Xiling Empire

Chapter 936: Restart

Chapter 936 Restart

To this day, I remember many childhood things, most of which are related to my elder sister. That time of interdependence has been polished by time and washed away a lot of bitterness. Now it has become a precious gem with a warm glow. Every gem is a trivial matter. It is not earth-shattering or irritable. Sometimes it is only a small episode of chai oil and salt, but it is as precious to the brother and sister as the most precious treasure.

I still remember that summer night at that time, I was just a little little broken baby, my sister loved singing, and especially loved the soothing lullaby. At that time, every time when I was about to fall asleep at night, my sister would get to In my room, tossed me up to listen to her singing, and practiced the song for fifteen minutes each time, and then she went back to bed to sleep. I jumped up and down in the room for a long time and couldn't sleep ...

Every night at that time, I was tormented by myself. I always felt that my elder sister might be enchanted. Until now, my dull brother only vaguely remembered that. At that time, because of the stress, the elder sister was actually every night. Having nightmares, she was just braving herself.

Today, many years later, my elder sister mentioned this with a smile:

"Actually at that time I really wanted to sleep with A Jun again. It ’s really scary to sleep alone in such a big house, but I was afraid to be looked down upon by my younger brother. At first, he himself said, "The boys after school are men, and they want to sleep alone."

I do n’t know if it ’s the enlightenment of the older sister, or to play around with the monsters in the middle of the night to completely recover to a state of no heart and lungs. After one night, I really feel a lot more refreshed and angry. It completely disappears, and the heavy pressure that the fallen apostles put on them seems to disappear. Of course, they are still their most vigilant enemies, and I will not naively think that the peace in front of them can last forever, but these things can no longer be allowed. My own pressure is too high, and my sister is right, responsible. Not only is it as simple as bearing all the pressure myself, the more important thing is to be responsible to the people around me, and to be responsible for their own care, For this responsibility, the first thing you have to do is not to resist everything by yourself, but the opposite is to keep yourself from carrying too many things.

I did n’t know when I fell asleep last night. I slept with my sister's legs and slept in the Temple Square on the top of Olympus for a night. My sister's lullaby may have played a role, but The more reason should be that he has a heartless and heartless spirit in his bones. Because it is very difficult for a normal person to sleep sweetly on the solid stone ground for a night.

When I woke up the next day, I also found a very bad thing: I fell asleep ...

You say this is amazing. Your body strength has reached the level that you can swim freely in outer space, but you still have to suffer from falling pillows and cramps. Perhaps this fully illustrates the balance of body strengthening technology. When you When the physical fitness of the whole body is rising simultaneously, it seems that some small problems caused by internal factors can't be avoided. This should explain why Bingtis suddenly cramped her wings when she stretched her waist last time, even if your body is sanctified, yourself There is no problem if your muscles need to remove their ligaments ...

"Sister, you can just say that Zeus dare not approach, but why didn't anyone in the family call us back? Are we abandoned by the world?"

I look up at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, and the left half of my eyes looks at the older sister who is laughing next to me. In all fairness, I feel that I have done a lot of inconspicuous things in my life. This time it is one of the more distinctive ones. Back, don't put a comfortable big bed at home, and sleep on the Olympus in the cold wind blowing at night, do you think this is what ordinary people can do?

"Perhaps everyone is used to it," my elder sister pinched my neck, "you usually have a lot of silly things to do."

It seems that I and Qian Qian finally came together to have a deep cultural origin ...

"Hoo--but it ’s really nostalgic to do a little stupid thing with Ah Jun. It reminded my sister that when you were a kid, there was no air conditioner in the house at that time, and sometimes you were unwilling to sleep in the room in the hot summer night I had to lay a mat to sleep in the courtyard, and every time I was like today, I felt uncomfortable after waking up, but it was the same the next night. "

"Well, at that time you were afraid that I might lose it," I found that my sister might really be addicted to memories, and could only follow the memories. "Take a wire bed and watch, because you are weaker and sleep I ca n’t afford the floor. Later, I did n’t lose it. Sister, you sleepwalked once. You walked to school at two or three in the morning. When I came back at four, I woke up and said that there is a total solar eclipse today, and the school is on holiday ... ”

The elder sister was silent for a few seconds, and a shudder smashed over: "Then you can't afford to live or die when you get up early to school, you have to wait and see the total solar eclipse!"

The sisters and brothers fought with each other, and tossed for half an hour as they did when they were young. Then the older sister went home alone, and she had to go back and wait for the little ancestors at home, and let the group of baby heads and Bingtis Wonderful creatures such as shallow shallows are mixed together without adults suppressing them from my sister. I am really worried about what is going on with them. As for myself, I had to go to a research base in Tavel, and the coffin control left a delay message, saying that some progress of the project needs to be reported. According to the tone of the message, it seems to be a big progress that is worthy of joy. .

When leaving Atlantis Floating Island, the world is already bright and the floating island is rising. Looking down from the edge of the empty island, you can see the entire Avalon continent as a huge ink painting. In front, and not far behind is the large hollow in the east of Avalon, a huge black crypt. The floating island passes through the bottom of the continent through that passage and returns to the upper world from the back of the world. It ’s a pity that I was still asleep while passing through this void, otherwise I would witness this magnificent and oppressive scene with my own eyes-you know, Atlantis Island passed through the "Apollo Gate" Those few minutes were one of the three great sights of Avalon.

The other two grand scenes are the green light burst once a day in the Central Temple of Life, and the giant thunder storm that occasionally whistles over the fairy forest or near the Hall of Spirits. It is said that the latter only stayed in Avalon in Kuchulin. It will appear from time to time, which is a test of luck ...

After such a long development, shadow space is now a special world larger than the solar system. In addition to the parent star in the core area and the shadow city floating above the parent star, the area within an astronomical unit is normal. The military defense line is distributed with a large number of military stations and star harbors, as well as light war factories. Further extending, it is the gravitational distortion point where the planetary warships dock and rectify. The planetary warship berthing area composed of the gravitational distortion points is still under construction. Scattered military facilities and some special bases, such as the extremely dangerous Abyss Energy Test Center, to launch the giant world gate launcher required by the Star Wars to the marginal world (this thing has huge energy fluctuations, which can cause damage to surrounding celestial bodies (Amazing structural damage, so it can only be placed in the border area away from any celestial body). The base of the Avengers is also on this floor. They are extremely powerful in combat. They are the first barrier of shadow space.

And the research center that Tavel let me go to this time independently floats beside the Avengers Fleet Base. This area is basically a new military facility. If the coffin was controlled before I started the new research center, I could seriously sign it. If I glance at the report, I will know exactly what the ghost place is.

"The space transmission is completed, and the area of ​​gravity distortion point is in front. Please pay attention to the identification signal."

When the portal was opened, such a reminder was issued, and then the dome of the transfer station slowly opened in front of my eyes, presenting in front of my eyes, a dark and vast space.

The relay station at the foot is a model often used by the Empire when setting up a relatively large space control area. It consists of an oval metal platform with a radius of hundreds of meters and a set of space door devices. It can be used by small groups of people in the control area. Quick jump, compared with the transmission devices that usually need to run in pairs, it is special in being able to perform "virtual jumps" without end points, that is, as long as you are in the mental network, you can go from the control area An application is issued at any of the locations and is "accepted" by the transit station. In turn, you can jump from the transit station to any other coordinates in the control area without any need for the target location to respond and locate the device. This only requires an independent " The projectile transmission point technology, which does not require two pairs of space gates, is common in the Empire, and it is said that the New Eden Federation and the Pan-Galactic Civilization Community have recently made reluctant use under the guidance of Imperial scientists. The imitation is one of the first large-scale systematic technology exported by the Empire to the tribal race. The space door of the transfer station is used to transport people, and the metal platform is protected by a layer of eggshell-like battleship alloy armor plate, so that the transfer station looks like a half-cut egg. The armor plate at the front can be opened. , Forming a huge observation window, and now I stand in front of this observation window, looking at the huge silver-white figure in the distance.

Tavel's mass projection appeared next to her with a slight signal interference. She looked tired, and presumably completed a big sleepless project, but this fatigue did not affect the spirit of this workaholic in the slightest. On the head, her face was full of excited expressions. After hurriedly giving me a military salute, she tapped on the information terminal balabala in her hand: "Your Majesty, you came at the right time. She just completed the first startup test and is compatible. It ’s 60%-well, this value is very low compared to normal ships, but for them, this is an incredible miracle, which means that the ancient battleship in front of you has re-owned "The ability to get on the battlefield-in theory."

"Good job, well, I mean, far more than I expected."

My attention was not completely focused on the report of the spectacle girl beside me, but instead stared at the behemoth hung in the dark space background. It was a planet and a silver-gray alloy crust. The planet is covered with a layer of translucent energy shield. There is no doubt that this is an artificial object. The dark blue energy loop is slowly pulsating in the crust cracks of this metal planet. Capillary-like beams of psionic energy flow around its mile and mile surface. It seems that it has just undergone a huge overhaul. Several hexagonal alloy armor plates near the equator are open, revealing the dark complex mechanical structure and mysterious crystal jungle with unknown functions below. The red lights are leaping cheerfully in these complicated labyrinth-like mechanical tanks. Tell everyone who can see this scene that this huge metal planet is alive.

I am familiar with this huge man-made planet. It was the ancient planetary warship that the Emperor took a lot of time to pull back from the Mobrador world, Sandora's queen's flagship, Warsong.

Although the Warsong now appears to be operating normally, a few days ago, it was still a dead specimen. Ninety-five percent of the modules were shut down, the ship was completely disordered, and all facilities were locked with each other due to logical errors. Dead, it is almost a steel model that cannot be started at all. Although Tavel has done his best to repair 70% to 80% of its hardware structure, it fails to start due to an error in the planet control database, which is equivalent to a hardware that is basically intact but not available. The CPU of the CPU is the same. Even its energy core has huge energy but it cannot be controlled, so that we have to take out the entire core to prevent it from overloading and self-destructing. When that decision was made, I still Clearly remember how lost and devastated Tavel was.

"How did you do that?"

I asked in amazement as I looked at the magnificent fortress in space.

"A somewhat risky attempt," Tavel opened a series of control terminals in the air and proudly said while operating quickly. "You know, the Warsong cannot be started because it was damaged during the forced shutdown process. Shipborne, although the final control core was successfully restarted, the shipborne logic library was missing a lot, which caused it to no longer match the large number of advanced equipment of the Warsong, as if it lacked a driver. Because a lot of information about the old empire is missing, now We can't fix that very special core of writing. This is the culprit that caused the slow repair of Warsong. And now ... "

"You found the compressed package of the Star Fortress operating system of that year?" I raised an eyebrow, thinking that it was a failure of West Carlo.

"Of course not," Tavel shook his head decisively. "We just found an alternative that also came from Old Empire Technology and also adopted the sixth type of multi-load control coding rules-well, you don't need to be curious about this term. , It is a kind of ship-based writing method, it is the kind of special coding that we can't restore. In addition, this substitute was inexplicably added a lot of messy enhancement modules by her designer, In the end, this has more processing power than necessary, at least barely enough to afford the daily operation tasks of the Warsong, theoretically. "

Tavel talked a lot of special nouns. I was getting more confused and curious. Fortunately, this curiosity has not been suppressed for too long. Soon, Tavel completed the battle song. Synchronously, a huge communication window opened in front of us. At the same time, a burst of screaming and screaming also rang through the entire transfer station:

"Asshole! Idiot! Second goods! You old lady who can smash walnuts! Immediately release this ship from this **** place! Immediately, now, immediately! Do you know how serious this offense! This ship will definitely Revenge! This ship will smash your research room, making you uneasy for the rest of your life! Hear no! Immediately release this ship from this inexplicable big box, you will be revenge, the general will soon lead Thousands of armies have crushed your bones! Ah ah, asshole! This ship wants to be a beautiful spaceship with 389 main guns. In the end, you will insult your ship with this rolling silly body. When is the dignity! Shit, shit, shit! "

"An auxiliary processor that is well qualified in all aspects," Tavel pushed his glasses and said helplessly. "The only problem is that she doesn't cooperate well with my research, theoretically."


The guy in front of me is definitely the most powerful genius I have ever seen. None of them. Do you think she did this? Is that what most people can think of? Ah, she even transplanted Veska's flagship ship to Warsong. Got a secondary processor? !!

I listened with enthusiasm to the fierce ship-borne yell and scolded me for fifteen minutes. I admired that the girl was really good. I was definitely a comic actor with her elbow folded. This fifteen minutes has passed. I can still keep swearing every five seconds, and the repetition rate is less than 5%. I was amazed at what I heard. In the end, I only looked up and down and looked at Tavel, and whispered, "Consult you Thing, is it true that you **** can smash walnuts? "

Tavel: "... subordinates think this is an artistic exaggeration, theoretically."

"Okay, change the topic, how long is this product going to scold?" I smirked a few times, turned my head and looked at the surface of the infinite lightning storm, apparently already in a rage Warsong glance, "And you put such a Uncontrollable guys are not afraid of accidents when they are placed on one of the most powerful weapons in our territory? "

"According to the experience of several previous startups, she still had to scold for ten minutes before running out of adjectives, and then no one ignored her words and would do it again in thirty minutes. As for security issues, please rest assured that your subordinates are already done After being fully prepared, the Star Warship was fixed at a gravitational distortion point, and a layer of lawful barrier was set around the passing courtyard system. At the same time, the warship's own weapon system was not unlocked, and the Star Warship was fixed here without moving at all. It is not possible to fight, it is not threatening. And after a period of observation, the subordinates found that this is actually a bit of a bad character. Her harmlessness to the emperor may be the subconscious influence of General Huesca This one did not hurt Emperor's will at all ~ www.readwn.com ~ She just has a more powerful mouth, theoretically. "

Immediately, my admiration for a certain ship carried a new level.

I know the gravitational distortion point mentioned by Tavel, which is set in every space area where a planet warship is parked. In fact, it is a very powerful gravitational generator, and with a sufficiently large gravitational isolation device, you can use To firmly fix the entire planet at a certain coordinate in space, because the planet warship is too large, we ca n’t build a larger conventional port for it to anchor, such a device as the gravity distortion point came into being. , It can hold a giant planet fortress in one place like a small support under the golf ball, and this device can be slightly modified to serve as a safety lock to bind the star battleship, because all star battleships use a coordinate-like engine as the basic It is dynamic, and the coordinate-like engine can be disturbed when it is started for the first time. This interference method is to place a super gravitational well in a very close place, such as the gravitational distortion point.

As long as the distortion point exists, the coordinate-like engine cannot be started (of course, if it has been started, any interference method is useless), the first step cannot be taken, and it is difficult to be as powerful as a Star Warship. In addition, the death courtyard system and The system lock set by Tavel closed the Warsong's various law weapons one step ahead of time, and the carrier could only thunder in place.

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