tavel pointed to the black metal box floating in the air and said that because her current state was a mass projection, she spoke with a bit of metal vibrato. I noticed that despite several failures, Tavel was not too depressed, and was not dissatisfied with the metal box that caused her great trouble, which made me ǐng lament her good temper, but I thought about it. May be related to that container resembles a coffin ...

"Now we are trying to bypass its external lock." Tavel paused and called up a schematic diagram. In the image, the target container was broken into several distinct layers. "Although the external lock of the box is ancient Mobra The encryption part made by many people uses the most advanced technology of the old empire and cannot be cracked at all, and its inner surface contains a crystal that is very sensitive to environmental changes. Any abnormal damage will cause the inner liner to explode. The only weak point of the container is that its inner liner and outer shell are two parts. The inner liner can only detect whether the outer shell is intact, but cannot detect whether the lock on the outer shell is normal, so the subordinates are trying to use the space technology directly without going through the outer lock. Send the container's bladder out to a duplicate fake container so that it might fool its self-destructing system. "

"Then try it."

I sent an approved look to Tavel, and flew aside, looking at Biluna, leading Mi Liya at the door. The guards at the door had been ordered to scan the identification cards of the two. Then they put them in.

I beckoned to let the "mother and daughter" come, and Mi Liya's curious sight swept around in the wide research room, and Bi Luna was surprised to see a bunch of mechanical devices, detection probes and researchers The black container of the stars and moons whispered, "You found another life capsule? Is this what you found on Cinnabar?"

I nodded: "Zagu should tell you what happened, right?"

"I don't know clearly" Bi Luna said, "I was waiting for his news in the town, and a group of imperial soldiers came to get me on the edger." On the way, the guy from Zaku sent a mess of information. I only know that you found another container, which is exactly the same as the one that contained Mi Liya. "

"That's it." I nodded and looked at Mi Lì Ya. "Hey, I'm happy." And I guess we can find Mi Lì Ya's sister. This box hasn't been opened yet. "

Beruna's face showed a surprised look, and Mi Liya exclaimed wow, in fact, I just covered my mouth when I opened my mouth. This place is a research center. It needs an absolutely quiet place to let this girl growl. Come out, Tavel should have runaway.

"Sister?" Mi Liya looked at me, her eyes shining.

I nodded and stood up to look at the researchers who were preparing precise spatial positioning devices.

"The space probe is in place and ready to be transmitted."

The monotonous electronic synthesis sound of the auxiliary analysis system sounded in the laboratory, and Tavel nodded again after confirming the data: "Began to separate."

At the same time, everyone looked at the container in the center of the room in breathlessly, fearing that one vital breath would destroy this vital item.

This is a job that requires extremely high accuracy. The requirements for spatial positioning are even as high as imperial science and technology: the average gap between the inner liner and the outer shell of the container is only a few tenths of a micrometer. Fits perfectly together. Although there is no molecular penetration in the special nature of the inner crystal, the two parts did not fuse in the long years, but it is extremely difficult to separate them when the two are perfectly fitted. The container's self-destruct device monitors both parts at the same time. Whether it is a damaged liner or a damaged shell, it will explode.

Therefore, the process of transmitting separation must be absolutely accurate, and once any part of it is "cut off", it is finished.

But sometimes things do n’t go in the direction you expect, even if there are more than one hundred people around you and you are expecting the same. When the precise transmission device is activated less than three seconds, a sharp scream It sounded through the room, followed by the monotonous electronic synthesizer of the auxiliary system: "Separation failed, the container self-destruct device is expected to be triggered. According to the preset security scheme, the transmission system is closed." Several people stood outside the energy barrier to observe the container separation. The senior researcher of the process briefly talked to each other for two sentences, and one of them turned to Tavel: "Chief, the container is intact, but the next separation can no longer be performed. The probe just detected a special information response on the surface of the container liner, and the test target May have the ability to directly sense information changes, and all decryption methods cannot bypass information sensing. "

I go! Who made this wicked stuff!

"Understand," Tavel sighed. "Prepare to be dismantled forcibly. The energy suppression system is on line to try to delay the self-destruction of the container."

The glasses lady who has always been reluctant to admit defeat in this field also has to accept failure this time, but in fact she doesn't have to be too distressed. Just now, we have confirmed the existence of another container from Uncle Zaku, that is, It ’s said that the thing in front of us actually has an open backup, and we have one of the contents of the container, which is Mi Liya. If it is not so strict, Tavel ’s research on the latter should be similar. Of course, if this idea is to let Ta If Weir knew, she might have to preach again. The stubborn eyeglasses lady ’s biggest attachment in her life seems to be a serious attitude to the truth. In her opinion, the research value of the two containers is absolutely impossible. Interchangeable, even if they look exactly the same.

But just as the researchers prepared the final solution with frustration, and Tavel prepared to plead guilty to me with a very frustrated expression, a clear voice suddenly interrupted everyone: "Wait a minute!"

"Mi lìya?" Biluna and I exclaimed in unison.

It was Mi Liya who had just come to see the lively. I blinked and suddenly patted my head: I was really confused. Is there one out of the box in front of me? Although she said that all of her preset memories have been lost, she may still know about the box!

"I know how to open this from the inside." Mi Liya stood at the edge of the observation platform, pointing to the black container placed on the anti-gravity platform in the central depression area 15 meters away from the front. It should be almost the same. Maybe you can try it. Memory is confusing. It seems that you need a code or a spiritual command. You can try it anyway. "

Tavel cast her sight on the search, and I nodded at her, motioning to let the girl try.

The double-layered energy shield was opened.

We approached the container heartily, and we followed, and halfway along the road, Mi Liya yelled at a circle of white coat with dissatisfaction: "Hey, hey! What are you so nervous about! This thing should be mine? It ’s not mine, but is it ready for my sister! ”

I reluctantly patted Mi Liya ’s shoulder, and glanced around the unimpressed Imperial scientist in a circle: "It ’s good to them, they are like this. After entering this institute, do n’t expect anything else It is their own, they are desperate for the truth.

Mi Liya cut aloud, strode to the container, slap it on the dark lid, and began to close his eyes to reveal what he was analyzing. Immediately, I felt that the quality projection of Tavel next to me was shaking: If it weren't for my face, the glasses lady would now let Mi Liya see what the power of a scientist is.

Everyone looked at Mi Liya and the container under her without blinking. At first, there was no movement of the thing. Some people began to doubt the success of this attempt, but soon. I noticed visible changes.

The glittering energy lines on the surface of the container are gradually becoming brighter.

A small holographic projection suddenly appeared above the container, scaring everyone and Mi Liya himself, and then a soft female voice began to echo in the air: "The key identification point was detected, and the key identification point has been confirmed out of the storage area. The identification point is in good condition. The hold is open. "

"Success!" Mi liya clapped her hands happily, at the same time, several bright blue lines cracked on the lid of the tightly closed container, and its lid was broken into several irregularities. The metal block slipped slowly around, and we were surprised to see each other on the ground, and Tavel smiled happily.

Mi Liya first took a look at what the container looked like, for example, would she have another sister, so before everyone cast her eyes on the container, she pounced on the teacher, and then an incredible scene appeared. .

"The storage compartment is abnormal and cannot be self-checked. The emergency security plan is started and the upload is started."

With this soft female voice, a sharp blue beam of light suddenly radiated from the container, and Mi Liya, who was passing by, slammed into the beam of light, and then the whole person turned into a streamer, disappearing in front of everyone, Only the emotionless report of the container was left: "The upload is complete."

Sudden changes made everyone stunned, or Tavel responded quickly, she immediately ordered the energy suppression system to start, but after the container lost Mi Liya, there was no response, and even the energy lines on the surface returned to Dim state.

"Mi lìya!" Bi Luna only responded now and exclaimed, pushed away the two researchers and rushed to the open black box. At the same time, the anti-gravity platform also exerted its power due to the energy suppressing the force field. After falling, under her flutter, the metal box fell to the ground lightly, and the scene inside was clear at a glance: inside the empty crystal liner, where is the shadow of Mi Liya?

Of course, there is no other ancient artificial man we expected.

"Emergency. Emergency! Liye closed the space of the institute and traced back to all the overtime feasts of the headquarters in the past minute!" Tavel's mass projection passed directly through the body of the crowd, and rushed to the observation platform while issuing orders to the servo host. Other researchers also rushed to their respective positions and began to use the emergency situation management plan in their own memory to arrange the next search task. Luna looked dumbly at the empty container. I patted her on the shoulder and she didn't respond.

How did this happen?

The abnormal change just happened so fast that I didn't have enough time to respond to the energy of this black box, and when Mi Liya disappeared, I also confirmed that there was no slight space change around it, that is to say, the macroscopic phenomenon is actually It does n’t exist, but why is n’t it?

In confusion, the eyes refocused on the black box, and what's more interesting is the last sentence of this thing: uploading is complete.

Upload? What is it uploading? Mi lìya? A big living person?

Just as I was puzzled, a voice suddenly came to my mind, and it was Mi Liya ’s voice that just disappeared: "Er brother? Can you hear me? I feel so sick ........."

I was shocked, but instead of alarming others, I hurriedly asked: "Mi lìya, where are you? How is the situation now?"

"I'm in the dormitory" Mi Liya's answer was very unexpected. "I'm dizzy. I almost vomited. Hey, come and pick me up. I'm nesting in the black box here, and I have no strength to crawl out!"

"I've found Mi Liya!" I greeted the busy people, and quickly sent someone to pick up the girl back. After a few moments, several imperial soldiers came back here, holding half of the Lì Ya with a dish, and I found She was still swaying and her face was green, and she looked just as infiltrating as half a bowl of blood tofu after a 24 hour roller coaster ride.

Noticing the concern of a circle of people, Mi Liya made a word gesture to us weakly, and at this time did not forget to smile mischievously: "Hey, it's safe to come back."

After some inquiries, we learned what just happened: Mi Liya was sent to another container located in the dormitory!

The imperial soldiers brought the container back by the way. Two black metal boxes were discharged side by side on the anti-gravity platform and slowly rotated. Although one of the surfaces was clear and bright, the other aspects were exactly the same. In the open state, the situation of the inner liner is clear at a glance.

The box from Cinnamon looked a little dim, and the container that came with it emitted a much brighter blue light than when I first saw it.

Tavel immediately organized a manual inspection of these two boxes. Now we don't have to worry about the self-destruction of the boxes. Mi Liya told us that her previous operation was equivalent to reducing the security level of the container. Now the self-destruct switch of that thing has been Cannot start, unless she is actively turned on by this controller.

But for the accidental transmission before, Mi Liya expressed no comment: her head is still dizzy.

Obviously, in addition to those two boxes, the living thing Mi Liya is also worthy of studying at the scene. The latter had already anticipated this situation and seemed to be very cooperative. When Luna couldn't help showing her worried look She can also run to apply for a medical examination happily, presumably in the eyes of this cheerful girl, the testing project of the Imperial Scientist is more like a game, allowing her to experience the thorny feeling of participating in big events. Because she knew that no one here would harm her.

Biluna insisted on staying in the institute, because the reason is that it will not hurt Ye Mi, and it is also good to have a loved one around when cooperating with the experiment ~ www.readwn.com ~ We did not stop her From the standpoint, she and Mi Liya prepared a complete double dormitory. At the time, Lingmeng and Yakumo Zi lived in the same specifications. Yes, it was the high-end room that could scrape gold powder ...

The enthusiasm of the scientists of the Dan Empire, it takes time to understand what happened to Mi Liya and her box in a short period of time. I left the institute with a puzzled mind, and as soon as I left the house, On his face, he came across a golden yellow figure.

Yakumo Lan is taking an awkward step, and she walks forward like a zombie. She first lifts one foot straight, then tilts her whole body forward, then puts her feet down vertically, and then another One foot quickly dragged up to follow, and so on, straightly lifted the other foot to tell you so, go to the brain department of the city hospital to make a circle, basically all go like this .........

The fox's intuition was keen, and Lan felt a sight ahead from a distance, so he looked up and showed me a mild smile, and then continued to drag over with a half-legged look. I finally found that the other party was abnormal. It ’s not just the pace: her fluffy tails are spreading out in an unprecedented spirit, and the hairs on them are pointing up like the sky and the sky, and the blue at this moment is like a peacock opening the screen. , I have no doubt that she can just shake up as long as a gust of wind blows. I finally know where Orange Meow wiped the remaining half of the hair spray! !! .

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