Xiling Empire

Chapter 947: contact

To be honest, before today I really never saw what a casual Tavier looks like. The classic image of this research madman is simply too deeply rooted, a neat researcher white robe, beautiful lady glasses, and meticulous rigor These three points add up to become the exploding crazy glasses spectacle famous in the shadow city ... well, this sentence can not let her hear that the scientists of the Empire are generally no less dangerous than Hitler's ...

I gave Tavel a fake, I did not expect that I would see her in casual clothes. To be honest, she put on an ordinary dress and took off her glasses. The blade-like military temperament can also give people a sense of familiarity, but this is particularly offensive in her soft girl dress. In all fairness, I think she would be better if she stood still, watching the back and a lady Like ...

This also directly led to her not recognizing after taking off her glasses. If she didn't speak for at least ten minutes, I would give Tavire brain a half-sister. {m} i

"My subordinate applied to return to the institute ahead of time," Tavel repeated to me seriously, "about the ghost ship, his subordinate felt that he should find out more when he started his analysis."

"It's not impossible. You really seem a little busy without the research institute." I nodded slightly, and the other person immediately showed a happy expression, but I added a sentence later, "I have a long vacation and I am serious. Yes, if Lingmeng and Zi have half of your dedication, I'm satisfied. "

I said that, and I also remembered the unlucky fox that was forced to pass by to Zi to my top job all the time. Lan just came out of the medical center yesterday. The hair on the tail is even, but it seems to have left a serious psychological shadow. Now Whoever stared at her tail watched for more than a minute, she was anxious to anyone, fangs grinned, and she blew her hair on the ground, even I almost let her bite. At present, 70% of stray dogs and strays are in Shadow City. The cats have already worshipped under the blue nine-barred tail, and the latter has become the king of the canine of the Shadow City. I am worried that if she continues this way, she will one day go back to the point where she can eat raw meat. And Lingmeng has been working lately all day, and her work has been pushed to Ibuki Hong and her somewhat silly elder sister Marisa who have been coaxed into fooling into the urban management brigade, burying her sleep in the dormitory all day. Poor Cuixiang, the silly girl was still holding one leg. For the past two days, she kept patrolling with the crutches she did n’t know where to find her. The armband of the city management was chaotically tied to the corner of her head by the mess. A bunch of rags, this guy is always holding a wine gourd shakily, now many people are worried about the financial problems of the shadow city urban management department, every time you go out to patrol, you can get a lot of change ... ...

And the silly girl thought happily.

As I said before, Cuixiang's intelligence is probably the big horn on her head.

I accidentally remembered that two arrogant migrant girls who were always making people frustrated made me feel depressed. I was worried that they would not make it again after they turned Lan into a fox dog and Cuixiang into a beggar to help the elders. It seems that it is time for them to write a review book of 30,000 words.

Of course, I haven't forgotten that Tavel is waiting for her reply now. She applied to return to her job in advance. Honestly, this was not unexpected. This research freak, you asked her to leave the laboratory for her. Forcing Lina to go to Zimbabwe to save her life is as terrible as taking a vacation, and vacation is not a comfortable thing for her-didn't you hear that even buying a beautiful dress because of the order above, she has no interest at all. The same thing is spread on a shallow head. Do you believe that girl can shovel the foundation of Tang Bai Building and bring it back?

"It seems to be a holiday for you, and you are usually not idle."

I glanced at Tavel, "You're studying the ghost ship?"

"Just downloading some information from the shared link," Tavel immediately stood up and entered the report status. "Subordinates have always followed your orders to take vacations, but downloading information from the shared link and conducting scientific analysis is One of his daily personal hobbies! "

"Okay," I waved at Tavel, "Don't always be so serious, you should know that I don't like these messy etiquette on informal occasions. What about the ghost ship, what do you think?"

"Subordinates speculate that the Ghost Ship fleet may be slowing."

Tavel didn't sing, she had already screamed at me. I originally thought that she had nothing to do with the information about the ghost ship, but she didn't expect that she had developed such a detailed thing by herself!

"They're slowing down? What do you mean?" I asked, rubbing my chin.

"This is a conclusion made by the subordinates based on the data obtained from the void probes distributed throughout the Macroworld network, and the speculation of the ghost ship's heading, although the core information disturbance source of this fleet is indeed constantly approaching the macro World, but its 'moving speed' in the void is indeed slowing down. At present, its subordinates are not sure whether this fleet intends to moor or flee, but apparently they do not want to contact the empire. This is only a guess. The exact evidence. Inadequate, theoretically. "

"There are still people operating the Ghost Fleet, and this is indeed what we guessed," I thought about it, "but the entire fleet is braking ... then no one thought of it. How reliable do you think this conclusion is?"

"More than 90%," Tavel nodded confidently. "The subordinates are good at analyzing all kinds of fuzzy data, and have created some very complex models of void data. According to this model, the ghost fleet is indeed slowing down."

"Slow down and don't want to contact the Empire ... By the way, when Lan and the ghost ship came in contact, the opponent launched a counterattack, but after the Empire patrol ships brought by Lan appeared, the three apparently manned ghost ships followed the escape. It's gone! They are indeed ... "

I feel that some conjectures are suddenly open, and Tavel ’s analysis is likely to be correct, but at this time, an emergency call from Sandora came from the spiritual connection: "Ajun! Important information, the first probe May be in contact with the main body of the ghost fleet! "

I was a little surprised, but soon calmed down and smiled slightly at Tavel: "Your guess should be correct, but now we can directly confirm the origin of the ghost ship without guessing: the probe has found their nest. I"

"Because the empire will always succeed," Tavel's mouth slightly tilted, and he still remembered his application. "Your Majesty, can the subordinates return to the institute?"

"If you want to make sure your body is okay ..." I glanced at Tavel, but I didn't say it in the second half of the sentence: Tavel looked mentally. As a spirit apostle, she didn't worry about her health. In her words, a comprehensive adjustment of more than ten hours is actually enough for a vacation. I have no doubt that Tavel will now take a terminator without taking ten seconds. In this case, the other party has to Back to the Institute, then I really said nothing, "Well, it seems that it is happier for you to continue working-Imperial Researcher Tavel, the holiday is over early, return to your post ——But if you pay attention to your body in the future, then you may mess up the project. Sandora may really punish you. "

The workaholic immediately overjoyed with a military salute: "Yes! Tavel returns!"

I have never seen such an elated being called back to work overtime in advance. If such an employee is placed in any private company, it is much more hated ... Normal people around him must bite her.

As soon as I wandered outside, I returned to the headquarters in flames again. Sandora was waiting here with a group of commanders and most of the family. Even Qian Qian and Li Lina were together. There is a huge holographic projection device in the largest instruction hall. A group of people are pointing in a circle in front of this holographic projection to discuss things. They are watching from a distance as if they were picking cabbage in the vegetable market. Many commanders are fetching data from the information terminals around them and assigning work alive, which is very lively.

When I asked, it turned out that when Sandora contacted me, there was indeed only one probe suspected to have touched the main body of the ghost fleet, but in the few minutes she rushed to the headquarters, many probes came suddenly. A large amount of information, a large number of probes dispatched in batches as if they had been discussed at the same time, a large number of ghost ships were found at the same time-perhaps this indicates that the ghost fleet has a structure similar to a discrete cluster, it is not just a "cluster", but A common core is formed by many scattered fleet clusters.

The probe sent back not only rough information such as the number and coordinates of the ghost fleet, but also recorded very clear video data. Now Sandora is studying the clearest and largest cluster image among them, while discussing it again.

"Wow, Ajun, you're here!" Qian Qian first noticed me, and immediately jumped over and hugged my neck and took a sip. I think she often finds others first because she most of the time I did n’t focus on anything. You can see how many small bright spots on the screen when you look at the little bubbles at this time.

… Small bubbles have successfully slipped into the military zone again.

"These are the nests of the Ghost Fleet?"

I glanced up, but the second half of the sentence almost drew over, "I'll get it! How much **** is this!"

Sandora zoomed the picture, adjusted the image of the ghost fleet to the maximum, then changed the background of the entire fleet, and turned the black background of the void into a transparent one. In this way, all ghost ships were clearly presented to us in scale. It's amazing.

"This is only part of it. The entire ghost fleet is at least ten times as large."

Sandola said in a deep voice, and on the screen of holographic projection, there are tens of millions of starship clusters and gigantic fortresses with strange shapes in the center of the entire cluster.

"Hundreds of millions of starships ... all these big guys ..." I felt my brain sweating. "No scale, who told me how big this big blackbird is?"

I am referring to the black fortress in the center of the picture. From the image, the main part of the ghost fleet is a starship cluster distributed in a gyro shape. Countless starships form a large flat as a bee colony. Discs, the outermost spacecrafts are large in number and small in size, and the larger the spacecrafts are, the harder it is to explain how a ghost fleet that has lost control can maintain this stable structure during the drifting process, unless they still It has a certain self-control ability, and at the very center of the entire cluster is a huge black weird shape. It looks like a bloated piece of meat, has an irregular appearance, and a layer of black streamlined structure is stacked. It became roughly spherical, with flashing lights and huge red cracks.

"It looks like a rotten potato," said mumbledly, and she was very cold about the ugly giant bulge. "It's ugly."

"Don't see this with dense phobia." The young lady was pointing at the countless starships.

Under the control of the rear, the probes that had been close to the fleet cluster carefully measured the size and energy response of all warships, and then came to a conclusion: the huge rotten potato-like black fortress was at least three times the size of the earth, and in Its countless starships are almost as big as the eternal mothership!

Of course, the number of such huge motherships in this fleet is also very scarce, and they can only be used as strategic weapons. Most of the ghost ships are the same size as the small and medium sized empire warships. At the same time, the probe also began to analyze the theoretical combat effectiveness of these warships, mainly by measuring their energy intensity, energy form, and hull structure to achieve the preliminary calculation of the combat effectiveness of the target spacecraft.

"Sixty percent are unarmed or have only a small number of anti-aircraft guns." Sivis is responsible for analyzing the combat power of the ghost ship, and has now concluded that she has enlarged some of the ghost ship's pictures in front of us. I found that most of them are thick and round hulls. Such hulls are rarely used as main battleships. In most cases, only fortress ships such as the frontier class have such thick shapes, and these rough ones in the ghost fleet The short spaceship is obviously a civilian transport ship or colony ship. "The main energy response of all ghost ships is poor energy of poor purity. Compared with the ghost decay energy of emptiness used by the empire, this energy contains too many impurities and is less efficient. Maybe their makers haven't fully mastered the technology of building a space-time reactor and decaying phantom energy directly from the void environment, but can only use the reactor placed on the main material plane to simulate the world's initial environment and refine a small amount of phantom. can."

"This shows that the level of technology between the ghost ship and the empire is about two levels behind," Sandora said, and then explained to me specifically. "Usually, you can use the mastery of energy to layer technology. For example, I just realized that phantom energy and tried to use it as elementary. It can mine ready-made energy from some rare 'energy fields' in the universe and use it as a step forward. I can build a reaction furnace on the main material plane and master it myself. The process of refining the phantom energy is one level higher, and further up is the initial mastery of the technology of the space-time reactor, which can extract phantom energy from the borders of the world, and up the empire, which can directly create energy in the void, Basically, the Apostles of the Spirit have reached the highest level, and then they are directly controlling the void, and these ghost ships ... Although much different from the empire, they are also considered to be the products of advanced civilization, but just how powerful they are compared to the empire. And no one knows how big these ghost ships were. "

"This fleet is very close to the nearest Imperial outpost," Sandora added a few more words, "but strangely, they seem to be slowly slowing down. Oh, this is a more understandable statement, in After all, there is no concept of speed and distance in the void. It can only be said that this fleet is slowly deviating from the 'information characteristics' of the empire. This is a tendency that requires high-end statistics to discover. The ghost fleet is trying to bypass the macro world. .It's just that it's difficult to succeed ... The Macro World Network is too big, and the Ghost Fleet has basically entered the unavoidable collision zone. Unless they know exactly the structure of the Macro World Network, they will definitely run into it. "

I thought this was it, exactly the same as Tavel ’s judgment, except that Sandora here was a large group of commanders who discovered this tendency only when they had first-hand intelligence, but Tavel just downloaded it from the radio network. With some information, you can complete this kind of complicated statistics by analyzing it before going to bed alone ... People are more popular than death. There are some things you can only do for professional people.

"Anyway ~ www.readwn.com ~ We should go and see the situation in person," said the older sister. No one spoke, and offered her own suggestions. "I think these spacecrafts are too strange and worth checking."

Everyone agreed, Sandora immediately ordered the Royal Fleet to set off, and the first family would personally investigate the situation of the Ghost Fleet, and Pandora began to deploy his own Guard Corps. I quickly patted this little girl The head said that it was not a war, and who did you send the army to fight against?

As a result, Pandora's explanation was very simple: it must be troublesome if those things hit, and there was no way to blow it up first ...

How easy is it to say that there is a logical way like Pandora? No matter what problems you encounter in life, you will blow it up first. Then I will have this consciousness at the time of the second year of senior high school ... I should be able to fight for a sentence reduction ...

The Royal Fleet and Pandora's Guard Heavy Regiment are always ready for combat. The spacecraft's energy and control system are ready for a long time. The order was completed ten minutes after the order was issued. The only time that took a little time was that I used five. It took minutes to catch the little bubble: that girl wanted to go out and play with her.

It took less than seven or eight minutes for the fleet to find the ghost fleet. As the information tells, these groups of void corpses floated too close ...

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