Xiling Empire

Chapter 89: Unstable believer

Rayton City, Holy Light Cathedral.

In a simple but majestic conference room full of the power of the Holy Light, the powers of the two countries are discussing the preparations for war.

I was comfortably seated in a large, padded seat. The warm light power around me did not stimulate my perception of the Light God, but it fully stimulated my drowsiness, if not the same drowsy but From time to time, Sandola, who was still struggling, secretly twisted one of my legs. At this time, I'm afraid I was asleep-in other words, why did she twist my leg when she was sleepy?

I was on the other side, Qian Qian, sister, Lin Xue, Xiao Piao slept asleep ...

In addition, the only energetic people on the scene are the dutiful Pandora, the scary Alaya who has high resistance to the light force, and the three men with excessive energy.

I have to say that this meeting is really weird.

Nevertheless, the people in front of me did not dare to slack off because almost half of the other person slept openly at the venue.

This time we met with Pope Mellon of the Bright Protestantism, Emperor Agna of the Otto Empire, and several dragon armors, and each of them was sitting in a serious position, with a serious face, in sharp contrast to our side. Especially Mellon, not only with a serious look, but also with anxiety and shame on his face, and from time to time he glanced at Araiye behind me with awe and fear, if I did n’t know what happened, I would probably He is a bad old man.

I knew the scene at the time from Alaya, and suddenly learned that the Spirit Apostles from a different world turned out to be the reinforcements borrowed from friends by the God of Light, which scared the courage of this pious old man. If it weren't for the physical strength of the Holy Order, Mellon would be the first pope to die of a heart attack, but although his heart has survived, his spirit has been severely impacted, thanks to Alayah stopped Mellon's suicide and atonement in time, otherwise we would not see this stubborn but kind old man in today's meeting.

也就是说 "That is to say, based on the intelligence you have gathered, the legion of demonized creatures has split into two lanes and will reach your border in four days?"

I was drowsy after listening to the latest information told by Emperor Otto Agner. In fact, we already have this information. Bubbles sent six microsatellites into space twenty-four hours ago. At present, all monsters The movements have been clearly controlled by us, and we can be 100% sure that there is no leader-level abyss energy response in these two monster army.

The most powerful abyss reaction suddenly disappeared from the bubble's surveillance more than ten hours ago.

In other words, in fact, the monsters attacking this time are actually divided into three ways. The most threatening way has been to escape our investigation by any means. Although the Spirit satellite ’s reconnaissance satellites are quite advanced, The empire has been fighting enemies for countless years, and the abyss power is obviously not a fuel-saving lamp.

"To be honest, how much can you deal with?"

Sandora stared straight into Agner's eyes and said solemnly, while releasing a hint of tentative stress.

"Half," Agnal said with a thought, confidently, without any embarrassment because his warrior could not fight all the enemies or because of Sandor's pressure, "we acknowledge that this time The scale of enchanted creatures is unprecedented, and it would be difficult for us to resist without the assistance of your country. "

Agna confessed his embarrassment happily. If he was facing envoys of other countries, he would say that nothing would be so short-cut, but the few "persons" in front of him were not ordinary characters. Agna was very It is clear that in front of them, there is no need to cover up at all.

"Very well, your strength has exceeded our expectations," Sandora said without compliment, "then the enemy's east army will be dealt with by you, we several to deal with the enemy's west army and that A hidden main force! "

"What? You say ..." Agner exclaimed.

"The main force ..." Sandola kept a decent smile, as if she mentioned a very trivial matter, "The abyss is always more difficult to deal with than you think, and they will always bring you unexpected things. Trouble, one of the most powerful abyss has been hidden, along with the troops he personally led-that's the real troublesome enemy. "

The faces of Agner and Mellon suddenly became quite ugly. The already severe form is now even worse, and even worse than countless times worse. The "strongest abyss" mentioned by Sandora knows that What is it, at the source of that devil, having the most powerful demon power, the culprit that corrupts the world, even the most determined paladin will be a disappointed person within minutes, every time in history The records of the successful elimination of the source of the devil are accompanied by a list of trembling victims, and more are the records of the nation's power to resist the still being destroyed by the enemy.

"Excuse me," Agner carefully considered the words. Although he was also the monarch of a country, he was the leader of a mortal man, but he was facing the emperor of a powerful species equal to the gods. Every word was careful, "I don't doubt the accuracy of your information and the strength of the Spirit Warrior, but the strength of the enemy is beyond our expectations ..."

"Do you want to say if we can deal with them?"

Sandora spoke bluntly about what Agner was not good at.

"Although it is rude to do this," at this time I was always regarded as a middle-aged man in a Chinese suit with a background color dragon suit. "But I still think that it is better for us to understand each other's strength. After all, we are about to fight together Powerful enemy. "

"Prince William!" Pope Mellon, who has not spoken, suddenly turned his attention to the middle-aged man, with an unabashed sternness in his tone. "The Apostle of the Spirit is a great existence on par with the gods. Do you believe? Was it shaken? "

Facing Mellon's accusations, Prime Minister William never flinched: "My faith in the God of Light has never wavered, but after all, the Apostles of the Spirit are also mortals. I acknowledge their power and appreciate their selfless assistance, but we must clearly Know one thing: they are not God-despite their close connection to God. So I think the necessary demonstration of strength is necessary. "

"Upstairs." I nodded vaguely.

Agner and Mellon naturally did not understand what "upstairs" meant, so they automatically regarded this sentence as some kind of dialect of another world, but I nodded, but they understood it, considering what Prime Minister William said There was nothing wrong, Agner nodded and said, "William Ai Qing also makes sense."

"Honorary Lord, I'm sorry ..." Melon said to Alaya with an embarrassed and uneasy look.

"We are not as severe as you think," Araye said gently, while not forgetting to educate the other party again "you should also learn to be more forgiving and friendly-even if the other party is a pagan."

"Yes, I have your teachings in my heart," Mei Long said with an instructive look, "we will never blindly and arrogantly reject the outside world."

Watching an old man with a white beard showing this expression to a girl who is not more than 18 years old is really speechless ...

In the end, we agreed with Agna that at noon the day after tomorrow, we would show our strength and fighting methods on a plain outside the city, and it would be convenient to cooperate in future battles-although Sandora and I always thought that in fact We have no need to cooperate with people from other countries at all. This is not to say that they look down on their strength, but because the fighting methods between the two are too large. I do n’t need to use the enemy ’s hands to cooperate, we will kill each other first.

After dinner, everyone is concentrated in my room ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although there is such a commandment in the doctrine of the bright theology, after all, it is a royal palace. The room that Agner arranged for us is quite luxurious. The huge and luxurious bedrooms everywhere reminded me of the term "luxury museum".

I was sitting on the wide bed at the moment, and Alaya lay beside me, resting a huge wing on my knee, comfortably letting me comb her feathers, meekly like a kitten.

If this scene was seen by Melon, he would be fainted with excitement, right?

我 Since I combed her out because of curiosity the day before yesterday, my angelic sister has completely loved this massage service ...

Of course, Qian Qian once again jealousy, but maybe she has been tempered by Sandora's ability to accept, she even acquiesced in Araiye's behavior, which made me secretly hilarious ...

Lin Xue curiously studied the various spirit devices changed by Little Bubble, while muttering, "I don't believe that William was not instructed by Agna-otherwise how dare he say in front of Alye Bold words! "

Sandora nodded and said, "Melon's attitude is not fake, but the Prime Minister of Agner and William is a bit intriguing. Although it is full of respect on the surface, it seems that we have serious doubts about it-down It is not impossible to understand. In their position, it is impossible to be as simple as Mellon. There are many things to consider, and faith cannot be pure. A true emperor can never be a devout believer. God has no respect for them. How binding. "

"Then let them shut up with strength, and I also just look at how powerful the Holy Light power is-uh, Alaya, I seem to pull out another ..."

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