Xiling Empire

Chapter 911: Inference

Chapter 911 Only Corollary in the Phrase

(Bankruptcy and bankruptcy !!! The decoration of the house went bankrupt! Well, start noodles tomorrow ...)

Actually, I think we may have caught the strangeness of a fallen apostle ...

"Actually, I think that people who can live close to your family within 100 meters will sooner or later become strange."

Bingtis touched his chin, and after listening to my sigh, this female hooligan did not hesitate to spit out, staying with us for such a long time, wanting to go like a wind and feel free to go to the world. Hooligans have also learned to talk!

And I actually found that I didn't seem to refute the position at all, because the guy immediately added: "You see, it's not normal for myself and Kenther's old stubbornness to look a little lately."

Are there any normal people in the Protoss sliver quintessence from the beginning? !!

"What about this product?"

I endured the urge to sting the rogue goddess-in fact I could not beat her-and turned to whisper to Sandora.

The weird prisoner who is a little different from the normal fallen apostle anyway still looks at us blankly, but no one now believes his expressionless and serious side, but now the most important thing is to find a way There is some useful information in the guy's mouth, but according to the attitude of the other party after the oil and salt do not enter, I am afraid it is very difficult to do this.

Torture? That's nonsense. Even the fallen apostles are essentially a branch of the Apostles of the Spirit. This is a bug-like race. The torture that is used to this group of people is also tickling. I don't believe that any pain can be strong enough to make an empire The extent of the soldier's opening, even if Sandora sifted the prisoner into a sieve just now, the opponent did not show a soft look. This tenacious spirit is admirable under normal circumstances, but when it appears to the enemy, it only It can make people feel itchy.

Another method is to violently crack the data directly from the other party's memory core. The Apostles of the Spirit are a special form of life. They are essentially constructing life. All parts of the body can be regarded as modules. This provides them with unparalleled survivability while also giving them some machine-like features. One of their characteristics is that their memory core and thinking core can be taken out and operated separately, and even they have developed a technology to recode the soul and package it in the memory core, so that most of the spirit apostles can There are many ways to resurrect in situ, but it may not be easy to use this method to read the secrets from the fallen apostle prisoners 'brains, because all the apostles' memory cores are equipped with firewalls and self-destruct devices-well, in fact, all followers All things related to spiritual civilization can be self-destructing. They would rather smash them than give them to the enemy. This is their ethnic characteristics. I believe that the fallen apostles are equally good in this respect. We ca n’t take out the prisoner ’s memory core without knowing it, and complete the scan safely at the same time, because in theory, the memory core can only be read in the activated state, and the memory in the activated state Will the core allow unauthorized data access?

This is an unsolvable problem. Even if it has a 50% success rate, we are not willing to take this risk, let alone its success rate may not even be 5%.

"To be honest, boss, I haven't tried so hard to pry things from the pagans' mouths. I am afraid that the top ten torture in the Qing Dynasty did not work."

Liliana looked weakly at the commander's uniform that had been smashed into the Olympic main stadium. "I'm afraid there is no way in this world for this prisoner to speak."

"Indeed, this situation has never been seen before," Sandora shrugged. "I have interrogated countless prisoners of war throughout the history of the old empire, but excluding the Spirit Apostle, how to torture it from the mouth of the empire. Thing, this is a proposition that no one has ever tried, and who would have thought that there would be such a day. "

"To be honest, why is it necessary for you to keep this secret?" The older sister looked at the prisoner of war who had been ignoring us from beginning to end, and shook his head. "You have failed in this battle, and the wreckage has fallen into our hands, even if You do n’t say, and sooner or later we can work out what the wreckage did. The difference between saying and not saying is that it takes us a little bit of time. ”

"Then you continue to study."

The other person looked at his elder sister and said without emotion.

"Remember what happened before you became like this," Sandora sighed. "I'm really curious, obviously keeping the original consciousness and memory. Why did you become like this, the glory of the race? Is it all gone? "

"To make a great cause, this is only a necessary sacrifice, including you." The other party did not hide anything on this topic, or he was more than happy to discuss this with us. "The empire will eventually change the entire void, and we will control everything. , Including the void and the abyss, but unfortunately very few people have this qualification and you have to be eliminated. "

"Big cause and great cause, everyone knows that you are tossing your great cause. Uncle recruits who messed up with you and made you toss," Lin Xueya sharpened his mouth, and he was not polite. "You talk about it yourself, do you know what your uncle looks like? "

"I think you may have grammatical or semantic errors," the prisoner of war thought for a while, and said very seriously, "but it doesn't matter. You don't need to know what the cause of the cause is, and I don't need to know, I'm just a soldier, obeying orders. , Complete the mission, complete the great cause, let the empire stand at the apex of the entire void, as long as this goal can be achieved, all sacrifices are not worth mentioning. "

"Well, you can't change the subject. Occam also discussed the great cause with me, but Ya has already hung up." I grinned. The "great cause" mentioned in the other person's mouth was no stranger to us, whether it was At that time, Occam on the three-way river, or Sylvia, who had restored to the Empire camp, had mentioned this grand plan, but the details of this plan seemed to be not even high-ranking officers among the fallen apostles. It is clear that it should be the final ss of the fallen apostles, and other fallen apostles, even the fallen apostles of the emperor class, can only engage in one part of this grand plan. What is surprising is that these fallen apostles can fight so desperately without fully understanding what the "great cause" is. I really don't know what the behind-the-scenes black hand used in this process.

"You won't understand how important the business we are doing is, so there is no need to talk about it." Obviously he is a prisoner, and the other person's attitude seems brighter than us. If you do n’t think of the context, you think you are a national hero. I know that at least it is impossible to detect something from the other side today, so I turned to Sandora and said, "Close him first, wait for the refugees to be dealt with, move to Shadow City, and think of a way later. Deal with it slowly. "

"Ah, that's over?" Li Lina's expression of regret suddenly turned out. She thought that she could see at least one hot torture extortion today, but we found that even if Sandora had opened a dozen prisoners of war, The hole didn't frown, and everyone had given up on this plan, so Lina was very disappointed, "Forget it, but can someone beat him up? The abyss of his body makes the Pope's divine power so unpleasant. It's up! "

Prisoner of War-Well, since he didn't say his name, we temporarily named it prisoner a. Prisoner a suddenly exclaimed: "Hey! How has the current Spirit apostle turned into this creature?"

"Lilina, don't bother," my elder sister also patted Hei Loli, who was eager to try, and then turned to look at Prisoner a. "But you are really a dangerous guy. I'll draw a circle on you for tracking. "

Prisoner a suddenly became clever and remembered that after being captured, the imperial soldier peeled a circle of paper from somewhere on his body, and the crisis hit her heart, watching Lelina solemnly: "You just Isn't it okay to say? "

Li Lina thought for a while: "Shit you? Of course it counts, but my sister will still draw you a circle after I'm done. This is a double choice question."

Prisoner a immediately took it seriously, he thought for a half minute, and nodded solemnly: "Then you are affected, kill me."

Everyone: "..."

"I trust, I found something," Bingtis came over and bite my ear. "As long as you don't discuss military secrets with him, this is actually a very cute guy ..."

I thought this would not be the glorious tradition of the Apostles of the Spirit. How could this prisoner a feel more and more familiar?

Of course, in the end, Lelina did not successfully practice Wang Baquan, because I found that the captured unlucky egg had not yet attracted people to hate that kind of situation. At least at this time, it was not appropriate for Lelina to abuse prisoners casually, but her sister The adult still successfully left a piece of paper on the other person. In the spirit of the Olympics, her old man also drew five rings. I still clearly remember the appearance of the unfortunate fallen apostle officer as if he was close to the enemy, but this cursed beacon is not the moment. Triggered dangerous goods. It only works when the prisoner tries to escape or destroy the beacon. The power is good. The older sister can't say it is good, but it can be painted and destroyed by a bunch of glass beads with the cursed queen of the galaxy. The Olympic flag is nothing but anything. I am afraid it is possible to drown an intermediate apostle with urine ...

While returning to the officer's lounge to wait for the voyage, I was still thinking about the words I heard during the contact with the fallen apostle. Although the other party kept silent on all the key information, I inferred something from some words. Still possible.

"Girl, do you remember, the guy said that they would control everything,‘ including the void and the abyss ’, and that they would lead the empire to really stand on the apex or something, I think this sentence is very interesting.”

When I said this, I looked at Lin Xue. In the absence of information, only she could give a more accurate conclusion. Although Lin Xue is not the smartest of us, or the most strategic, but There is no doubt that she is the most powerful of us on any issue.

"Control the void and the abyss," Lin Xue's ability has been used frequently these days, and she is predicting something that will change the overall situation, so she has a tired look on her face, but she still tries to find out the answer to my question, "That The fallen apostles provided me with information points, and now some vague things have surfaced ... It seems that the plans of the fallen apostles are more grand than the destruction of the world, and I vaguely feel that their ultimate goal is still what they did before the destruction of the empire. Matter, um, it might be bigger. "

"Before the empire is destroyed?" Sandora was still leaning on my shoulder and smirked, then opened her eyes, "Do you mean to rule the void and truly become the third protoss?"

"In terms of strength alone, the old empire is already the third protoss. The fallen apostles do not need to call such a thing of regaining the power of the old empire a 'great cause', nor do they need to be so godlike. They are probably trying ... Extending the territory into the abyss? And then controlling the void and the abyss at the same time? Anyway, it is to make the empire truly unrivaled, even far beyond the gods. "

Lin Xue said that she used an unbelievable tone in the end. Obviously, she also thought this conclusion was too incredible. However, she nodded slowly. "I see that they are trying to explore the nature of the abyss, and they are trying to create ... Well, I can't see them, I can't see what they are doing, it seems like a secret door or a passageway, anyway, they want to reach somewhere ... when did this plan start ... Ah! "

I reached out and brushed Lin Xue's eyes gently: "Okay, enough, I feel weird."

The young lady snored to the naked eye, and then quickly reached out and hugged my arm and opened her mouth to bite: "Oh, at this time I finally remembered that this young lady was not your coolie?"

I find that many girls have the habit of biting people to vent their dissatisfaction or indicate their existence. At least there is no lack of such weird guys around, but Lin Xue bites people and doesn't even hurt by the mercury lamp. I am too lazy to pull out my hands. Come, anyway, the young lady was holding her arms like this ... well, the touch is still good.

At the same time, Sandora was still thinking about the fallen apostles. She couldn't be as heartless and heartless as us. When Lin Xue said her hunch, her brows frowned.捅 My arm: "Ajun, aren't they controlled by the abyss, but they are looking for a way to completely control the abyss?"

"Is there any difference?" Bingtis shrugged indifferently before I answered. "Although I cannot intervene in your judgment as a god, I still have to say something as a friend: Regardless of the fallen apostles Whether they are controlled or controlled by the abyss, they are constantly destroying the world, and they have caused a huge crisis in the void structure. They want to destroy you, and even to destroy the divine realm. In this case, regardless of their What other positions are absolute enemies. "

Sandora certainly understood this, but when Bettis said so, she still couldn't help sighing.

"Your Majesty, the fleet has set sail, and will stop at the target world Mars in fifteen minutes."

A report from Sivis in the regular communication link interrupted our conversation. At this time I noticed that the spacecraft had entered the nautical navigation mode. Several projection devices in the lounge that originally displayed the actual scene of the external space were now in one piece. Dark: They can't work in the void.

"Don't think too much. I'll go to Sylvia when I go back. I hope she can call Bella Villa."

I rubbed Sandorah's hair and whispered.

Sandora thought about it, "I hope you can communicate with Sylvia normally."

Everyone: "..."

The fifteen-minute nether voyage ended in an instant, and the spacecraft soon entered the universe commonly known as the "Academic Apocalyptic World". The number of this universe seems to be esn7511. I do n’t know what the space and time administration coded these worlds. They are really hard to remember anyway.

The glorious and magnificent Admiral of the Empire and a dozen eternal-class motherships and other frigates serving as escorts first emerged from the dark sky, hovering in Mars synchronous orbit, and then the twenty Two refugee transport ships, all of which are in good condition, and only one was slightly injured in the previous battle, but because the injuries were minor, we did not have to spend time to transfer the refugees it carried to other ships and directly Bring it here.

"All the fleet's equipment was named in sequence," the ship's main engine reported in a tone that was not fluctuating, and the fleet began to move closer to the Mars shelter. Place. "

"Tell them about the refugees?"

I asked casually.

"The Shelter Command has been informed of the operation and has conducted a rapid referendum. 97% of the residents of the shelter welcomed the immigration, and the remaining 3% of the residents were slightly worried."

"Well, this is normal. After all, human beings and the Spirit apostles are not the same. It is difficult to unite the opinions of the entire race."

Sandora muttered: "In fact, I have been unable to understand this phenomenon, and differences of opinion are normal, but all non-authorized members should obey the requirements of the ethnic group unconditionally. The logic mode of ordinary creatures is really amazing. It's hard to understand. "

"I'm even more surprised than this ... the sight in front of me!"

I smiled helplessly at Sandora's words, and then looked up, exclaimed suddenly, "Sister-in-law, how has Mars changed so much? Last year, it was a barren place!"

The holographic picture in front of me is exactly what Mars is zooming in ~ www.readwn.com ~ But if I did n’t know it before, I ca n’t believe that the planet half covered by green is the one in memory The desolate and dead red planet now has a thick atmosphere. The specially adjusted atmosphere presents an extremely clean bright blue. The North Pole of Mars is covered by a huge ice sheet. This is the artificial ecosystem for the lower part of the planet. The water reserves prepared for further ocean transformation. Most of its northern hemisphere is covered by lush green vegetation. Mountains, rivers, plains, hills, and various terrains are dotted with this color of life. Obviously they These are the super plants that Lirina helped to cultivate. These tenacious and highly controllable breeding plants have taken root on the barren surface of Mars in the past, and now they have become regular vegetation on this planet.

Mars' northern hemisphere now looks almost second Earth! No, I am probably stronger than the earth. The plant coverage of the earth may not be as good as the northern hemisphere of Mars now ...

Of course, these are just the plant cover of the northern hemisphere. Mars' southern hemisphere is still the original, covered by red soil, and is barren. There are only a few river systems that have just begun to operate to dotted the earth.

This planet is absolutely enough for colonization.

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