Xiling Empire

Chapter 923: There is a mutant species in this world, called a bear child -...

Chapter 923 There is a mutant species in this world called a bear child-Misaka is no exception

Bellavira suddenly mentioned that she wanted to look at the structure of the ruined world. Of course, no problem. Soandora quickly found the last space "panoramic" scanned by the ship-borne probe before evacuating the ruined world. The panorama is not just as simple as the visible picture. It is actually an extremely complicated mathematical model that basically describes all the key macro information of the entire world. To understand and read this mathematical model requires extremely amazing data. Processing power and the "hard data read-write thinking method" unique to the Apostle race, anyway, I can't understand this "snapshot of the world", I just heard that through this mathematical model, the reader can even reproduce the entire world out of thin air ——Of course, only at the macro level, the details of the world need almost endless data to describe. It is obviously meaningless to do this for a ruined world, and we have not left such accurate records.

But just a snapshot is enough to describe the basic structure of the ruined world. Bellavira was silent for more than a minute to slowly analyze the mathematical model, and finally understood the structure of the entire world, and could not help but issue a sigh of admiration.

"That kid ... is crazy, but also a crazy genius."

Seeing that we all showed a puzzled look, Bella Villa did not sell it this time, and began to explain briefly: "Maybe this is incredible, but Veska uses a very clever method to give that piece of space the size of the galaxy to The whole is made into a shield amplifier, which is even huge in light years. Look at this. Is there a thick psionic storm area near the world barrier and the inner stable area? It is called a storm ocean, but in essence, this thing is a layer of energy system used to support the shield. The three ruined planets are located on three power amplifier nodes, and the "holy storehouse" that stores the ruins of deep submersibles is located in three In the middle of the power amplifier nodes, this forms a shield transfer system. The holy library system left by Veska connects the shield generator of the wreckage with the three ruined planets, and constantly releases the uniqueness of the deep submersible. , And this frequency will resonate with the psionic storm in the edge zone. If I guessed correctly, this layer of psionic storm is actually regular, it amplifies the received shield frequency by an equal amount. Evenly released to the outside world, and thus, support from a world of artificial barriers seventy years have not extinguished ...... "

"It seems that doing big things is traditional among all Apostles."

Shield generator of the light-year type described by Bella Villa-well, although this may not be accurate, I really don't know how to describe that super system except the shield generator ——I said that in addition to thriller or thriller, although its size may not be comparable to the celestial system fleet, after the fiasco of that year, Veska could use the remaining wrecks to build such a huge barrier, putting the last piece of the world. Debris has been protected for 700,000 years, which can only be described by evildoers.

"Still the same, Veska is crazy, but not stupid," Sandora said with a smile. "And don't forget, Veska was alone in betraying the Empire. She could bring How many things? Establishing a legion in a state of almost self-made, God knows how many roles she will take ... It seems that we really underestimated the girl before. But now she seems really relieved to be a good little girl, everything Don't worry, let you keep a rice bug. "

I shrugged: "I would prefer Huesca to be a rice bug, as well as Pandora. The two of them can cause less trouble and less trouble. And I don't want Huesca to go on again in that life. "

"It was with this world barrier that Veska managed to hide the holy treasury," Bellavira's voice once again attracted our attention. "The shield of the abyss submersible is very special. Ships can survive in the abyss environment for enough time to collect data. In addition to the toughness and stability of the world barrier, this layer of shields is also characterized by extreme inertia, which will hardly actively generate any form of information release. In case you attract too much corrosion in the abyss environment, this way, unless you know the coordinates of that ruined world exactly, you can't search for its position at all ... The vast void is infinite, and you don't know the coordinates It is impossible to find a specific piece of sand from an infinite number of gravels, and the debris after the end of the world will change its position in the void, even if Occam turned around according to the coordinates of the attack that year, I ca n’t find the coordinates of the ruined world. You can find that space because of the help of the Protoss, and their positioning of the world depends not only on the coordinates There are all kinds of 'information node', for example, they have created life, is an information node coordinates can be determined. "

"Then we enter the world of ruins, which is the destruction of this camouflage, right?"

Sandora thought about it very quickly, and at this time she had understood why the fallen apostle suddenly positioned to the location of the emperor and the abyss submersible ship.

"It should be like this," Bella Villa said with her index finger at her eyebrow, thinking while saying, "I can't see the real thing, so I can't judge how powerful the amplification system set by Visca is, but you start from The moment when the outside forcefully penetrated this layer of world barrier definitely interfered with its normal operation, even if it was just a small hole, it was enough to leak the information in the world. Although the fallen apostles could not determine the position of the ruined world, there was Occam. The data left behind during their lifetime will at least be scanned continuously in the corresponding void band, so you will be attacked by the other party ... I guess that the original enemy should wait a few days, and wait for you to return to the emperor. The fleet intercepted, and the success rate of this operation was higher, but it may be that the return of Visca caused a large amount of turmoil in the remaining starships in the ruined planet. The holy treasury opened in advance and the enemy had to take action in advance. Give you a chance. "

"Visca's return caused the holy library to open earlier?" Sandora's eyes brightened, and I stared at each other: Is this the reason why all disasters there immediately blew out after we arrived in the ruined world?

I also remember what happened in the ruined world, those anomalous disasters one after another, the star fusion reactor went out, cold air storms, strong earthquakes, the gates below the big city suddenly fell earlier, and even the entire planet was inexplicably disintegrated in the end, although Some of these disasters happened in the ruined world before we passed, but obviously they burst out to the maximum after we arrived, which cannot be explained by coincidence alone. At the beginning we should have doubts about this, but the sudden attack of the fallen apostles left everyone with no time to take care of it, and the various complicated matters to be dealt with after returning from the ruined world have diverted our attention, and the result is up to now Bella Villara mentioned this matter, and Sandora and I felt a sense of realization: It might be that the return of Huesca activated the holy library unconsciously!

That girl really played an incredible role. The fate of the ruined world starts with her and ends with her.

"This way, maybe another thing can explain," Sandora suddenly thought of another thing, "remember the Emperor's reinforcements were blocked outside the world barrier?"

A word from Sandora was epiphany, and I finally remembered this crucial situation: "Because the world barrier was formed by amplifying the shield of that abyssal submersible ship in equal amounts, the fallen apostles had a way to change from the outside. it?"

"It's very possible," Bella Villa answered, "If Occam really left the method of controlling the shield from the outside when designing the starship, then this technology must have fallen on the fallen apostles. Hand. "

Sandora shrugged. "It seems that the mystery can only be confirmed by Tavel."

"Okay, I know so much, and I'm almost full," Bellavira saw me and Sandora thinking, and clapped her hands to call our attention. She used instant teleportation to empty the plate on the table. Withdrawing, patting his stomach while standing up, "It's almost time to let the girl come out, but it is tiring to maintain this personality for a long time. Do you have any questions to ask?"

"Not yet," I shook my head. "Thank you for your blueprint. Now the rest should be given to Tavel. She should be very happy-then we should go back too. After this wake up, you and Greek Should Alvia need to rest? "

Belavila's wake-up requires Sylvia to use her own spiritual power to support it. This process is completed automatically, and the latter cannot control it, and it consumes a lot of energy for both of them. So Shan and I Dora stood up and left, and Bellavira didn't show much politeness, just waved her hand, while Sandora quickly swept the last few desserts on the table, and threw them one by one. Afterglow, Bella Villar silently watched this amazing eating speed of the queen who was eating with her, and suddenly said to me: "I was the first time I saw that the speed of food can be used as a unit of hz ... ... "

I was getting up and almost let her get down with a word. The elder sister really deserves a model of the poisonous tongue world. Eighty percent of the mass-produced mass production of raven that has a headache is from Did this guy share it?

Sandora stared and wanted to deal with Bella Vera, but unfortunately the last few seconds of the outbreak finally choked her. When the girl finally swallowed her mouth, Bella Vera had already closed The temperament of the eyes and body also changes with it.

"Ah-you're done?"

Sylvia's slow voice sounded.

Suddenly, Sandola was impressed by her soft tone. Her Majesty only sat down in her chair and continued to use the frequency of 50hz to get the rest of the cake ...

After leaving Sylvia ’s store, it is not yet noon. According to the law of material conservation, I do n’t think Sandora will be hungry anymore, so the two continue to hang out, and at the same time, they will start from Bella Villa. The blueprint of the prototype ship obtained above was uploaded to Tavel. Unsurprisingly, the crazy scientific glasses lady was having a headache about how to relieve the pressure on the wreck as soon as possible. Our blueprint made her overjoyed, and the calm scientists couldn't help it. Exclaimed inside the connection.

I think it ’s best to remind Tavill who might be dazzled by the “blood of scientists”, so while walking on the streets of the commercial street, he explained the historical secrets of the scientific research ship to Tavel, especially Blueprint questions.

"Don't be busy, please," I poured cold water on the ecstatic Tavel, "The blueprint is for you, but I am afraid it is not complete. Listen to Bella Villa, the prototype ship in Occam's hand. The blueprint is only half, which means that the design plan for you should only be half complete, and the other half is a structure drawing. "

Tavel was silent, maybe comparing the data, and then easily responded in a tone: "Yes, my majesty, only half of this blueprint has reached the full structure analysis, and the rest is the frame diagram, but this affects It ’s not that big, and the subordinates are confident to find a way to safely release the pressure on the wreckage energy pipeline network according to this half-blueprint-it is exactly the half of the wreckage experimental chamber, and if luck is good, maybe we can try another section The wreckage is also safely dismantled. Generally speaking, the control valves of this energy pipe network are symmetrically distributed, and we already have the wreckage entity in hand. It takes more time to scan it accurately and compare it with the blueprint. Method."

"It's best," Sandora said happily. "But this project is very special. Remember, you must not take any risky measures. I want all the wrecks to be kept 100% safe, even if I have to pay twice as much." Time, understand? "

Although Tavel is known as a science lunatic, she is not a science lunatic. In this matter, she is very clear about what is important, so she did not dare to neglect in the face of Sandora's special explanation, and promised to use the safest way to analyze Blueprints and dismantling of the wreckage, then we ended the communication.

"Now we finally have a major advantage over the fallen apostles." Sandora slowly walked beside me, reaching out and slowly twisting her long golden hair, "the wreckage of the deep dive ship was in the hands of the emperor, not theirs. Maybe we not only defeated them in an offensive, but also indirectly defeated a series of follow-up plans ... As long as the secrets of deep submersibles are revealed earlier than them, we can be ahead in a certain field. "

"Don't you ..." I glanced at Sandor in an incredible way. "Are you going to rebuild that thing like Occam?"

"Why not?" Sandora looked at this side with a mischievous smile on her head. "Since it fell into Emperor's hands, can you look at those wrecks and blueprints just as a technological specimen?"

"But this thing is too dangerous," I know that Sandora is right, but still full of doubts. "Deep into the abyss, this is one of the crazy plans of the old empire era. I think this kind of thing is far away. Better."

"We don't have to follow the same path as them," Sandora did not look joking. "In fact, research into the abyss is a normal exploration that the old empire has been doing for a long time, even the Protoss is here I have helped in a field, so this research is not crazy, but the abyss submersible ship created by Occam is too advanced. And you also worry about it, I just want to rebuild the starship, not necessarily immediately. To open the door to the abyss-after the lessons of the old empire, I will not make the same mistakes. This starship is more for us to understand the internal environment of the abyss door from the side ... After all, Occam He and his collaborators must have had a deep understanding of the Abyss Gate when making this spacecraft, and each of their designs is a valuable source of information for us. The fallen apostles have already begun to copy this kind of thing, Even if we don't act like them, at least we need to know their general goals? "

"That's good." I was relieved, to be honest, when Sandora said to rebuild that thing, my first reaction was that she was planning to restart the crazy scientific research projects in the old empire, so she was nervous, but now she seems to be She ’s still too allergic. Sandora is n’t the kind of person who rushes in easily. She makes some seemingly dangerous decisions, but she never really lets too much danger contact her empire. At this point, she There are proportions.

Talking while walking, the two have reached the end of the commercial street without knowing it. Although there were not many pedestrians, the streets where people come and go are even more deserted. I looked up and realized why the surrounding area suddenly quieted down. The sign reads: Noise is strictly forbidden in the teaching area, and whistle violations will confiscate transportation and penalize Misaka for one month of homework-announced by the Misaka Protection Association.

This is the university town.

The gate of the Imperial Central Military Academy stands not far from the front. Like the heavenly communication room, you can see the honorary chairman of the academy, Chen Moumou, the honorary chairman, and Li Linsan, the director of the honorary education department. Human holographic sculptures, which are installed on a floating all-weather projection launcher, stand on three feet in front of the school. This annoying thing was made by the Misaka handmade society a few months ago. It is said that they intend to make a kind of An external holographic projection mounted on a low-altitude cruise ship was used to put a commander image on the battlefield to boost morale and disintegrate the enemy ’s will, but later they found that this idealized thing could only be used as a large searchlight, and its effect was still It is not as good as playing the new version in a loop before the two army formations, so the plan was stopped, and three prototypes were also hand-made into art at the gate of the school-his sculpture was thrown in such a stupid way. The street makes me sad.

What is even more distressing is that the sculpture was dropped due to the failure of the suspension device the next day after the installation of the sculpture, which led to an academic discussion: the existing emperor brother, sister Qian Qian and Li Lina, please ask them 仨What triangle is the triangle formed by lying straight? a: acute triangle, b: right triangle, c: hatchet triangle.

It turns out that any school will have one or two students with the same living treasure. Their race is the Bear Children's Division, the Bear Children's Division, and the Bear Division. No one knows which baby this math problem originated from, but I hope it is not The cute and lovely Misaka sisters ...

But this should be self-consolation ~ www.readwn.com ~ After all, everyone knows that in the military academy, only the sisters of Misaka will call Emperor Hilling as the emperor's brother ...

"How do I feel that I suddenly got cold for a while?" When I was wondering if I could use the majesty of "Brother" to make the mischievous group of Misaka remove the holographic sculpture on the doorway, Sandora suddenly 捅I hit my arm and whispered.

And almost as her voice fell, Yu Guang in the corner of my eye suddenly saw a little black and white figure leaping out of the school gate, looking closely, the mini height of that m, silvery white and hip length Hair, the q version of the head has sharp and sly big eyes that are completely different from the original style. More importantly, it is a signature black goth loli dress and a three-headed figure ... It was originally a q Mercury lamp!

Originally, the Military Academy was the location of the adorable army of mercury lamps. Most of the three-headed mercury lamps lived here. By the way, they took on tasks such as school staff and guides, so I saw three heads running around on this street. The mercury lamp was nothing unexpected, but just now Sandora suddenly felt chills and a roll of paper in the q mercury lamp made people involuntarily care about it. I reached out to say hello and wanted to call the other party over However, I didn't expect that the three-headed doll looked up and suddenly exclaimed "Wow", turned around and pulled out a light speed skateboard and wanted to run!

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