Xiling Empire

Chapter 946: Close to 1

The ghost ship that Lan encountered was a wedge. It seemed to start from this. The ghost ship began to appear frequently near the macro world network. Even recent extreme cases have shown that they are invading our civil routes and are gradually threatening. To the stability of the macro world. {m} i

Although this threat is now very subtle, as long as the warning level and protection strength of the transmission device can be increased to ignore those "void pumice stones", this has undoubtedly begun to arouse the high alert of the imperial ministry.

Today is the fifth day after encountering the first ghost ship that will launch a counterattack. In the past five days, we have received about three times a day of "foreign body invasion transmission channel" reports. Some of the foreign bodies found in the report are Huge starships, and some are amazing habitable structures. The reason why they are called by this weird name is that those giants are not starships, they have power and transition devices, but the structure It is completely different from any known starship. They do not have heavy shields and armor, but have a layer of protective structure. It is like a sponge filled with large and small separation spaces. These shapes are irregular. There is a strong residual reaction in things, indicating that there were a huge number of inhabitants in them-of course now they are dead, these structures are basically damaged, and only the organic matter in the compartments is decomposed. Dust, if there is not a strong solidification force field around it, these behemoths may have broken their bones in the void. .

Due to the increasingly dense ghost ship phenomenon, the macro world network has recently raised its alert level. All civil transmission applications have been centralized for processing, and some civilian channels close to peripheral routes have been temporarily closed. People from all walks of life who need to transmit need to The transit in the nearby world is necessary to reach the station. This has given some pressure to the transit world, because the local reviewers and special agents have to find ways to deal with the trips of colleagues from other worlds who should not have passed by them at all. Problem, and it cannot affect the normal order of the world. It is said that Wuliangliu recently submitted no fewer than ten reports to the Space and Time Administration on this matter: more than 200 Cybertrons intend to organize a group to go back from her world to Marfa Mainland, and Liuli really did n’t know how to explain to her sisters why there were suddenly more than one hundred luxury sports cars and more than one hundred heavy bombers in the house, provided that if she had somewhere to house those Cybertrons if……

Therefore, we have to start a lot of countermeasures, including adding auxiliary personnel to all border posts of the Macro World Network, sending some special time support to the local inspectors, etc. These things make the magic girl of the Space and Time Administration ... … The Ravens are so busy that I do n’t know if I should urgently send some people to the Xizhimen overpass to observe and learn professional knowledge such as traffic guidance.

Of course, we do n’t care about the ghost ships that frequently invade the macro world network. The Ministry of Military Affairs has recruited a large number of servant soldiers to enter the macro world network, just like the virus in the blood vessels. The advantage of the large number of troops and wide distribution has been well utilized this time, and in the past year, under the command of Sandora, the headquarters has been expanding military stations throughout the Hongshi network. These military stations have provided the servants with strong mobility. Ability, every ghost ship incident that has occurred so far is properly handled.

However, after all, these are only the symptoms. If you want to cure the root cause, you should understand as soon as possible what those ghost ships are all about. i

It is regrettable that the ghost ship with controllable signs has never been seen again since the last time Lan Lan encountered it. The wreckage of the spacecraft that has remained silent with the patrol team has never been found. There are no biological traces, and no reference log has been found. The spaceship seems to have been abandoned. I do n’t know how many years. Except for the strongest thing like the engine, which is still intact, all auxiliary systems are completely scrapped. It is very difficult for the ship to find out their origin.

The only certainty is that our previous guess was correct: all the ghost ships came from a huge and incomparable fleet.

And this fleet is gradually approaching the Macro World Network.

In the general void system, all worlds are randomly distributed like bubbles, separated from each other by void, and independent of each other, but the situation has changed since the macro worlds were established. The macro world network gradually formed a huge information entanglement. The scale of the macro world shocked the protoss. These rural macro worlds, connected by highways extending in all directions, formed a continuous piece in the void, although there was no physical or The concept of "close" is said, but they have indeed become a "whole" in another sense, and the ghost fleet is similar to the macro world, they may be composed of ten million starships, these starships are losing After control, it should have scattered immediately, becoming a large number of unconnected fragments in the void, and was washed away like a pile of sand thrown into the rapids. However, the huge size of the ghost fleet itself caused these starships to lose control. Still gathered together, can still form a team wandering around. Now, two behemoths with different paths from the organizational form have slowly drifted closer, their edges have touched each other, and no one knows when it will be a larger collision.

As in the past few days, I rushed to Headquarters early this morning to hear the latest news about the Ghost Fleet and to work with Sandora on the search plan for the Ghost Fleet itself.

To say that this is really a bit of a hardship, a lot of people in the family are typical military blind, like shallow or Lin Xue, useless in military strategy, so they can play it with peace of mind, But I am obviously not better than them. Why do I have to come to the military meeting every day to fill up the tail wolf?

"Because the function of the wood is basically similar to the feathers on the head of the Indian chief, although it is not useful, the chief thinks it is quite useful ... wow!"

The above is the secret tongue of the poisonous lady, the last syllable is because I'm twisting the girl's ear.

The senior cadre sent by the Military Integration Department to report is a tall and thin young officer, one of the new generation of Apostles of the Spirit. He was originally an aide to the Commander of the Assault Force, Kais, and was later recommended by his own officer. The Ministry of Military Affairs serves as a high-level overseer to the servants. At present, he is fully responsible for clearing the ghost ship within the Macro World Network. Sandorla, my sister and a commander in chief are forming a circle to listen to his report.

"So far, the ghost ship that has been encountered has been divided into two treatment options. The small and non-living ghost ship was immediately destroyed as soon as it was discovered. The large, well-powered ghost ship was placed in a tracking device and expelled into the void. We hope Those ghost ships with tracking probes can lead us to find the main body of the entire fleet. As for the ghost ship with counterattack function encountered by the patrol team in the transmission channel five days ago, only the first time appeared, and a few days later Never again. "

Sandora was sitting in the position of the highest commander with an expression of intent and focused. I was asleep and drowsing beside me. It was not that I was not indifferent to this matter, mainly because the reports in recent days were basically one content, ghost. Fleet-like things wandering around in the void, there is no rule to follow. Whether they can find their main force depends on luck, so I all feel a little sleepy.

Sandora twisted my back waist calmly in the back, still keeping the emperor gently bowed her head in front: "That ghost ship should be a special case, don't waste too much energy. Now we release the tracking probe What's going on with the needle? "

An intelligence officer sitting on the command seat stood up: "There has been some progress. At present we can be sure that the Ghost Fleet does have a larger cluster hidden in the depths of the void, but is slowly approaching the macro world network The first batch of probes released has now tracked the ghost ship for five days, and the feedback data shows that it is approaching a huge source of information disturbance, which is likely to be the main body of the ghost fleet. Several other early probes It has also been reported to have encountered ghost ships several times along the way. Those ghost ships wandered aimlessly within a certain void frequency, but the overall trend is still close to the macro world network. "

"If everything is normal, we should be able to contact the main body of the Ghost Fleet in a few days." Sandora rubbed her eyebrows. "Such a huge fleet is a force that cannot be ignored even in front of the Empire. How are they? Destroyed ... "

The intelligence officer bowed his head slightly: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, we still haven't made any progress on this. The ghost ship has apparently been floating in the void for too long. The attack energy it has suffered has been wiped out by the void, and it is impossible to judge."

The information on the ghost ship is progressing slowly, mainly because the things that float around do not come from a fixed world, but wander around in the void. It is already quite difficult to scan a world from the void. Things, sometimes it takes a month or two to find a new world, not to mention that we now have to track a group of ghost ships that are changing position at any time. The intelligence center has consulted all the databases and has not found the source information of the ghost ship. However, I am not sure if they are connected with the old empire: after all, civilizations that can cross the void are extremely rare, except for the Spirit empire. Beyond the behemoth, only a few weaker and advanced civilizations registered in the Starfield Protoss can be done, and those civilizations have been excluded, so Sandorla and I guess that most of the ghost ships should be in the old empire. Relics left by certain lost civilizations destroyed by the times.

But this is also speculation.

The only good thing is that the tracking probes sent out before are working normally and have made great progress. At least now we can confirm that they are approaching the main body of the ghost fleet, and the number of ghost ships encountered along the way is also increasing. Many, if everything goes on step by step, it is only a matter of time to find them: In this case, I can't think of any accidents. The fallen apostles will never come boldly to the imperial defense line, right?

We are also studying the attributes of the ghost ship. In the previous encounters, in addition to the ships that were destroyed and put back into the void, the patrol team also captured some ghost ships. Now some of these ships are still being studied. The center stayed, and part of it was analyzed and placed at the headquarters for officers to understand. What is more unexpected is that the cracking of the ghost ship is actually very easy. A large number of them seem to be civilian ships. There is no military encryption equipment on the ship. A disassembly platform can be used to structure a ghost ship within two days. Find out, you can even copy one out. Although the technology system used by these ships is very different from the Empire, for those out-of-specification Imperial scientists, it is still quite simple to understand the principle of a group of backward civil ships. This is just like running. You can run sideways, you can run backwards, and you can run with your hands. In Bolt's eyes, it is the same. This is the qualitative difference ...

After waiting for the report to be heard, Sandora arranged to strengthen the security of the Macro World network. I quickly slipped out and breathed the fresh air outside the command headquarters. It ’s too stressful to listen to the report and make strategic deployment here. It is easy to remind people of the grades being pushed into the office by the teacher about the papers. I do n’t understand what the teacher said, and the teacher does n’t understand what I said. In fact, the exceptionally excellent paper depends on the extraordinaryness of a dice. Make use of ...

I still feel relieved to be a shopkeeper in accordance with Bingtis's suggestion. This kind of professionalism is really not my own guy who can take a pot of hot tea at the door for an afternoon to take over.

Just as I was bending around the square with nothing to do, suddenly a pretty strange girl came over from the front corner.

...... Listen, the point of this sentence is not pretty girls, but strangers, don't try to be crooked.

It was a girl of about twenty. She was tall and wore a very ordinary white shirt and knee-length skirt. She had a short tender yellow jacket on her upper body and plain flat shoes under her feet. It is a shopping dress, because the clothes are light and the figure can be easily seen. Although it can not be compared with the giant x that is not the same size as Bingtis, it is also called a beautiful and curvy figure. This strange girl stays She had long black straight hair with a hip, and slightly swayed with her hasty steps. This scene somehow gave me some inexplicable familiarity. When I got closer, I looked at the other side a little. A look at the face, um, is a little familiar, but I can't remember who it is, so the girl with a beautiful face seems to have never seen it ... Is there such a person in the base?

Wait, no, this place is a military base! How did the civilians come in!

I was suddenly surprised at the thought of this, and quickly took two steps to ask about the situation, but the other person seemed to be sensitive to me. She had turned her face before I spoke, and then straightened up, It was a standard emperor's ritual, which instantly made me dizzy.

"Well, who are you? Family?"

I asked casually, but the strange girl in front of me looked confused: "Your Majesty?"

I fainted as soon as the other person spoke, and then pointed at the other in shock: "Stop me, Tavel !?"

"Well," the plain-looking girl dressed like a college girl returning from shopping has a weird tone. "Is it, Your Majesty looks surprised?"

I looked at each other dumbly, but I figured out who she was. The face didn't recognize her at first, and then patted her head and muttered, "Hey, it's you, I say you glasses?"

"I didn't wear it today. That's the auxiliary analyzer I made in the style of the earth people, because I don't wear it today without work."

That's what happened. The plain-looking woman who looked a little familiar but could not remember her life was Tavier who had taken a week long vacation by herself, but today I didn't recognize her without glasses! And she's not wearing that signature white robe, which makes it even more strange, right? I always think that Tavel's body is her glasses and white robe, so that I have forgotten what this glasses lady looks like ...

I'm even worried that in the future, if she just hangs her white robe at the institute and puts on a pair of glasses, will I think she will come to work today ...

"Um, a little surprised," I glanced at Tavel, who was plain in plain clothes, and felt that the casual dress on the other side was really out of harmony. "I have never seen you wear ordinary clothes and skirts."

"According to your order, take a seven-day vacation, buy new clothes you like, and at the same time do your favorite personal things." Tavel replied swiftly, the military style of her body did not match the fluttering dress on her. Match, "I also taught myself cooking. This is the advice of Her Majesty Sandor ~ www.readwn.com ~ I was curious and asked cheerfully:" That girl can't give you other suggestions, say you How is the craft? "

Tavel turned his face slightly reddishly: "Your Majesty Sandora said she could eat, but she didn't like it very much ..."

I was stunned, and felt that this might be a worse evaluation than the legendary "do not eat dogs", that is, Sandora did not eat ...

While I was thinking whether the dishes made by Tavel could also be thrown in the spacecraft reactor as fuel, the Su Yanyan's chief researcher suddenly coughed softly, and then looked at me with anticipation: "Your Majesty, please subordinate Can you end your vacation early? "

I snapped: "Not good for vacation? Have you enough rest?"

"In fact, as long as twelve hours of comprehensive maintenance, physical function will be adjusted to the best state," Tavel said with a twisted expression, as if he had left the uniform of a researcher in the same jersey, and Tavel also joined a military The Fang personnel completely turned into a soft girl—of course, considering the various magical technologies she tossed out, I think her hardness should be no worse than that of star gold. "Now my subordinate wants to return to the research institute. About the ghost fleet , There may be some private discoveries ... "

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