Xiling Empire

Chapter 82: Central Central Powers Bureau

The test of the fire blade mercenary's crowd's ability to stimulate the experiment is quite simple. In fact, they are lying in the center of a large number of mother nest crystals. Considering that each of them has the power of combat or magic, it may produce radiation. Certain interference, I also specially made the bubble increase the output power of the crystal energy. The method of the bubble is to connect immediately with more than 2,000 people to a game carnival. The energy flow of the mother's nest crystal is her thinking process. Of course, this approach is understandable, but it is open to question whether this loyal and lollipop Loli has taken advantage of this opportunity to be indifferent ...

The mother's nest is a very important place for the entire Spirit Base. Naturally, it is impossible for outsiders to enter casually, so we made bubbles to change the mother's nest to a certain extent, and established a small crystal "incubator" nearby, and then Part of the energy from the mother's nest is diverted into this incubator, and I ca n’t help sighing at how the incubator looks like a coffin. The aesthetics of bubbles really are n’t something I and other mortals can try to figure out. No wonder Sandora had previously banned bubbles. Modify the building blueprint without permission ...

According to our instructions, Rake and others put on special anti-radiation protective suits that strengthened radiation and entered the incubator. Then they converged on the magic and vigor of the whole body and lay on the platform made of crystal. Of course, one person was Exceptionally, the timid thief, which was called "monkey" by Rick, never gave up the resistance, and did not want to stop fighting his body after entering the incubator. This seriously affected the normal process of the entire experiment. Thankfully, In the end, Rick still showed the fierce side as the head of the group, he decisively punched the "monkey", and called on the team members to warm up for about 15 minutes on the monkey ...

I looked with a little headache at the three temporary looking allies standing in front of me.

Muro, Mu, and Vinoy.

As soon as Xun discovered our actions, and saw a dozen humans put on a strange gray robe and we were locked into that newly-obtained rectangular building, they came to me with this expression of guilty teachers.

我们 "We suspect you are using humans in this world to perform some kind of experiment."

Mu, who speaks as an elf, never knew euphemism, even if he has lived in the human world for hundreds of years, it has not changed at all.

"That's right," Sandora admitted to be very happy, without any thought burden. "Every time a new world is reached, the Empire's research team will collect life in this world for research. The humans in this world happen to be The most suitable research object. "

I'm afraid this is the real reason for you to perform this power catalysis test? You finally said it, right?

Mu's face suddenly became quite ugly. The elf was originally a race of indifferent nature. They would not have much emotion to show, but they had an inconceivable feeling for life. Once someone offends this, the elf will It will turn into a rather stubborn and headachesome creature. Obviously, Sandorah's words have seriously violated the spirit's life philosophy from the height of the race.

Muro and Venoa's expressions are not so good. Humans do not have the almost stubborn attachment to elves in life, but now their compatriots are regarded as experimental products. No one can accept this.

If it wasn't for worrying that there were all the Spirit soldiers with a combat power comparable to the mid-level human beings everywhere, and the two emperors in front of them were steadily stronger than themselves, I am afraid that the three of them would now have a dog blood human counterattack.

"Let me do it."

I dragged Sandorah, who could only be used for chaos in this case, and stuffed her with a huge cake weighing six pounds. With her personality, it was impossible to spend time on the few in front of her. To her insignificant people explain clearly that this kind of thing can only be left to me to solve.

In a nutshell, Sandora's eating with a huge cake in her arms is quite cute, um, there is a fight with Ding Dong holding a huge lollipop ...

"Simply put, we are trying to give humanity in this world the power to fight the abyss—note, I am talking about all human beings, not just strong men like you. If our experiments are successful, even the most powerful Ordinary civilians will also have enough power to fight demonic creatures alone. "

Boss Muro's eyes suddenly opened the boss.

对抗 Fight against demon creatures alone? !!

The power of demonized creatures is well known. They are thick and fleshy, they are not afraid of death, and they have amazing attack power. Without the protection of the blessings of the goddess of life, a determined warrior will be beaten in a few minutes. The demon breath on them has corrupted into a lunatic who kills everyone, not to mention civilians, even warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles, can't be 100% sure that they can stand alone against the most common demonized creature. The sturdy equipment and stern fortresses that creatures can never study, I am afraid that humans are already dead.

Now, the Spirit Emperor in front said that they could give ordinary civilians the power to fight the abyss?

你们 "You don't have to worry about our plans," I continued, "our only goal is to destroy the abyss ..."

"Your world has been eroded for too long and has little value to occupy," Sandora licked her fingers and said instantly, "The empire will not waste time conquering a world without value."

Twenty-six pounds of special cake! Sandora What size is your throat?

In any case, in the end, the three Murrows temporarily dispelled their doubts about our actions. Of course, on the surface, they will definitely report to Modis III, but by then, our purpose has been achieved.

Everyone in the Fireblade Mercenary Regiment is a person with a certain strength. Although their strength can only be used as cannon fodder than most of the strong in this world, they are already better than the shallow and sisters who are ordinary earth people. There are more, so the effect of radiation catalysis on them is certainly not as bad as that of Qian Qian and her sister, but even the innocent power is enough to please these mercenaries who regard power as life.

The next morning, we saw the people of Rick who had recovered from the radiation coma.

Looking at each of them with a smile on their faces, I knew that the experiment was successful.

Perhaps its own energy resisted the negative effects of radiation. Rake et al. Did not have a huge personality change like that of Qian Qian and her sister, but in contrast, they did not have the horror ability such as time control. The power is basically extended and strengthened according to their existing abilities. Although there is no shallow or strong sister ability, it has greatly improved the mercenaries who could only be cannon fodder as a whole!

As a warrior, Rick gained the ability to petrify part of his body in exchange for amazing defense and melee attack power. When I saw him, this guy was sharply sharpening his knife on his arm-I couldn't help it Understand how an arm made entirely of stone has mobility ...

Because Rick's strength is already very high, although the value of the power on him is great, it is still far less than his mediocre members.

Catherine, a mage in the mercenary regiment, gains the ability to siphon energy. This ability can be activated every five minutes. It can absorb and store all kinds of energy in a space of 100 meters around it, and form an instantaneous energy. In the vacuum area, these absorbed energy types are different, so they cannot be used to cast, but they can release a strong energy explosion that is comparable to high-level magic or form a continuous energy shield within the specified range. The process is all without any release time! This means that every five minutes, Catherine can instantly flash high-order magic, which is that the magic teacher may not be able to do it!

Seeing Catherine's energy siphoning once made the space around 100 meters into a "forbidden zone" where no combat and magic could be used in an instant ~ www.readwn.com ~ The one that touched the most was Vinoyah, and she thought of it all at once This kind of ability is terrible: first, it uses energy siphon to deprive all the energy of the other's whole body, and then releases a powerful energy explosion in an instant. Even if the body strength has reached the peak of human beings, it is impossible to guarantee that it can completely Fighting out of this explosion with vindictive and magical protection-although she is confident that she can escape the siphon field or simply kill the opponent before Catherine starts, it has proven that a low-level magician who has just left the apprentice stage , Has the possibility of hitting top powerhouses!

The "monkey" who had previously refused to participate in the experiment is now a brilliant face, and began to deeply fear that if he was firmer then, he would miss this good opportunity, and I was incredible at the ability he gained. ——Water mimicry!

Turn yourself into a pool of water!

可怕 What a terrible thing once this ability is used properly! "Monkey" will be the most powerful assassin, stalker, spy, and bath peeper in the world ...

The first thing Catherine did after learning about the ability of the "monkey" was to lay the opponent on the ground, forcing him to swear that he should never apply his ability to something that shouldn't be used-only then did I know, It turns out that the two of them are a couple!

Although according to Lake, the character of the "monkey" is quite trustworthy, Catherine still tortured her lover for half an hour until she vowed to the goddess of life, as long as she used the power to do bad things, she was taken for granted Drinking water is a matter of course.

"Okay," I clapped my hands to calm the excited new super people, and then announced, "From today on, the Central Central Powers Bureau will be officially established!"

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