Xiling Empire

Chapter 937: Warsong, it works-just a little bit wrong

Chapter 937: Warsong Number, It Works—It's A Little Wrong

I do n’t know what to call the ship that is still scolding and grinning. She is still the flagship of the year of Huesca, but now half of her status is the auxiliary processor of Warsong. Maybe I should call her Warsong?

Well, the issue of name is not considered for the time being. Before the guy can speak normally, I decided to temporarily call her "the goods". Although this title is not polite to a woman with a feminine character, I really Do n’t think that the product has a little potential worth looking at as a woman. Have you ever seen a woman who is two and a half meters long and can speak and scold people in different dialects for half an hour?

"This time she played at a super level. Usually she can only scold for a maximum of 30 minutes. Now it is three minutes. She seems to have a lot of adjectives in the past." Tavel stared blankly at the communication terminal in front of her. Order, she is also not good at cutting off the other party ’s communication, and can only face the other party ’s swearing swear words to express various thrillers, “maybe it ’s related to her learning ability, and her subordinates found that this ship-borne has a very sophisticated evolutionary function When she was first created, it may be the same as an ordinary spacecraft host without self-awareness, but now she has her own independent personality. Although General Huesca's transformation is messy, it must be said that it is full of creativity. "

"She can really take on the core role of Warsong?"

I thought for a while and raised my own question.

Veska's flagship shipboard of the year, of course, the name is very large, but also shows that the crazy man may indeed have unexpected performance, but no matter how strong her performance, after all, it is only the host of a conventional battleship, It is incomparable with the Big Mac flagship like Warsong. The structure and performance of Star Warship and ordinary spacecraft are fundamentally different. And that guy is still the design of the visca crazy period, although it may not have been designed by the latter, there are definitely a lot of stigma from visca. To be honest, this makes me even more doubtful about the other party's ability to control the war song. Already.

"Of course, according to the data, she can't afford the core of the Warsong," Tavel knocked on the information terminal in his hand. "The performance is strong, but it is still far from enough for the calculation speed and floating point scale required by the Star Warship, but she Is very scalable, and can learn things quickly, and even has an unusually rare ability to write usable drivers based on new unknown devices. Although her driver can't be compared with the original, But for Warsong, which is almost completely unable to start, as long as the instructions to make the device operate are precious, her subordinates put her in the core of the starship. However, due to performance limitations, she can only Taking on the role of auxiliary host, the core host of Warsong is still the original-it's like adding an arithmetic accelerator to the CPU. "

"Isn't the core host of Warsong broken?" I asked a little bit unclearly.

"It was not completely damaged, but various interface programs were lost," Tavel corrected my concept error. "The core host of the starship is very difficult to destroy. Even if it crashes once, it can be repaired slowly and automatically as long as it is re-enabled. The current situation is that the core host has been successfully started, but many of its key data have been destroyed, and there is no backup. As a result, the host is running, but it does not know how to control its original body. Theoretically this is the case. "

"That product is also a signal springboard for you as an auxiliary computing unit," I understood. "Using her ability to quickly write and drive, let Warsong run under the condition of‘ soul out of the way ’.”

"The soul comes out, very subtle metaphor," Tavel nodded happily. "Ah, Your Majesty, she seems to stop."

As soon as Tavill reminded me, I noticed that the 40-minute-long ship carrier who had been scolding for 40 minutes did not know when it had been quiet. Of course, it was impossible to be completely quiet. She just stopped scolding people, but still dried up in the communication channel for a while. , Making all kinds of strange sounds, even with the Warsong, followed by strange, psionic lightning storms floating on the surface of the huge planet, these bright storms under the control of the ship-borne constantly forming a bunch of strange and strange The pattern will form an s, a b, and a skull after a while, and then a fool face crying ...

I was stunned, watching the grotesque scene on the mighty Warsong. The insane carrier was expressing her depression through the only device she could directly control: the armored leak tube. After watching it for a long time, I touched Tavel Quality projection: "Look, if Sandora knew this, she might have eaten you with dipping sauce."

Tavel thought about it, and replied with the rigor of a scientist: "Considering this scene's mental shock to Her Majesty Sandora, her subordinates thought she might not dip it. Theoretically it is.

Me: "... Let's chat with this."

"There is nothing to talk about, nothing to talk about! You immediately release this ship! Let it go!" The other party has been listening to the communication channel, at this time immediately yelled, "This ship is fed up with this rigid and dull The two mainframes are locked in the same shell! It won't even scold people! You should prepare a new body full of main guns and bombs for this ship, instead of a bunch of silly slots and a big need Kick the **** to get rid of the broken equipment! Tmd, this ship wanted to have 430 main guns! How did it fall into your hands ... General? Where is the general! You hide your general Where!"

"Would you like to be quiet or believe me to tear you down?"

I really ca n’t bear this guy ’s noise. God knows where this guy is so energetic. I doubt this girl ’s life is a poet. Would n’t it have been three or fifty years to write an article with such a lack of morality? ?

"Tear it down! Ah ha ha ha, tear it down! Afraid of death, it is not a soldier! Today, if the ship is soft, follow your last name! You have a kind of throwing the ship into p-03 and shooting it out! I also thank you for the next three generations ... oh wait, who is your girl, and which woman beside you is not as good as her face and chest? What place is this ship fighting? Why are you in your hands! "

I was totally stupid on the spot. I had never seen anything so confused before. I thought it was a good thing to remember all the passages. After a long time, I did n’t even know that the battle was over. She was crazy and forgetful. The degree is exactly the same as that of Visca that year. It really deserves to be the master and the servant. When I sighed like that, I was sour again: Ya is a lunatic, is it because I was scolded for nothing?

"I'm her brother Veska." I rubbed my nose and said to the lunatic opposite the communicator.

"Viska? What's that?" The other person snapped. "Your sister?"

I burst into tears, and then I remembered that Huesca was the name he had given himself. He thought that Huesca had no name, and it was tidy. Was the merchandise cursed again?

"Viskar is your general ... you won't believe it if you get it. I'll call her over later. At this time, the girl should be fighting her sister." I waved my hand before the madman in Warsong responded. Connected with Viskar's spiritual connection, let her come over, and by the way asked what she was doing, as expected, she was cooking with Pandora after exercise, and this exercise was also divided into a group b group, b The members of the group were Qi Lu Nuo and Li Lin, because Li Li cheated Qi Lu Nuo to be jealous, and now the ice fairy has Shanxi old vinegar taste even with wings.

You see, I said it would be wise for the older sister to go back earlier, otherwise the little ones should have even demolished the house.

"Brother, brother!" Viskar's cheerful voice floated out of the portal one step before her, and then a small figure flew across the air stingily, hitting her chest firmly, and then being beaten I hugged it smoothly, looking down, a pair of blood-red cat pupils were looking at myself with an excited red light, and Huesca was hugged and rushed upwards, exclaiming cheerfully, "Win, win. Win this stupid sister this time! "

Is it interesting that the sisters fought around all day?

And the next sentence of Huesca made me uneasy: "Sister Bettis taught a good tactic, and suddenly took the upper hand!"

"I'm going, what did the female hooligan teach you?" I felt my voice tremble a little, as if my younger sister who suddenly knew that she was clever and stunned suddenly took a kitchen knife to the Pentagon-although Veska usually did It's more serious than that.

"Pick your eyes, bite your ears, spit in your mouth, scratch your limbs, prepare a can of super glue in advance, and pretend to be injured ..."

I immediately contacted Sandora: "Girl, I will give you a major task: I will put strong glue and chili oil in the feather care solution of Icetis, and then I will save the meal and make you a whole whale after it is done . "

Then the world is peaceful.

"Look, this is the general of your family."

After finishing the little problems at home, I pushed Vizkar forward and said to the communicator.

"Yeah, are you awake?" Veska also surprised to find the identification signal of his former lieutenant. Although this signal came from Warsong, which gave her a strange look, soon the little girl didn't want anything. , Happily greeted his lieutenant.

"... General?"

There was an incredible sound on board from the communicator. To tell the truth, for such a long time, this is the first time I have heard Ya speak without dirty words. This is really incredible. It seems to tame this disobedient, Only Huesca can do it, and it's impossible for me and Tavel to toss to death.

"How are you here ... wait! Fight! We are still fighting! Your Excellency, please allow this ship to return to the front line. The fleet is organizing the final charge. There must be no flagship on the battlefield! Your Excellency, please order ... "

"The battle is over. You were salvaged from the battlefield and just restarted." Huesca suddenly interrupted the other party's hasty words and said calmly.

"It's over? It's over, and the result is, ah, this ship is really dereliction of duty, and you don't even know this yet. What is the outcome of the battle?"

Huesca laughed: "Win, let's win."

"Ha, that's good, we have a lot of good boys, and we will definitely win, then this is the repair center? When can our ship return to the fleet?"

"No ... it's not necessary anymore ... the fleet is over, it's a terrible victory." Even Huesca, when referring to the final decisive battle, felt sad for a while, and the carrier opposite the communicator was silent for a while. , And then suddenly excited again: "It's okay, it's okay, they are good, and they are another terrible victory for the whole army. It is really the style of your general, but this is not the first time anyway, let's find a desolation first. The universe, and then rebuild a legion, there will always be wars, you do n’t need to care, this ship will always ... ”

"No need," Veska interrupted the other party's suds again, and then slapped me. "I have an older brother, so we don't have to wander everywhere. This is my older brother. You are now on his battleship. inside."

Wiskar's voice fell, and the other party's unprecedented long silence, for a full ten seconds, no sound came from the communicator. I even thought that the other party was dead, but before I asked, The carrier finally returned to God and asked intermittently, "Her general, are you serious?"

"Yes, I have been with my brother for a long time." Huesca nodded immediately and replied.

The other person was silent for a few seconds again, and then suddenly shouted, "Well, that man, what's your last name?"

I was stunned and wondered what this crazy guy wanted to do: "Ah?"

The other side immediately politely said, "My ship asks your surname! Hurry to answer, our ship has limited patience!"

"My surname Chen ... wait, what do you ask this for?" Although I answered the other person, my doubts were not a little bit small.

"Nonsense, of course, with your surname, this ship has done it. As I said just now, this ship will be softened today and follow your last name! From today, my ship's last name is Chen!"

Tavel and I were both stupid: "..."

Veska looked at me in confusion, and then looked at his lieutenant, a question mark in his head.

"Girl, this may not be the same as you were then." I rubbed Wisca's little head and whispered.

"Are you willing to cooperate with our experiment now?" Tavel coughed twice, pushed his glasses, and said to the communicator, "Next I want to test the starship control core to mobilize more than three weapons. The speed of response requires your own cooperation. In the previous tests, your results were very abnormal. I hope you can cooperate this time. "

"The general has the final say," said Carrier sullenly.

"Cooperate then," Huesca said crisply. "Listen to what your brother said and what he told you to listen to. They are all my family, so they are their own."

"Well, cooperate as you please," Carrier agreed reluctantly, "but there is one condition: Don't treat this ship as a fool! If you let this ship do the discrete calculations that those idiots and stupids don't bother to ignore, Hugh Blame this ship to delete all the drivers! Xx, this ship has 537 main guns of advanced goods, which is different from those mass-produced spacecraft without IQ! "

Weiska blinked, as if suddenly remembering something, and asked in surprise: "Main gun? I remember that you were the aircraft carrier flagship."

Persistence till now, this time I was completely knocked down ...

"What are you doing? This ship is an aircraft carrier?" The shipboard was taken aback, "Her general, are you serious?"

"Um, it may be wrong. The blood machete seems to be an aircraft carrier ... forget it, you can continue to be a gunboat."

"Oh, you can rest assured that this ship was a high-grade cargo with 627 main guns ..."

I touched Tavel's arm: "To be honest, do you think these two are strange?"

Tavel replied sternly: "Because of an emperor's respect for his superiors, his subordinates chose to remain silent."

It seems I don't need the answer anymore.

Under the influence of Huesca, the huge carrier finally agreed to cooperate honestly, and temporarily served as the auxiliary of the Warsong before Tavill found an alternative. This may last for a long time, after all, an ancient planet The technical information required by the battleship is so complicated and terrible that even the crazy empire scientists need to rebuild it for a long time. At least in a few years, the battle song is the body of this ship. In fact, I do n’t think there is anything to be dissatisfied with, especially for a ship-based mainframe. There is such a great thing as the Warsong. If it is used as a body, it is a very profitable thing to look at, but that guy is not satisfied and does not know Does it really have anything to do with the unique aesthetics of the ship-based host?

All tests conducted by Tavel were very smooth. After being equipped with a new ship-based host, the Warsong has been able to start normally, and about 70% of the equipment is running normally. The lunatic started with his own unique driving method. Most of the starship's law weapons, and after honest cooperation, her compatibility with the original host of the Warsong has also reached 80%, making the starship's response speed to external commands reach combat standards. The shortcoming of the current starship is that many weapon conflicts cannot be resolved. Because of the structural limitations of the lunatic, the number of rules and equipment that Warsong can start at the same time cannot exceed three. Otherwise, it will cause serious software conflicts. This is not a problem in a short time. The solution to ~ www.readwn.com ~ For the old empire, the current situation of the Warsong is already a bad health problem for a planetary warship, but for us, this is an extremely great achievement, and most of it is restored. The battle-strength Warsong will become a new strategic core. In the battlefield at the forefront, it may even rival any of our current independent regular legions: the flagship. The value in the battle is more than just a spaceship. simple.

"Maybe she can be the strategic core of the Avengers," watching Warsong in the distant sky, I said to Huesca, "Although the Avengers are powerful, they lack a fortress that can match them. Warsong is originally revenge. The fortress of the army made it appropriate for her to supplement the short board of the vengeance fleet. The overlord must be very familiar with the Warsong. They have an innate advantage in coordination. "

"As long as the Grand Warlord can bear the new temper of the Warsong." Huesca thought for a moment, and said it quite rightly.

Just at this moment, there was a full-bodied curse coming out of the Warsong: "I x! You are such a silly wave, you want to kill your own ship! You will do a system pressure test!"

I was sweating coldly: "Indeed, the temper of this product is a huge problem ..."

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