Xiling Empire

Chapter 83: Superpower Fighting Squad

Actually, I wanted to talk about the dragon group ...

But after the iced shallow and darkened sister collectively despised for 20 minutes and even Pandora said nothing, I gave up this promising title.

The second title I think of is "Indigenous Indigenous Home Defense Rangers". This name is my favorite for its nonsense, but when Pandora tells me that a unit called "Torrent Team" will make people After a lot of ambiguity, I had to announce again that I would give up the title that I couldn't easily imagine.

After that, the various swaying names I proposed were all backed up for various reasons, but I had no choice but to agree with the most creative name proposed by Lin Xue:

Central Power Bureau.

Rake and others were naturally interested in the novel title of "Central Power Bureau", and came forward to ask what it meant. They suddenly got powerful powers. Now they are almost grateful to our friends from another world. The degree of worship, I know by looking at their frantic expressions, it's time to flicker.

"This is the unified title of the homeland defense of our empire in all the worlds," I said with a serious face, and tried to ignore Sandor's violent move behind me. "To prevent the world from being eroded and tight by the abyss forces. To monitor their every move, we have to set up front-line agencies in each world. Such a large front-line army cannot be composed of empire fighters, so we will select the indigenous people of the local world to form defense forces, taking into account the independence of each world. Sovereignty, these defense forces do not have to be citizens of the empire, but are similar to foreign forces, but we will treat them as members of the empire. I decided that you, the first fighters trained by the empire, will form this unit. , Of course, this is just my suggestion, you can refuse, and you don't have to worry about any consequences. "

"Of course we do!" Rake said excitedly, "We are very honored to be responsible for this task!"

当然 Of course he is willing! Seeing the power of the Spirit Empire, they had long wanted to have a chance to deal with each other, not to mention that the whole world is now under the threat of "abyss power", and themselves and their members are about to become this world. What a glorious warrior can best fight against the power of the abyss!

"You can really flicker," Sandora continued with the movement of twisting around my waist, said with a spiritual connection, "Military allowance support to say nothing, just by the heat of others' mind The frontline daredevil team ... but this way of using the local residents to form an abyss against the troops is quite good. Why didn't I think of it before? Although their strength is not as good as the regular empire army, it is also a small combat force. This will save a lot of soldiers ... "

"I'm glad you can agree with me," I replied with the same spiritual connection, "but why do you screw me?"

"Oh, it feels good, then you flicker yours, and I will screw it up again ..."

Uh ...

Ignoring Sandora who was suddenly naughty, the first superpower combat team in the other world was established in an atmosphere that was not serious at all, and Rake and his Fireblade Mercenary Regiment also became the first batch. The empire frontline troops composed of ordinary indigenous intelligent creatures have gradually grown into a nearly legendary team in the following years, enjoying an extremely high reputation among the homeland defense forces of all the world.

Of course, that's what happened later.

I waited for the Fire Blade Mercenary Regiment, who had just become a staff member of the Central Ability Bureau, to calm down, and I took a leisurely swim to Lin Xue behind me.

"From today, she is your instructor, and you must fully obey her order before completing the power training!"

Although a little surprised that a girl turned out to be their instructor, everyone in Rake promised.

"Wait!" Lin Xue finally responded, protesting hastily, "When will I ..."

I covered her mouth without waiting for her to finish, and whispered in her ear, "I dismantled my four psionic reactors in three days-if you don't promise, you won't want to touch the base again in the future. Anything! "

Lin Xue has been idle at the base for a long time. Besides doing nothing every day, she dismantles the high-tech equipment in the base. She uses her ability to predict such things as "Good weather tomorrow", "Tonight winds three to four I ’m so fretting about her weather forecast. It wo n’t be long before she finds something to do with her. This girl will become a complete rice bug.

定 With Lin Xue on my side, I will face three other temporary allies who are highly interested in the empire's enhanced human technology.

The three Muros were witnesses to this "miracle".

They saw with their own eyes that a few of the second-class mercenaries who could not even run back had gained enough power against the middle and even high-ranking powers in just one day. Even if their strange new abilities were properly used, It is not a dream to fortunately kill superpowers. In the face of such horrifying things, no one can remain untouched.

As figures standing at the pinnacle of mortal power, Murrow and Vinoyah (Mu as an elf can be counted as an exception?) Know how difficult it is to obtain power, seeing a few mercenaries without paying the slightest price Becoming strong is somewhat uncomfortable in their hearts, but compared to this, they are more concerned about the impact of this technology on the entire human race!

Make the most ordinary humans have enough fighting power against the power of demons!

They do n’t expect the two emperors of the Spirit Empire to turn humans on the entire continent into such strong men, but as long as one-fifth, no, one-tenth of humanity has gained such power, the so-called magic Creatures will become lambs to be slaughtered! Humans will easily purify the demon power of the entire world!

"Of course it can."

Facing three pairs of eagerly awaited eyes, I simply admitted.

I was stared at by such a big man like Muro with such enthusiastic eyes, it was just a kind of torture!

Adding Mu to such a beautiful elf like a man, this kind of torture is even more terrible ...

As for the warm eyes that Vinoya cast in ... Well, if the shallow can put down the bouquet that is constantly dying and resurrected, I can still enjoy it ...

Hearing my words, the three Muruos immediately showed their undisguised joy, but what I said immediately calmed them down.

只是 "Just, we need you to pay a little price."

Everyone knows that there is no free lunch in the world, but maybe it has been too long in that position, and Muro almost forgot the most basic conditions required for people to do things-also, to work for such legendary characters, That is something that most people ca n’t ask for, who dares to ask for conditions? Even Modis III did not talk to Murrow about the conditions!

Alas, it was not ordinary people before him.

The ultimate empire that rules the entire universe and expeditions to countless worlds. It is said that a village in this empire is as large as the entire continent! Regardless of whether this statement is boastful or not, Murrow can be sure that the other party is definitely qualified to slaughter himself.

"Please state your conditions," Murrow nodded. "As long as it does not endanger the world, we can all agree."

我们 "We want this-" I took out a gray iron bar ~ www.readwn.com ~ and dangled in front of Murrow, said, "How much is more."

"Austrian Iron?" Murrow saw at a glance what the metal was in my hand.

This is the kind of metal that Sikaro brought back. The Austrian iron has the magical properties that are not eroded by the power of the abyss.

"This metal has the property that it will never be eroded by the power of demons. After being made into a weapon armor, our soldiers can be supported by the demon atmosphere for a longer time. Thanks to the existence of this metal, we can and Enchanted creatures fight to this day, this metal does have a lot of reserves on our roads, but ... "

Murrow was hesitant. Austrian iron is the only reliance on humans to fight against demonized creatures. Although the Austrian iron on the mainland is still rich, it is rashly handed over to the other party--

Pandora, who has been behind me as a loli, suddenly took a step forward and calmly stated, "Wage, and we will have all the Austrian iron in the world."

After saying this, Pandora suddenly rushed into my arms and said, "Brother, will you fight?"

Hey, you are good! Don't think that secretly learning with Sandora how to be coquettish can get your wise brother!

I lifted up Little Loli, who was planning to conquer the world, and pressed to the chair beside her, and said to Murrow, "Leave her alone, let's continue."

Alas ... there is no need to continue, just look at the faces of the three of them.

Although I have repeatedly reiterated that I have no meaning of coercion and threat, Murrow said to me in private: "I believe you are a peace-loving emperor, but there are obviously more warlike figures around you ... We haven't lost money in this transaction, have we? "

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