Xiling Empire

Chapter 912: Settlement Project

Chapter 912 Settlement Project

(At the beginning of the month, I asked for a ticket. I have not forgotten this month. In addition, who can help to subscribe the first chapter of p ...)

"This is really amazing. It was a big red clay ball a year ago."

Lie on the porthole, looking at the Mars land that is getting closer and closer, said with surprise.

Because the size of the fleet is too large, all landing on Mars may hurt the ecological environment that was hard to establish here. Therefore, we have anchored giant battleships in Mars synchronous orbit. Only the 22 transport ships and us that landed directly The shuttle machine you are riding on, as well as some lightweight frigates, have already reached the "inland" of the empire anyway. The entire world is inside the surveillance network and military defense line of the macro world, and you are not afraid of anything dangerous here. The voyage is just for convention.

Twenty-two transport ships did not land at the same location, but proceeded to 22 locations in the northern hemisphere directly according to the previous plan. After all, we have to relocate a total of 450 million refugees instead of 8,000 demolished households. The largest settlement project in history can not be tossed in accordance with the process of reconstruction of the old city. How to get 450 million people together to divert to the entire new colonial star is a very complicated mathematical problem-of course, I will leave it to the experts.

In addition to the twenty-two transport ships, there are still some refugees-well, it seems that it is impossible to say refugees now, but they should be called immigrants, and some immigrants landed with the Empire fleet. They were part of the original residents of the big city and There are probably hundreds of thousands of residents selected from other places. One-tenth of these people are high-ranking monks. I plan to place them near the Mars refuge, and this part of them will build a near the refuge. The city, which will also be the first city to formally establish diplomatic relations between the ruined tribe and the Martian tribe, is very beneficial for the smooth integration of the two races in this world.

Shuttles and other spacecraft have burst into the atmosphere of Mars. The refuge and ancillary facilities are not far from the front. It can be clearly seen with the naked eye. I slept in the lounge for a little while before, and now I feel full of energy. Zheng was lying on the porthole observing the base outside, and the sister-in-law was smiling beside him. The two girls were excited. One was because they saw new and interesting fun things, and the other was because they were about to meet old friends. While pointing and pointing at the large forest below and the facilities hidden in the forest, they discussed the role of them sternly-to be honest, it is normal to be shallow and so happy, but Xunzi is a calm and calm royal sister on weekdays. It's really surprising that the girl has such a lively side.

And when Xunzi and shallow researched these facilities, I also took the time to browse the information about the ecological construction of the new Mars. I do n’t know. I just saw that I really ignored this humble colony before. : Although what happened on this planet is not earth-shattering, it is also surprising enough, and from a certain perspective, the construction of a new Mars is of great significance!

This planet is one of the empire colonial stars in terms of registration sequence, but the empire's construction of it is very limited, even limited to a set of planetary colonization spheres and a small part of environmental expansion machinery, which is equivalent to only providing a city and A closed ecological dome near the city, and then Lirina provided the planet with some super plant seeds in her own name, which was regarded as a last aid to the Empire, and then we did not provide any direct help to the new Mars, here The remaining ecological construction was actually completed by several other worlds and forces.

That was what happened after the Carnival. As one of the carnival's transportation hub and diversion venues, the Mars Sanctuary has communicated with countless civilizations in the macro world, including the powerful vassal race of the Empire, such as the New Eden Federation. The latter were more or less threatened by the abyss forces, so when they saw the survivors of the Mars Sanctuary whose homes were destroyed by the Abyss Gate, they were naturally touched, and some ethnic leaders decided to help the sanctuary. After all, they are all civilizations threatened by the power of the abyss. The former is fortunate to resist and is more powerful, but the latter is unable to resist and even the mother star is wiped out. The same encounter has different results. The latter is normal.

However, there is only one refuge, and there are many civilizations capable of helping them rebuild the planet. No one dares to take the lead in contracting this kind of thing. Those racial leaders have combined them and finally decided to provide strength to help the refuge residents build new ones. Mars.

Several civilizations participating in the assistance have submitted relevant applications to the Space and Time Administration. Since this is only a modification of a planet, it is a small and irreplaceable colonial star custom project in the daily affairs of the empire, so these applications have not even gone through. The royal family's approval was passed directly, so until now I took the initiative to check the information to know that such a memorable thing happened here: several civilizations under the imperial rule spontaneously united and helped each other to help their brother civilization.

Well, in my opinion, this is of great significance and should even be celebrated. After all, in a complex multiverse, it is not easy to be so harmonious between several civilizations. However, it seems that this is not something in the values ​​of the Spirit Apostle. A big thing to be bragging about, anyway, Sandora didn't think it was special at all. She evaluated it like this: "Isn't all civilizations supposed to be monolithic under the rule of the empire?"

I admit that this is true. Under the rule of the Empire, there is really no conflict of interest between civilizations-because their greatest interests are all under the control of the Empire, and the distribution method depends on the overall consideration of the Empire and not in their own struggle, but even so, you can see Helping and helping each other in the world under the rule of the empire is still very happy.

"Well, a small white hexagonal tower is exposed in the forest. In fact, the light cross section is as large as two football fields," Xunzi pointed outside the porthole and said happily. "It is the entire Martian atmospheric circulation factory. One, there are more than a dozen of these things elsewhere on Mars. This was aided by Speaker Roland Gayle of the Pan-Galactic Civilization Community after the original Carnival. In less than a year, they have given the oxygen content of Mars' atmosphere It has reached the point where you can breathe directly, and you are still restructuring the atmosphere. When the teacher Shizuka sent an e-mail a while ago, she said that people can now move outside the shelter without carrying breathing equipment. "

"The big tiankeng in front is an entrance, which was helped by the earth shaman from the world of Azeroth. I do n’t know very much, but I heard that the shaman wants to use this to build a set that can interact with the planet inside Mars. The core of the direct communication "net", they intend to use this net to reshape the magnetic environment of Mars, seems to have been almost successful, I heard that even under this big cave directly probe into the magma lake, the shamans summon elements in the magma cave! Think It makes people think incredible. "

"Wait," I suddenly interrupted the excitement of the girl. "Sister, you say that Azeroth's shaman is adding elemental energy to Mars?"

This is incredible news. If the shamans of Azeroth could do even that, wouldn't they be reshaping a planet with magic?

Xunzi thought about it, and gave a sorry smile: "Brother, I don't understand this."

At this time, Sandora suddenly remembered something, and said suddenly: "Oh, it should be the advanced class of Emperor Academy-Some Ravens have taught in the college, recruiting many potential apprentices from all over the world to learn from them In addition to the mystical knowledge that Azeroth sent to study, the mage was a shaman. I remember that the Raven has the ability to use mysterious power to change the frequency of the planet ’s energy, transform the star, and even make a purely scientific planet appear magical or Highly active energy such as spiritual power, this raven is known as the Star Carver-the expert of planet carving. In the old empire, there is an equally popular method to transform a planet in addition to sending a spirit master. It is to send a Raven to the past, and compared with the host of the Spirit, although the Raven's transformation intensity may be lower, they can make a planet essentially become a 'customized product' that meets our requirements in the shortest time. In this regard, even the hosts of Hilling are inferior to them. However, the number of ravens in the new empire is too small, and it is not enough to add all of them to the military force. Naturally Few Ravens have time to study astrology, which is a very complex and energy-intensive subject. So they started to give this knowledge to ordinary races from the macro world. Anyway, it is not a secret. Let ordinary races use their demographic advantages. It is also a principle of not wasting to help the Empire customize the new colony star. "

I was dumbfounded.

"Don't be so surprised," Sandora chuckled in my arms with a smile, "I can only say that the strength of the new empire's mystery department is too weak, but don't think that the old empire's weight in mystery is the same as it is now. Raven is a special unit that can directly control various energy bodies. Their bodies look like entities. In fact, that entity is just a group of energy with a special information description method. By changing the information description method and itself, The "wavelength" of the Raven can have infinitely powerful plastic magic. The physical state and energy state of a planet are inseparable. Since they can control the energy of the entire planet without an upper limit, they can also indirectly change the physical parameters of the planet, such as Geomagnetism, rotation, atmospheric distribution, and ocean currents, and the same work can be given to ordinary races, as long as they let them master how to apply the complex energy system of the entire planet, of course, this requires a huge amount of labor-the world is full of people . "

Sandora patiently explained to me how the Ravens transformed a planet. I was surprised by this novel knowledge. I didn't expect that the usual noisy and noisy mass production wouldn't happen. Rats still have such a strong potential, not to mention that they have cultivated a large number of apprentices in the macro world-in the past year, it is undoubtedly the Azeroth shaman trained by the Ravens to help the refuge to transform the Martian environment. Apprentice, the latter may be using this planet as an internship base ...

At this time I thought of that sentence: whether it is magic or science, after all, it is all the means needed to explore or transform the world. Magic is not mysterious. They can also be explained scientifically. In turn, what science can achieve, It can also be done with magic. It is like transforming the planet. Of course, the atmosphere control system can reshape the atmosphere, but I think that using more than 10,000 shamans to release the light wind totem should also be able to do it. Anyone has the ability to stir the entire atmosphere-with one global lightning storm, they can even create a brand new ozone layer in forty-eight hours.

The fleet landed on a plain dozens of kilometers away from the refuge. This is a large plain that is wide enough. Its flat terrain to the incredible topography and the straight line of the border zone and the clear dividing line of the vegetation area show that the whole of the great plain They are artificial. On New Mars, similar plains are everywhere. They are the product of Mars soil layer remodeling projects. The contractors of this part of the project may be a little humble among the various vassal races, but the potential is also great: Academy Metropolis, um, science side.

Xueyuan City provides a kind of civilian nanotechnology different from the air loop and uses it to transform the soil of Mars. These nano-robots were originally a test product. They were also developed by Yuyuan City for the transformation of alien planets. -Of course, before the Empire, this project was almost sci-fi. Although scientists have developed extremely efficient nanomachines, there is no way to safely launch them to Mars, nor to mass-produce them to the minimum number that is stable enough to multiply. Later, with the help of scientists from the New Eden Federation, Xueyuan Metropolis truly mastered the two technologies mentioned above, and turned the "nanomachinery for planet transformation" into a super finished product that can complete the task within one year. It can be said that This technology itself is also the product of mutual help between the empire's vassal civilizations-facts have proven that the Ministry of Military Affairs is indeed a very useful thing, and the vassal civilization in the old empire era has not been so developed.

Here's a digression, I always think that the science and technology tree of Xueyuan City is actually a bit crooked, even if the solar system has not flown out, it can toss out such things as air loops and artificial celestial circles. Does talent need to be washed?

"Sir, the mayor of the shelter is waiting for you."

I was thinking that the low-end civilization, such as Xueyuan City, which is not too outstanding in all aspects, could also make a difference in such a large project. I lamented that under the role of the military unit, the vassals of the empire developed rapidly. The reminder from Weiss suddenly brought me back. When I looked up, it turned out that the people in charge of the shelter who had been informed before were already waiting at the edge of the landing field, because the imperial soldiers were martialized near the royal shuttle, and they were not good enough to come over.

After getting permission, the Imperial Soldiers brought the dozens of people in front of us. They were led by a middle-aged man who was not tall and had a pale complexion, but was very spiritual. I know this is the person in charge of the refuge. Hundreds of thousands of survivors selected this middle-aged man after they moved to the Mars Refuge. I don't remember his condition well, but according to reports, this man has done a great job of his work. At least after the end of the world, he can take the hundreds of thousands of survivors to build the shelter to such an extent that he is already quite good.

"Your Majesty, it is our pleasure to come to this planet in person," the Mayor of the Refuge was obviously very excited about the lineup visited by almost all the members of the Imperial Family in front of him. He looked at me and Sandora with a little helplessness, But his manners are still very decent. "According to your will, we did not organize a grand welcome ceremony. Everything was simplified and there was no time to prepare for the new neighbor ’s residence. However, the facilities there are fine. The environment on Mars is now almost direct. Living conditions, there should be no problem living in a simple residence for a short time. "

"Very good," I nodded again and again, and waved to the other side not to be too serious. "So what, relax, relax, don't be so serious-I'm nervous about you. I just had a big fight I ca n’t stand another battle on diplomatic rhetoric. The new immigrants will arrange things in the empire, so you do n’t need to affect your life. In fact, we mean to give you a notice—the shelter is still very difficult. I ’m knew."

When the other party heard this, there was a somewhat helpless smile, and finally they let out their hands and acknowledged it.

Indeed, although the Mars Refuge has been on the right track, it can still be a city with only a few hundred thousand people. Now, other places on the planet are welcoming 450 million new immigrants. Such a large-scale project, the refuge is basically There is nothing to help, they can only receive a notice and watch the whole process, and because this is equal to the direct arrangement of the high-level empire, they do not need to act on their own. It ’s just that the mayor of the sanctuary in front of him still has less direct contact with the empire. When he talks to us, he is a little unnecessarily nervous. In fact, he can relax a bit. You look at Jaina, you look at Thrall, you look at Laura? Shi Duhua, look at the red, white and purple moms who came to eat and drink at home every three to five. The group of guys in front of us are polite ...

I don't know why I thought suddenly there was a thick sorrow.

This plain is just a landing site for the fleet. Of course, this place that is surrounded by wind and away from water and energy is certainly not suitable for the establishment of a temporary city for hundreds of thousands of immigrants. They are going to a huge comprehensive facility on the other side of the forest. The facility has good living conditions and basic buildings, and there is a very large food plantation. I heard that it was originally designed as a refuge satellite city. Later, I do not know why this plan was terminated early. Now it is in a semi-abandoned state. Immigrants from the ruined world are about to take over it.

It was only that there were no platforms suitable for large aircraft to land near that facility, and we did not intend to destroy the vegetation that was hard to build here, so we chose to let the carrier land a few kilometers away.

The immigrants from the ruined world were transferred in a transport ship to an intra-atmosphere transport plane that can fly over the forest, and led to the new home by the aircraft from the shelter. We also went together, although this kind of thing can theoretically be left to the people. But we still want to see for ourselves that the first immigrants arrived in their new home smoothly. From the reports of the pilots of the transport aircraft, we learned that the emotions of the immigrants were extremely high, or hyperactive. The impact of this unprecedented and unseen world on them was huge. They grew up in the ruins of steel and have never seen them live. Plants and such clean sky, they even happily guessed on the transport plane whether the forest underneath is a special deck camouflage net. It seems that it will take some time for them to adapt to the real ecological planet.

Soon our first batch of aircraft arrived at our destination. A new home for hundreds of thousands of immigrants will appear before us. This is a group of buildings sheltered in a large dense jungle. The group of buildings is circular and internal. These are some large-scale functional building complexes that are not very suitable for living ~ www.readwn.com ~ Since the entire Martian ecosystem is currently in a catalytic growth state, this abandoned facility has been covered with vines for less than a year And moss plants, it looks like ancient ruins that have been abandoned for hundreds of years, but despite this atmosphere, the building complex can still see its high-tech traces everywhere, and a lot of giant machines are still the key to the building complex. The place is slowly moving, and the lighting system and ventilation system are also functioning normally-in fact I suspect that they can no longer be turned off, because it is daylight, and the oxygen content of the surrounding air obviously does not require ventilation. Around the building complex is a large circle of ten-meter-high majestic walls. The texture of the walls seems to be an interstellar alloy, indicating that this abandoned facility was once a closed research base. At the top of this circle, I still Traces of the removal of the device were found, as if there was once a cover-like thing covering the facility, but it has now been removed.

Such a strange facility is very puzzling. I don't know who started such a huge project here, and then suddenly gave up the project because of something, but this confusion landed on us and came to the facility door. After that, the answer was clear, and the answer made me instantly out of focus: there was a huge holographic display in front of the front door of this huge circular closed facility, and a line of large characters was scrolled on it.

Imperial High School of Imperial College, the experimental base of the Ecological Hobby Interest Group-Misaka Ecological Dome, Phase I project.

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