Xiling Empire

Chapter 909: captive

Chapter 109 Captives

(I'm going! 29th !!! Monthly ticket !!!)

It seems that our family does have a very surprising ability. No matter what we do, there will always be a situation in the end.

In most cases, there are problems with shallow treasures or live treasures such as Liliana. Sometimes the head of my family and the young lady who is very dignified and very savvy will follow the line ...

I think whether or not these tribe clans have understood what Jade said, anyway, they must be very impressed by today ’s live broadcast-but who cares, it is not a day or two thing for the first family to be unreliable. Long time with the Empire, they will know sooner or later ...

"Do we have a world suitable for them now?"

After finishing the announcement to the civilians, I found Sivis, who was on standby. This always meticulous female officer seemed to have a spirit that would never decline. Even after the war, she stayed on the line with a full spirit. On the podium, much better than Pandora's little guy who immediately entered a low-power standby state after fighting.

"Yes, my Majesty, there are very many worlds in the empire's territory. Among them, there are countless carbon-based main-sequence planets suitable for the survival of the ruin tribe," Sivis nodded. "The population of the ruin tribe is less than five. Billion people, one planet is enough to accommodate them. "

"But they may not be suitable for direct contact with other civilizations on a large scale now, right?" I groped, thinking. "I lack the conventional knowledge system that normal civilization should have, and I don't know how to survive in the real world. The state of being, and letting them rush into contact with various conventional civilizations, is probably not a good thing for both. "

These considerations were based on the thinking of an earth person. Sivis, who was an emperor, had obviously not thought of this before, so she suddenly showed a stunned look. In her opinion, perhaps a civilization wants to survive is very simple-to provide enough food and space, and then give orders when they are needed, typical empire thinking, efficient, but basically not applicable to any one Conventional civilization, even now that the new empire has changed a lot, but the habits and ideas in some bones are not so easy to change. It is easy for them to provide more good treatment to the vassal civilization, but it is difficult for them to think of this initiative. too much.

"It's true that their status quo is not suitable for direct contact with normal civilization, and too strong a cultural shock may destroy their social structure." Sivis just didn't expect that much, which does not mean that she would not understand when someone was reminded. , She immediately understood my consideration, "then the planets that have been colonized by higher civilizations need to be excluded, and the entire territory of the Pan-Galactic Civilization Community can be excluded. The ideal choice is a complete ecosystem and rich resources, but Planets without intelligent life, such planets have some in the Imperial Colony Reserve, and some planets that do not meet the conditions can be provided for their survival with a little adjustment ... "

"Master Brother."

While I was discussing with Sivis, a gentle call suddenly came from behind me. Without looking back, just from the other person's tone and this unique title, I knew who it was: Poison Island Bitch.

Speaking of this "elder brother" title is really a bit speechless, to be honest, until now I have been serious about this serious, almost a bit out of date fashion is quite unaccustomed to it, although it is also a title to the family, But how many children have you bowed to when asking for money from their mother, "Mother, please give your child three or five pennies to buy a KFC chicken leg"? The poisonous island **** just twisted like this!

In fact, the name of the poisonous island in the beginning was completely out of fun. She had a sudden desire to follow An Wei Na to learn the way of a maid, but she ended up without a problem, and I was dragged to the school by force. For any child in school age, Going to school is definitely a horrible thing. I always firmly believe that it is because of this that the poisonous island steadfastly refers to me with that rigid "elder brother", because when she called it, I always She was very depressed, which made her very happy.

But now, this title seems to have become her habit.

"Sister? Aren't you going back to rest?"

I turned to glance at the girl standing behind me. She stood slenderly three meters away, with a mild smile on her face, and looked like a lady when she was not holding a knife.

"Brother, are you thinking about arranging these tribe ruins?"

The sister-in-law looked at Sivis, and suddenly said in a tone of hope.

"Huh? Do you have any suggestions?"

I have been acquainted with my brother and sister for a while, and I still know a little bit about this cheap sister. Although she is generally at home as an nanny like An Wei Na, but occasionally she is somewhat different from An Wei Na, that is the sister-in-law. She will make a little request of her own. From this point, she is more human than Anwina. The ghostless maid who has no desire or desire never knows to express her request. So far she has told me I asked for two things. The first was for me to allow her to set up a nest in the cabinet in the living room. The second was that she wanted us to go outside and find her some crows. She wanted to learn to lay eggs. Two of them were strictly rejected by me.

Is it a bit off-topic?

"Sister Brother, I have some ideas, but if Brother Brother has made a decision, it doesn't matter ..." Xunzi hesitated, and said it happily, "Actually, it's okay for the people of the ruin tribe to arrange on Mars, right? ? There is already a considerable ecological area there. "


I suddenly remembered the red planet covered by crimson iron oxide soil and raged by the storm all year round, but soon I realized that the sister-in-law might be another Mars-the apocalypse of the world That one.

"Shelter?" I raised an eyebrow and asked with a little surprise.

"The sanctuary" refers to Mars in the apocalyptic world recorded by the academy. Speaking of that universe, it can be said to be the most special of the territories where the emperor is stationed. Its native land has no vassal race, and we now "have territories must The rule of the "Vassage" rule is quite different. The local human survivors are still not qualified as a vassal, and they are not very clever at the stage of civilization in other parts of the universe. The most advanced one has yet to fly out of their solar system. The empire set up many large bases and colonies in that universe and regarded it as one of the inland territories. However, due to insufficient energy, we have not yet developed the universe on a large scale. It can be said that the entire world is a virgin land waiting for construction. At present, the systematic activities in that world are only observations that do not cause any disturbance to the source civilization and some conventional scientific research.

Probably the equivalent of the "suburbs" of the empire, with a bright future, but we have no time to build yet.

Sandora plans to start a comprehensive construction project of the apocalyptic world in the next three hundred years as one of the important "factories" during the rise of the empire. The plan that may not be completed is a bit too far away for me. Usually, such things are all handled by Sandora. Now it is also when Xunzi suddenly mentions the "shelter", and I just think of these related things.

"Speaking of which, that world is also your hometown."

I looked with a little emotion, "You haven't looked at the friends there for a long time?"

"It's true that some friends are still there, but the hometown is no longer enough," Xunzi shook her head. "A surreal sanctuary with steel everywhere is better than a sense of belonging in the eldest brother's house-in the Mars sanctuary. Just staying on this ship is just a fresh picture for me. "

"That's true." I nodded.

The planet where the poisonous island sister-in-law grew up has died out with the abyss gate and the flash of p-03, and only the hundreds of thousands of survivors in the world have been transferred to the Mars refuge. Such a refuge is of course for her. Not a hometown, so the current sister-in-law completely considers Shadow City and "Brother's House" as her own home, but because she still has some friends staying in Mars Refuge, she still occasionally goes back to take a look. Recently, Time doesn't go back much-the Imperial Academy is about to final exam ...

The meaning of Xunzi is to let the ruined tribe of this world settle in Mars Refuge. She made this suggestion very surprising. I don't quite understand her motive for doing this-this is to the ruined tribe and the people on Mars Refuge. Does that make any sense?

"Although my elder brother is very considerate of others, sometimes he is careless." Xunzi looked into my eyes and whispered, "Although the shelter is safe, there is only one city in the world. But it's lonely. "

When I heard it, I was a little faint-it really seemed like that.

Xunzi continued: "After the collapse of the earth, everyone was gathered in a shelter, hundreds of thousands of people, the only city. The fact that many people are frustrated, although there is no need to worry about security, and everyone is also Efforts to build a new home, but the entire planet is gone, human civilization fell back to that situation all of a sudden, the entire world was compressed into a protective cover, outside the city is an uninhabited uninhabited area, no matter how far on the planet No other traces of humans can be found ... In this life, many people began to recall the once prosperous earth civilization. When I went back two months ago, I saw the police officer Zhonggang, and she admitted that the overall atmosphere in the shelter was getting worse. It ’s getting worse. So I think, if at this time there can be another large group of people who have the same experience with them ... even if they have never known each other, can they also build courage with each other? "

"So, it seems that I was negligent," I meditated with my chin. The situation that Xunzi said was easy to think of, but no one thought of it before. Although the shelter can protect human life, it cannot It ’s true that to protect people ’s hearts after the end of the world, it ’s already very lucky to be able to live in a sanctuary, at least a lot luckier than those who have died, but you will be a person who had a normal life a few months ago from Six billion people took it out of the earth and threw it into a glass shell with only a few hundred thousand people, and it was observed that these hundreds of thousands of people would have to live in this shell for more than a dozen generations before the planet would appear again Barely calling it "civilized" or "national", this has to be said to be a living sorrow.

Of course, if we do n’t care about this, there will not be too many consequences. The first-generation refuge residents may be sad, but the second-generation refuge residents will have only regrets. By the third generation, they will They will get used to the life in the shelter. Sooner or later, the new generation in the shelter will completely forget that their race once spread all over the planet. They will learn to develop with peace and contentment in the shell until they step out of the shelter according to the plan. This is the so-called pain-relieving effect of "post-apocalyptic civilization."

But now I obviously wo n’t let it go, no matter what, this is a hand-to-hand thing, and the human survivors in the sanctuary can be regarded as the people under their own control-even if they are not qualified as an empire vassal. , But should also have the right to a better life. In Sandor's words, in any position, there must always be a responsibility that must be shouldered.

"Everyone, I believe, including the tribes on the ruins, need to rely on each other to be more brave," Xunzi folded her hands and stared into my eyes. "They have a lot in common, don't they? If they had to find each other, If I rely on it, I think that the ruin tribe and the survivors in the Martian refuge are the only appropriate ones. Everyone in the Martian refuge can no longer continue to face the lonely reality of the entire planet and only one city, and these ruin tribe can also find one. Leaders who will not have a big social impact on them, and the survivors in the shelter will be happy to teach the ruined tribe how to survive on a real planet ... "

I nodded as I listened. Xunzi was right. When other cities appeared on the planet, the Mars Sanctuary would be more than a sanctuary. Maybe it would be fully prosperous in a very short period of time. In the lifetime of a generation, Within it, it will become a bustling and lively real world. Humans in the sanctuary will not have to continue to lonely remember the past on the earth in the only city in the world, and the ruined tribe can learn how to learn in the ordinary as fast as possible. To survive on the planet: As Xunzi said, the humans in the Mars Sanctuary are the most suitable guides. They understand what people need after losing their homes and how to help a group of newcomers to adapt to the new world as soon as possible. You know, for a group of ordinary people who are used to living on Earth, they should be familiar with the ultra-modern Mars sanctuary. The difficulty is not less than let the ruin tribe know what the "outside world" is. Since they are all good Adapted, that naturally has some experience of adapting to the new environment.

"How big is the habitable area near the Mars Sanctuary? Wait, you can give me a more complete report."

I turned my head and asked Sivis, and the other side called up a file and took a quick glance, and replied: "The shelter used several super plants that Lirina helped to cultivate to build the planet's ecosystem. Atmospheric manufacturing system. Now the entire world of Mars in the target world has preliminarily provided the conditions for ordinary humans to live directly in the atmosphere. At present, the main vegetation there covers the northern hemisphere, and a quarter of the entire planet meets the standards of a good ecological planet. The southern hemisphere is set It is designated as a temporarily undeveloped area. At present, there are completely originated rivers and tundra, but the vegetation coverage has only reached the level of the desert planet. The shelter is still the only city on the planet. Currently, only a few satellite towns have been built around it. Due to population restrictions, the refuge expansion is very slow. Comprehensive evaluation shows that Mars in the target world has reached the standard of a medium ecological planet, and the ruined tribe can be placed in the northern hemisphere. "

"Wow, that desolate place can be colonized so soon, much faster than I thought."

I sincerely sigh.

After all, that planet was originally only used to house hundreds of thousands of refugees. We did n’t use Empire Technology to build the entire planet ’s ecosystem. Later, the atmosphere manufacturing system and Lilian ’s super plants were all we did to take refuge. ” "Additional investment", I really did not expect that in such a short time, the desolate Mars has become a medium-quality colonial star. What kind of wonderful seeds did Lina throw there?

"That's it. Settle the ruined tribe in the Mars sanctuary," I made a decision. "Establish some empire outposts near the sanctuary, etc., to raise the planet's administrative rank and treat it as a general satellite colony. In addition, inform the person in charge of the shelter to prepare them to receive their new neighbors. In addition, they will transfer a number of engineering ships from the shadow city to prepare temporary towns for the ruined tribe. We will leave in a few hours to settle these The refugees will return later. "

Sivis promised to execute the order, and the sister-in-law seemed very happy: "Thank you, elder brother, for tolerating my wayward demands ..."

"Okay, well, when did you say you can stop being so sloppy?" I looked at the sister-in-law helplessly. "Protect the people, this is my job originally. And speaking of it, the Mars refuge is indeed I'm a little negligent, I don't care enough about them. "

"Please don't think so! The elder brother takes care of every day. What must be considered is the affairs of the entire empire. How can he consider a single tribe under such a heavy burden? In fact, the elder brother can do his best Hundreds of thousands of humans have been very worried about it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Looking at Xunzi's serious face and listening to her unwavering words, I suddenly felt that this girl might be saying something ironic.

Do you look at me like a guy who can manage everything?

"Go and go back to bed!" I waved to Xunzi, trying to be dignified, and the other side smiled, bowed to me with impeccable manners, and ran towards the conveyor lightly.

However, just as I stretched out and prepared to go back to the lounge to make up for a sleep, a dark shadow suddenly jumped out of the air next to him, followed by the yelling of Bingtis: "Ah, ha, Chen, hurry up and follow me! We have a big surprise!"

I stunned, and threw the hooligan goddess who was about to come up with a signature bear hug and fell to the ground, "What a surprise?"

"Captive!" Bettis lay on the ground, dancing and dancing, "Unprecedented! Your sister has done a great job, and one of the unlucky ones failed to run away or blew himself up. We were caught alive-caught a fallen apostle Oh, the fallen apostles jumping around! "

! @ #

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