Xiling Empire

Chapter 910: Speechless interrogation

Chapter 910 Speechless Interrogation

"A fallen apostle! We caught a fallen apostle-well, you caught a fallen apostle, admitting that you didn't seem to help, but let us not discuss this detail at this time!"

Bingtis, a guy who never knew what kind of courtesy, shame, and lady's image was on the ground, and the old **** lay on the ground for a while before climbing up, and slapping her body, of course, because of the special personality of the god, she was absolutely nothing on her body. Any dust.

"The fallen apostles jumping around!"

Finally, Bingtis sighed again.

I have to admit that this female hooligan's talent in wordmaking is simply terrible. How did she use the four words "jumping around" without changing her face?

At first, I bombarded the rogue goddess with a rush of movements and messy words. After a while, I couldn't respond to what she meant. Then I paid attention to her, and suddenly shocked: "Wait! You! What are you saying? Caught a fallen apostle? Caught alive? Why is anyone reporting now? "

"Because I just found a captive tadpole," Bettis waved his hand and pulled me towards the conveyor. "Come over with the tadpole first, and let's say as we go-that guy is really a bad guy. The officer claims to be the most difficult captive in the entire multiverse, because as long as the situation is irreparable, they will immediately call the empire to live up to the glory and explode. This should be the case today, but he is too unlucky ... Your sister cast The cursed beacon sticking to his cockpit was unbiased outside, he just gave the unlucky chance to blew himself up. But you should ask the expert about the specific situation, Sandora said to the body. A lot of proper nouns, listeners are in the mist. "

In a few breaths, we have been teleported to the prisoner of war camp at the lower end of the Admiral's longitudinal arm. Sandora, her older sister, sister Pandora and Liliana are already waiting here. It is normal for Sandola to appear here. The older sister may be here because the other person's capture was related to her cursed beacon (this is what Bingtis just said), and the sisters Pandora walked around the warship and appeared on the Everything is normal, and I'm just curious what this guy Lilian is doing: at this time she should go to the refugee boat to preach.

As a result, I was speechless when I asked. It turned out that we heard that we had caught a captive who was angry and killed, and she was preparing for the torture of the Qing Dynasty.

Of course, I know that this girl belongs to the train running in her mouth, but the guy who can use the Manchu Top Ten Torture as a mantra is already very dangerous in various senses. Lina is indeed the strongest natural black ever. The other natural blacks are pink in appearance. You will see that the black is black after you cut it. The wonderful things like Liliana are already black on the pleats, and every corner is bright black. I don't doubt that if the black belly can be dissolved in water, then just throwing Li Lina to Daming Lake, I will be able to draw more than 2 million ink paintings with the lake ...

The prisoner of war camp is a special place for the Admiral of the Empire. It is used to detain enemies captured in battle. It has a very high level of security and strict defense, but it is also the least commonly used functional area. This is because on the battlefield where an emperor appears, it is rare to see enemies worthy of capturing prisoners of war. If the enemy is in a crushed state, it is a waste to catch a few prisoners of war. If the enemy is the minions of the abyss, then Several prisoners of war were useless, so it was left empty, just like the prison in the Shadow City where the cats and dogs were kept all year round. All the guarded soldiers needed oil ...

Of course today is an exception. Today we have unprecedentedly captured a real fallen apostle commander-there is no concept of a half-time mascot with a silver hair.

The fallen apostle, although this is a very uncommon term, it is not far away from the empire. Huesca was once a fallen apostle, and Sylvia was even a fallen emperor. Even Sandora can be regarded as fallen. The distant relatives of the apostles, but the three of them are obviously not to be treated as enemies. Even Bellavila and Huesca, who fought against us, completely turned into their own people after coming to us. The fallen apostle captured by the emperor as an enemy in the war is the first time today. Therefore, this captured fellow has also received unprecedented high-standard treatment, not only enjoying the most rigorous available in the Empire Admiral. Dimensional cage, and an elite army of thousands of prison guards closely guarded, I firmly believe that no one can escape under such a stern defense.

Under the leadership of the prisoner of war camp officer, several of us came to the dimensional prison cage where the fallen apostles were held. Like many dimensional prison cages, it was also a gray and empty space. No borders and distinctions could be seen. The prisoners were Dozens of restraint chains flashing blue shimmer are fixed in midair, and there is also a light blue energy barrier around them. The restraint chains continuously extract energy from prisoners and suppress any out of range actions of the opponent. The energy barrier is It is an alarm device—when the prisoner touches this barrier, the entire dimension of the cage will be launched directly into the void, and those restraint chains will exist, and the prisoner in the cage will be in an abnormally weak state, so that he cannot jump in the void. , And the other parts of the cage will in turn protect the prisoners from being killed by the void, and then we can send a search ship to the void to pick up the fugitives-this setting is to prevent the prisoners from actively contacting the void and thus Suicide.

Bound by layers is a man with a tall, thin body, who looks close to the earth and is 30 or 40 years old, with short gray hair. He is wearing a black commander uniform, except that the blood-red complex badge is distinctive. This dress is almost exactly the same as Emperor's universal uniform. The man's face is thin, but the edges are sharp, and the lines are resolute. Even if he loses consciousness, he maintains the general majesty of the sword. From the appearance, this is a typical example. The emperor, as long as he does not open his eyes, looks like a good person.

But the fallen apostle is certainly not a good person. Even through a layer of energy barrier, I can feel an uncomfortable and chaotic sensation from the other side. It is completely unrestrained madness and destruction, as if in front of me. In the human body, there is a manic beast that intends to shatter everything at any time. This is the most significant between the fallen apostle completely opposite ours and the two half-selling fallen apostles at home (Sandora can only count half). Difference: The abyss response of the former is completely in a highly active state. This energy wants to infect everything at any time and place, spreading outwards, doing everything possible to make everything smashable, and Veska and Sylvia ( Or the abyss reaction on Bella Vera) is benign. Although it still exists, it has become a gentle energy that can be easily controlled by the host. The abyss reaction on Sandora is even more powerful, and she was simply given the food. Swallowed—I always thought that Sandora's way of enclosing the abyss was actually eating it.

After entering the energy shield, the abyss reaction on the other side is more obvious in the mental perception. I can't help frowning. Although this energy will not affect myself, the feeling of disgust is lingering—you There is no fear of pooping, but you can't ignore pooping, right?

"Wake him up."

Sandora didn't care about the abyss reaction near her, she just pointed her jaw at the unconscious prisoner and told the warden.

Because the detention is the most dangerous kind of enemy in the multiverse, the output of the restraint chain is very high, and it also applies the principle of a part of the energy grave brutally, causing the detained apostle to be trapped. Ninety-tenth of the energy output is transferred away, so it is always in the lowest power standby state.

While the power of the restraint chain gradually decreased, the other party had a few minutes to wake up, and I couldn't help turning my head and asking, "I said, how did you catch him?"

I have wanted to ask this question for a long time. Bingtis also said that the Apostles of the Spirit are the most difficult soldiers to capture in the multiverse. In this respect, they are even better than the protoss. A normal empire soldier only needs a few tenths in a desperate situation. The speed of milliseconds can start self-detonation. Although the fallen apostles are already mad, they are still essentially the same soldiers who are not afraid of death. This makes me curious about the unfortunate capture of this unfortunate person. I heard it is the older sister's credit?

"It can only be said that no one can stop the doom," Sandora said with a subtle glance at his sister, and said with a smile in his eyes. "He was hit by the cursed beacon, and it may have triggered a chain reaction-that Zhang Zhang had entangled him for almost half an hour. According to the battlefield videos collected later, he first spontaneously ignited the spacecraft engine, then the weapon system collapsed. When our spaceship surrounded him, the guy tried to eject the escape capsule, and the escape capsule was stuck. Then, another person climbed out of the escape cabin and tried to hit the nearest spacecraft. However, he stumbled unexpectedly, and smashed into the open spaceship Gnaku, a mothership passing by, and was surrounded by soldiers on the mothership. When he was there, he experienced gun jams, misplacement of the carry-on space, bombs thrown out that could not be detonated, stumbles and sudden trampled by mammoths, and finally this brave enemy chose to explode in our spaceship-if you think Yes, his self-destruct system also broke down. In the end, this guy didn't have any resistance when we caught him. Eventually the Imperial soldiers found that on the back of this guy. Painted white circle, who also did not understand how this piece of paper is transferred from the porthole-man fighter to the driver's body, anyway, this guy is a thoroughly bad. "

Although this is an enemy, somehow I suddenly felt that it was actually very poor ...

At this time, as the restraint device's power decreased, the prisoner's energy level slowly recovered to the point where he could move again. The fallen apostle with closed eyes fluttered slightly, then opened his eyes suddenly.

In those fractions of a second, he seemed to instinctively want to attack us, but then he realized the extreme weakness in his body and the dangerous reactions around him, so he turned his attention and looked at him with extraordinary vigilance. A group of people, those murderous and hostile eyes glanced at us, suddenly stopped in Sandora, and in Huesca, they were completely still.

Obviously, there was some kind of induction between the apostles who also had an abyss reaction. He should have noticed that there were two enemies in front of him that were similar to him. The existence of Sandora and Veska surprised him. But he just said nothing, facing the reality of being captured, the fallen apostle remained silent.

"what do you want to say?"

I watched the other person ’s expression change at this moment, I was very impressed with the calmness of this guy, and then I released the king's temperament as much as possible and tried to make Yana head worship—according to the attitude of the other party, I think I may not let anything go come out.

"Keep silent, huh?" Sandor ramen was sinking in water, her voice cold, and she looked at the enemies who remained calm in the face of the leader-level apostle. The hostility and threat in her voice were obvious.

The fallen apostles, the former tribe, now turn to the camp that does not share the empire with the empire, give up the mission of the entire race and become the enemy's hawk, and killed so many loyal soldiers on the battlefield, these casual Whichever one is enough is enough to make Sandora angry. Although the origin of the fallen apostles is regrettable or even deplored, this regret cannot be countered by **** hatred.

In the face of Sandora's cold words, the prisoner only grinned, and this movement seemed to anger Sandora, and saw a flash of black light and shadow before her, Her Majesty's half body has been enveloped by black smoke, and the horrible claws are wrapped around The power that destroyed everything instantly penetrated the prisoner's body-of course, not a fatal injury, but such a sudden injury was enough for the fallen apostle officer who feared no death to twitch: Sandorah's claw was a band For those who have an abyss, this thing may not be fatal to the fallen apostle commander who also belongs to the abyss camp, but the great pain it brings is not immune. Whether you are abyss camp or not, the body is polluted by this breath. Pain is inevitable. The sudden attack by Sandora also made me stunned. I originally thought that Sandora's calm personality would slowly deal with this enemy and use her ubiquitous spiritual disturbance and wisdom to get away from each other. Something came out of her mouth, but she never expected that she would get rough as soon as she came up!

But soon I realized what Sandola was thinking: she didn't expect this pain to make a former emperor yield. She just used this method to vent her anger. We lost a lot of excellent and loyal in today's battle. The soldiers, the Empire Fleet, suffered huge damage, and either of them made Sandora extremely angry, and this unlucky captive became Sandor's punching bag.

Who says the queen is cold? Who says the queen doesn't need feelings? Who says the queen can't have time to vent? She just didn't find a chance to vent. Sandora was never a benevolent. She started out as a tyrant!

"噗, 噗, 噗", the muffled sound of the sharp claws cutting the body continuously sounded. In a blink of an eye, Sandora had left dozens of huge scars on the enemy, and even several places reached the point of penetration. , The other party had no resistance, and immediately dropped his head weakly. Those huge wounds were steamed with thick black smoke, repairing his scars at a speed visible to the naked eye. This made Sandora more confident and bold. I vented, but I still reached out to stop Sandora. Sometimes it was not good to vent too much. It had nothing to do with the captives. The fallen apostle commander had not yet been treated favorably by us, at least until he cooperated. It is impossible for anyone to give him a good look here.

"Well, this is not your style."

I patted Sandorla's back in comfort, and whispered in her ear.

"I know, it just made him pay a little more for the killing of his fellow men in today's battle."

Sandora retracted the huge abyss claws, then looked at the fallen Apostle Commander, who was more embarrassed than before, with unabashed coercion in her voice: "Now, the fallen, what do you mean Do not say?!"

The unlucky and degenerate apostle whose military uniform was almost turning into a hurdle vest was hung in the air by a restraint chain, raised his head and looked at us fiercely, and bit out a few words from his teeth: "You ... you **** What did you ask just now ?! "


Everyone: "..."

"Sandora ... what did we ask him just now?" I reached out and touched Sandola, who had fallen into petrification, and asked awkwardly, stupidly.

It wasn't Sandora who answered me but Liliana: "Fuck, boss, I don't seem to ask!"

Bingtis finally couldn't help it at this time, holding his belly and rolling back and forth in the air, and a silver hair nearly two meters in length followed the same propeller: "Well, I go! You two are so darling! I ’m alone today Even if you laugh, you die without regret! "

Bingtis, this guy laughed really badly. In the end, I almost tied her aside with a rope for cleanliness. After she finally calmed down, I looked at the fallen apostle who brought me a lot of embarrassment. I glanced and touched my nose and said, "Oh, I just want to know ~ www.readwn.com ~ How do you know what we are doing and what you are doing to grab that wreckage. Of course, you can choose to remain silent anyway, Sando Ra will try to get you to speak. "

These two issues are of vital importance. The former is about whether the fallen apostles have intelligence on Emperor's military operations. If it is the worst situation, then we are in absolute absolute passiveness in this war, and the latter is about the other side. For military purposes, I do n’t believe that they snatched the ancient wreckage to drag it back to sell steel plates, but whether the other party would answer these two questions would be unclear. Although I was a bit unsettled for a moment, I have enough I believe that it is because the people in our circle have lowered the average value of the on-site martial arts-and who stipulates that no martial arts must be their own?

The prisoner took a few breaths and watched me grit my teeth and stamp a lame gesture of generosity: "Any kill, any scrape, I will never reveal any secrets!"

Lilina took out a mace on the spot and stared at each other with a gaze: "Then what did you just say? What did we ask from now to now?"

Rong Junrong had no fear at all, biting his back molars and said:

"I can't stand the syntax error!"

! @ #

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