Xiling Empire

Chapter 817: 1 meter 2 violence aesthetics

Lan came here to ask someone in the institute for help, because she tried all kinds of methods and couldn't restore her tail, including high-temperature ironing, washing and exposure, and safflower oil. At present all these methods are announced failure. [神 印 王座] Orange Meow I do n’t know where to find the hair gel that has the effect beyond physical common sense. Now the pile of swords and mounds pointing to the sky behind the blue **** are glowing with a cold and dazzling luster. Blowing the hair off and falling into pairs, and blowing gusts of wind from the blue tail of Yakumo, I can feel that they have been divided into several distinct waves. I have no doubt that with the hardness of these "hair sprays", Yakumo Lan can kill a lot of people in the army with thousands of horses in the army.-Let me tell you, if the Institute improves her security level by another percentage point, I am afraid she will not let it stand against these piles of sword graves. Come in.

It's really hard for this fox to walk all the way from the transmission point with such postmodern things. How bad is it to raise an unlucky child? When a good nine-tailed fox wakes up, he finds that he has been tortured into a hedgehog!

"What about Orange at home?"

I looked at Lan's slightly embarrassed face with a smile, and found that her ears had been slouched down dizzily, and the furry special fun.

Lan twisted her body, and the peacock behind her screen opened and shifted stiffly as a whole: "She and chuáng are stuck together. I'll find a solvent and save her by the way."

I was shocked. After asking about it, I found out that Orange Meow ’s hairspray was changed from a member of the Misaka Sister ’s Chemical Society in the shadow city, and the setting was delayed by ten minutes. Go back to sleep-still sticking to chuáng.

I enthusiastically suggested that Lan could make the unlucky child stick like this for a day, and also give the little guy a little lesson. As a result, the sister Fox had a huge white eye, and the nine-tailed fox gnawed the next sentence, "Orange is just ignorant." Sword mound has moved into the research institute.

I slipped my lips behind: this is deserved, I see what you will use to fill the facade in the store next month-but I can see clearly just now, this guy's fluff is split!

It was just a chance encounter with the open-screen Yakumo Blue. After sending her away, I suddenly remembered what was happening, so I went to Sandora with great enthusiasm. On the way, I had shared the matter of the institute with her, and waited. Her Majesty the Queen was waiting for her when she came to her room.

"Is the container on Cinnabar empty?" Although Sandora was a little surprised by the result, she looked a little indifferent, as if she felt it was logical. "It seems that Malia is unique Yes. But what was the purpose of the ancients to leave that thing? An empty box ... "

Could it be that the builders of the ruins on Cinnamon suddenly forgot to put people in when they were nearing completion and just put the boxes into the holes? I think this possibility is unlikely.

In addition to the empty contents of the Saturn container, there is of course one thing that is also very interesting. The phenomenon that Malia is teleported suddenly turns out that Malia can move instantly between the two containers. , And this moving process is called "upload" by the container's own i. These two words are plain, but in this case, we can't help but have various associations with it.

“It ’s not a contradiction to upload two words to replace the space jump,” Sandora thought for a while and said, “the spirit hosts often use this word to refer to their own space jumping behavior, because the spirit host is a This kind of high-density information collection, they are also used to thinking with this identity, so when transmitting through the space time, they always say that they are 'uploaded.' "

"Milla might be a master of Spirit?" I raised my eyebrows. "She looks exactly like a normal human."

"Bubble also looks exactly like ordinary humans. Hilling hosts are very good at controlling information, so they are also very good at hiding their own power and life forms. This is a subconscious talent, and they create the 'representation' 'It has even reached the point of replacing reality and becoming the' truth '. It is evidence that Little Bubble can slip in front of Bingtis. If Milia is a host of Hilling or a similar unit, it cannot be seen without special detection. Of course, the "Master of the Spirit" here is just a description. Malia is not an apostle, but she is definitely not a normal living body. "Sandora said here, a look of emotion on her face, I vaguely felt When she got her thoughts, she quickly waved her hands: "Don't worry about her, that girl is not cheerful anymore. She doesn't take her race seriously."

No, a guy who knew he was jumping out of the box when he was a kid, you can also count on her heart and lungs. Zaku contributed a lot in the process. He didn't hide this shocking thing at all. Leah, this caused the latter to cultivate talented nerves from a young age, approaching the superficial.

Pandora's and Huesca's battle report came back in the late afternoon this afternoon, when I was instructing the lobby to listen to Sivis' report on the departure of the Celestial Fleet. The two one-two-fleet fleets have already engaged in a head-to-head firefight with the enemy. At present, the battle is going on. During the video communication, I saw the space behind the two little guys is full of exploding fire. While they were communicating, they also As he was doing something very busy, apparently the two incompetent generals came to the battlefield again, but when they saw the little faces of the sisters with a rare happy expression, I knew that the two war lunatics were gone Rescuable, so only one sigh.

Because Pandora's simple way of speaking was really unsuitable for reporting, she was responsible for the dedicated battle and battlefield command (really?), And her sister Veska began to report to us.

"Brother, brother, the probe has been successfully launched, but the battlefield environment is severely disturbed, and it is not sure whether it reached the shadow space safely." Visca's voice sounded a bit distorted, but it was not because of the interference, but she was directly exposed. Ca n’t speak with sound bō in the space environment, so directly convert the mental signal into sound, which is always a bit more distorted than the real speaking voice, “but the feedback signal shows that the probe is still alive, it should have entered Enemy space. "

"Can you locate the entrance to the shadow space based on the signal returned by the probe?" The elder sister is very concerned about this issue.

Cat pupil Loli turned her head to look at a dazzling light, and then replied: "Oh, they shouldn't attack the left wing, the enemy was stunned ... Ah, probe, unfortunately, I'm afraid not A probe has limited computing power, and the amount of data transmitted is very small. The enemy ’s shadow space and real space are very misaligned. To open an entrance and exit, an amazing amount of calculations are needed. Can't get this coordinate. Ah, brother, the probe returns something fuzzy, like a video image in shadow space! It successfully entered shadow space! "

The Visca voice falls, and an abnormally blurred image appears in the second main video area of ​​the holographic projection. With severe interference noise, the picture is jittery and unbearable, just like a black and white television set to be scrapped. I can't believe this is a video recorded by an imperial technology product.

The image was very short. It only lasted six or seven seconds. We saw some meteorite-like black crickets rushing through the picture. The probe was moving forward, and then a robotic body like a fortress appeared in the center of the picture. This The scene lasted less than two seconds, and the probe quickly left the scene, apparently to keep it hidden.

"It seems like Gwent-33, a comprehensive arsenal-type space fortress," Sandora whispered. "I didn't expect them to transfer all the space fortresses in real space to shadow space."

"How is the situation over there?"

The signal from the probe was intermittent and there was nothing of value for the time being, so I turned my attention back to the ongoing battle between the two little guys.

"Very, very, very good! The enemy didn't expect that this frontier base would ambush so many troops, and now it ’s a big loss. As soon as they came out, they attacked the mirror fleet near the fortress. When they found out that the situation was wrong, they had consumed the Lord of the Galaxy The gun charging mode, and then I got on with the stupid sister and hit them by surprise. Just now Kais took over the control of the mirror fleet and stuffed all the ships on the front battlefield as gunfire and firepower. We are starting from Flanking bombardment, the enemy's line of defense soon disintegrated! Brother brother, go back and reward others! "

Huesca's voice sounded very happy, and it was also shown on the screen: the little pupil of the cat's pupil was so bright that it emits more than 20 meters of laser beam.

Then I found out that she really emitted a laser beam from her eyes ... This girl is like her sister, and there is no place in her body that can't fire ...

I listened to each other's report on the front line. I couldn't help but gave Sandora a look, then shrugged and laughed: "Who said that the two little lunatics couldn't do any tactics? They didn't use it very beautifully Is it an ambush strategy? "

"They are a bit of a warrior in their bones, and they are used to being charged on their own," the elder sister commented objectively next to her. "But after all these years of fighting, they are not really brave. After all, there are tens of millions of soldiers who can safely give their lives to them. "

I listened and kept nodding, then suddenly thought of something: "Oh, sister, you still said at noon, worried that the external thinking circuit of Sivis is not around, are those two guys losing money on the battlefield?"

The elder sister immediately lowered her head and pretended to check the laces—the zipper boots she wore!

On the other side, Sivis coughed suddenly, apparently frightened by the fierce positioning of her in my mouth.

"Is the enemy's reinforcements blocked?"

When we were accustomed to crooked buildings, Sandora remembered to do business, she asked in a deep voice, watching the high-energy beams and exploding flames constantly passing in the background of the video.

After confirming that the enemy has an unpredictable space assault capability, we will block the enemy ’s continuous reinforcements as a matter that must not be ignored when confronting the Avengers. Continuous large equivalent space detonations can detonate in a small range. Destroy the normal space order, make a piece of cosmic space become a disorderly zone on the law and prevent the enemy from "floating". Sandora mentioned this thing that is close to the rules of operation makes me a little strange, but soon I know why Sandora This matter will be brought up specifically, because Huesca laughed twice silly!

"That ... the enemy's reinforcements are still increasing ... we have not closed their reinforcement channels."

What are those two crazy girls thinking? !!

"It's too risky!" Sure enough, Sandora immediately said sternly. In this case, she would not spoil the two little sisters as usual. "Your current battlefield advantage is entirely based on ambush and quantity. If you do n’t block the enemy ’s reinforcements, you will soon change from an ambush to a war of attrition, and casualties will increase. "

"It doesn't matter, we are ready to retreat."

Huska suddenly spit out his tongue, showing a naughty smile like a little devil.

"That crack in space will remain open, and the Avengers' reinforcements will come as many times as they want. The more they die, the more they die. My stupid sister and I have transformed the space Fortress behind into the largest self-explosive bomb. Two Greeks The spirit host is still assembling a reactor and a bomb production line in the space. There are also dark mines around this space. I almost emptied the arsenal of each battleship. The explosives here are absolutely enough to stir the entire sky. All turned upside down! "

I was stunned and suddenly realized one thing: The girl Huska deserves to have worked in the largest terrorist organization in the multiverse ...

"Now we stand by this space fortress to make the Avengers think this is an important military base. They will think that we will defend it at all costs. Of course, we will not be prepared to retreat. The scanning device shows that the enemy ’s large reinforcements are still ten. Minutes are about to enter the battlefield. Our spacecraft jump engine has been warmed up. As soon as they come out, we turn our heads and leave, haha, and then ... bm !!! "

Vizkar opened his arms wide and made an explosive pose. The blood-red cat pupils shone against the dark space background. I noticed that in another picture, the emperor's formation was changing. Those flagged mirror fleets are unknowingly relocating to replace the real Pandora reloaded legionships at the forefront. Although the overall performance of the mirror image is only about one-third of the body, in a short period of time, those mother-class mirror images can still resist enemy fire. The Empire spacecraft, which is slowly moving to the rear, has quietly switched engine modes. As Huesca said, they are about to run.

On the radar of the Battlefield General Administration, more and more red spots marked as enemies are gradually suppressing the fleet of the Pandora sisters in number. They have crossed the cordon near the fire gun. At this distance, even frontier-level main guns can Make the most of it (because of the positioning of the purpose, the frontier class is the rare main warship with close-in guns as the main guns, because to ensure that the pile of ferocious special shields runs at full power, you just give it a super-range gun It can't play half its power, in fact, the frontier-level ultra-range attack method is only the transition warhead), and behind Pandora's fleet, it is a giant explosive that has been filled with space bombs and psionic reactors-a long The shaft reached the 237 km Battlestar.

Who said that the sisters were mindless?

Their explosion art is not tǐng clever!

Now I can understand that Sister Pandora is not lacking in strategic brains. They just like explosions so much that I always ignore the fact that these two little guys are smarter than me in fighting. When necessary, they can also work out. Very terrible strategy and tactics, well, of course, the central idea is explosion.

Eleven minutes later, Emperor abruptly retreated as planned, and the mirrored spacecraft remaining at the forward position covered the operation with self-detonation, while the Avengers swarmed towards the space fortress still counterattacking with sentry guns, as Pandora and Veska expected. As such, for such a "strategic location", the Avengers chose to occupy rather than destroy them remotely. If they take the latter method, although they may still be damaged by self-detonation, at least half of the spacecraft are spared, but They still drove the main force up, and used the mother ship to leak the water between the two or three hundred kilometers space fortress and a large number of free factories around it.

The flash of bombs in space came from behind them only a few seconds later. The bombs hidden in the folds of space quickly and accurately destroyed the passage from the shadow space to the real world, blocking more enemy reinforcements. Preventing the situation from getting out of control and blocking the enemy's retreat at the same time, followed by an unprecedented big explosion in the perimeter of the Milky Way-stronger than the explosion of a hundred stars ~ www.readwn.com ~ in the Milky Way It may take many thousands of years for the big bang on the edge to be observed with the naked eye of the Mobradorians. If there was still a civilization in the galaxy at that time, they would be surprised why a bright star suddenly appeared in the sky And this star is still so short. Thousands of psionic reactors, tens of millions of fully sized bombs in the space from single soldiers to warships, and two 1-2 meters of all compressed crystals that can be blasted out of the arsenal. All were plugged in a battlefield and detonated. Because the energy generated by the Phantom Explosion diffused far faster than the speed of light, this undermined the local rules of space, so the big bang and the ensuing impact bō almost pulled It shattered the nearby space of three light years, and of course eliminated all tangible matter in this space, and eventually left a black cricket visible to the naked eye on the brightest spiral arm of the galaxy. The art of war between Pandora and Huesca was shown in this textbook-perfect ambush, even though the two self-proclaimed little sisters arbitrarily developed ambush into frontal battle, and then developed frontal battle into strangulation. Battle, finally tossing the strangulation fight to the level of a sky battle, and then ended with a big explosion that was enough to destroy several galaxies ...

The fighting method that is very in line with their aesthetics, and the one meter and two meters off is truly unparalleled in the world. It seems that in the future, if there is a battle near the civilized area, I must always be with them, our role is that rein! !! .

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