Xiling Empire

Chapter 90: gift

Why should I promise to accompany Qian Qian to go shopping ...

Why do you have to pull in your sister when you go out shopping ...

Finally, why did I have to brainstorm to invite this girl to come over when I met Lin Xue when I went out! !! !!

估计 It is estimated that no one can answer the above three questions, because even after being analyzed for half an hour, Araye, who is a world arbitration agency, only reached the conclusion that "the monarch is so stupid".

唯一 Now the only good thing is that each of us, including the shallow ones, has been bound to a huge carry-on space. At least I don't have to fight against the pounds like most unlucky men who accompany girls on the street.

"I'd rather go find a few abyss now," Sandora said beside me with a bitter expression, and glanced at the three happily human girls in front, "I don't know if they Where is such a strong energy, carbon-based organisms are really an incredible species ... "

"Yes," I nodded with a wry smile, "It seems that human girls and spirit girls are still fundamentally different. At least you have no interest in shopping-please!"

"Hum, you finally see my strength!"

Sandra immediately hummed happily, listening to my words as a compliment, and immediately asked nervously, "You don't treat me as an abnormal girl because I don't like shopping, right?"

"Uh, this ..."

立刻 I immediately felt a little speechless. How to say, a Heroine who can play the whole world in the palm of her hands and plunder the soul as if searching for things, can't be classified as a normal girl whether she likes shopping or not?

Also, why did Sandora suddenly worry about this problem? It seems that she has always been unconscious in this area ...

Seeing my weird complexion, Sandora was hit hard immediately, and she bowed her head pitifully, "I'm not a girl in your eyes ..."

Khan ... Why is this girl ... Couldn't it be with them for a long time, and they have been humanized to such a degree? Or does this girl already have feelings beyond me for friendship, so she only cares about the image issues before me?

Anyway, I ca n’t say nothing about watching a beautician being attacked by myself, so I had to comfort myself: "How do you say, you should be a comparative, well, a more personality girl, I think you also have The cute side ... "

The last sentence is not a nonsense. Sandora in the non-queen form is indeed a very cute girl-if she should get rid of the trouble she intentionally or accidentally caused me.

真的 "Really?" Sandora immediately raised her head when she heard the words, her big eyes were shining, with a naughty arc, she could not see the unhappy look at all. Am I being fooled again?

"Well, in this case, you will give me a gift, and it will be regarded as your atonement-anyway, the money given by that Agna is not spent for nothing, and it will be void when it comes to the earth." Sandora Speaking to a great extent, there was an uneasy ray of uneasiness flashing through his eyes.

There is a problem, there is definitely a problem. According to my experience of soaking in the starting point for many years, an ordinary shrewd girl suddenly asks a boy for a gift in such a clumsy way. The first possibility is this. The girl likes that boy, the second possibility, refer to the first ...

When it comes to good feelings, although I feel a little sorry, but I do have a certain good feeling for Sandora. At first, it was because of the innate spiritual fusion between us, and then this feeling gradually became apparent in getting along. Get up, it's just that I've been avoiding-after all, I'm already shallow.

Looking at Sandora's expectant look, I still could not bear to refuse, so I compromised and said, "Okay, well, I didn't give you a gift, just by the way, just choose a gift for them all ..." ... "

Hearing my words, Sandola flashed a loss in her eyes, but immediately she realized what it was like. The loss disappeared and she hugged my arm happily, shouting to the shallow women in front "Hey, good news! Chen Jun is going to buy gifts for everyone!"

Immediately, 80% of the curious eyes on the street focused on me. When I saw the blond girl around me and the three shallow men who were walking towards me, half of those eyes immediately turned into murderous ...

I can think of it with her toes, which is a kind of mischievous revenge for Sandora.

I noticed these annoying glances, my sister could not help but be a little dissatisfied, she came to me, snorted low, and then whispered something.

Twenty-three seconds later, the crowd suddenly rioted, and then dispersed at an alarming rate. All of us suddenly became empty, and only a few pedestrians and businessmen on the roadside looked around blankly.

"I hope the public toilets in this city of Leiden are enough ..."

The blackened sister said in a vicious tone, which made me sweat coldly-in a sense, the end of the sister is definitely more terrible than the dragon. The latter is a decisive decision. The former is executed by Ling Chi. what.

The benefits of the collective diarrhea in Half Street are obvious, which makes the process of choosing gifts for girls much smoother. Although we have extorted a lot of gold coins from Agna before, they are superficial about those expensive luxury Obviously, there is no interest in products, and it is rare to travel to the outside world. They are looking for local products full of foreign style.

I chose a pair of pale green crystal bracelets, which are said to be made from some low-end wind-based Warcraft magic crystals, which can slightly increase the speed of the wearer, but for the shallow that can control the time at will It has no effect at all, shallow is just fancy for its beautiful appearance and shiny texture. My sister picked a beautiful amethyst ring, which claims to enhance the wearer's curse spells by 10%. Good thing, but her sister's ability is not a spell originally, and this ring has no effect on her. The reason for her to choose this ring is naturally the same as the shallow one. Sandora picked her eyes in a bunch of beautiful jewelry. I chose a pair of small sky blue earrings, which matched her temperament when she was not a queen, and she also liked the earrings very much-although it was the hope that brought war and fear to all corners of the universe Spirit Empress, but Sandora still has a normal girl.

Finally, it was Lin Xue's turn.

From the beginning, she did not participate in the selection of ~ www.readwn.com ~ and I also seemed to forget her look. After everyone got the gift, it was only when she discovered that Lin Xue's hands were still empty.

However, Lin Xue didn't have a look of grievance, but looked at me with a smile.

"Don't hide it, do you think you can hide your glory like this lady?"

Tong Linxue said, then reached out and said politely: "Bring it!"

Alas ... I wanted to tease this guy, but I should have thought about how brain-dead it is to hide something in front of a prophet.

I chuckled and smirked and took out the thing I had hidden in my hand in the morning—a light green pendant with a six-pointed star with a halo of energy flowing on it. I was sick, but thinking of Ding Dong who was staying at home with Little Bubble, I guess Lin Xue also looks at this thing ...

Just now, I saw Lin Xue's attention always focused on this pendant.

When Lin Xue saw the pendant, a satisfied smile appeared on his face, and he nodded and said, "I didn't expect that you still have some advantages, but you really noticed ..."


I asked curiously, I didn't understand the second half of her sentence.

"Nothing," Lin Xue grabbed the pendant and said, "Give some gifts to the four girls at home, and then go around-诶, speaking, it seems like you are all girls ?!

"It seems like ..." Qian Qian seemed to react suddenly, "I suddenly felt like I failed ..."

I ca n’t do it, shallow, two little ones that are more than one meter tall, and one small thing with a big slap. The remaining one is an angel. Do you count them?

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